Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
Biomedical technology Pattern analysis and machine intelligence Intelligent systems applications Computer vision Image and video processing Digital signal processing Life sciences research related to human health and disease Medical sciences Instrumentation and measurements Artificial intelligence
Human Health
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Information and Communication Technologies
Research interests and affiliations
My research interests pertain to the development of new technologies in pediatric neuroimaging. More particularly, my research lab focuses on developing open-source software for analyzing brain and spinal cord images acquired with magnetic resonance imaging, using advanced segmentation and registration approaches using machine learning and neurodevelopmental templates and atlases. The laboratory is closely linked to the TransMedTech institute and the Research Center of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital, enabling strong collaborations between researchers, engineers, psychologists, radiologists, and clinicians.
- Medical imaging
- Computer vision
- Pediatric neuroimaging
- Image processing and analysis
- Machine learning
- Modelisation
- TransMedTech Research Chair in Pediatric Neuroimaging, Chairholder
- Neuroimaging Research Laboratory (NeuroPoly), Co-director
- Research Center of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital, Researcher
- Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence - Québec (UNIQUE), Member
- Research Group on Globalisation and Management of Technology (GMT), Member
- Institut de génie biomédical, Member
- 1901 Biomedical technology
- 2603 Computer vision
- 2605 Pattern analysis and machine intelligence
- 2604 Intelligent systems applications
- 2708 Image and video processing
INF1005D – Programmation procédurale en Python
INF1007 - Introduction à la programmation
GBM8770 - Traitement numérique d'images médicales
GBM6953B - Innovation en génie biomédical
- Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
- Master in biomedical engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
- Master in biomedical engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Bachelor in civil engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Supervision at Polytechnique
Ph.D. (4)
Zhang, Erjun. Diffusion MRI Model for Impacts Quantification of Hypoglycemia on Preterm Baby Brain.
Dimitrijevic, Andjela. Normative Modeling of Pediatric Brain Magnetic Resonance Images for Neurodevelopmental Trajectory Characterization.
St-Onge, Samuelle. Quantifying Neurodevelopment and Neurodegeneration in Spinal Cord Microstructure through quantitative MRI, diffusion MRI and QSM imaging.
Ridani, Daniel. Developing and validating susceptibility-separation algorithms for the brain and spinal cord.
Master (thesis) (5)
Chatelier, Fedwin. Development of an algorithm for neuropathological states classification.
Tibi, Adrien. From brain tumor MRIs to intracerebral hematoma CTs: cross-modality and cross-disease domain adaptation for multiclass self-supervised segmentation.
Banerjee, Rohan. Development of automated segmentation for spinal cord fMRI data.
Aumais-Boucher, Étienne. Development of an application for neurological states monitoring.
El Hachem, Antoine. Development of a multi-orientation platform for neonatal brain MRI.
Master's Thesis (4)
- Fartoumi, S. (2024). Vers l'utilisation de l'apprentissage profond aux soins intensifs pour assister la prise en charge de patients ayant subi un traumatisme crânio-cérébral sévère [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Ducros-Chabot, N. (2023). Développement d'un protocole d'acquisition et de reconstruction multi-orientation pour la cartographie quantitative de la susceptibilité (QSM) : vers une précision cliniquement accessible [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Ridani, D. (2023). Performance of Background Field Removal and Dipole Inversion Methods to Reconstruct Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Data Acquired in Neonatal Asphyxia [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Blanc, C. (2022). Développement d'un outil de segmentation de la moelle épinière adapté à une population pédiatrique [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Press review about Benjamin De Leener