Code of conduct

Library Regulations
Non-compliance with any of these provisions may result in the suspension of Library privileges or expulsion from the Library. Users are also responsible for paying the Library for the repair or replacement of books, equipment, furniture and material that is damaged or lost. The Library Regulations specify user rights and responsibilities as well as sanctions.
The Library should provide a pleasant environment conducive to intellectual pursuits. Attaining this objective depends on you.
Remain civil
- Show courtesy to faculty members and other users.
- Only use the space required for your own needs.
- Return borrowed items before or by the due date.
Avoid making noise
- Any noise that disturbs the concentration of other users is considered excessive. Therefore, please refrain from using cell phones, turn off ringtones, lower the volume of your mp3 players and avoid loud conversations.
- Keep silent in designated areas.
Respect the documents, site and equipment
- Do not bring food or drink. Only water bottles and drinks in covered cups are tolerated.
- Avoid highlighting, underlining, noting, cutting or folding pages, or damaging documents in any way.
- Maintain the order of documents on shelves and leave consulted documents on the tables or locations provided.
- Leave group study rooms orderly and clean.
Respect the law
- Comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act, electronic resources licences, the Regulation Concerning the Use and Management of Computer Resources and the Copyright Policy.
Users are not permitted to give access to Library-financed resources to anyone other than professors, students or Polytechnique staff.
In addition, users are in general not permitted to:
- Substantially or systematically reproduce or download content from databases, e-zines or e-books (e.g., the complete download of a magazine is prohibited)
- Create derived products such as local document database
- Re-distribute data and printed or downloaded texts to a third party
For more information:
Utilisation éthique de l'information (in French only)
Regulation Concerning the Use and Management of Information Technology Resources
Policy Copyright
Help keep the Library safe
- Identify yourself and present your ID card when asked.
- Protect your personal belongings.
- Notify Library staff of any inappropriate behaviour.