An engineering university that embraces diversity

As of Autumn 2020, women will account for over 30% of Polytechnique’s new bachelor’s level engineering students. The latter statistic represents major progress in terms of the percentage of female engineering students in Polytechnique’s programs, and far surpasses Engineers Canada’s goal of reaching 30% of female students in 2030 – ten years from now.
International students have an important place at Polytechnique. Close to one-third of bachelor’s level and over half of graduate-level students come from abroad, with over 100 different countries represented. Montréal’s appeal as a multicultural city on a human scale, with excellent quality of life is certainly another part of the appeal for international students!
An engineering university – with social impact

Polytechnique Montréal strives to be a model, a source of inspiration, and a reference in engineering – all while remaining focused on the social impact of our contributions. Polytechnique meets challenges with an approach that is constructive, focused, and based on expertise, and we participate in societal debates equipped with science and technology that resonates with and reflects our values.
Whether by sharing and harnessing the advances and innovations that our professors and researchers have created, or through the careers and contributions of our graduates, Polytechnique is an agent of change in fields that meet society’s needs – now and tommorrow.
An engineering university – committed to sustainable development

Sustainable development is a preoccupation in terms of a student’s educational journey at Polytechnique. We offer an academic path where sustainability is an integral part of the curriculum, and an essential part of the university’s strategic goal: to train engineers who are innovative, entrepreneurial, leaders, and citizens who are responsible in our increasingly global world.
Integrating sustainability principles is a collective and cooperative effort at Polytechnique, one that actively involves students, the professorial corps, personnel, and administrative and executive staff. At Polytechnique, sustainable development is a shared concern and of interest to our community.
Polytechnique Montréal’s Lassonde buildings were the first-ever Canadian university buildings to receive LEED Gold international certification, and have since become a reference in sustainable construction.
An engineering university – committed to research innovation

Polytechnique offers courses and programs in numerous engineering specialties, wherein the institution accounts for the production of nearly one-quarter of university engineering research in Québec. The university also conducts some of Canada’s most intensive research activities through its approximately 60 research units and faculty comprising world-renowned experts. From medical engineering, sustainable development, information security, and aerospace engineering – to name only a few, Polytechnique is at the cutting edge of innovation.
Close to 50 years ago, Polytechnique demonstrated strategic insight by establishing research partnerships with industry. Always head of the curve when it comes to industry-university partnerships, Polytechnique is well-known for our ability to meet the need of industrial partners through the development of new knowledge coupled with cutting-edge technologies.
An engineering university – with a history of contributing to major projects

In the 19th century, those who identified as engineers were also mechanics, train engineers, entrepreneurs, and architects. The establishment of École Polytechnique à Montréal in 1873 heralded both a new era and a new generation of engineers whose sense of belonging and community would lead them to identify with their profession and distinguish it from all others.
Over the years, Polytechnique Montréal has educated over 52,500 engineers who have greatly contributed to society’s evolution through involvement with major Quebecois, Canadian and international projects and successes. Polytechnique graduates have accomplished projects that drive the economy, support sustainability, have launched space explorations, and made medicine more effective, in such fields as aerospace, telecommunications, information security, artificial intelligence, and biomedical research. At Polytechnique Montréal, our graduates change the world – for the better.