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Julien Cohen-Adad
Phd (Paris/Montreal), MSc (Rennes), Eng (Paris)
Student research project(s)

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests

My lab is developing advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques for quantitative assessment of the brain and spinal cord structure. These developments include hardware (coils), MRI sequences (relaxometry, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetization transfer, functional MRI) and software (multimodal registration, segmentation, motion correction, distortion correction). There is a strong focus on translating research developments into clinics, aiming to improve the diagnosis and prognosis in patients suffering from neurological diseases and traumas. 

The environment is highly multi-disciplinary. We interact with biomedical engineers, physicists, radiologists, neurologists and neurophysiologists. Plus, our lab collaborates with the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Harvard, therefore some projects will involve travelling to Boston. Projects include:

  • Developing methods for spinal cord MRI in multiple sclerosis (collaboration with Harvard),
  • Studying features of the brain using ultra-high field MRI (collaboration with Harvard),
  • Development of deep learning methods for analysis of medical images (collaboration with Mila),
  • Development of open source software for medical imaging applications,
  • Building of MRI antenna
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1901 Biomedical technology
  • 2708 Image and video processing
  • 2605 Pattern analysis and machine intelligence
  • 2603 Computer vision
  • 2705 Software and development
  • 3115 Medical physics


Recent publications


Prof. Cohen-Adad is an MR physicist and software developer with over 15 years of experience in advanced MRI methods for quantitative assessment of the brain and spinal cord structure and function. He is an associate professor at Polytechnique Montreal, adjunct professor of neuroscience at the University of Montreal, associate director of the Neuroimaging Functional Unit (Univ. Montreal), member of Mila (Univ. Montreal) and he holds the Canada Research Chair in Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Along with his colleagues Prof. Nikola Stikov, Prof. Alonso-Ortiz and Prof. De Leener, he is co-directing the NeuroPoly Lab (, which includes about 30 graduate students and research associates. Prof. Cohen-Adad's research is highly cited (Google Scholar). As a leader in the field, he organized multiple workshops at international conferences ( He is a frequent guest lecturer on advanced MRI methods and he regularly serves as consultant for various companies (e.g. Biospective Inc., NeuroRx, IMEKA) and academic (Harvard, U. Toronto, UCL, UCSF, etc.) for setting up MRI acquisition and image processing protocols. 

Do you want to join the lab? See: job opportunities



  • GBM6125 : Bases du génie biomédical
  • GBM6904 : Séminaires de génie biomédical
  • GBM8378 : Principes d'imagerie biomédicale

Supervision at Polytechnique


News about Julien Cohen-Adad

NEWS | January 6, 2022
Québec Science Discovery of the Year: two Polytechnique Montréal professors among the top10 finalists | Read
BLOG | August 31, 2021
Giant leaps forward in spinal cord imaging | Read
NEWS | June 22, 2021
Canada Research Chairs Program: Chair renewal for Polytechnique Montréal's Professor Julien Cohen-Adad | Read
NEWS | February 24, 2021
50 Polytechnique Montréal researchers among the top 2% most cited in their respective fields | Read

Press review about Julien Cohen-Adad

January 23, 2022, Québec Science, Un nouveau protocole qui promet de changer le monde médical Une équipe de 92 personnes, menée par le Pr Julien Cohen-Adad du Département de génie électrique de Polytechnique Montréal, a mis au point un protocole permettant de créer des images par résonance magnétique de la moelle épinière plus claires et plus justes qu’auparavant.
January 1, 2022, Québec Science, Moelle épinière : nouveau souffle pour les IRM Jusqu’à tout récemment, les images de la moelle épinière obtenues par résonance magnétique n’étaient pas standardisées, ce qui empêchait de les comparer et de suivre l’évolution des lésions. C’est maintenant réglé grâce à une avancée du Pr Julien Cohen-Adad du Département de génie électrique sélectionnée parmi les 10 Découvertes de l’année par le magazine Québec Science.
February 8, 2016, Le Devoir, Les capacités d'apprentissage du système nerveux Image obtenue par résonance magnétique des faisceaux de fibres nerveuses (ou axones) qui descendent dans la moelle épinière et dont les corps cellulaires sont situés dans le cortex cérébral. ( Photo: Laboratoire du professeur Julien Cohen-Adad, École Polytechnique de Montréal).