Suggest a purchase
Whether a book, standard or other type of document you deem pertinent, Polytechnique Library encourages you to submit purchasing suggestions using this form.
Donate Books
Polytechnique Library thanks you for considering donating books that served you well, as these books may also serve other users.
However, in order to maintain a current and dynamic collection, it would be appreciated if you could sort through the books you wish to send to the Library by retaining books published less than 5 years ago in the field of computer science or published less than 10 years ago in other fields.
We offer three options:
- You can request that a member of the Library staff come and sort the books for you on site.
- You can sort the books yourself and send a list of titles that meet our criteria to
- You can sort the books yourself and then send the books that meet our criteria in a letter-size (8 ½ x 11) printer box to us.
For books that do not meet the Library's criteria, we suggest that you contact the organization Cultures à partager.
Comments and Suggestions
Please send your comments and suggestions regarding subscriptions to journals or databases to Ms. Christine Chahal, Principal Advisor – Collection Development.
New aquisitions
Polytechnique Library provides a list of new acquisitions by field and subfield of engineering. A separate list is available for our cultural collection.
New publications
Polytechnique Library provides a list of new publications by field or subfield of engineering. You can use this list to submit purchasing suggestions to our team.