Génie par la simulation (GPS)


Pour toute information relative au programme GPS, les personnes intéressées sont invitées à contacter David Vidal, directeur du programme.

(514) 340-4711 poste 5870

Concours d’affiches scientifiques


1ère place

Surface Tension Implementation and Validation for Separated Two-Phase Flows

S. Fortin, S. Etienne, C. Béguin, D. Pelletier, L. Brosset

2e place

Numerical investigation of the influence of mistuning on blade-tip/casing contact

Jeanne Joachim, Florence Nyssen, Alain Batailly

3e place

Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Washcoat on Particulate Filter Performance

Igor Belot, David Vidal, Robert Greiner, Martin Votsmeier, Barry van Setten, Robert Hayes and François Bertrand


A new Lattice-Boltzmann method for the simulation of rarefied gas flows in complex porous media 

Jean-Michel Tucny, David Vidal, Sébastien Leclaire and François Bertrand


Prédiction de l’érosion de cavitation par une méthode multi-échelle

Lydia Plastre, François Guibault, Christophe Devals, Jean-Yves Trépanier


Vérification d’un code de simulation fluide

Clément Lombardo, Jean-Yves Trépanier


The Impact of Granular Segregation on Heat Transfer in a Rotary Kiln

Christine Beaulieu, David Vidal, Jamal Chaouki and François Bertrand


Simulation des Interactions Fluide-Structure par une formulation Bilatérale Fortement Couplée sous OpenFOAM

Benjamin Doulcet, François Guibault, Christophe Devals, Jean-Yves Trépanier


Validation de critères de décollement sur des profils courbés en écoulement instationnaire

Gaël Simon - étudiant GPS en maîtrise de recherche - Génie mécanique sous la direction de Jérôme Vétel


Lattice Boltzmann Approach for the Modelling and Simulation of a Water Droplet Impact and Freezing 

Jesús García Pérez, Jean-Yves Trépanier, Marcelo Reggio, Sébastien Leclaire


Development of a CFD-DEM Model in Non-inertial Frame for Solid-Liquid Mixing Applications 

Bastien Delacroix, Bruno Blais, Louis Fradette and François Bertrand


Lagrangian Separation in Turbulent Flows 

Fatemeh Malmir, Jérôme Vétel


Mesoscopic Modeling of Thermal Protection SystemsUsing the Lattice Boltzmann Method 

Michel Ho, Sébastien Leclaire, Marcelo Reggio and Jean-Yves Trépanier


Ultrafine Nanofiber Fabrication through Centrifugal Spinning

S. Noroozi, H.  Alamdari and S. M. Taghavi


Intermittent Drying of Yeast Pellets: A Multiscale Modeling Approach 

C. Van Engeland, D. Vidal, B. Blais, L. Spreutels, R. Legros, B. Haut and F. Bertrand


Interactions between Adaptive Time-Integrators and Adaptive Meshing

Etienne Muller, Dominique Pelletier and André Garon


Multi-Physics modeling of aerospace composites exposed to fire

Jean Langot, Martin Lévesque, Étienne Robert


Effects of Corals Vibrations on their Nutrition and Morphology

Mouad Boudina, Frédérick Gosselin and Stéphane Étienne


Parameter Identification for a Cardiac Electrophysiology Model

Jacob Pearce-Lance, Yves Bourgault, Mihaela Pop


Effect of Added Mass on the Dispersion of Small Bubbles

S. Zoghlami, C. Béguin, S. Etienne, A. Teyssedou, D. Scott, L. Bornard


1ère place

Vortex Induced Vibration on soft corals

A. Villié, F. Gosselin, J. Vétel, S. Etienne

3e place

Development of a high order resolved CFD-DEM solver

L. Barbeau, B. Blais, S. Étienne, C. Béguin


A Finite Element Method for Moving-Habitat Models in 2D Space

J. Shaw MacDonald, Y. Bourgault, F. Lutscher


PEEKbot Lunar Rover - 2D Cellular Material Optimization

O. Duchesne, F. P. Gosselin, D. Therriault


Separation in Unsteady 3D Flows

M. Sadr, J. Vétel


Ultra-Fast Calculation of Heat Transfer in a Moving Granular Media

C. Haydar, S. Martin, O. Bonnefoy and B. Blais


Convective Heat Transfer Between a Bead Packing and Its Bounding Wall

Y. Sun, C. Béguin, P. Causse, B. Benmokrane and F. Trochu


Viscoplastic Displacement Flow in a Rotating Pipe

N. Kazemi, S. Akbari, D. Vidal, and S. M. Taghavi


Mesh size field with minimal user input

A. Bawin, A. Garon, J.-F. Remacle


Study of the movement of a subsurface buoy with 5 degrees of freedom

T. Ledoux, S. Étienne, C. Béguin, F. Gosselin


Numerical study of a swirl generator with two tangential inlets

O. Bentahila, S. Étienne et C. Béguin


Phase-field modeling of fracture in additively manufactured parts

O. Lampron, D. Therriault, M. Lévesque


1ère place

DNS of a Simplified Gas Turbine Premixer: Auto-Ignition and Flame Stabilization

M. Vabre, B. Savard, M. Day, G. Bourque, S. Jella, P. Versailles

3ème place

Soft corals Vortex-Induced Dynamics

A. Villié, M. Vanzulli, J. Pérez, J. Vétel, S. Étienne, F. Gosselin


PEEKbot Lunar Rover - 2D Cellular Material Optimization

O. Duchesne, F. Gosselin. D. Therriault


An open-source toolbox for multiphase flow in porous media

Y. Sun, C. Béguin, P. Causse, F. Trochu


Verification of SHSLBM for flow around a square cylinder

Md Sujaat Ali, S. Leclaire, J.Y. Trépanier


High-Order Metric-Based Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation

A. Bawin, A. Garon, J.F. Remacle


Separation in Unsteady 3D Flows

M. Sadr, J. Vétel


Marinization of Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactors - Mixing Study

A.-A. Sarbanha, S. Kazemi, F. Larachi, S.-M. Taghavi, R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh


Study of the movement of a subsurface buoy with 5 degrees of freedom

T. Ledoux, S. Étienne, C. Béguin, F. Gosselin


Viscoplastic Displacement Flow in a Vertical Pipe

N. Kazemi, S. Akbari, D. Vidal, S. M. Taghavi


Hydrodynamic interaction of two particles

L. Barbeau, C. Béguin, S. Étienne, B. Blais


Phase-field modeling of fracture in additively manufactured parts

O. Lampron, D. Therriault, M. Lévesque