Répertoire des expertises
Polytechnique Montreal
Directory of Experts

Polytechnique Montreal
Directory of Experts
Filter by education level
- All education levels accepted (10) Apply All education levels accepted filter
- (-) Remove Doctorate filter Doctorate
- Master or doctorate (27) Apply Master or doctorate filter
- Master (professional) (2) Apply Master (professional) filter
- Master (research-based) (5) Apply Master (research-based) filter
- Post-doctoral fellowship (9) Apply Post-doctoral fellowship filter
Filter by professor
- Batailly, Alain (2) Apply Batailly, Alain filter
- Bellaïche, Martine (1) Apply Bellaïche, Martine filter
- Ben Ali, Maha (1) Apply Ben Ali, Maha filter
- Bodkhe, Sampada (1) Apply Bodkhe, Sampada filter
- Chioua, Moncef (1) Apply Chioua, Moncef filter
- Hassanzadeh, Elmira (1) Apply Hassanzadeh, Elmira filter
- Jacquey, Antoine (1) Apply Jacquey, Antoine filter
- Lombaert, Hervé (2) Apply Lombaert, Hervé filter
- Oakes, Bentley (1) Apply Oakes, Bentley filter
- Reuter, Stephan (1) Apply Reuter, Stephan filter
- Stringer, Thomas (1) Apply Stringer, Thomas filter
- Zouaq, Amal (1) Apply Zouaq, Amal filter
Filter by expertise type
- Adaptive, learning and evolutionary systems (1) Apply Adaptive, learning and evolutionary systems filter
- Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering (2) Apply Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering filter
- Analytical chemistry (1) Apply Analytical chemistry filter
- Analytical spectroscopy (1) Apply Analytical spectroscopy filter
- Applied mathematics (1) Apply Applied mathematics filter
- Artificial intelligence (4) Apply Artificial intelligence filter
- Biomedical engineering (2) Apply Biomedical engineering filter
- Civil engineering (1) Apply Civil engineering filter
- Composites (1) Apply Composites filter
- Computer systems software (1) Apply Computer systems software filter
- Control systems (1) Apply Control systems filter
- Cybersecurity (1) Apply Cybersecurity filter
- Dynamics (2) Apply Dynamics filter
- Electrical and electronic engineering (1) Apply Electrical and electronic engineering filter
- Energy (1) Apply Energy filter
- Flexible robots (1) Apply Flexible robots filter
- Geophysics (1) Apply Geophysics filter
- Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology) (1) Apply Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology) filter
- Geothermal energy (1) Apply Geothermal energy filter
- Image and video processing (2) Apply Image and video processing filter
- Industrial engineering (1) Apply Industrial engineering filter
- Industry 4.0 (1) Apply Industry 4.0 filter
- Information systems design (1) Apply Information systems design filter
- Information technology (4) Apply Information technology filter
- Intelligent systems applications (1) Apply Intelligent systems applications filter
- Materials processing/fabrication (1) Apply Materials processing/fabrication filter
- Materials science and technology (1) Apply Materials science and technology filter
- Materials structure, properties and testing (1) Apply Materials structure, properties and testing filter
- Mathematical modelling (1) Apply Mathematical modelling filter
- Mechanical engineering (3) Apply Mechanical engineering filter
- Medical sciences (1) Apply Medical sciences filter
- Mining and mineral processing (1) Apply Mining and mineral processing filter
- Modelling and simulation studies (1) Apply Modelling and simulation studies filter
- Modelling, simulation and finite element methods (3) Apply Modelling, simulation and finite element methods filter
- Operations research and management science (1) Apply Operations research and management science filter
- Optimization (1) Apply Optimization filter
- Physical chemistry (1) Apply Physical chemistry filter
- Physics (1) Apply Physics filter
- Plasma physics (1) Apply Plasma physics filter
- Polymers and coatings (1) Apply Polymers and coatings filter
- Robotics (2) Apply Robotics filter
- Rock mechanics (1) Apply Rock mechanics filter
- Seismology (1) Apply Seismology filter
- Software engineering (1) Apply Software engineering filter
- Solid mechanics (1) Apply Solid mechanics filter
- Spectroscopy (1) Apply Spectroscopy filter
- Statistics and probability (1) Apply Statistics and probability filter
- Stochastic processes (1) Apply Stochastic processes filter
- Structural engineering (1) Apply Structural engineering filter
- Structural materials (1) Apply Structural materials filter
- Vibrations (2) Apply Vibrations filter
- Virtual reality and related simulations (1) Apply Virtual reality and related simulations filter
Filter by sphere(s) of excellence in research
- Energy, Water and, Resources (3) Apply Energy, Water and, Resources filter
- Environment, Economy, and Society (3) Apply Environment, Economy, and Society filter
- Human Health (2) Apply Human Health filter
- Industry of the Future and Digital Society (1) Apply Industry of the Future and Digital Society filter
- Information and Communication Technologies (2) Apply Information and Communication Technologies filter
- Modeling and Artificial Intelligence (3) Apply Modeling and Artificial Intelligence filter
- Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures (1) Apply Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures filter
Filter by department
- Department of Chemical Engineering (1) Apply Department of Chemical Engineering filter
- Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering (2) Apply Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering filter
- Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering (5) Apply Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering filter
- Department of Engineering Physics (1) Apply Department of Engineering Physics filter
- Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering (2) Apply Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering filter
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (3) Apply Department of Mechanical Engineering filter
Research projects (14)
Répertoire des expertises
Machine Learning and Medical Image Analysis for Knee Surgery (PhD)
Hervé Lombaert
Répertoire des expertises
Development of a frequency method for the modelling of material removal phenomena in aerospace applications
Alain Batailly
Répertoire des expertises
Geometry and Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis (PhD)
Hervé Lombaert
Répertoire des expertises
Optimizing Energy Costs in the Industry of the Future: An Integrated Approach to Tactical and Operational Production Management
Maha Ben Ali
Répertoire des expertises
Cybersecurity and Sustainable Development’
Martine Bellaïche
Répertoire des expertises
Propagation of fault aseismic slip due to non-isothermal fluid injection in the subsurface
Antoine Jacquey
Répertoire des expertises
Development of a Micro-Gas to Liquid technology: Control and Optimization to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Increase Green Fuel Yield
Moncef Chioua
Répertoire des expertises
Assessment of life cycle costs and environmental impacts of a new organic battery
Thomas Stringer
Répertoire des expertises
GAI-ORKG : Generative AI for Oncology Research with Knowledge Graphs / Intelligence Artificielle Générative pour la Recherche en Oncologie avec Graphe de Connaissances (doctorate)
Amal Zouaq
Répertoire des expertises
Additive manufacturing of reconfigurable structures
Sampada Bodkhe
Répertoire des expertises
Developing a Semantic Integration and Consistency Framework for Hierarchical Digital Twins
Bentley Oakes
Répertoire des expertises
Modeling and managing water resources under current and changing climatic conditions
Elmira Hassanzadeh
Répertoire des expertises