Human Health | DESS, Master's, PhD

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Sphere of excellence in research

Human Health

Video - Sphere of excellence in research - Human Health - Polytechnique MontréalLife expectancy is improving thanks to the increased efficiency of medical technology. Researchers at Polytechnique Montréal contribute to medical progress by combining their efforts to make discoveries that benefit both clinicians and patients as well as related economic benefits in healthcare.

Collaborations are multi-disciplinary in nature. Engineers work closely with surgeons, pathologists and neurologists, among others, to find new ways to treat disease. They fine-tune tools to establish more precise diagnostics and optimize the effectiveness of treatments as well as patient comfort.

Researchers perfect imaging systems to better explore the complex architecture of the human nervous system and formulate innovative assistance and rehabilitation approaches. They are interested in the application of medical nanotechnology and create analytical software as well as instruments using artificial intelligence to improve the early detection of diseases.



Consult information sheets about our professors and details about their research work by consulting the directory of expertise at Polytechnique Montréal.

Investments in Research Infrastructures

Since 1999, Polytechnique has invested $83,938,834 in its Human Health Sphere of Excellence thanks to support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Government of Quebec and other partners.

Research units and strategic clusters
Major Research Initiatives

TransMedTech Institute (iTMT) – Human Health Sphere of Excellence

With nearly $100 million in grants, this transdisciplinary and translational initiative is led by Polytechnique and supported by integrated university-hospital infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment, as well as strategic and innovative research partnerships in the fields of biomedical engineering and medical technologies. The iTMT uses a Living Lab approach that allows engineers, biomedical scientists, clinicians, patients, caregivers, students, healthcare stakeholders and policy makers to participate in an open innovation ecosystem.


Every year, Polytechnique Montréal offers hundreds of project opportunities for graduate students. To give you an idea of the wide range of topics our researchers are working on, here are a few examples of the projects being carried out at the university in connection with the Human Health Sphere of Excellence. Keep in mind that this list isn't exhaustive.

Click here to see all the projects currently offered by and find the one(s) that align with your interests.


Professor: Frédéric Leblond
Department: Engineering Physics

Professor Frédéric Leblond and his team are collaborating with surgeons, pathologists and infectious disease specialists to develop optic instruments using automated learning to detect disease in tissue and bio-fluids. Equipped with fibre optics, sensors and lasers, these methods will enhance the efficiency of oncological therapy and allow the detection of the presence of viral infections, thus improving early detection of cancers and infections such as COVID-19.

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