Collaborative Research and Training Experience in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design (CREATE SEED)

Students Application

Over six years, CREATE SEED will train a new generation of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) with a value-added experience in terms of an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together: chemistry, chemical engineering, engineering physics, (eco)toxicology, electronic circuit design, hardware engineering, systems analysis, social sciences of the media, environmental economics, sustainable value chains, and business models; professional skills in teamwork, communication, management, decision-making, and leadership. A total of 80 HQP in Natural Sciences and Engineering and Social Sciences and Humanities (18 undergraduate, 27 masters, and 35 Ph.D.) will be part of this program.

Scholarships available:

  • Undergraduate's Student: $ 2,000 / year, for a maximum of 1 year
  • Master's Student: $ 9,000 / year, for a maximum of 2 years. The supervisor must provide a minimum of $ 10,000 / year to reach a total amount of $ 19,000 / year or more
  • Ph.D. Student: $ 10,000 / year,  for a maximum of 3 years.  The supervisor must provide a minimum of $ 12,000 / year to reach a total amount of $ 22,000 / year or more

Upon receiving a CREATE SEED scholarship, the students are committed to:

  • take 6 credits on flipped mode courses (The list of courses is in the * .docx form to fill out below (see Students' Recruitment Process). The list is periodically updated. New courses are added based on the needs of the students)
  • participate in two (2) online workshops, four (4) hours duration
  • participate in one (1) summer school, four (4) days duration
  • participate in one (1) workshop devoted to ‘Survival Skills’ and one (1) workshop on communication (including public speaking and media training), four (4) hours duration

Students' Recruitment Process:

To apply for a CREATE SEED scholarship, the candidate must be registered at one of the 6 Canadian universities participating in the program (please consult the list of partner Canadian universities). Spontaneous applications are welcome but are subject to prior acceptance by the university where the candidate wishes to study.

Before applying, we strongly suggest consulting this guide (Office of Professional Services. College of Arts and Sciences. Harvard University)

  • Masters and PhDs
  1. Registration form (.docx)
  2. Self-Identification form (.pdf)


  • Summer internships (*)
  1. Short project description (maximum 1 page)
  2. CV (Maximum 3 pages)
  3. Grades
  4. Short support letter (or email) from the supervisor

All documents should be sent to in a single PDF file. The PDF must not include the self-identification form. This must be sent separately as it is a confidential document.

(*) Summer students agree to participate in summer school