Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity| Certificates

Undergraduate certificate in Analysis and operational cybersecurity

The security of computer systems is a chief concern for those who uses transactional websites to exchange information or transfer data. This certificate trains specialists who will be able to make informed and strategic digital business decisions based on the skills and knowledge acquired in the program’s courses, including optimal use of computer hardware and the mastery of various techniques.

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Electronic banking and financial transactions, online purchases and commerce have become the currency of the day in a great majority of organizations and households. The security of computer systems is a major concern for anyone using these sites to exchange information or to transfer data.

The Undergraduate Certificate in Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity trains specialists who will be able to make informed and strategic digital business decisions based on the skills and knowledge acquired in the program’s courses, including optimal use of computer hardware and the mastery of various techniques.

Courses provide an overview of different operating systems and software that allow users to choose the best available security tools on the market. Students are trained to be specialists who can put best practices at work to defend, protect, support and maintain the integrity of the computer networks of the organizations where they are employed.

To learn more about the structure of the Undergraduate Certificate in Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity and its courses

By combining the Undergraduate Certificate in Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity with two other certificates offered by Polytechnique Montréal, the Université de Montréal or HEC Montréal dealing with different aspects in the field of cybersecurity, a student may obtain a cumulative undergraduate degree with a specialization in cybersecurity.

Program highlights

  • Only program of its kind in Quebec and Canada
  • 30 credits | full-time or part-time
  • Evening courses are available to better manage a work-study balance
  • Courses are offered online
  • Courses are taught by experts in their field
  • Enhanced cyber-criminality training over the past 10 years reflecting the expertise of instructors
  • Constant updating of courses in step with market evolution
  • Exhaustive course content

Who is this certificate program for?

The Undergraduate Certificate in Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity is designed for persons with recognized computer skills or in cyber-investigation. The Certificate is of particular interest to managers and other persons who may, in the course of their work, be called upon to deploy and administer security management programs that ensure the security of computer systems, to evaluate the level of vulnerability, and to assess the risk of poor security practices.

Professional Opportunities

The Undergraduate Certificate in Analysis and Operational Cybersecurity can lead to the following careers:

  • Cybersecurity analyst
  • Cybersecurity advisor
  • Cybersecurity investigator
  • Specialist in business continuity
  • Specialist in cloud and network analysis (forensics) and security concepts
  • Specialist in compliance
  • Specialist in cybersecurity management
  • Specialist in data analysis (forensics), security architecture
  • Specialist in identity and access management (GIA)
  • Specialist in incident management
  • Specialist in network security
  • Specialist in computer penetration testing
  • Specialist in security verification and compliance auditing


This program is offered online.

Why should you pursue your studies online?

For the flexibility, the expertise and the variety of courses offered.  Several courses are being offered asynchronously, that is, you can follow the courses and study during the week when it is convenient for you. Polytechnique Montréal also offers you the flexibility to choose your own rhythm of study. You wish to pursue your certificate program part-time by taking 3 to 9 credits per semester? It’s possible. You want to complete your studies full-time by taking 12 to 15 credits per semester? That’s also possible. This flexibility will permit you to establish your own work-study-family balance.

Learn more about online courses


Learn more about admission requirements


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For more information

To learn more about Polytechnique Montréal, undergraduate certificates and programs offered or the admissions process, contact the Office of Student Recruitment, Promotion and Events at Polytechnique Montréal: 514 340-4928 | You can also download the digital information document on our undergraduate certificates and microprograms.