If you are part of one of the categories mentionned below, you could be exempted from Polytechnique's international students insurance plan. In some cases, you will need to obtain documents from your home country before leaving.
A.Students eligible for RAMQ (provincial public health care coverage)
1. By virtue of a social security agreement between Québec and certain countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden and Romania)
2. By virtue of the position you or one of your parents holds within an international organization, which is recognized by the Québec governement
3. By virtue of the fact that you were selected by Québec and that your Permanent Residence application is being processed by IRCC
4. By virtue of your status as a dependent of your spouse or parent who holds a eligible work permit
5. By virtue of your status as a student or trainee under an official scholarship program from the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec
Refer to the RAMQ website for complete details on eligibility conditions
B. Students who are beneficiairies of provincial or federal coverage
1. Students who are beneficiairies of public health coverage from another province
2. Students who are asylum seekers
3. Students who are recognized as refugees
C. Students who hold a scholarship that includes medical coverage
Scholarships from some international organizations include medical insurance. If you are the holder of such a scholarship, you will need to provide proof of coverage to the Polytechnique's Registrar's Office by the appropriate due date in order to be exempt from Polytechnique's insurance for international students.
D. Students who are holders of a Diplomatic card
E. Students currently writing their thesis or dissertation from abroad. You must provide proof to the Registrar's Office that you are not in Canada (e.g. plane tickets).
F. Students in Canada with their family. Please read the family medical coverage page for more information.