Morales-Forero, A., Jaime, L. R., Gil‐Quiñones, S. R., Montañez, M. Y. B., Bassetto, S., & Coatanéa, É. (2024). An insight into racial bias in dermoscopy repositories: A HAM10000 data set analysis. JEADV Clinical Practice, 477 (8 pages).
Directory of Experts
Bassetto, Samuel
Directory of Experts
Bassetto, Samuel
Directory of Experts
Publications by type
Journal article (38)
Conference paper (46)
Book chapter (1)
Thesis (1)
Teaching resource
Audio recording
Video recording
Samuel Jean Bassetto (86)
- Journal articles (38)
- 2024
Journal article Journal article Morales-Forero, A., Rueda Jaime, L., Gil-Quiñones, S. R., Barrera Montañez, M. Y., Bassetto, S., & Coatanea, E. (2024). An insight into racial bias in dermoscopy repositories: A HAM10000 data set analysis. JEADV CLINICAL PRACTICE, 8 pages.Journal article Khalifa, R. M., Yacout, S., Bassetto, S., & Shaban, Y. (2024). Condition monitoring and warning of a belt drive system based on a logical analysis of data regression-based residual control chart. Structural Health Monitoring.
- 2023
Journal article Bassetto, S., Yacout, S., Bassetto, S., & Shaban, Y. (2023). Experimental vibration data collected for a belt drive system under different operating conditions. Data in Brief, 48, 6 pages.Journal article Coatanéa, E., Nagarajan, H., Mokhtarian, H., Wu, D., Panicker, S., Morales-Forero, A., & Bassetto, S. (2023). Graph models for engineering design: Model encoding, and fidelity evaluation based on dataset and other sources of knowledge. AI EDAM, 37.Journal article Khalifa, R. M., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2023). Root cause analysis of an out-of-control process using a logical analysis of data regression model and exponential weighted moving average. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16 pages.Journal article Petronijevic, J., Etienne, A., Bassetto, S., & Siadat, A. (2023). The missing link between project and product risk management: From the review to the call to action. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 69, 101770 (17 pages).
- 2022
Journal article Cabour, G., Ledoux, E., & Bassetto, S. (2022). Aligning work analysis and modeling with the engineering goals of a Cyber-Physical-Social System for industrial inspection. Applied Ergonomics, 102, 16 pages.Journal article Cabour, G., Morales-Forero, A., Ledoux, E., & Bassetto, S. (2022). An explanation space to align user studies with the technical development of Explainable AI. AI and Society, 38(2), 869-887.Journal article Morales-Forero, A., Bassetto, S., & Coatanea, E. (2022). Toward safe AI. AI & SOCIETY, 38(2), 12 pages.Journal article Alencar de Paula, R., Mosbah, A. B., Chinniah, Y. A., & Bassetto, S. (2022). Towards a New Continuous Improvement Organization Based on Simulation. Engineering Management Journal, 34(4), 559-573.
- 2021
Journal article Khalifa, R. M., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2021). Developing machine-learning regression model with Logical Analysis of Data (LAD). Computers and Industrial Engineering, 151, 106947 (16 pages).Journal article Tadja, D. D., Bassetto, S., Tollenaere, M., & Wong, T. (2021). Les objets connectés pour améliorer la culture de la production épurée : revue de littérature et esquisse de solution applicable aux entreprises manufacturières. [Industrial Internet of Things to improve lean manufacturing culture: literature review and solution outline for manufacturing plants]. Génie industriel et productique, 4(1), 35 pages.Journal article Tilouche, S., Partovi Nia, V., & Bassetto, S. (2021). Parallel coordinate order for high-dimensional data. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 14(5), 501-515.Journal article Sakr, A. H., Aboelhassan, A., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2021). Simulation and deep reinforcement learning for adaptive dispatching in semiconductor manufacturing systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021(3), 1311-1324.
- 2019
Journal article Dubé, E., Lorcy, A., Audy, N., Desmarais, N., Savard, P., Soucy, C., Bassetto, S., Rajon, M., Brunet, F., Barbir, C., & Quach, C. (2019). Adoption of infection prevention and control practices by healthcare workers in Québec: A qualitative study. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 40(12), 1361-1366.
- 2017
Journal article Armellini, F., Pelicioni, R. A., Kaminski, P. C., & Bassetto, S. (2017). Including the voice of the client in the creative process: a case study of the integration of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to the Value Proposition Design (VPD) in the service sector. Journal of Modern Project Management, 5(2).Journal article Charron-Latour, J., Bassetto, S., & Pourmonet, H. (2017). STARS: the implementation of a computer-aided employee suggestion management system to operationalize a continuous improvement process. Cognition, Technology & Work, 19(1), 179-190.
- 2016
Journal article Baud-Lavigne, B., Bassetto, S., & Agard, B. (2016). A method for a robust optimization of joint product and supply chain design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 27(4), 741-749.Journal article Bettayeb, B., & Bassetto, S. (2016). Impact of type-II inspection errors on a risk exposure control approach based quality inspection plan. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 40, 87-95.Journal article Restrepo, D., Charron-Latour, J., Pourmonet, H., & Bassetto, S. (2016). Seizing opportunities for change at the operational level. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 29(3), 253-266.Journal article Elbadiry, A. H., Bassetto, S., & Ouali, M.-S. (2016). Study of similarity analysis methods for aviation system failures. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 31(6), 12-22.
- 2014
Journal article Fiegenwald, V., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2014). Controlling non-conformities propagation in manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 52(14), 4118-4131.Journal article Bettayeb, B., Bassetto, S., & Sahnoun, M. (2014). Quality control planning to prevent excessive scrap production. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33(3), 400-411.Journal article Sahnoun, M. , Bettayeb, B., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2014). Simulation-based optimization of sampling plans to reduce inspections while mastering the risk exposure in semiconductor manufacturing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 27(6), 1335-1349.
- 2013
Journal article Agard, B., & Bassetto, S. (2013). Modular design of product families for quality and cost. International Journal of Production Research, 51(6), 1648-1667.
- 2012
Journal article Bassetto, S., Cholez, C., Mangione, F., & Fiegenwald, V. (2012). Experiencing production ramp-up education for engineers. European Journal of Engineering Education, 37(6), 652-654.Journal article Bettayeb, B., Bassetto, S., Vialletelle, P., & Tollenaere, M. (2012). Quality and exposure control in semiconductor manufacturing. Part II: Evaluation. International Journal of Production Research, 50(23), 6852-6869.Journal article Bettayeb, B., Bassetto, S., Vialletelle, P., & Tollenaere, M. (2012). Quality and exposure control in semiconductor manufacturing. Part I: Modelling. International Journal of Production Research, 50(23), 6835-6851.
- 2011
Journal article Shanoun, M., Bassetto, S., Bastoini, S., & Vialetelle, P. (2011). Optimization of the process control in a semiconductor company, model and case study of defectivity sampling. International Journal of Production Research, 49(13), 3873-3890.Journal article Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Tollenaere, M. (2011). The management of process control deployment using interactions in risks analyses. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24(4), 458-465.
- 2010
Journal article Baud-Lavigne, B., Bassetto, S., & Penz, B. (2010). A broder view of control chart economic design. International Journal of Production Research, 48(19), 5843-5857.Journal article Mili, A., Siadat, A., Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2010). Unified process for action plan management: Case study in a research and production semiconductor factory. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 25(6), 4-8.
- 2009
Journal article Mili, A., Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Tollenaere, M. (2009). Dynamic risk management unveil productivity improvements. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22(1), 25-34.Journal article Bassetto, S., & Siadat, A. (2009). Operational methods for improving manufacturing control plans: case study in a semiconductor industry. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 20(1), 55-65.
- 2006
Journal article Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2006). Études des intéractions entre les risques des moyens de prodution : introduction à l'utilisation du concept de typologie des risques. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 40(6), 571.Journal article Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2006). Interactions entre les risques des produits, des processus de fabrication, des ressources par l'utilisation du concept de typologie. Application à une usine de recherche et de production de semi-conducteurs. [Mastering process control using risks typologies]. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 40(6), 571-591.
- 2004
Journal article Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004). Méthode outillée employant les connaissances d'experts. Revue française de gestion industrielle, 24(1), 1-13.
- 2024
- Conference papers (46)
- 2021
Conference paper Sakr, A. H., Aboelhassan, A., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2021, September). Building Discrete-Event Simulation for Digital Twin Applications in Production Systems [Paper]. 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021), Vasteras, Sweden (8 pages).Conference paper Cabour, G., Ledoux, É., & Bassetto, S. (2021, June). Extending System Performance Past the Boundaries of Technical Maturity: Human-Agent Teamwork Perspective for Industrial Inspection [Paper]. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021).Conference paper Khalifa, R. M., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2021, November). Quality 4.0 : entity relationship model for inspection and repair processes in aerospace domain [Paper]. 6th North American Conference on Industrial Engineering & Operations Management (IEOM 2021), Monterrey, Mexico (11 pages).
- 2019
Conference paper Picci, L., Mosbah, A. B., & Bassetto, S. (2019, December). A Decision Tool for Quality System Improvement [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), Macao, Macao.Conference paper Sakr, A. H., Yacout, S., & Bassetto, S. (2019, October). A discrete event simulation logic for semiconductor production planning and control within industry 4.0 paradigm [Paper]. 4th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Toronto, ON (11 pages).Conference paper Morales-Forero, A., & Bassetto, S. (2019, December). Case Study: A Semi-Supervised Methodology for Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), Macao.Conference paper de Paula, R., Dimas, E., Laroche, C., & Bassetto, S. (2019, April). Measuring the dynamic engagement with a system of equations - theory demonstration and initial analysis [Paper]. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2019), Orlando, Florida (7 pages).Conference paper Petronijevic, J., Etienne, A., Siadat, A., & Bassetto, S. (2019, September). Operational framework for managing risk interactions in product development projects [Paper]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2019), Shanghai, China (6 pages).Conference paper Tamrin, M. O., Henwood, S., Dubois, J.-F., Brault, J.-J., Chidami, S., & Bassetto, S. (2019, June). Using deep learning approaches to overcome limited dataset issues within semiconductor domain [Paper]. 17th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS 2019), Munich, Germany (4 pages).
- 2015
Conference paper Charron-Latour, J., DePaula, R., & Bassetto, S. (2015, May). Amélioration continue par le personnel, du besoin à la réalité [Paper]. Congrès Mondial des infirmières et infirmiers francophones, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Brunetto, F., Peuch, J., & Bassetto, S. (2015, April). System risk analysis enhanced with system graph properties [Paper]. 9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015), Vancouver, BC.Conference paper Pourmonet, H., Bassetto, S., & Trépanier, M. (2015, October). Vers la maîtrise de l'évasion tarifaire dans un réseau de transport collectif [Paper]. 11e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI2015), Québec, Canada.
- 2014
Conference paper Pourmonet, H., Charron-Latour, J., & Bassetto, S. (2014, July). App inventor to boost continuous improvement [Paper]. 2nd annual MIT App Inventor Summit, Boston, MA.Conference paper Tilouche, S., Bassetto, S., & Partovi Nia, V. (2014, September). Classification algorithms for virtual metrology [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2014), Singapore, Singapore.Conference paper Nebas, M., & Bassetto, S. (2014, July). Data management system in clean room environment [Paper]. 2nd annual MIT App Inventor Summit, Boston, MA.Conference paper Bettayeb, B., & Bassetto, S. (2014, March). Effects of process learning and product lifecycle on risk-based quality control plans [Paper]. 8th annual IEEE International Systems Conference on Systems Conference (SysCon 2014), Ottawa, ON.
- 2013
Conference paper Partovi Nia, V., Asgharian, M., & Bassetto, S. (2013, August). A format test for binary R&R measurement systems [Paper]. Joint Statistical Meetings, SCC Section, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Paredes, C., & Baud-Lavigne, B. (2013, April). A systemic approach of quality controls [Paper]. 7th Annual IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon 2013), Orlando, Fl, USA.
- 2012
Conference paper Agard, B., & Bassetto, S. (2012, March). Modular design for quality and cost [Paper]. 6th IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2012), Vancouver, BC, Canada.Conference paper Motte, A., & Bassetto, S. (2012, December). Product driven quality control [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2012), Hong Kong, China.Conference paper Sahnoun, M. , Bettayeb, B., Tollenaere, M., & Bassetto, S. (2012, March). Smart sampling for risk reduction and delay optimisation [Paper]. IEEE International Systems Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- 2011
Conference paper Fiegenwald, V., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2011, December). Controlling non-conformities propagation in manufacturing. Case study in an electromechanical assembly plant [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2011), Singapore, Singapore.Conference paper Bettayeb, B., Tollenaere, M., & Bassetto, S. (2011, October). Plan de surveillance basé sur l'exposition aux risques et les capabilités des ressources [Paper]. 9e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2011), Saint-Sauveur, Québec.Conference paper Fiegenwald, V., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2011, October). Vers la maîtrise de la propagation des non-conformités en fabrication : cas d'étude dans une usine d'assemblage électromécanique [Paper]. 9e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2011), Saint-Sauveur, Québec.
- 2010
Conference paper Shanoun, M. , Vialletelle, P., & Bassetto, S. (2010, November). A dynamic sampling algorithm [Paper]. 13th ARCSIS Technical & Scientific Meeting, Manufacturing Challenges in European Semiconductor Fabs, Rousset, France.Conference paper Sahnoun, M. , Vialletelle, P., Bassetto, S., Tollenaere, M., & Bastoini, S. (2010, November). Historical wafer-at-risk construction in STMicroelectronics 300mm wafer fab in crollesoptimizing return on inspection through defectivity smart skipping [Paper]. Manufacturing Challenges in European Semiconductor Fabs, Rousset, France.Conference paper Bettayeb, B., Vialletelle, P., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2010, November). Operational risk evaluation and control plan design [Paper]. 13th ARCSIS Technical & Scientific Meeting, Manufacturing Challenges in European Semiconductor Fabs, Rousset, France.Conference paper Bettayeb, B., Vialletelle, P., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2010, October). Optimized design of control plans based on risk exposure and ressources capabilites [Paper]. International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM 2010), Tokyo. Japan.Conference paper Sahnoun, M., Vialletelle, P., Bastoini, S., Bassetto, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2010, October). Optimized return on inspection through smart-sampling [Paper]. International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM 2010), Tokyo, Japan.
- 2009
Conference paper Mili, A., Siadat, A., Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., & Tollenaere, M. (2009, March). Unified process for action plan management: Case study in a research and production semiconductor factory [Paper]. 3rd Annual IEEE Systems Systems Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- 2008
Conference paper Mili, A., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Bassetto, S. (2008, September). Dynamic management of detected factory events and estimated risks using FMECA [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Conference Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMT 2008), Bangkok, Tailand.Conference paper Mili, A., & Bassetto, S. (2008, July). New approach for risk analysis update based on maintenance events [Paper]. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea.Conference paper Mili, A., Hubac, S., Bassetto, S., & Siadat, A. (2008, July). Risks analyses update based on maintenance events [Paper]. 17th IFAC World Congress, Korea, South.Conference paper Mili, A., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Bassetto, S. (2008, September). Unified action plan management based on risk analysis and relevant information approaches [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2008), Bangkok, Thailand (6 pages).
- 2007
Conference paper Mili, A., Hubac, S., & Bassetto, S. (2007, April). Industrialization of risk analysis method [Paper]. 8th European Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Conference (AEC/APC 2007), Dresden, Germany.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Mili, A., Siadat, A., & Tollenaere, M. (2007, June). Proposition d'organisation du retour d'expériences par la gestion des risques pour faciliter l'industrialisation [Paper]. 7e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2007), Trois-Rivières, Québec.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Mili, A., & Siadat, A. (2007, December). Speeding-up experiences return during new productions industrialization [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2007), Singapore.
- 2006
Conference paper Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2006, July). A collaborative problem resolution tool based on experts knowledge acquisition, using term classification [Paper]. 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME 2006), Ischia, Italy.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., Vernadat, F., & Martin, P. (2006, May). Enterprise model for integrating process control into CAM system [Paper]. 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2006), Saint-Étienne, France.Conference paper Bassetto, S., & Siadat, A. (2006, March). Vers une définition de la notion de connaissance, application à la gestion des risques opérationnels [Paper]. GDR MACS Conference, Paris, France.
- 2004
Conference paper Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004, June). Advanced process control application modelling [Paper]. 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME 2004), Ischia, Italy.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004, June). A knowledge management framework, applied to relevant information discovery and reuse : Balancing knowledge and technology in product and service life cycle [Paper]. 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME 2004), Sorento, Italy.Conference paper Bassetto, S., Hubac, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2004, November). A tooled methodology to reduce operational risks [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications (IEEE-AISTA), Luxembourg, Netherlands.Conference paper Bassetto, S. (2004, October). Contribution au développement de la méthodologie de process control d'une unité de Recherche et Production de circuits semi-conducteurs. Application à la gestion des risques en zone de fabrication et à la maîtrise de l'environnement de fabrication [Paper]. GRD MACS Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France.Conference paper Bassetto, S. (2004, January). L'utilisation des connaissances contenues dans les AMDEC produit - process - machine, dans une usine de semi-conducteurs [Paper]. I-KM journée du 151, Paris, France.
- 2003
Conference paper Bassetto, S. (2003, March). Designing and prototyping a prospective knowledge discovery and reuse system for process control engineers [Paper]. 4th European Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Conference (AEC/APC 2003), Grenoble, France.
- 2021
- Book chapters (1)
- 2002
Book chapter Bassetto, S., Siadat, A., & Martin, P. (2002). Introduction to the prototyping of an intelligent supervision system. In Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services : Balancing Knowledge and Technology in Product and Service Life Cycle (pp. 427-436).
- 2002
- Theses (1)
- 2005
Thesis Bassetto, S. (2005). Contribution à la qualification et à l'amélioration des moyens de production, de manière opérationnelle, dynamique, en supportant les connaissances métier [Toward a dynamic, operational and "embeded knowledge" manufacturing improvement]. [Ph.D. Thesis, Arts et Métiers ParisTech - École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers].
- 2005