
Internships and Jobs


The next edition of Career Days will take place from February 20 to 24, 2023. The event is organized by the student's association's Student/Business Liaison Committe (CLÉE).
Visit their website for all the details

In this period of shortage of skilled labor, the Polytechnique's Internships and Jobs Service shares a common goal with your Human Resources department: to recruit the best candidate for each internship or new graduate position offered.

SUMMER Internships postings are here!

  • Our interns are efficient, autonomous and up to the task!
  • Start by submitting your job description
  • You can find below a 4-steps tutorial to post your job descriptions on your own
  • If you struggle through this process, feel free to ask for assistance (stages.emplois@polymtl.ca)

4 steps to submit your internship/job descriptions

We invite you to post an internship or job description on https://laruche.polymtl.ca/employeur

  1. Once on La Ruche, go on Mandate.
  2. Click on Create a mandate.
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Click on Submit mandate.

Recruiting timelines

Canada and Quebec internships


from Mid-January to mid-April


from Mid-May to mid-September


from Mid-September to mid-December


International internships


from September to December 


from January to May 


from May to August 

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Press review

october 1, 2024 - La Presse

Génie | Cinq domaines où on s’arrache les finissants

Marie-Josée Dionne, directrice du Service stages et emplois, affirme que le génie civil est un programme populaire et recherché par de nombreuses firmes de génie-conseil.

november 25, 2023 - Le Devoir

La vie à Polytechnique Montréal, au-delà des notes

Dans le cahier spécial consacré au 150e anniversaire de Polytechnique Montréal, les comités étudiants, les sociétés techniques et les stages sont à l'honneur à travers 3 anciens étudiants qui ont aujourd'hui une carrière prolifique en génie.

Press review