Ramdane Younsi
DES, MA, Ph.D. (Alger)
Maître d'enseignement
Département de génie mécanique
Département de génie mécanique
Publications récentes
Communication de conférence
Article de revue
Communication de conférence
Article de revue
Younsi, R. (mars 2019). Using experimental investigation for educational purposes: Characterization of a centrifugal fan [Communication écrite]. 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019), Valencia, Spain.
Kadem, S., Lachemet, A., & Younsi, R. (2018). Computational Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer During Torrefaction of Softwood Timber: a Dimensionless Analysis. International Journal on Engineering Applications (IREA), 6(3).
Younsi, R., & Detuncq, B. (juillet 2017). Using experimental investigation for educational purposes: Characterization of a heat exchanger [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
Kadem, S., Younsi, R., & Lachemet, A. (2016). Computational analysis of heat and mass transfer during microwave drying of timber. Thermal Science, 20(5), 1447-1455.