TransMedTech Research Chair in Plasma Medicine
Industrial Research Chairs
Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 7525
Fax: (514) 340-3218
Room: C-569
Primary sphere of excellence in research
Human Health
Human Health
Research staff
Professors / researchers (1)
- Stephan Reuter | Chairholder
News about TransMedTech Research Chair in Plasma Medicine
Press review about TransMedTech Research Chair in Plasma Medicine

September 8, 2021,
Science News,
Cold plasma could transform the sustainable farms of the future
Stephan Reuter, professeur agrégé au Département de génie physique, discute de son implication à repenser l'agriculture de demain, notamment en exploitant le plasma afin de faire évoluer les fermes en entreprises véritablement durables.