In advanced materials, our professors work on optic, thermal and mechanical coatings; surface treatments, nanotechnology and elecroactive organic materials. Later, those researches will permit to create new materials with different and smart properties (e.g. textiles), microchips and nanostructures or characterization tools (such as computer simulations).
- Patrick Desjardins
- Ludvik Martinu
- Remo A. Masut
- David Ménard
- Michel Meunier
- Oussama Moutanabbir
- Yves-Alain Peter
- Alain Rochefort
- Jolanta Ewa Sapieha
- Edward Sacher (professeur associé)
- Clara Santato
- Lucien Weiss
- Michael R. Wertheimer (professeur émérite)
- Arthur Yelon (professeur émérite)
Research chairs
- Canada Research Chair in Hybrid and Molecular Photonics
- NSERC Multisectorial Industrial Research Chair in Coatings and Surface Engineering
- Canada Research Chair in Integrative Nanoscale and Hybrid Materials
Sectorial cluster
- Aerospace and transportation
Thematic cluster
- Advanced materials and nanotechnologies