Governing Documents and Statutes
Security of Property and People
Academics and Student Life
- Polytechnique Montréal Declaration of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Supervision Policy for Graduate Students
- Directives regarding the status of postdoctoral fellows
- Invitation procedure for research interns from foreign institutions
- Application Guide for Polytechnique Montréal's Policy on the Evaluation, Improvement and Development of Teaching
- Competencies, Competency Elements and Resources to Mobilize for the DESS, Professional Master's, Research-Based Master's and Doctorate
Research and Innovation
- Regulations governing Financial Conflicts of Interest of United States of America's Public Health Services sponsored investigators
- Policy Regarding Technological Intellectual Property
- Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans
- Policy on Integrity and Conflicts of Interest in Research
- Procedure for the Ethical Certification of Research Projects Involving Animals
- Certification Procedure for Research Involving (or Potentially Involving) IT Risks