Department of Chemical Engineering
Water resources and supply Surface water Groundwater Ecotoxicology Renewable and non-renewable resources management Environmental engineering
Environment, Economy, and Society
Research interests and affiliations
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Impact assessment in LCA
- Water Footprint
- Environmental impacts of plastic litter
- Marine impacts in LCA
- 1007 Water resources and supply
- 4503 Surface water
- 4504 Groundwater
- 4705 Ecotoxicology
- 7003 Renewable and non-renewable resources management
Anne-Marie Boulay graduated from Chemical Engineering at McGill University in 2006. After working as a consultant, she integrated CIRAIG’s team at École Polytechnique of Montreal and obtained her Ph.D. in 2013 on the assessment of water use impacts in LCA. It is for this work that she received the SETAC Europe Young Scientist Award in 2014. After more than 10 years on the topic of Life Cycle Impact Assessment, she has become an expert on water footprint, providing water footprint training for UNEP and ISO in developing countries around the world and she is the Canadian chair of ISO sub-committee on Life Cycle Assessment (TC207/SC5). She is now an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal and CIRAIG. She is currently chairing the WULCA working group on water use in LCA of UN Environment, the LEAP working group of FAO on water footprint and the MARILCA working group (UN Environment and FSLCI) on marine impacts, specifically plastic litter, in LCA. These working groups are leading the international consensus building processes and the scientific work into achieving harmonized methods for assessing important impact pathways in LCA, involving key method developers and stakeholders through international collaborative efforts.
- B.Eng. McGill University
- Master Chemical Engineering Polytechnique Montréal
- Doctorat Chemical Engineering Polytechnique Montréal
Supervision at Polytechnique
Ph.D. (6)
SAADI, Nadim. Including Impacts of Microplastics in Marine Water and Sediments in Life Cycle Assessment.
ALCHAHIR ALHAJJAR, Carla. Fate of microplastics in the marine environment.
MAGNAVAL, Gabriel. Comparative LCA of automotive polymer glazing with traditional glass glazing, including their prospective recycling with emerging methods.
OSPITAL, Louisa. Development of an inventory model and specific characterization factor to assess the fate and effects of tire road wear particles in natural ecosystems.
SEITFUDEM, Georg Aaron. Improvement and future projections of the AWARE water scarcity indicator for LCIA.
TANG, Yibo. Modelling of the fragmentation and degradation of plastics.
Master (thesis) (3)
BÉTEILLE, Arthur. Modelling of the impacts of micro- and nanoplastics on human health.
LOUVET, Juliette. Updated and Comprehensive Characterization Factors for Microplastics in Life Cycle Assessment Considering Multimedia Fate Modelling.
SAADI, Nadim. Including Impacts of Microplastics in Marine Water and Sediments in Life Cycle Assessment.
Ph.D. Thesis (1)
- Viveros Santos, I. (2022). Modélisation de l'influence du changement climatique sur l'écotoxicité terrestre du cuivre dans le cadre de l'analyse du cycle de vie prospective : application à la filière vitivinicole [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Viveros Santos, I. (2022). Modélisation de l'influence du changement climatique sur l'écotoxicité terrestre du cuivre dans le cadre de l'analyse du cycle de vie prospective : application à la filière vitivinicole [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Master's Thesis (1)
- Santos Boeira, J. (2024). Use of the Life Cycle Approach for the Evaluation of Industrial Water Management Alternatives [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
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Press review about Anne-Marie Boulay