Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering
Industry 4.0 Open innovation Management of technology Social sciences and humanities Time series analysis Multivariate analysis Applied statistics Survey methodology Nonparametric inference Parametric inference
Environment, Economy, and Society
Industry of the Future and Digital Society Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Research interests and affiliations
- Innovation ecosystems
- Knowledge networks
- Collaboration
- Open innovation
- Industrial clusters
- Impact of science and technology
- Innovation policy
- Patents
- Applied econometrics
- Text and data mining
- 4POINT0, Director
- Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Management and Economics of Innovation (Innovation Chair), Chairholder
- Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO), Principal investigator
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Adjunct Professor
- The Michael D. Penner Institute on ESG issues, Member
- Laboratoire Poly-Industries 4.0, Member
- Laboratoire en intelligence des données, Member
- Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO), Member
- Centre for interuniversity research on science and technology, Member
- Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable (CIRODD), Member
- Research Group on Globalisation and Management of Technology (GMT), Member
- 7001 Management science and technology
- 7002 Science policy studies
A graduate in electrical engineering from Polytechnique Montreal and a graduate in economics from the University of Oxford (master’s and doctorate), Catherine Beaudry is currently a full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. Professor Beaudry also holds a Canada Research Chair (CRC) level 1 (senior) in management and economics of innovation in addition to leading the Partnership for the Organization of Innovation and New Technologies (4POINT0). She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada, and the recipient of the Prix Acfas Jacques-Rousseau 2022, the Innovation Policy Trailblazer Award 2023 from the Canadian Science Policy Centre, and the Prix de la recherche et de l’innovation 2024 from Polytechnique Montréal.
Professor Beaudry specialises in the economics of innovation and its impact on business performance, as well as in the evaluation of research and the science and technology system. The first mandate of the CRC (on creation, development and commercialisation of innovation) focused on the steps leading to innovation as well as those allowing it to create value on the market, i.e. the development of science and technology until their realisation in the form of innovative products and services. The second mandate of the CRC that she currently holds aims to create multiple-level (organizations-ecosystem-society) models and indicators on which governance and public policies specific to innovation ecosystems can to lean on. This multidisciplinary work aims to consider the science, technology and innovation system as a whole, and thus to breakdown the silos inherent to the innovation process.
Her main research interests are collaboration and support mechanisms for public and private organisations involved in knowledge and innovation ecosystems. In particular, her research focuses on the interaction between science and technology networks and industrial clusters, and how they influence the performance and survival of innovative organisations. 4POINT0 aims to develop new innovation indicators (derived from web mining) adapted to these ecosystems, so as to provide decision-makers with near-real time decision-making tools.
IND6117 - Innovation Management (graduate)
IND6110A - Technological Strategy (graduate)
IND3702 - Project Profitability Analysis (undergraduate)
- D.Phil. in Economics (Trinity College, University of Oxford)
- B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering specialized in Space Technology (Polytecnic Montreal)
- M.Phil. in Economics (Trinity College, University of Oxford, UK)
Supervision at Polytechnique
Post-doctoral fellowship (3)
Huet, Pauline.
Mirnezami, Seyed Reza.
Tahmooresnejad, Leila.
Ph.D. (8)
Passalacqua, Annie. Measuring the innovative potential of human capital in health innovation ecosystems.
Da Silva, Ricardo Henrique. Analysis of the evolution of the automotive industry towards the sustainable mobility ecosystem.
Cruciata, Pietro. Business ecosystems and companies’ innovativeness: A new evaluation approach.
Karimi, Amirali.
Tourangeau, Sarah-Jeanne.
Sosa, Alvar Herrera.
Diagne, Bassirou.
Ramdani, Anas.
Master (thesis) (4)
Tobler, Arthur.
Niknazar, Niloofar. Impact of family, funding and scientific output on academic total academic salaries and promotions.
St-Onge, Yoan. Online collaborative tools and knowledge management within a decentralized organisation.
Malagas, Thibaut. The role of human capital in the innovation process of a firm - Modeling human capital indicators and the innovation potential of the company’s organisational capital.
Professionnal master (2)
Desrosiers, Roxane.
Bernier, Jean-François. Exploration of the factors influencing the operational performance of a fleet of equipment by survival analysis.
Specialized graduate diploma (DESS) (1)
Tawil, Cedric.
Ph.D. Thesis (13)
- Héroux-Vaillancourt, M. (2023). Exploring Corporate Websites to Assess Enterprise Innovation – Measuring and Validating the Signal from Textual Content [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Aksoy, A. Y. (2021). University Licensing Strategy Determinants and Outcomes [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Hage, G. (2020). The Adoption of Emerging Technologies in Canada and their Impact on Innovation Performance [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Rodrigues Blanco, C. M. (2020). Proposed taxonomy and framework to support the decision-making of investments in Big Science [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Dauphin-Pierre, S. (2018). La relation entre intermédiaires de recherche et PME, analyse et impacts [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Martin, A. (2016). La collaboration dans le secteur spatial canadien - une approche exploratoire combinant bibliométrie et sondages [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Naserbakht, N. (2016). Impact of University–Industry Collaboration on the Quality of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Patents in Canada [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Farnia, F. (2015). Timber Auction Simulation and Design [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Mirnezami, S. R. (2015). Three essays on the economics of science policy: the impact of funding, collaboration and research chairs [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Tahmooresnejad, L. (2015). Impact of Public Funding on the Development of Nanotechnology : A Comparison of Quebec, Canada and the US [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Barirani, A. (2012). Essays on the Recombination and Diffusion of Innovations [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Rotaba, Z. (2010). Essays into the evolution of systems of innovation: a comparative\phylogenetic tree approach [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Schiffauerova, A. (2008). Knowledge flows in clusters and innovation networks : the case of canadian biotechnology and nanotechnology [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Héroux-Vaillancourt, M. (2023). Exploring Corporate Websites to Assess Enterprise Innovation – Measuring and Validating the Signal from Textual Content [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Master's Thesis (21)
- Niknazar, N. (2023). Sources of the Academic Gender Pay Gap - A Comprehensive Study on Academic Stipends [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Magalas, T. (2021). Modélisation du Capital Humain dans le processus d'innovation d'une entreprise industrielle [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Mas, V. (2021). L'intégration de l'évaluation de l'écosystème d'innovation à la prise de décision en entreprise : une étude de cas de transformation numérique dans le secteur aérospatial [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Jafari, M. (2020). Exploring Innovation Concepts in Twitter Via LDA Topic Modelling the Case Custom Computer Programming Services [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Ruiz Salazar, M. (2020). Étude des facteurs d'adoption de l'infonuagique dans les secteurs de la finance et de la santé [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Tobler, A. (2019). Méthode de recherche d'information basée sur LDA : étude de cas sur trois revues québécoises en sciences humaines et sociales [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Mahecha Capacho, D. R. (2017). Les modèles d'affaires ouverts et l'innovation dans le secteur aérospatial canadien [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Bouhadra, M. H. (2016). Étude de l'évolution du réseau de collaboration dans l'industrie canadienne des technologies de l'information et des communications : le secteur matériel en mutation [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Dorseuil, A. (2016). Étude des pratiques d'innovation ouverte et de collaboration dans l'industrie aérospatiale canadienne : l'ouverture comme levier stratégique de l'innovation [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Leyva Ramos, O. (2015). Étude de l'influence de la présence d'un centre de recherche dans la collaboration interdisciplinaire et interuniversitaire [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Rietsch, C. (2015). Étude exploratoire de la commercialisation des nanotechnologies au Canada : l'utilisation de la fouille de données de contenu Web [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Ramdani, A. (2014). Revue systématique de la littérature sur les mesures de la collaboration inter-organisationnelle dans un contexte d'innovation [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Allaoui, S. (2011). Impact du financement sur la production scientifique des chercheurs à l'échelle des individus en nanotechnologie au Québec [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Kananian, R. (2011). Chercheurs universitaires, financement et innovation : Comparaison entre nanotechnologie et biotechnologie [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Levasseur, J. (2011). Facteurs de survie et de croissance des entreprises de biotechnologies au canada [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Clerk-Lamalice, M. (2009). Évaluation de l'incidence du financement public de la recherche universitaire québécoise dans le domaine de la biotechnologie [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Ceschia, A. (2008). Firm-specific characteristics impacting collaborative behavior : the case of the canadian biotechnology industry [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Farcy, R. (2008). L'impact des politiques publiques canadiennes sur l'innovation et le financement en biotechnologie : une évaluation en dynamique des système [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Beaucage, J.-S. (2005). Étude de la dynamique de la création d'innovations technologiques au sein des grappes industrielles en biotechnologie de Montréal, Toronto et de Vancouver [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Rotaba, Z. (2005). Understanding the dynamics of industrial clusters : the case of the Canadian telecommunication equipment manufacturers [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Champigny, J.-F. (2004). Financement de l'innovation des PME, cycles économiques et intervention de l'état : un modèle multi-agents [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Niknazar, N. (2023). Sources of the Academic Gender Pay Gap - A Comprehensive Study on Academic Stipends [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Awards and honors
Other achievements
- Expert Panel on Clean Growth, Canadian Institute for Climate Choices (CICC)
- Canada Research Chair Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Review Panel
- Part of the Advisory panel on “innovation and knowledge mobilisation, for and by users” (Institut TransMedTech)
- Part of the Advisory Board to the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP)
- Deputy Minister Steering Committee member for Policy Horizons Canada
- Team leader of the master program on Technology and innovation management
- Editorial Board member at the Journal of Evolutionary Economics
- Advisory Editor at the publication Research Policy
- Founding member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) from 2012 to 2014
- Member, Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Organization of conferences, research and workshops, seminars and webinars
- Second 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems (P4IE), hybrid
- First 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems (P4IE), online
- 4POINT0 Pre-Conference on Big Data Analytics in Practice, online
- Workshop on innovation ecosystem indicators, Forum ADRIQ - CIRANO - Conseil de l’innovation du Québec – Mesurer la performance de l’innovation, online
- Co-organiser: The State of Young Scholars and Scientists in Africa – New Insights, with IDRC, online
- Technical 4POINT0 (Seminar series on new data and indicators): 2 webinars in 2020-2021
- Anchor 4POINT0 (Seminar series focusing on research results, partner practices, policies and challenges from the partnership) 5 webinars in 2020, 4 webinars in 2021
Other awards, scholarships and grants
- Prix d'excellence en recherche et innovation 2024
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant: Mégadonnées et techniques avancées démystifiées (25 000$)
- Prix Acfas Jacques-Rousseau (2022)
- Nominee for the award “I adapt to the needs of my students”, Polytechnique (one of six nominees) – (2021)
- Nominee for best industrial engineering undergraduate studies teacher – Polytechnique Montreal (one of three nominees) (2016, 2017 and 2023)
- Best industrial engineering graduate stud ies teacher – Polytechnique Montreal (2010)
- Outstanding Young Scientist – InterAcademy Panel (IAP) (2009)
- Tom Symons Fellowship, Statistics Canada (2009-2010)
- Rhodes Scholar (1992-1995)
Other publications
----- Academia -----
Invited seminar (2022/04/01 – with Amir Taherizadeh): CIRANO Webinar – Vers une meilleure compréhension de la transformation numérique optimisée par l'IA et de ses implications pour les PME manufacturières au Canada.
Invited speaker (2022/02/11): Round tables of the CIRST – Actors and innovation dynamics: L’innovation: concept galvaudé? Mise au point et essais de prospective.
Invited panelist (2021/12/10): Medicine by Design Annual Symposium (University of Toronto) – A systems approach to regenerative medicine: Strengthening our Innovation Ecosystem.
Invited seminar (2021/11/29): Manchester Institute Of Innovation Research Seminar Series (Alliance Manchester Business School, United Kingdom): How Canadian firms mitigate innovation barriers to (try to) remain innovative.
Invited panelist (2021/11/05): The Convergent Innovation Webinar Series (McGill University): Addressing the wicked problems of health and access to affordable food/medicine/healthcare/ through open science partnerships.
Keynote speaker (2021/10/25): Mitacs Research Council Meeting: Support for the effective functioning of innovation ecosystems in Canada that go beyond funding for R&D.
Invited panelist (2021/09/03): Closing Grand Panel – CIRST Conference on Economy of promises: Industry 4.0 and other technological promises.
Invited speaker (2021/04/09): University of Gothenburg network for Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems (U-GOT KIES) Workshop on New data sources and methods: The exploration of new data sources and methods – New innovation indicators appropriate to measure the performance and impact within/of innovation ecosystems.
Invited panelist (2020/11/24): Book launch conference: Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique – Table ronde 1 – Les écosystèmes, l’état et les entreprises face à la transformation numérique : Les technologies et les politiques publiques en appui à l’essor de l’intelligence artificielle.
Invited speaker (2020/11/05): L’École d’automne en management de la créativité – Créativité des organisations et transitions : La transition vers l’innovation durable: de l’utopie à la réalité.
Invited panelist (2020/06/15): Sommet de l’innovation durable du CIRODD – Comment s’assurer que l’innovation soit toujours durable?
Invited panelist (2020/07/16): Munk School of Global Affairs – Innovation Policy Lab Webinar focused on Exploring the short and long term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems. (
Invited panelist (2020/06/17): Inaugural Webinar of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable (CIRODD) : L’innovation durable en soutien à la résilience sociétale. (
Invited seminar (2020/03/11): Seminar series of the course Precision Retailing: Decision Making Science for Convergence Insights, Analytics, and Innovation, McGill University, Montreal, Canada: The Open Innovation Journey: A Comparative Analysis of the Quebec and São Paulo Aerospace Industry.
Invited panelist (2019/11/04): Entretiens Jacques Cartier – Atteindre les ODD en combinant leviers technologiques et computationnels, économie circulaire et transdisciplinarité. Mission impossible ? Montréal, Canada : Transdisciplinarité et Innovation : Transformation numérique de la mobilité du capital humain au service de l’innovation et de la productivité – rêvons un peu!
Invited panelist (2019/11/04): Entretiens Jacques Cartier – Les écosystèmes d’innovation ouverte favorisant la recherche collaborative en technologies médicales et leur intégration, Montréal, Canada : Écosystèmes d’innovation en santé : une synthèse de leurs composantes.
Invited panelist and chair (2019/05/15): AERO19 – Annual Conference from the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Laval, Canada: Industry 4.0 – Results from the Survey of Advanced Technology 2014.
Invited speaker (2019/05/09): Round table of the Institut TransMedTech: Comment miser sur les écosystèmes d’innovation ?
Invited seminar (2019/05/02): Max Planck Institute of Economics and Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany: Beyond the innovation obstacle paradox – The role of government support in helping firms overcome these obstacles and innovate. (500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci)
Invited panelist (2019/04/25): CIRANO 25 Years Conference – 25 Years of Public Policy in Quebec, Montréal, Canada: Les programmes gouvernementaux aident-ils les entreprises à surmonter les obstacles à l’innovation.
Invited speaker (2018/11/08-09): SciSTIP Planning roundtable – Science and higher education in Africa: A research agenda for the future, Stellenbosch, South Africa – Session 3: Human resources for S&T: Scientists, researchers and doctoral students: Gender issues in science.
Invited debater (2018/06/11-13): DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark: Arguing against the motion: The focus on ‘star scientists’ in science and innovation policy is misplaced, and detrimental to development of effective policies for economic development.
Invited speaker (2018/06/10): Workshop on the Geographical and Organizational Mobility of Scientists, Copenhagen, Denmark: African scientists’ mobility.
Invited panellist (2018/06/01-03): 52nd Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, Montreal, Canada:
- 1st panel (IRPP): Innovation Policies in the Wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution;
- 2nd panel (CIRANO-Phelps-RIIB Panel on Competition and Innovation): The role of government support in helping firms overcome IP, regulation and competition policy obstacles to innovation;
- 3rd panel (CSLS-Productivity Partnership Panel on Explaining Canada’s Post-2000 Productivity Performance): Explaining Canada’s post-2000 productivity performance III: Can the productivity slowdown be reversed and if so, how?
Invited speaker (2018/04/25-27): Fifth Annual Creating Digital Opportunity (CDO) Partnership Network Conference, Vancouver, Canada: Competing in a global innovation economy: The current state of R&D in Canada, Presentation of the CCA report from the Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada.
Invited speaker (2018/03/01-02): Economics and Environmental Policy Research Network (EEPRN) Research Symposium, Ottawa, Canada: Public institutions and governance models for a low carbon economy.
Invited speaker (2018/01/30): Réseau de recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ), Montreal, Canada: Discrimination envers les femmes scientifiques en santé: moins citées et moins payées.
Invited speaker (2017/11/07-09): CREST-CWTS Bilateral Seminar, Stellenbosch, South Africa: Salary inequalities between university professors in Canada - Gender and other related issues.
Invited panellist (2017/11/06-08) [replaced by Pauline Huet, co-author as I was on sabbatical leave in South Africa]: Gender Summit – Embracing pluralism and thriving through diversity – Shaping science and innovation, Montreal, Canada: Unions and the gender pay gap among university professors in Canada. Preliminary results from a recent data collection.
Invited speaker (2017/10/20) [replaced by Pauline Huet, co-author] Annual General Meeting of the Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université (FQPPU), Montréal: Inégalités de salaires parmi les professeurs d’université au Canada – Résultats préliminaires.
Invited speaker (2017/06/18-21): Canadian Agricultural Economic Society (CAES) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, Montreal, Canada: Analytical work in agriculture and agri-food innovations – Database solutions to farming.
Invited panellist (2017/05/11-12): Assises du CIRODD – Innover pour une santé durable – Innovation sociale et innovation technologique alliées pour le bien commun, Montreal, Canada: Innover pour une santé durable – Innovations technologiques et autres.
Invited expert (2017/03/24): Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 2017 Symposium on the effectiveness of the Canadian patent system, Ottawa, Canada: Open, collaborative, and user innovation.
Invited speaker (2017/03/07): Journée des femmes en sciences, UQAM, Montréal: Quel biais de genre ? Les facteurs influençant l’impact scientifique en science et en médecine.
Invited speaker (2016/11/28): 2ème Forum d’échange sur les Prix internationaux – Un essor à la reconnaissance scientifique, Palais des congrès, Montreal. [Presentation of the Governor General’s initiative to enhance global recognition for Canadian research excellence]: Mise à jour des travaux du groupe de travail du Gouverneur général du Canada.
Invited speaker (2016/05/09-12): ACFAS Conference – Les sciences sociales et humaines au cœur de l’innovation, Montreal, Canada : Collaboration interorganisationnelle – intrasectorielle et intersectorielle – Réflexions basées sur un atelier de cocréation et sur les enquêtes de POINT.
Invited speaker (2016/01/21-22): IDRC-IRD-OECD-IFRIS International conference on The transformation of research in the south: policies and outcomes, Paris, France: Taking a leap of faith: How young scholars in four ASEAN countries forge ahead for successful research career.
Invited panellist (2015/11/25-27): Canadian Science Policy Conference, Ottawa, Canada: Insights into ICT hardware networks in Canada: A focus on collaboration.
Invited speaker (2015/04/17): Forum de la FQPPU sur les services à la collectivité, Montréal, Canada : De la collégialité à l’individualisme : Comment la pression des comités de pairs change nos universités.
Invited debater (2015/03/31-2015/04/01): 14th Annual Re$earch Money Conference, Ottawa, Canada: Canadian innovation policy is too narrowly focused on R&D.
Invited speaker (2014/11/06-2014/11/07): 8th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities: Beyond Bibliometrics – Identifying the Best, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Berlin, Germany: Impact of Research Funding and Scientific Production on Scientific Impact: Are Quebec Academic Women Really Lagging Behind?
Invited panelist (2014/11/03): Colloque à l’occasion du 5ème anniversaire du Québec économique : « Vers une gestion publique influencée par les résultats de la recherche sur les politiques publiques », CIRANO, Montreal: Growth and public policy.
Invited speaker (2014/09/17): 50th Anniversary of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé: La recherche intersectorielle pour la santé de demain – de l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit, Montréal, Canada: “The Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS)” – Résultats de l’enquête préliminaire.
Invited speaker (2014/06/21-26): EuroScience Open Forum: Science Building/Bridges, Copenhagen, Denmark: What environment is required to fulfill the role of a scientist?
Invited speaker (2014/04/30-2014/05/01): Journées du CIRST, Montreal, Canada: L’état des jeunes scientifiques dans le monde : Constats méthodologiques de l’étude de la “Global Young Academy”.
Invited speaker (2014/04/22): Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Varenne, Canada: Impact du financement public et privé sur les nanosciences et les nanotechnologies.
Invited speaker (2014/01/21): Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Launch of the GloSYS report and Press conference, Berlin, Germany: Main results of the Global State of Young Scientists.
Invited speaker (2013/05/13-15): Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS) Workshop, Hanover, Germany: The impact of women scientists in biotechnology.
Invited round table speaker (2012/05/21-23) [organised by CIRANO]: Proximity Days 7th Edition, Montréal, Canada: Quantitative methods and proximity.
Invited speaker (2012/02/16-21): American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual meeting: Flattening the World – Building a global Knowledge Society, Vancouver, Canada: Is youth wasted on the young … scientists.
Invited panellist (2011/11/16-18): Canadian Science Policy Conference, Ottawa, Canada: Challenges for Young Researchers: Insights from the 2011 PAGSE Symposium.
Invited seminar (2011/02/28): Telfer School of Business, Ottawa, Canada: Is biotechnology losing ground? A study of the survival and growth factors of Canadian biotechnology firms.
Invited speaker (2011/02/18-19): Atelier DIME – The organization, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research, Turin, Italy: Impact of research funding on nanobiotechnology scientific production: does concentration in a few universities make sense?
Invited speaker (2010/03/24-26): Transatlantic Workshop on Nanotechnology Innovation and Policy, Atlanta, GA, USA: Is Canadian intellectual property leaving Canada? The study of nanotechnology patenting.
Invited Young Scientist (2010/02/14-16): Global Young Scientists Academy Conference, Berlin, Germany. [One of two Canadian scientists selected]
Invited seminar (2010/02/08): Telfer School of Business, Ottawa, Canada: Knowledge intensive business services: Innovation and cooperation activities.
Invited speaker (2009/06): Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Grenoble, France: Localisation des activités de R&D dans un champ en émergence. Le cas des nanotechnologies.
Invited speaker (2008/05/03): Nanobank Research Conference, Boston, MA, USA: Geographical aspects of collaboration in Canadian nanotechnology innovation.
Invited speaker (2008/05/01-02): National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conference – Emerging Industries: Nanotechnology and NanoIndicators, Boston, MA, USA: Collaboration and network indicators in Canadian nanotechnology.
Invited panelist (2007/12/03-04): Entretiens Jacques Cartier: Workshop Nanosciences et nanotechnologies: quelles ruptures, Grenoble, France:
- 1st Panel: De l’idée au brevet – espaces géographiques et technologiques ;
- 2nd Panel: Le modèle d’affaires des industries sera-t-il modifié avec les nanotechnologies.
Invited seminar (2001/02/22): CIRANO, Montreal, Canada: Cluster, innovation and growth: A study of European Countries.
Invited seminar (1999/09): European Summer School on Industrial Dynamics, Cargèse, France: Enterprise in Orbit: The Supply of Communication Satellites, 1964-92.
Invited seminar (1999/02/24): School of Management, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, United Kingdom: Enterprise in Orbit: The Supply of Communication Satellites, 1964-92.
Invited seminar (1998/11/26): Policy Research on Engineering, Science and Technology (PREST), University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom: Cluster, growth and the age of firms: A study of seven European Countries.
Invited seminar (1995/03): Institut d’Économie Industrielle, Toulouse, France: Bidding for Satellite Contracts.
----- Government -----
Invited panelist (2021/10/19): Innovation+ (Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal – CHUM): Les communautés et écosystème amplifiant les innovations.
Invited panellist (2021/06/09): Policy Horizon Canada – Futures Week : The future of value in the next digital economy.
Invited panellist (2020/12/09): OCDE Working party on Technology and Innovation Policy (TIP) : What role for science, technology and innovation un building resilience : How can STI systems help prepare for future shocks.
Invited expert witness (2019/11/17): Council of Canadian Academies – Scientific Advisory Committee – Subcommittee on S&T Methods: The importance of validating new data and methods for accurate STI measurement.
Invited seminar (2019/04/15): Economic Statistics Forum (Statistics Canada’s monthly seminar series)
- 1st panel (with Georges Hage): The adoption patterns of advanced technology in Canada;
- 2nd panel (with Mikaël Héroux-Vaillancourt): Using the web as a data source for measuring firm-level innovation.
Invited panellist (2019/04/11): International Development Research Center (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada: Breaking glass ceilings in science and research in the Global South.
Invited speaker (2019/03/12): The 5 à 7 events, hosted by the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), Montréal : Comment miser sur les écosystèmes d’innovation?
Invited speaker (2018/11/05-2018/11-09): The Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa Annual Forum, Global Research Council Africa Regional Meeting/Partnership for Impact Dialogue: Investing in Research and Innovation in Africa, Abidjan, Ivory Coast – Session 3: Challenges Facing Young Scientists and How to Respond: Challenges facing young scientists in Africa: What over 7,000 of them say – key findings and recommendations.
Invited speaker (2018/06/28-2018/06/29): 3rd OECD Annual Conference of the Global Forum on Productivity – Firms, Workers and Disruptive Technologies: Ensuring Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, Ottawa, Canada: From clusters to innovation ecosystems - How technology can help us better measure their impact.
Invited panellist (2018/06/27): Health Canada – Health Products Stakeholder Engagement Session, Ottawa, Canada: The Evolving Role of the Regulator.
Invited speaker (2018/06/04): Atelier sur l’enquête sur l’innovation et les stratégies d’entreprise de Statistique Canada:
- 1st panel: Beyond the innovation obstacle paradox – The role of government support in helping firms overcome these obstacles and innovate;
- 2nd panel: (with Charles Bérubé): Does opening innovation increase the performance of firms.
Invited speaker (2018/05/17-2018/05/18): Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) Symposium on A New Take on Innovation in Canada, Ottawa, Canada: Boosting the Demand Side: From clusters and networks to innovation ecosystems.
Invited speaker (2018/03/01): Workshop of international experts on Using Econometric Approaches to Evaluate Business Support, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariate, Canadian Government, Ottawa, Canada:
- 1st panel: Impact assessment – Using econometric approach to evaluate business support;
- 2nd panel: Lessons learned from econometric program assessment.
Invited panellist (2018/02/02): Joint inclusive growth and economic trends and policies roundtable discussion on the socioeconomic impacts of disruptive technologies, Privy Council Office, Canadian Government, Ottawa, Canada:
- 1st panel: Improving support for innovation and technological adoption;
- 2nd panel: Legal stress points and barriers to innovation.
Invited seminar (2018/01/31): International Development Research Center (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada: Young scientists in Africa - Headline results from the web-based survey and the bibliometric analysis.
Invited speaker and discussion leader (2017/03/24): 2017 Symposium on the Effectiveness of the Canadian Patent System – Problem solving breakout session. Innovation, Sciences and Economic Development Canada (ISED), Ottawa: Open, collaborative, and user innovation.
Invited speaker (2016/09/19-21): 3rd OECD Blue Sky Conference on Informing Science and Innovation Policies – Towards the Next Generation of Data and Indicators, Ghent, Belgium: Validation of a web mining technique to measure innovation in the Canadian nanotechnology-related community.
Invited speaker (2015/10/22-23): Statistics Canada research workshop on Identifying and closing gaps in measuring innovation, Ottawa, Canada:
- 1st panel: Open innovation and open business models in the Canadian Aerospace Industry;
- 2nd panel: Commercialising nanotechnology – information from scraping the web.
Invited focus group participant (2014/07/23): Modernisation of the thematic network program of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS).
Invited seminar (2014/05/07): International Development Research Center (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada: The Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS) Presentation of the main results from the precursor survey.
Invited speaker (2014/02/28): Statistics Canada workshop on Innovation indicators – data gaps, requirements and directions, Ottawa, Canada: Innovation or the commercialisation of research results: How are data collection and analysis to adapt to new open business models and innovation?
Invited seminar (2013/12/03): Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (with Seyed Reza Mirnezami): Revisiting the determinants of scientific publication citation.
Invited seminar (2013/11/27): Max Planck Institute of Economics and Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany: What influences scientific productivity and quality – Exploring the performance of Quebec scientists.
Invited seminar (2012/11/29): Social sciences and humanities research council (SSHRC), Ottawa, Canada: “Capturing the Impacts” of Research.
Invited expert witness (2012/05/17): Presentation to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology of the Government of Canada for their study of the Intellectual property regime in Canada: Intellectual property system in Canada.
Invited seminar (2011/12/01): Institut de la statistique du Québec, Montreal, Canada: Étude économétrique sur les facteurs de survie, de croissance et d’innovation des entreprises de biotechnologie.
Invited seminar (2011/09/27): Industry Canada, Ottawa, Canada: Description of the Partnership for Open Innovation in the New Technologies.
Invited seminar (2009/05/29): Institut de la Statistique du Québec, Quebec, Canada (with D. Doloreux, with N. Amara, R. Landry, R. Shearmur, P. Therrien): Services à forte intensité de connaissance: innovation et géographie.
Invited seminar (2000/11/29): United Kingdom Radio-communication Agency, London, United Kingdom: Economics of communication satellites, 1964-1992.
----- Private sector -----
Invited panelist (2020/11/25): C.D. Howe Institute Webinar with with Dr. Catherine Beaudry, Daniel Herman and John Knubley: Reviewing the Innovation Superclusters Initiative: Success or Failure?
Invited speaker (2020/12/09): Healthtech webinar – International mission Paraná-Québec : Innovation ecosystems.
Invited speaker (2020/05/21): Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal: Strategic Analysis Committee: Innovation & Disruptive Technologies, Montreal : Commercialisation de l’innovation : obstacles, adoption et écosystèmes.
Invited panellist (2019/11/13-15): 4.0 au féminin – Sommet mondial des femmes dans l’industrie manufacturière, Montréal Canada: Opening panel on innovation 4.0 – Transformation numérique ? L’histoire nous dit que les femmes relèveront le défi.
Invited speaker (2019/06/04-06): Movin’On Summit : Human capital mobility – A crucial contribution to innovation.
Invited panellist (2017/05/17-18): Congrès de l’Association des économistes Québécois (ASDEQ) sur les Technologies perturbatrices – des opportunités à saisir, des défis à relever, Gatineau, Canada: Concurrence internationale et course à l’innovation – Les nouvelles conditions de la concurrence industrielle.
Invited Young Scientist (2009/09/09-13): World Economic Forum – Annual meeting of the new champions 2009 and 2nd IAP/WEF Young Scientist Conference, Dalian, China. [One of two Canadian scientists selected by the Royal Society of Canada and then chosen as one of the 60 Outstanding Young Scientists selected by the InterAcademy Panel]
Invited panelist (2009/09/11): World Economic Forum – Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Dalian, People’s Republic of China: Groundbreaking ideas for social change. (
Invited speaker (2009/10/29): 7th Forum of the Chemical Industry, Boucherville, Canada: Collaboration et réseaux d’innovation de biotechnologie : État des lieux, risques et opportunités.
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