Services for Alumni
Services Offered by the Library
Electronic Resources
The library website’s Subject Guides offer access to numerous electronic resources, which can only be accessed by Polytechnique professors, researchers, students & employees. However, the library accepts many walk-in users for in-library access to all our collections of electronic resources. Any walk-in visitor needs only to ask for a guest account from staff at the Circulation Desk.
Print Collections
Polytechnique alumni can borrow documents from our print collections with a $125 donation to Fondation et alumni de Polytechnique Montréal. The donation can be made when visiting the Library. Alumni will receive in exchange a library card, which is valid for one (1) year.
Documents not Owned by Polytechnique Library
Alumni can use their own employer’s ILL (inter-library loan) service, if they have a documentation center, or they can ask assistance from their own public library in obtaining these documents.
Software & Equipment
Scanners and printers are available for all our patrons inside the library.
Help with Your Searches
The Reference Desk staff can help alumni, when they consult our electronic resources from inside the library. Staff can explain how to access the numerous databases & e-collections from the library’s website and also suggest search strategies to maximize your search results.