Programs offered | DESS, Master's, PhD

Programs offered

Polytechnique Montréal offers more than 110 graduate programs (microprograms, DESS, non-thesis or modular Master’s, research-based Master’s, doctorates), making it one of Canada’s leading engineering teaching and research institutions.

Graduate program types

Note that only research programs (research-based Master's and doctorates) can be taken entirely in English. Professional programs (microprograms, DESS and non-thesis Master's) require demonstrated knowledge of French. Please consult the language requirements for each program.


Microprograms are not available for international students. They are intended for people wishing to improve their knowledge or acquire new ones in their initial field of specialization or wishing to develop new skills related to the use of new technologies in their working environment.

  • Normal duration: 1 or 2 full-time semesters or 3 to 6 part-time semesters (9 to 15 credits, depending on the program).

Image - Structure of Microprograms - Polytechnique Montréal

Specialized graduate diploma (DESS)

The specialized graduate diploma (DESS) are short-duration programs that provide the foundations of a specialty by the undertaking of classes.

  • Normal duration: 2 or 3 full-time semesters with the possibility of doing it part-time (30 credits).

Image - Structure of DESS - Polytechnique Montréal

Non-thesis Master’s and modular Master's (M.Eng)

The non-thesis Master’s and the modular Master’s profile is focussed on the development of the student’s knowledge and the acquisition of a specialty. Activities are mainly centred on classes, and the completion of a project or internship.

The difference between these two type of master's lies in the fact that modular Master's allows the choice of an option that will appear on the diploma when the student graduate. Its module structure requires the student to complete mandatory courses and choose elective courses as well as doing a project or an internship. The graduate will see written on his diploma the words "Master of Engineering" + the field of engineering in which he has studied + the chosen option. For example "Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering Option".

On the other hand, non-thesis Master's have no option. The graduate of such programs will only see on his diploma the words "Master of Engineering" + the field of engineering in which he has studied. For example "Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering". The courses to be taken are listed by areas of specialization. Students can choose courses in different areas of specialization to build their own master according to their personal interests.

  • Normal duration: 4 to 6 full-time semesters with the possibility of doing it part-time (45 credits).

Image - Structure of Non-thesis Master’s and modular Master's - Polytechnique Montréal

Research-based Master's (M.A.Sc)

The research-based Master’s profile emphasizes the development of the scientific portion of the student’s training in engineering, developing their knowledge and introducing him or her to research. Two-thirds of the program is dedicated to the completion of a research project and the other third to classes related to the field of research. The work is done under the guidance of a research supervisor.

This profile can be submitted as work experience (if supervised by an engineer meeting the eligibility criteria of the Regulation respecting the terms and conditions for the issuance of a permit by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec), and allows, within the context of the time allotted for full-time research, to be recognized for the months and competencies acquired during this period. 

  • Normal duration: 4 to 6 full-time semesters only (45 credits).

Image - Structure - Research-based Master's - Polytechnique Montréal

Doctorate (PhD)

The doctorate programs in engineering are aimed at helping the candidate develop an advanced level of knowledge, intellectual rigour, scientific curiosity and creativity, which are essential skills in cutting edge professional activities, scientific research as well as higher education. The work is done under the guidance of a research supervisor.

  • Normal duration: 8 to 11 full-time semesters only (90 credits).

Image - Structure - Doctorate - Polytechnique Montréal



Avantage Poly


Benefits of the Avantage Poly

Vidéo - Séance d’information : découvrez le nouveau cheminement accéléré Avantage Poly - Polytechnique Montréal

Avantage Poly allows students, with the authorization of their study or research supervisor or of the coordinator of their graduate program, to receive up to 15 credits for graduate courses taken within their undergraduate program, in a DESS program or a master’s program (professional or research-based).

Credited courses must be in the 6000 or 8000 series, and must have been successfully completed with a minimum grade of B.

Course material in the courses to be credited must be up to date. If the course was taken more than six years prior, the course will be subject to a confirmation request by a qualified authority to assess the educational content of the course in relation to current knowledge and technical practices.

Requests to have these credits recognized must be submitted during the first two semesters after registration in a specific graduate program and the courses must be registered in the student's program of study.

A grade of Y will be assigned to courses credited in the graduate program of study.


Integrated Master’s-Doctorate (MDI)


Progression directly from a Master’s program to a doctorate (.pdf - p.1-22) allows a student to proceed with studies started at the Master’s level to the doctoral level without having to submit a Master’s thesis. 

To be eligible, you must:

  • be in the process of completing 30 course credits with an average of 3.2/4 or higher in the professional masters;
  • have completed 2 or 3 semesters of study as well as all the core courses in the research masters with an average of 3.2/3 or higher.

Details of the program:

  • Regular doctoral program of 90 credits;
  • Possibility of transferring credits obtained in courses completed at the Master’s level judged to be pertinent to the doctoral program
  • Possibility of obtaining a Master’s degree (see rules, article M2.4 (.pdf).

To submit your application:

Consult the section on Fast-Track Programs under the heading Integrated Master’s-Doctorate (MDI) to learn more about the procedures to follow and required documents.


Direct entry from the bachelor's to the doctorate (after engineering training)


The direct entry from the bachelor’s to the doctorate allows the student to start their doctoral studies as soon as they complete their bachelor’s degree in engineering, without having to complete a master’s degree. This allows them to shorten your studies by a year and a half.

To be admitted, you must:

  • have completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering or an equivalent degree (BAC+5 or Master 2 in the European system);
  • have a GPA equal to or greater than 3.2/4.0.

Program details:

  • standard doctorate (8 to 11 trimesters);
  • 90 credits.

To submit your application:

Students can receive course credit exemptions if they have studied at a graduate level after obtaining their engineering diploma. (Note that courses taken during a master’s 1 or a master’s 2 pursued in Europe cannot be credited unless a second master’s 2 was followed in a relevant field.)


Polytechnique Montréal has entered into several double degree agreements with major engineering schools. If your home institution is a signatory in one of these agreements, you may be able to integrate one of our master's programs into your engineering training to obtain a double degree (i.e. an engineering degree from your home institution and a master's degree from Polytechnique Montréal).

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