Double Degree | DESS, Master's, PhD

Double degree

Polytechnique Montréal has entered into several double degree agreements with major engineering schools. If your home institution is a signatory in one of these agreements, you may be able to integrate one of our master's programs into your engineering training to obtain a double degree (i.e. an engineering degree from your home institution and a master's degree from Polytechnique Montréal).


There are two options for admission to a double degree. The option you can take will depend on the agreement signed with your home institution.

Consult the list of our partners (.pdf) offering the double degree option and ask the exchange or international relations officer in your home institution which option is available to you.


This option allows students at the end of their engineering degree (Bac +5) to enter directly into a master's program (professional master's degree or research-based master's degree). The master's program begins in the Fall (at the end of August) and takes place over the course of two years. At the end of the master's program, the student receives the engineering degree from his or her home university and the master's degree from Polytechnique Montréal.

Cheminement - Admission directe à la maîtrise - Double diplôme - Polytechnique Montréal


Admission with an integrating semester

This option allows students who have completed the second-to-last year of their engineering studies at their home institution (Bac +4 or its equivalent) to continue their engineering studies at Polytechnique Montréal by taking an integrating semester and then pursuing their studies in the master's program of their choice.

During the integrating semester, in addition to taking preparatory courses in the master’s program of their choice, double degree students must submit a request for admission to the master’s program to the Registrar of Polytechnique Montréal. To do this, the student must be endorsed by a professor who agrees to supervise his or her research work (for the master's research degree only).

The integrating semester begins in the Fall (at the end of August) and admission to the master’s program is scheduled for the Winter term (early January) if the integrating semester criterias are respected: 

  • Having successfully completed 12 course credits and respected the criterias of the courses selection
  • Having had a GPA of at least 2,75/4;
  • Having found a supervisor for your master's (see section «Upon your arrival at Polytechnique»). 

At the end of the master's program, students obtain their engineering degree from their home university and the master's degree from Polytechnique Montréal. 

Image - Admission avec trimestre d'intégration - Double diplôme - Polytechnique Montréal

Direct admission to master's degree
  • Must be in the process of completing the final year of your engineering degree (Bac+5 or equivalent);
  • Must be formally selected by the exchange or international relations officers in your home institution;
  • Must meet language requirements;
  • To be admitted to a master's research program, a professor will have to agree to supervise your work. It is strongly recommended to contact one or more professors working in the field of research that interests you in order to request their supervision before submitting your application.

To help you:

Students in the master's professional program must have a thesis advisor. However, it is not necessary to have this thesis advisor before applying for admission; one will be assigned to you upon admission.

Admission with an integrating semester
  • Must be in the process of completing the second-to-last year of an engineering degree (Bac+4 or equivalent);
  • To be formally selected by the exchange or international relations officer of your home institution*;
  • Must meet language requirements.

When preparing your application for a double degree, we strongly encourage you to contact one or more professors working in the field of research that interests you in order to request their supervision in the completion of your master’s degree. This professor can also guide you in the selection of your courses in the integrating semester.  

To be admitted to a master's program following the integrating semester, a professor must agree to support your application. This professor will become your research supervisor as a condition of admission to the research-based master's degree or your study advisor for admission in the professional master's program.  

To help you:

* To enter the master's program, students enrolled in the integrating semester must obtain a cumulative average of at least 2.75 out of 4.0. Students who do not attain this average will be offered an additional semester to bring their averages up to the required threshold. If the average is still not met, the student must return to his or her home institution to obtain the necessary credits for his or her engineering degree.

1. Check your eligibility with your home institution

You must contact the exchange or international relations office of your institution to confirm whether it has a double degree agreement with Polytechnique Montréal and, if so, if you’re eligible to participate.  

2. Choosing a program and a master's profile

Polytechnique Montréal offers two Master's degree programs (professional and research) in 17 engineering specialties. Before choosing a profile, check with your home institution for the suggested Master’s program.  

Non-thesis MASTER'S (M.Eng)

The non-thesis master’s profile is focussed on the development of the student’s knowledge and the acquisition of a specialty. Activities are mainly centred on classes, and the completion of a project or internship.

  • Duration is generally over 4 to 6 semesters (45 credits)

Image - Structure - Non-thesis Master's profil - Polytechnique Montréal

Note that in addition to the 45 courses' credits included in the professional master's degree, Polytechnique Montréal may authorize you to register for courses that are not required for your program. These courses will appear on your transcript as extra-curricular courses. The results of the evaluation of non-program courses will be excluded of the GPA. Students who register for extra-curricular courses (excluding French language courses) will be required to pay the fees that apply.


The research-based master’s profile emphasizes the development of the scientific portion of the student’s training in engineering, developing their knowledge and introducing him or her to research. Two-thirds of the program is dedicated to the completion of a research thesis and the other third to classes related to the field of research. The work is done under the guidance of a research supervisor.

This profile also allows the student to complete a year as a junior engineer with the Quebec Order of Engineers with a view to obtaining an engineer's license.

  • Duration is generally over 4 to 6 semesters (45 credits)

Image - Structure - Research-based master's profil - Polytechnique Montréal

3. Being selected by your home instituition

Institutions with a double degree agreement make a selection of candidates who are eligible for the double degree program. In order to participate in the program, be sure to follow all the steps for selection by your home institution.

Partners must submit their list of nominated students between January 15 and March 15 using the nomination form found here (.xls) and sending it to

4. Submitting your application to Polytechnique Montréal

Students who have been nominated by their home institutions will receive a web link to submit their application form online. A complete file includes the following:  

  1. A duly completed application form (once selected, you will receive the link to proceed to your application);
  2. Original or certified transcripts of all your engineering studies;
  3. List of courses you would like to take (for the integrating semester only);
  4. Birth certificate including first and last names of parents;
  5. Identity document that validates the nationality (identity card, passport identification page, etc.);
  6. Resume (1 to 2 pages);
  7. Free-format cover letter (1 page);
  8. Free-format letter of recommendation from someone who taught or supervised the candidate - highly recommended
  9. Proof of language proficiency, if necessary. Note that all students from institutions where education is provided in French are exempted from language requirements. 

Period to receive applications: February 1 to April 1​

5. Receiving your letter of admission

Once you have received your letter of admission from Polytechnique Montréal, you must begin your immigration process. Please consult the information offered by Student Services for step-by-step instructions to prepare you and to help you adapt to your new environment.

  1. Immigration procedures  
  2. Budget for your study year
  3. Health and insurance
  4. Registration for reception and orientation activities
  5. Airline ticket
  6. Temporary lodging

We advise you to arrive in Montréal 15 days before your classes begin. This should give you enough time to find an apartment and get settled. In addition, the week before classes start, all students newly arrived in Canada must attend a welcome and orientation meeting that is crucial to starting on the right foot in your new environment.

6. Upon your arrival at Polytechnique Montréal

For students admitted to the integrating semester

If you haven’t already done so before your arrival, you should contact a professor working in the field of research or studies that interest you. You will have to request their supervision in preparation for submitting your application for admission to the Master's program. 

Once this step has been completed, you will to fill your application to progress from the integrating semester to the Master’s program of your choice in the Winter term. You can leave it to A-205 or send it email to by November 1. 

For students admitted directly to the master's program

You must fill out a study plan (.doc) (.pdf) and have it approved before the last day you can modify your list of courses for the first semester of your master’s program. This plan must be made in consultation with your research or study supervisor and must be approved by the relevant graduate program coordinator. The document must be filed with the Registrar’s Office.

Signature of arrival form, learning agreement or any other documents requesting signature

If you would like Polytechnique Montréal to fill out an arrival form or a learning agreement, please contact:

No forms will be processed at the Info-Registrar desk. Please allow 10 days for processing. $10 fee will be charged to double degree student for all forms requiring the Registrar's seal. Consult all the details about administrative fees.
Note that an official certificate of enrollment can be downloaded free of charge on the student's file.

budget forecast


Tuition fees for 2024-2025

1 Students who decide to do a non-thesis Master's and who are eligible to transfer some credits from their integration semester according to the rules of the double degree agreement will have less credits to pay at the cost of $99 (for French and Belgian francophone), of $309 (for students who have to pay the differential Canadian amount) or of $996 (for students who have to pay the differential international amount), which will contribute to reduce the total amount to pay, if appropriate.
2 Tuition fees for the non-thesis Master's (post integration semester) are calculated on the basis of a progression in 4 semesters. 
3 Tuition fees for the research-based Master's (post integration semester) are calculated on the basis of a progression in 4 semesters of program tuition (no fees for research activities). If student takes longer to finish his master's degree, tuition fees for research activities would be applicable.
4 For historical question, only l'X and Polimi students of all nationalities will be charged the fees indicated. In the case of students from PSL, only students of French or French-speaking Belgian nationality will be able to claim these fees. Students of other nationalities will have to pay the fees indicated in the “other nationalities” column with one less integration term.
5 French and Belgian francophone students (holders of a valid passport) who take off program courses will have to pay tuition fees to the cost of canadian who don't have a Quebec Resident Status.
6 A student can be declared «French» or «Belgian francophone» upon presentation of a valid passport from France or Belgium. The Belgium citizen should also show a proof of beeing Belgian francophone.
A student is required to comply with the citizenship he declares upon admission throughout his studies.
8 Student will receive a scholarship of $ 1,000 for each inscription semester until a maximum of 5 semesters for a total of $5,000. 

9 Considering that students from X, Polimi and PSL (Bac+5) do not have an integration semester to do, if they complete their master's degree in 4 semesters, the scholarship applicable will be of $4,000 ($ 1,000 for each inscription semester). The total cost of their master will then be of $ 1,000. However, if they complete their master's in more than 4 semesters, the sub-total fees to be paid for one or the other proposed master's will be higher, but the scholarship of $ 1,000 per inscription semester will then be applied for an additional semester (maximum of 5 semesters in total).
10 Students nominees within the allocated quota, coming from international partners other than French or Belgian French-speaking, cannot achieve a non-thesis Master's. They have the obligation to carry out a research-based Master's.


HEALTH INSURANCE (amounts re-evaluated every year)
Mandatory international student health insurance1 $975
Dental insurance (ASEQ)2 $200
Health, vision and travel insurance (ASEQ)2 $235
Immigration (temporary residents) $500
Arrival from abroad (hotel, meal, etc.) $800
Winter clothing $900
Furniture (if accommodations are not furnished) $1,300
University residence3-4 $4,945
Shared apartment3 $8,400
Unshared apartment3 $12,000
Food and hygiene $5,600
Transportation (see $678
Books and supplies $1,000
Recreation, clothing and miscellaneous $2,500
Cellular telephone
High-speed Internet


1 All temporary residents are automatically signed up for this mandatory insurance. For details:
2 Full information at
3 These amounts include furniture, utilities (water, electricity, heating) and access to high-speed Internet. You are responsible for finding your own accommodation. To learn how and where to look, visit
4 Residences are managed by Université