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Daniel Therriault
B.Ing., M.Ing. (Poly), Ph.D. (Illinois)

Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 4419 Fax: (514) 340-5170 Room: J-5010.3
Primary sphere of excellence in research
Innovative Materials
Secondary sphere(s) of excellence in research
Innovative Materials
LinkedIn YouTube Google Scholar

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Six-axis robot-assisted non-planar additive manufacturing
  • Multi-material multi-process additive manufacturing
  • High-performance composites for aerospace and trasnsportation
  • Smart systems (e.g., energy harvesting materials and devices, sensors, metamaterials)
  • Multifunctional composites (e.g., mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, piezoelectricity)
  • Materials characterization
  • Nanocomposites
  • Advanced materials


Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 2101 Solid mechanics
  • 2108 Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering
  • 2001 Materials structure, properties and testing
  • 2002 Materials processing/fabrication
  • 2004 Polymers and coatings
  • 2007 Composites
  • 3752 Polymer characterization
Current project(s)
  • Additive manufacturing of mechanically resistant advanced composites with self-healing functionality (NSERC Discovery Program)
  • Additive manufacturing technologies for high-performance and high-productivity of multifunctional composite structures and their sustainability for aerospace applications (NSERC Alliance, Prima Quebec, Safran Group and Dyze Design)
  • Research center for high performance polymer and composite systems (CREPEC)




Daniel Therriault is a full professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Polytechnique Montreal. He formerly held the Safran-Polytechnique Industrial Chair on the additive manufacturing of reinforced polymer composites (FACMO Chair, 2018-2023) and also a Canada Research Chair on the fabrication of advanced microsystems and materials (2009-2019). He is the co-director of the Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics (LM2) and his research interests are mainly related to additive manufacturing of advanced materials and multifunctional composites. Past contributions include the development of innovative additive manufacturing (AM) processes (e.g., six-axis non-planar AM, multi-material multi-process AM, freeform printing), and the design and fabrication of multifunctional materials (e.g., carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics, abradable thermosets, piezoelectric and electrically conductive materials) for advanced applications mainly for aerospace but also with high potentials for transportation, energy and biomedical sectors. Several scientific contributions (~145 refereed papers as of February 2025) and multiple innovations (11 patents) originated from the research activities of Prof. Therriault’s research team. He worked or is working on many collaborative research projects with partners such as Safran Group, Bombardier Aerospace, ArianeGroup, Bell Textron Canada, Dyze Design, NanoXplore, Solaxis Ingenious Manufacturing, Mëkanic, National Research Council Canada (NRC), and the Canadian Space Agency.


MEC6419 - Additive manufacturing of polymers and composites

MEC2405 - Strength of materials II

MEC3900 - Capstone project supervision 3

MEC4000 - Capstone project supervision 4

AER2400 - Course coordinator - Resistance of aeronautical structures

Supervision at Polytechnique


  • Post-doctoral fellowship (2)

    • Arslan, Dogan. Development of a high productivity additive manufacturing process for the fabrication of large aerospace structures.
    • Sharifpour, Farzad. Develop simulation tools for accurate prediction of mechanical properties of printed parts with a focus on the interface.
  • Ph.D. (2)

    • Aghigh, Negar. Multi-material multi-process additive manufacturing of composites with self-healing functionality.
    • Duchesne, Olivier. Additive manufacturing of sandwich panels for a lunar rover.
  • Master (thesis) (7)

    • Plante , Raphael . Design of a new generation of a multinozzle for high viscosity thermosetting materials.
    • Cummings-Jomphe , Loïc . Experimental characterization of 3D printed polymer composites .
    • Courcoux, Cedric. Integration of sensors in FFF and FGF (e.g., temperature, position, thickness, humidity).
    • Kerino, E'ouann. Realization of the scientific study on the interface strength with respect to the process conditions.
    • Nguyen, Minh-Tam. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) of high-temperature reinforced thermoplastics and their various characterization.
    • Rozier, Ruby. Investigation of the rheological behavior and printability by Direct Ink Writing of thermosetting materials using a multinozzle printing head.
    • Verville, Mathieu. Non-planar additive manufacturing of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced composites.
  • Professionnal master (3)

    • Lintilhac , Clément Pierre-Antoine. Finite element numerical simulation of the heat transfer in the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing process.
    • Vantourout, Romaric. Development of a thermal infrastructure heating enclosure.
    • Renault, Baptiste. Fused Granular Fabrication (FGF) process: printing aerospace demonstrators and numerical simulation.
  • Undergraduate (7)

    • Rabault, Arno. Development of a failure initiation model in anisotropic phase field model: Automation of simulation.
    • Chagnon, François . Design a new heating bed for additive manufacturing using an Aerotech gantry system.
    • Delans, Antoine . Design a radiating heating element for Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printing.
    • Vaillancourt , Erika . Design of additive manufacturing projects.
    • Lorans, Amelie . Design of a bracket assembly for Fused Granular Fabrication (FGF) process in a Hylo industrial 3D printer.
    • Roussel , Vikram. Multinozzle Fused Granulate Fabrication 3D printing.
    • Chaput , Antoine. Impact of compression on the mechanical properties of 3D printed parts from high-performance materials.


News about Daniel Therriault

NEWS | June 8, 2021
Aeronautical research and training: Polytechnique Montréal and Safran sign a new five-year agreement | Read
BLOG | May 21, 2021
When the circus comes to... the lab! | Read
NEWS | February 25, 2021
NSERC Alliance Grants: Polytechnique Montréal ranks first, winning 24% of all funds awarded to Québec universities | Read
NEWS | February 24, 2021
50 Polytechnique Montréal researchers among the top 2% most cited in their respective fields | Read
NEWS | November 3, 2020
Printing plastic webs to protect the cellphone screens of the future | Read
NEWS | April 24, 2019
Aerospace: Safran draws on Polytechnique Montréal expertise | Read
NEWS | January 23, 2018
CFI and the Government of Québec award more than $20 million to four research projects headed by Polytechnique Montréal professors | Read
NEWS | January 10, 2017
3D Printing and Nanotechnology, a Mighty Alliance to Detect Toxic Liquids | Read
INNOVATIO | February 15, 2016
Fibres with the strength of spider silk | Read
NEWS | June 3, 2015
Polytechnique Montréal researchers develop ultra-tough fibre that imitates the structure of spider silk | Read

Press review about Daniel Therriault

May 10, 2021, La Presse+, Le scientifique qui rêve aux étoiles Portrait de Daniel Therriault, professeur titulaire au département de génie mécanique de Polytechnique Montréal
March 21, 2021, Radio-Canada, Découverte - Un plastique qui encaisse les chocs Reportage sur des travaux de recherche sur un plastique capable d'encaisser des chocs, inspiré des toiles d'araignée, qui sont menés par le professeur agrégé Frédérick Gosselin et le professeur titulaire Daniel Therriault ainsi que le diplômé au doctorat et ex-stagiaire postdoctoral Shibo Zou, au Département de génie mécanique de Polytechnique Montréal.
October 27, 2020, Savoir média, Rendre les avions plus verts Dans cet épisode faisant partie de la série « Du génie pour la planète », Daniel Therriault, professeur titulaire au Département de génie mécanique de Polytechnique Montréal, explique comment il travaille à diminuer le poids des avions.
June 17, 2020, Les Affaires, Industrie et recherche doivent mieux collaborer Mention de Daniel Therriault, professeur titulaire au Département de génie mécanique et directeur de la Chaire industrielle Safran de fabrication additive des composites à matrice organique (FACMO).
April 6, 2020, The Suburban, Volunteers build protective equipment for hospitals Le nouveau collectif SantéLibre, dont Alexandre Ferreira Benevides, coordonnateur des ressources techniques du LESIAQ, en est un des instigateurs, tente de répondre aux besoins de la communauté médicale dans le contexte de la crise du coronavirus en créant des respirateurs artificiels. Des parties de ceux-ci sont créés en utilisant les imprimantes 3D du Laboratoire de Mécanique Multi-échelles (LM2) de Polytechnique Montréal. 
January 3, 2019, Québec Science, Des capteurs de mouvement imprimés en 3D La tendance est aux vêtements intelligents, mais ils viennent avec une pile encombrante qu'il faut recharger régulièrement. Ils pourraient toutefois s'en départir bientôt grâce à un capteur de mouvements qui se passe de source d'énergie extérieure, mis au point dans les laboratoires de Polytechnique Montréal.
November 24, 2016, La Presse, Aérospatiale: des chercheurs qui appuient l'industrie Daniel Therriault, professeur titulaire au Département de génie mécanique de Polytechnique Montréal, a mis au point avec son équipe un revêtement qui combine particules d'argent et nanotubes de carbone.
July 8, 2016, ID MTL, Le développement des capteurs de nouvelle génération propulsé par la recherche et les PME de pointe à Montréal Le professeur Daniel Therriault, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en fabrication de microsystèmes et matériaux avancés, affiliée à Polytechnique Montréal, a développé un capteur capable de détecter la présence d’un liquide. Lorsque ce capteur, fabriqué par impression 3D, est exposé à un liquide, sa résistance électrique change.
March 10, 2016, Télé-Québec / Le code Chastenay, Une peinture pour protéger les avions contre la foudre Daniel Therriault, professeur au Département de Génie mécanique, et Xavier Cauchy, étudiant au doctorat, travaillent à mettre au point une peinture anti-éclair qu'ils testent sur des morceaux de carlingue avec un canon à foudre.
November 26, 2015, La Presse - Affaires, Des idées de génie Que ce soit en vue de faire voler des avions ou des fusées, les universités du Québec travaillent de pair avec l'industrie pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes qui se présentent à eux. Propos de Daniel Thérriault, professeur de génie mécanique à Polytechnique Montréal.
October 13, 2015, La Presse Affaires, Au service du monde de demain. Propos de Daniel Thérriault, professeur de génie mécanique et de Michel Dagenais, professeur de génie informatique et génie logiciel à Polytechnique Montréal.
October 13, 2015, La Presse Affaires, Au service du monde de demain Propos de Daniel Thérriault, professeur de génie mécanique et de Michel Dagenais, professeur de génie informatique et génie logiciel à Polytechnique Montréal.​
June 3, 2015, Nature World News, Spider Silk Inspires New, Ultra-Tough Fiber. Spider silk may be delicate looking, but it is known for its strength and durability. And it's these stunning properties that have inspired researchers at Polytechnique Montreal to channel their inner Spiderman and create a new, ultra-tough fiber. Professors Frederick Gosselin, Daniel Therriault and their master's student Renaud Passieux.
Other mentions: News Locker