Time: Oct 25, 2024, 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 824 3791 1415
Passcode: 614058
Anne Blayo graduated from Grenoble INP-Pagora in 1988. She holds a doctorate (1994) and a habilitation to supervise research (2001). She teaches student engineers at Grenoble INP-Pagora on inks, colorimetry, functional printing, and printed electronics. Within the LGP2 laboratory, she pursues her research on inks (chemical composition, physicochemical and rheological properties), calorimetry, and new applications of printing processes (printed electronics, functional inks). She has been the director of LGP2 since January 2021.
Invited speaker Dr Micaela Matta (King’s College London)
Date: June 3rd, 2024 at 10h30 (ETS)
Hybrid format: J-3078 JAB, Polytechnique Montreal. Coffee and biscuits will be served. Bring your cup!
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Meeting ID: 867 6330 5819
Passcode: 686299
This is a joint activity between CREATE SEED and the UNESCO Chair in GSE.
CREATE SEED and the UNESCO Chair in GSE are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Invited speakers from Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
- Ismael SAADOUNE : Presentation of the RESTART project (H2020)
- Rabei ARGANE: WEEE Management in Morocco: Challenges & Perspectives
- Nabil EL MOUNAFIA: Regenerating High-performance NMC Cathodes from End-of-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries: A low-Temperature Molten Salt Recycling Approach
- Marouane AANNIR: From Waste to Power: Recycling Lithium-ion Batteries through Hydrometallurgy for Sustainable Battery Material Innovation
- Hajar CHAOU: Modelling of an integrated process for electrochemically assisted battery material recovery
Date 1: April 12, 2024. From 13h00 to 14h30 (ETS)
Date 2: May 6, 2024. From 13h00 to 14h30 (ETS)
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Meeting ID: 847 1338 9629
Passcode: 157489
April 8th, 2024. From 15h45 to 17h45 (ETS)
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Meeting ID: 863 8764 2041
Passcode: 950241
This is a joint activity between the PHS8303E: “Sustainable Electronics, Eco-Design, Electronic Waste Management” course, CREATE SEED, and the UNESCO Chair in GSE.
A joint activity between UBC (MINE 444/590P 201 2023W2) and Polytechnique Montreal (PHS8303E)
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Meeting ID: 672 4623 9576
Passcode: 149469
Presented by CREATE SEED, Chair UNESCO in GSE in collaboration with McGill Office of Sustainability (MOOS)
Guest speaker: Agudor Kwaku Agabas - Founder & C.E.O - AppCyclers
Hybrid format event. Please register ONLY if you wish to come in person (Maass Chemistry Building. McGillUniversity, 801 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0B8) or use the link below to connect virtually
Looking forward to seeing you!
REGISTER HERE: https://lnkd.in/eBgCkeG9
CREATE SEED is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 8830 1454
Passcode: 168088
In person. CREATE SEED students only
9h00 to 9h30 Breakfast and welcome
10h00 to 11h00 Prof. Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne's presentation, at Wong (room 7130) M. H. Wong Building. Faculty of Engineering
11h00 to 12h00 Lab demo: Dorval Lab
12h00 to 12h45 Lunch
13h00 to 14h00 Prof. Audrey Moores's presentation Otto Mass Maass Chemistry Building. Academic Personnel Office
14h00 to 15h00 Lab demo: The Moores Research Group
Invited speaker: MSc. Luciana Manelli, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) - Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas (FICH) and Municipality of the city of Santa Fe (Argentina)
Date: October 2, 2023
Time: from 12h15 to 13h30 ETS
Room: M-5519 (room capacity: 20 people) Lassonde pavilion, Polytechnique Montreal
Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85385616709?pwd=SmwvelgrM1hsZWpacWE2RTl0K2JFdz09 (Meeting ID: 853 8561 6709 and Passcode: 132815)
Joint activity with the UNESCO Chair in GSE
The compostability of industrial eco-materials: theory, laboratory studies, certification and « reality »
Dr. Denis Rho
1. Introduction
2. Recycling strategy
3. Composting process
4. Composting test, standard
5. Composting test, results
• Mechanisms of Biodegradation
6.Composting test, scientific discussion
7. Eco design Inspired by Nature
•Ideal Green electronics
•Materials’ half-life
8.Eco design Inspired by Nature
•Advanced composting strategy
9.Concluding remarks
Prof. Theo van de Ven
• Definition of sustainable materials
• Present trends
• Sustainable building materials
• Wood, Glass, Bricks, Steel, Cement and Concrete
• Sustainable clothing
• Smart textile
• Sustainable electronics
• Sustainable transportation
• Sustainable medical materials
• Green chemicals
• Principles of green chemistry
• Sustainable packaging
• Novel sustainable films and 3D objects
• 3D printing of sustainable materials
• Transportation of chemicals
• Recyclability
• Take home messages
Samuel Vaillancourt. Agnico Eagle
Basics of electronic devices micro(fabrication): materials, techniques, processes. Water and power consumption
Christophe Clément. Polytechnique Montreal
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM use in the recovery of precious metals. Reverse engineering
Oliver Girard. Polytechnique Montreal
Electronic Waste: Physical Separation. Economic and process benefits
Gabriel Baptiste. PolyVert
OHS issues in the e-waste recycling industry. A sociological and systemic perspective
Daniel CÔTÉ, Ph.D. anthropology Researcher, IRSST
Objective: Contribute to creating self-confidence in trainees, for them to be able to explore novel, uncertain, sometimes risky routes in their professional careers
13h00 to 13h10. Welcome and introduction by Prof. Clara Santato
Each speaker introduces himself/herself with a short bio about their professional experience. 20 minutes each
13h10 to 13h30 Prof. Denis Seletskiy. Associate Professor. Department of Engineering Physics. Polytechnique Montreal
13h30 to 13h50 Dr Marjorie Cavarroc. Materials & Processes Expert. SAFRAN
13h50 to 14h10 Prof. Federico Rosei. Full Professor. EMT-INRS
Questions to be answered by each speaker. 10 minutes each
What did give you (and is giving you) the confidence to say, “I can do it”!
Could you share any tips on how to survive to future professionals, based on your own personal experience?
Is there an anecdote, perhaps personal and not professional, that you could share that has left marks that forged your career?
14h10 to 14h20 Dr Marjorie Cavarroc
14h20 to 14h30 Prof. Federico Rosei
14h30 to 14h40. Prof. Denis Seletskiy
10 minutes coffee break
14h50 to 16h45. Period of questions by the participants
Wrap up
16h45 to 17h00.Take home messages
- Wednesday, October 12th from 12h30 to 13h30
Prof. Maria Holuszko’s lecture. Urban Mining Innovation Center (UMIC), University of British Columbia (UBC)
“From mining engineer to Urban Mining researcher”
Workshop on “Survival Skills”. Hybrid format. Presentation in English. In-person for CREATE SEED members and Polytechnique Montréal community. A mandatory activity for CREATE SEED trainees.
- Wednesday, October 19th from 17h00 to 19h00
Repair Café
Free event, open to the public. First come, first served!
Event organized in collaboration with Polytechnique Sustainable Development Office and PolyFab Normand Brais
For more information, please visit Polytechnique Montréal web page “Atelier d'aide à la réparation d'objets - Repair café. 2022” https://www.polymtl.ca/calendrier/evenements/atelier-daide-la-reparation-dobjets-repair-cafe?start=1666213200&end=1666213200
- Wednesday, October 26th from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Philip Babin. Undergraduate student in computer engineering and VP repair of the COMIC student committee
“Repairable and upgradable electronics”
Hybrid form. Presentation in French. In-person for CREATE SEED members and the Polytechnique community (room B-203)
- Thursday, November 3rd from 11h00 to 12h00
Nadine Pouliot. Materials management. Department of Industrial Projects and Development, Québec City
« Ashes from the grids of the City of Quebec incinerator: an ore that arouses interest «
Event online. Presentation in French
All online activities are free and open to public. To have access to online activities, please register at the link that accompanies this publication.
Please contact us for more information: create-seed@polymtl.ca
REGISTRATION HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/october-e-waste-awareness-month-tickets-4298...
Design theorist Matt Malpas suggests that critical design is “less about problem-solving and more about problem finding.” Rather than offering solutions or efficiencies, critical designers develop projects that provide time and space to reflect on specific issues, most often problems related to technological progress. The concept of a circular economy is a speculative concept that will require creative insights into possible futures for human behavior. The critical design provides methods for imaging those futures en route to making them possible through research and development. Critical design practices can be integrated into the design workflow as a way of exploring positive futures and mitigating the potential negative impacts of technological innovations. In this 4-hour workshop, participants will be introduced to critical design methods and apply them in small group projects to create speculative scenarios and objects-to-think-with that promote reflection on the circular economy. The workshop will provide participants with skills that can be applied in their own research, design, and innovation contexts.
Responsible: Prof. Marcel O'Gorman (University of Waterloo)
First part
- Tour de table (30 minutes)
- Presentation of the C2MI. Presentation of obstacles and opportunities in eco-design in microelectronics by the C2MI (60 minutes)
- Questions and discussion period (30 minutes)
Second part
- Students present their projects (90 minutes)
- Questions and discussion period (30 minutes)
In collaboration with AppCyclers (Tamale, Ghana)
Day 1 (hybrid)
- Keynote Speakers (1 hour)
- Flavia Visentin. CREATE SEED coordinator
- Sian Young. Waste Educator. Founder & CEO Siel Environmental Services Limited
- Agudor Kwaku Agabas. Entrepreneur. Founder and CEO AppCyclers
- Round Table Discussion (1 hour)
- Eric Lundgreen. Founder/ CEO. BIG BATTERY. NY, USA
- Edmund Arthur Brown. Founder / CEO -Premier Waste Ghana. Plastic Waste Recycler
- Mohamed Khalil. CEO Pyrocycle
- Sandy Agbottah. Founder Innovate Labs Building 3D printer from e-waste
- Idea Hack in groups (I hour)
- Closing Remark
- Alhassan Adamu. Activist. Executive Director, TEFF
- Issah Rahama. Radio Host. Executive Director, Active Youth Global
Day 2 (Tamale, Ghana)
Theme: Engaging Women And Children On Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design
- Repair of Smartphones and laptops
- Dismantling of phone and laptop
- Upcycling of e-waste
Day 3 (Tamale, Ghana)
Theme: Planting trees, as an enabler to promote a greener and safer environment
- Planting of trees
- Football match
Day 4 (Tamale, Ghana and CREATE SEED social media)
Social Media Awareness Campaign
On the basis of CAP7110E WRITING SCIENCE EFFECTIVELY, in this workshop, participants will learn about: Five qualities of effective writing: concise, precise, active, vigorous, straightforward. Seven cardinal sins of writing: hedging, boasting, signposting, redundant, self-conscious, narcissism, periphrasis. Persuasion means logos, ethos, pathos. Writing a scientific paper. Writing meaningful titles and abstracts. Differences between conclusion and abstract. Assigning co-authorship. Plagiarism.
- Daria C. Boffito is a Professor in Chemical Engineering since May 2016. She is the head of the Engineering Process Intensification and Catalysis (EPIC) research group. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Intensified Mechano-Chemical Processes for Sustainable Biomass Conversion.
- Gregory Patience, Ph.D., PEng, MCIC, is an imaginative and prolific innovator. During his 14-year career in industry and 16 years in academia, he has developed new processes that are game-changers for industry and the environment.
Introduction to the problem of solid waste management in Canada, with a focus on electronic waste and its socio-environmental impact.
- Myra J. Hird is Professor, Queen's National Scholar, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in the School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University, Canada. Professor Hird is Director of Waste Flow, an interdisciplinary research project focused on waste as a global scientific-technical and socio-ethical issue. Canada’s Waste Flows Waste Management’s Bigger Picture.
The Scientific Promise and Commercial Challenges of Switchable and Sustainable Materials through a deep dive into the fascinating science of smart materials followed by real-life commercialization case studies.
- Rajagopalan, Sumitra S. Bioastra Technologies Inc., Founder, and CEO. Circularity in the Age of COVID: Smart Materials as Building Blocks for a Sustainable (and Safe) Electronics Revolution
Tuesday, May 28
Location: Meeting Room (Michael Charles Council Chamber on the 2nd floor in the Galbraith Building at 35 St George Street, Toronto M5S 1A4
AM: Breakfast and presentation of the participants with a poster or short ppt (max 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A) and Open Centre for the Characterization of Advanced Materials (OCCAM) visit
PM: Lab demo at the Photocatalysis laboratories. Dr Gouda
Wednesday, May 29
Symposium "Sensing of BioChemical Species" Prof Kherani
Register here
Thursday, May 30
Symposium "Metamaterial Catalysis" Prof Kherani
Register here
Friday, May 31
Location: Meeting Room (Michael Charles Council Chamber on the 2nd floor in the Galbraith Building at 35 St George Street, Toronto M5S 1A4)
Case study presentation
Final wrap up
Host institution: University of Toronto
June 5. Industrial visit. Impact Global Solutions
June 6. Lectures*
* Only CREATE SEED students will be in person at Polytechnique Montréal. Online lectures are public and free. Mandatory registration here. Delivery of certificates of participation upon request
9h10 - 9h10 Welcome
9h10 - 10h10 Prof. Jamal Chaouki
10h10 - 11h10 Prof. Daria Boffito
11h10 break
11h20 - 12h20 Prof. Clara Santato
Lunch break
Students' oral and poster presentation
13h30 – 13h40 Anthony Camus
13h40 – 13h50 Azadeh Khoshoei
13h50 – 14h00 Molood Alsadat Hoseinizadeh
14h00 – 14h10 Camille Bour
14h10 – 14h20 Dieudonné Niyonkuru
14h20 – 14h30 Kokilavani Shanmugasundaram
14h30 – 14h40 Laura Debarre
14h40 – 14h50 Mario Arenas Garcia
14h50 – 15h00 Matthieu Souttre
15h10 – 15h20 Chizoba Duru
15h20 – 15h30 Pénélope Bieuville
15h30 – 15h40 Titouan Greffe
15h40 – 15h50 Xiaofeng Pan
15h50 – 16h00 Yasser Matos Peralta
June 7. Visits of laboratories: Electron Microscopy Techniques
in collaboration with: McGill University, the University of Toronto, and the Facility for Electron Microscopy Research (FEMR) at McGill University
Prof. Audrey Moores
Register here
June 8. Case study on lithium batteries end of life
Prof. Guillaume Majeau-Bettez
International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes, and Services (CIRAIG)
June 9. Case study on lithium batteries end of life. Presentation of the results of the case study by the CREATE SEED students
Evaluation jury: Prof. Audrey Moores, Prof. Clara Santato and Prof. Lucien Weiss
June 13. Industrial visit. Innovation Collaboration Center, Microsystems design and prototyping (C2MI). Bromont, Qc
June 14. Lectures* and case study on electronic waste
8h30 - 9h30 (EDT) "Waste recovery and valorization" Silvia Fiore, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
9h30 - 10h30 (EDT) "Sustainability in the industry" Jean-Claude LeBlanc, Sustainability Director at Celestica, Canada
10h30 - 11h00 (EDT) Break
11h00 - 12h00 (EDT) "Artisanal mining" Marcello Veiga, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, Canada
Afternoon (only for CREATE SEED training) "Electronic waste as an opportunity" Agudor Agabas, Founder and CEO of the social enterprise AppCyclers, Ghana
June 15. Lab demo on ecotoxicology https://www.safe-nanolab.com
June 16. Industrial visit. Moneris, the largest Canadian financial technology company that specializes in payment processing. Saint Laurent, Qc
Annual CREATE SEED Co-Principal investigators meeting
June 17. Case study on electronic waste. Results presentation and evaluation. Evaluation committee: Prof. Clara Santato; M. Agudor Agabas and Dr. Pierre-Jean Alarco
* Only CREATE SEED students will be in person at Polytechnique Montréal. Online lectures are public and free. Mandatory registration here. Delivery of certificates of participation upon request.
At the end of the summer school, students will be able to:
- Differentiate between the linear and circular economy in the electronics
- Deduce/predict impacts on health workers (including women and children) in the informal WEEE recycling sector
- Identify how WEEE can be considered as wealth
- Analyze the characteristics and the potential for recycling of a key metal in electronics (copper) in a real industrial problem in Canada
Registration here
Dr. Karbasi, Ambassador at the Circular Economy Institute (CEI). Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Recycling Technologies for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) at Conestoga College in Cambridge, Ontario. “Circular economy applied to the electronic industry. How to improve recycling companies’ practices to make them more circular?”
Dr. Pascale, Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay). “E-waste: Environmental and Health Challenges. Special focus on (informal) workers' health impacts”
Dr. Tayo Fadina, EHS Data Manager. Survey Coordinator, Wood (Canada). “Waste electric and electronic equipment management (WEEE); the wealth waiting to be mined in waste.”
- Lab visit/lab demos: Prof. Saji George “Tools and methods for health hazard assessment of chemicals and materials”
- Case Study: Eng., M.Sc. Florent Bouguin, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer OPTEL GROUP. “Introduction to case study: copper value chain”
- Poster session
June 15
9h00 – 9h15 Introduction
9h15 – 10h00 Dr. Karbasi. Ambassador at the Circular Economy Institute (CEI). NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Recycling Technologies for WEEE at Conestoga College in Cambridge. “Circular economy applied to the electronic industry. How to improve recycling companies’ practices to make them more circular?”
10h00 – 10h20 Q&A
10h20 – 10h35 BREAK
10h35 – 11h20 Dr. Pascale. Center of Biomedical Sciences. University of Montevideo (Uruguay). “E-waste: Environmental and Health Challenges. Special focus on (informal) workers health impacts”
11h20 – 11h40 Q&A
11h40 – 13h00 LUNCH BREAK
13h00 – 13h45 Dr. Tayo Fadina, Environmental, health, and safety (EHS) Data Manager / Survey Coordinator. Wood. Canada. “WEEE management; the wealth waiting to be mined in waste”
13h45 – 14h05 Q&A
14h05 – 14h20 BREAK
14h20 – 14h30 Introduction. Poster section (10 min presentation + 5 min questions) = 8 students will present
14h30 – 14h45 Kingsley Wong “Protein-Based Materials for Sustainable Electronics”
14h45 – 15h00 Dieudonné Niyonkuru “Investigation on the electronic structure of eumelanin films to shed light on charge carrier injection and transport properties, a route for developing organic green electronic devices”
15h00 – 15h15 Ruby Liu “Effects of environmental aging on the phototoxicity of photoactive nanomaterial”
15h15 – 15h30 Govind Nanda “Low-Temperature Hydrogen Passivation for high-performance silicon solar cells”
15h30 – 15h45 BREAK
15h45 – 16h00 Sachin Samarakone “Kinetics of Sonochemical Leaching on Monazite”
16h00 – 16h15 Molood Hoseinizadeh “Bio-macromolecules for sustainable energy storage applications”
16h15 – 16h30 Student 7
16h30 – 16h45 Soseh Zadoorian “Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries by Ultrasound Synthesis”
June 16
10h00 – 12h00 Prof. George McGill University (Canada). “Tools and methods for health hazard assessment of chemicals and materials”
12h00 – 13h30 LUNCH BREAK
13h30 – 14h15 Prof. George McGill University (Canada). Lab demo (virtual) “Tools and methods for health hazard assessment of chemicals and materials”
14h15 – 15h00 Q&A
June 17
10h00 – 10h15 Introduction
10h15 - 12h15 Eng., M.Sc. Florent Bouguin, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer OPTEL GROUP. “Introduction to case study: Copper value chain”
Afternoon: Private session. CREATE SEED Students will work privately on case study
June 18
10h00 – 10h15 Introduction
Each team will have 15 min to present their results. Afterward, Evaluation Committee will have 5 min question
10h15 –11h35 Students’ presentation
11h35 – 11h55 BREAK
11h55 – 12h20 Q&A
12h20 – 12h30 Conclusions and closure of the summer school
Responsible: Prof. Maria Holuszko
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
Term 2 – Winter 2020/21
Invited lectures: Dr. Amit Kumar (UBC); Dr. Clara Santato (Polytechnique Montréal); Dr. Flavia Visentin (Polytechnique Montréal)
After completing this course, the students should be able to:
- Understand concepts of sustainable development in the context of electronic waste; environmental and health impacts of e-waste if not recycled;
- Become familiarized with the scope of the problem related to the electronic c waste generation, management and practices around the world;
- Learn how to estimate e-waste generation;
- Become aware of social and economic implications of recycling and reprocessing of e-waste, including issues with the informal recycling activities around the world;
- Learn about various recycling technologies: Physical separation; Pyrometallurgical; Hydrometallurgical; Bio hydrometallurgical
- Learn about circular economy in electronics
Structure and function of electronic devices (EDs). Basics about the fabrication of EDs: materials and processes. Raw materials, their purity and their geographical origin. Sources of synthetic materials, including the sacrificial ones. Energy and water consumption during fabrication. Approaches to make greener currently used materials and (micro)fabrication processes. Power consumption during operation of EDs. End-of-life of electronic products: definition and Rs (e.g. reduce, reuse, recycle) scenarios. Life cycle analysis (LCA). Circular electronics. Effects on health and the environment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Urban mining. Eco-design, including modular electronics. Sustainable business models and value chains. Emerging approaches to greener electronics. Compostable electronics. International initiatives for sustainable electronics. Psychology of consumer electronics.
Responsible: Prof. Clara Santato (Polytechnique Montréal) and Dr. Flavia Visentin (Polytechnique Montréal)
Department of Engineering Physics. Polytechnique Montréal
Invited lectures: Dr. Amit Kumar (Tetra Tech); Dr.Antonio Pascale (University of Montevideo); Olivier Girard (Polytechnique Montréal); Prof. Sophie Bernard (Polytechnique Montréal); Prof. Thomas Pabst (Polytechnique Montréal); Prof. Marcel O'Gorman (University of Waterloo); Prof. Audrey Moores (McGill University); Christophe Clément (Polytechnique Montréal); Dr. Denis Rho (NRC - Aquatic and Crop Resource Development); Prof. Brunilde Sanso (Polytechnique Montréal)
CREATE SEED, 2024 Trip to Tamale, Ghana
Internship in a social and green enterprise located in Tamale, Northern Ghana. AppCyclers has worked since 2019 in electronic waste (WEEE or e-waste) management using data analysis, education, and technology to improve e-waste disposal. They provide upcycling solutions through e-waste collection, e-waste recycling, and e-waste education to promote a safer, greener environment in Ghana and Africa.
Details of the trip/internship
- Expected date of the trip: Fall 2024
- Duration: 1 week
- The scholarship covers travel expenses, accommodation, and other expenses related to the trip
Eligibility criteria
- Be a student at Polytechnique Montréal at the time of applying
- (will be considered as a plus) Students who have taken or plan to take the course in winter 2024 PHS8303E Sustainable Electronics, Eco-Design, Electronic Waste Management
- If you are interested in (non-restrictive list): green entrepreneurship, e-waste management, green electronics, and sustainability
- Interest in reporting the experience in a documentary disclosure format for the public (social media diffusion)
Recruitment Process
Submit your motivation letter including a plan work for further dissemination of the experience (max 2 pages) at create-seed@polymtl.ca by December 20th, 2023
Local partners
- Hosting university https://tatu.edu.gh/
- Hosting start up https://appcyclers.com/?v=3e8d115eb4b3
Deadline submission: December 20th, 2023
Sponsored by: CREATE SEED and Polytechnique Montréal International (POINT) through Fonds d’initiatives internationales (FINT)
Useful information
Tuesday, October 24, and Wednesday, October 25, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lassonde Hall (first floor, Lassonde Pavilion, Polytechnique MOntreal)
More info here
During October, CREATE SEED students, members of the Sustainable Development Office of Polytechnique Montréal, and members of ERA carried out awareness campaigns and electronic waste collection in the Polytechnique Montréal pavilions.