Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
Image and video processing Pattern analysis and machine intelligence Computer vision Biomedical technology
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Human Health
Research interests and affiliations
- 3D imaging and analysis
- Human motion analysis
- Medical image computing
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
- Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte Justine, Researcher
- Regroupement de recherche en intelligence artificielle appliquée aux enfants gravement malades, Co-investigator
- Institut de génie biomédical, Member
- Institut de génie biomédical, Member
- Institut Transmedtech, Member
- 1901 Biomedical technology
- 2603 Computer vision
- 2605 Pattern analysis and machine intelligence
- 2708 Image and video processing
After her PhD in 2012, Lama Seoud completed a postdoctoral fellowship in industry at Diagnos Inc, which she later joined as a researcher. She worked on computer-aided diagnosis of retinal pathologies. In 2016, she joined the computer vision and computer graphics research team at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in Ottawa. She worked for 3 years on the integration of deep learning with the acquisition and analysis of 3D data sequences, including human subjects in motion. Based on these experiences, her current research program at Polytechnique is in the areas of computer vision (capture and analysis of human pose and motion for medical, multimedia and industrial applications) and computational medical imaging (computer-aided diagnosis). Through her projects, she collaborates closely with clinicians (intensivists, pathologists, physiotherapists, surgeons and orthopedists), industrial partners and artists (circus and music).
INF8725 – Digital signal and image processing
INF8801A - Multimedia applications
- Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
- Master in biomedical engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
- Diploma in biomedical engineering, École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Beyrouth, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon
Supervision at Polytechnique
Ph.D. (5)
Mabrouki, Imen. Self-supervised 3D human pose estimation for automatic performance analysis in trampoline.
Rodet, Hugo. Human pose estimation using unsupervised learning.
Nogues, Victor. RGBD-based monitoring system for in-home rehabilitation .
Roy, Pankaj Raj. Anomaly recognition in surveillance videos using neural networks.
Ceglia, Amedeo. Real-time estimation of muscle forces during an arm pedaling movement by optimization and computer vision for application to rehabilitation.
Master (thesis) (9)
Baumstimler, Philippe.
Lescarbeault, Étienne.
Arnold, Cyprien.
Galaup, Clément. Real-time pattern recognition in physiological signals to evolve an interactive animation script.
Kung, Yu-Chi. Vertebrae segmentation in 3D textured point clouds for intraoperative registration of the spine.
Zrouki, Doha. Automatic analysis of slit lamp images of the anterior segment of the eye.
Faure, Gaspar. Automatic analysis of histological images of the placenta by deep learning.
Hubert, Corentin. Hand gesture recognition for interactive manufacturing process platforms.
Ebrahimi, Ghazal. Exercice de physiothérapie assisté par ordinateur pour le traitement de la scoliose.
Master's Thesis (9)
- Ebrahimi, G. (2023). Towards a Toolbox for Quantitative and Automatic Evaluation of 3D Trunk Motion in Patients with AIS [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Hubert, C. (2023). Reconnaissance de la gestuelle statique de la main par apprentissage profond pour des plateformes interactives de procédés de fabrication [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Tranchon, A. (2023). Vers un suivi non-irradiant de la courbure rachidienne pour l'assistance à la chirurgie correctrice de la scoliose [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Asmar, M. (2022). A Computer Vision-Based Automatic Transcription of Guitar Music from RGBD Videos [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Badawy, Y. (2022). Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection Pipeline for Histology Images of Placental Villi [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Caron, R. (2022). Towards the Development of a 3D ex Vivo Platform for the Evaluation of Micro-Damage, Strain Fields and Mechanical Properties in Trabecular Bone [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Cherni, G. (2022). Apprentissage profond multimodal pour l'estimation de pose d'humains alités [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Desclaux, O. (2022). Protocole pour la création d'une base de données multimodale d'estimation de pose 3D d'enfants en salle de soins intensifs [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Phan, T. V. (2015). Développement et validation d'un système automatique de classification de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].