Polytechnique Montréal is a world-class centre of science and technology. The university has agreements with more than 200 institutions from all over the world, and international students account for more than one-quarter of its student body.
- 29% of students enrolled at Polytechnique come from outside Canada and represent 128 countries, including France, Morocco, Iran, Cameroon, China and Brazil.
- 46% of our graduate students come from abroad. These students want to come to Polytechnique because they know they will find excellent professors/researchers in the discipline of their choice, world-class research labs, and high-tech industry collaborations.
- From the biomedical and aerospace fields to artificial intelligence, renewable energy and new materials, Polytechnique has developed partnerships with key leaders in several sectors, such as MEDTRONIC (biomedical), SAFRAN Group (aerospace) and TOTAL (energy).
- Polytechnique hosts an average of 525 exchange students each year: 375 in engineering training and 150 in double-degree programs at the master’s level. It also receives an average of 150 international research interns per year in its laboratories.1
- Each year, some 20 students complete a co-supervision at Polytechnique with major university partners from countries such as France, Italy and China.2
1 Bureau des relations internationales and Service aux étudiants, February 2017
2 Bureau des relations internationales and Registrariat, Fall 2017
An internationally recognized technological university
Academic mission
Major academic partnerships with institutions offering several common anchor areas, such as co-supervision, double degree, student mobility, professor mobility, joint research, North-South projects, and so on.
Research mission
Major industrial partnerships in Polytechnique’s research areas of excellence for our professors/researchers and trainees (Asia, Europe, America).
Community service mission
More North-South projects, where Polytechnique’s expertise can be used to work jointly with our counterparts (e.g., African countries) to meet the needs of governments and communities in these various countries (e.g., solar energy, underground water, specific training programs).
- Double-degree program with major engineering schools in Europe (e.g., France, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland). Polytechnique offers the widest choice in Québec. The number of participating students has tripled in the past five years.
- Polytechnique’s international exchange program, 200 agreements with some 30 countries: an average of 140 students leave for one or two semesters abroad.
- Through Polytechnique’s vast network of contacts, international paid internships are offered in companies, organizations and research centres that are world leaders in their field:
- 200 internships abroad a year (166 in engineering training and 44 in a professional master’s program)1
- Various destinations2:
- Asia, 32%
- Europe, 30%
- Africa, 17%
- America, 14%
- Middle East, 4%
- Oceania, 3%
- Company examples:
- In the United States: Microsoft and Google
- In France: Vinci Construction and Thales
- In Japan: Honda Research Institute and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)
- Student life (projects credited in the North-North or North-South axis)
- Poly-Monde: since 1990 – 29th edition in 2018: India
- Comité International de Projets Outre-mer (CIPO): since 1990 – 29th edition in 2018: Cameroon
- Engineers Without Borders, for the past 15 years or so, in 2017: Kenya
- PolyFinances: since 2012, in 2018: San Francisco
- PC2 (biomedical), for the past five years, in 2017: Haiti
- Réseau d'excellence des sciences de l'ingénieur et de la Francophonie (RESCIF): water, energy, environment, in 2017: Vietnam, Haiti
- T.I.M.E. network: Top Industrial Managers for Europe brings together some 50 universities dispensing engineering and master’s training.
- Students taking part in this mobility program are given the opportunity to study abroad for two years and obtain a degree from their host university as well as from their home university (double degree).
- The predominantly European T.I.M.E. network now extends to other continents. In 2016, Polytechnique was the first North American university to be invited to be part of it due to its excellence in both academics and research.
- CLUSTER (Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research), is a pan-European network of excellence bringing together 13 European universities and five associate universities from other continents, including Polytechnique Montréal. The goal of CLUSTER is to create an academic network of excellence while promoting the mobility of students, as well as that of professors, researchers and PhD candidates. The network’s ideal aim is to contribute to 21st-century society through training and research at the highest level.3
- Prestige scholarships: Top master’s and PhD students can complete research internships at the most prestigious universities in the United States, such as Harvard, MIT and Stanford.
- Order of the White Rose scholarship: Since December 6, 2014, the day marking the 25th anniversary of the Polytechnique tragedy, the institution has awarded a $30,000 scholarship to a woman engineering student who wishes to pursue her passion by enrolling in graduate studies in engineering anywhere in the world.
1 Internship and employment department, 2017
2 Brochure d'information sur la formation d'ingénieur, page 37(.pdf)
3 Wikipedia: Réseau Cluster
Co-operation, research or dissemination, whatever the path taken, the goal remains the same: a school without borders!
Press review

october 9, 2021 - Le Devoir
Passer les sciences au féminin pluriel
Entrevue d'Annie Ross, directrice adjointe à la recherche et professeure titulaire au Département de génie mécanique à Polytechnique Montréal.

may 28, 2021 - Gabon Review
Facebook : La success story de Jessica Allogo contée en images par MB Films
Jessica Allogo, diplômée de Polytechnique Montréal en génie chimique et fondatrice de la marque de confiture Les petits pots de l’Ogooué au Gabon, fait l'objet d'un court-métrage réalisé par une autre pousse gabonaise, MB Films, pour Facebook Afrique.

may 25, 2021 - Agence universitaire de la Francophonie
Égalité Femmes-Hommes : un consortium de 11 universités francophones est créé par l’AUF
L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie annonce la création d'un consortium de 11 universités francophones souhaitant engager leur campus concrètement et collaborativement dans l’atteinte de l’Égalité Femmes-Hommes. La candidature de Polytechnique Montréal a été retenue parmi 16 universités. Annie Ross, directrice adjointe à la recherche, à la Direction de la formation et de la recherche et professeure titulaire au Département de génie mécanique sera la responsable du projet pour notre établissement.