Engineering Physics


Area of expErtise


Fundamental physics and mathematics can be useful in many different domains, but the common link between them is the high-tech content.

The diversity of an education in Engineering Physicist offers a unique advantage over others: that of versatility. This allows the Engineer to play a major role in the research and conception of new devices, process and systems in the domains of electronics, information systems, materials, optics and nuclear engineering.

You will find Engineering Physicists in many companies. For example, Engineering Physicists work for large companies such as Nortel, Hydro-Québec, CAE, IBM, and the Noranda Technology Center. Small and medium enterprises also have an interest in the versatility and competence of our Engineering Physicists.

A Privileged EDUCATION

The education of an Engineering Physicist consists of acquiring a solid background in physics and mathematics, and applying these skills to technology. The strength of our graduates comes from this unique education. In fact, his general knowledge allows him to adapt easilyto all kinds of environments, to understand the development of technologies, and often to find new and better devices or processes.

The Engineering Physicist is a generalist. His studies prepare him to solve a variety of problems and allow him to always stand on the leading edge of technological development. Precisely speaking:

  • His first year gives him the general knowledge useful to all engineers.
  • His second year is devoted to learning specific knowledge to the Engineering Physicist like mathematical skills necessary to solve physics problems, quantum mechanics, modern physics, and electrical circuits.
  • His third year sharpens his skills with courses such as statistical physics, modern optics, crystallography and electronics.
  • His final year covers dielectrics, semiconductors, magnetism, microelectronics, optical properties of material and experimental techniques used in physics.

Additionally, courses in management, economics, ethics and security for engineers are also part of the curriculum.

COOP Program

You need afiber optic component? To develop an integrated circuit? To enhance the properties of a material?

All these tasks require a solid training in theoretical physics and mathematics, along with good knowledge of applied physics. Having an Engineering Physicist as an intern is a winning choice for your company because his training at École Polytechnique prepares him to be an engineer AND a physicist at the same time.

What can our interns do for you?

After one year of specialization, our interns are able to perform many tasks:

  • Data processing and interpretation
  • Modelling
  • Computerization of processes or implementation of graphic interfaces
  • Functional and theoretical characterization of materials
  • Evaluation of performance of fabrication processes or machinery

More advanced students can work on high-tech trend-setting optics, solid-state physics and thin films, three sectors for which the department of Engineering Physics is famous.

Here is a sample of what our students have already accomplished during internships:

  • Characterisation of new products based on metallic powders
  • State of the art laser processing
  • Geophysical detection using electromagnetic methods    
  • Concepts in instrumentation for measurement of tissue conductivity    
  • Operating a plasma reactor and develop techniques to analyze and characterize surfaces
  • Creating an internet web site for a company specialised in optics.

For more information or 514 340-4730
Documents are available upon request.


To hire interns or students, please contact:

Service de placement, Internships – Job Opportunities
École Polytechnique
P.O. Box 6079, Stn Centre-Ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3A7
Phone: (514) 340 4730
Fax: (514) 340 4030
Email address: