RS-DAM est un logiciel permettant l'évaluation de la réponse transitoire à un chargement sismique d'une section de barrage complètement fissurée. RS-DAM se base sur la dynamique des corps rigides. RS-DAM procède à l'analyse du renversement et du glissement d'un bloc rigide soumis à des secousses sismiques ou encore à des chargements dynamiques.
In English Only
RS-DAM is a computer program that was primarily designed to provide a computational tool to evaluate the transient response of a completely cracked concrete dam section (Figure 5) subjected to seismic loads. RS-DAM is also used to support research and development on structural behaviour and safety of concrete dams.
RS-DAM is based on rigid body dynamic equilibrium. It performs a transient rocking ( ) and/or sliding (s) analysis of a cracked dam section subjected to either base accelerations or time varying forces. Several modelling options have been included to allow users to explore the influence of parameters (e.g. geometry, additional masses, variation of the uplift force upon rotation, hydrodynamic pressures in translation (Westergaard) and rotation, center of rotation moving with sliding, coefficient of restitution of impact, etc...).
Within the context of industrial applications or research and development, RS-DAM allows:
- To verify the seismic stability of a completely cracked component of a concrete dam or a rigid block (e.g. spillway piers)
- To conduct parametric analysis on the effects of geometry, uplift pressures, hydrodynamic forces and load magnitude on the transient structural response.
- To study different strengthening scenarios (post-tensioning, earth backing, buttressing).
This free software (RS-DAM) is intended for educational purposes only. This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, with no implied warranty regarding merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The developer makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties.
By using this software you agree that the developer will not be liable to you or any third party for any use of (or inability to use) this software, or for any damages (direct or indirect) whatsoever, even if the developer is apprised of the possibility of such damages occurring.
In no event shall the developer be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.
The entire risk related to the quality and performance of the software is on you.
Martin Leclerc, Eng., M. Eng.
Reseach Engineer, École Polytechnique de Montréal
Step 1
Click on the filename to begin the download:
Step 2 - Decompressing the File
First, remove any previous version of RS-DAM. Use the Add/Remove Program located in your Control Panel to remove RS-DAM from your system
Double click on the downloaded file to decompress it in an empty directory. If you are having trouble during the decompression process, you may download the shareware version of Winzip web site.
Step 3 - Installation of RS-DAM
Once the files decompressed, double click setup.exe and follow the instruction that appears on the screen.
Thank you for using RS-DAM.
Martin Leclerc