Study Costs and Financial Aid | Certificates

Study costs and financial aid

When thinking about university, you also need to think about financial planning. At Polytechnique Montréal, in addition to reasonable tuition there are also a lot of financial aid solutions. Our goal is to ensure that you’re able to fully focus on your studies, without stressing about your budget.


The following information represents an estimate of costs to consider to study at Polytechnique Montréal in 2024-2025.  Amounts are indicated in Canadian dollars. They are provided for reference and are subject change without notice. Tuition and associated fees are reevaluated and revised each year. 

The following costs represent the tuition and associated fees​ for one trimester, depending on the number of credits you are signed up for. 

Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada with Quebec resident status
All programs
3 credits $510
6 credits $865
9 credits $1,220
12 credits $1,575
15 credits $1,870


Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada without Quebec resident status
French programs1
3 credits $1,140
6 credits $2,125
9 credits $3,110
12 credits $4,090
15 credits $5,020

 1  Some students may qualify for an exemption from the Quebec government allowing you to study in French while paying the same tuition fees as Quebec residents. 

English programs
3 credits $1,450
6 credits $2,745
9 credits $4,040
12 credits $5,330
15 credits $6,570

financial aid and bursaries

Each year, Polytechnique students receive close to $3 million in internal and external scholarships to recognize academic excellence, involvement in different spheres of society, academic perseverance, etc.

Students are also offered other financing options (ex: government loans, exemptions, work on campus, etc.)

To learn more: (in French only)



(Programme d’aide financière pour la formation d’appoint en reconnaissance des compétences)

The PAFFARC government program offers funding for the engineering program which offers further training to engineering graduates from abroad under certain conditions. For more details, please see this link.