Industrial Chair on Drinking Water


Adèle El-Murr

Technicienne en administration
Local : B-424.5
Ligne directe
(514) 340-4112

Ligne générale (POLY)
(514) 340-4711


  1. Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Blokker, M., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Bichai, F., Monitoring and modeling drinking water temperature during summer heatwaves: understanding the effect of green spaces vs. heat islands in a Canadian city, 19th Computing and Control for the Water Industry Conference, Leicester, UK, Sep 4-7, 2023.
  2. Alameddine, M., Liu, Z., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Enhancing the performance of conventional drinking water treatment plants for PFAS removal: PAC for in-line adsorption or GAC for post-filtration?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 5-9, 2023.
  3. Bédard, E., Prévost, M., La mise en service d’un réseau d’eau d’hôpital : une étape critique, 90e Congrès de l'Acfas, Montréal, QC, Canada, 8-12 mai, 202
  4. Ceballos, I. M., Characterization of micropollutants and perfluoroalkylated substances in drinking water sources in the Greater Montreal Area, National Water & Wastewater Conference 2023, Nigara Falls, ON, Canada, Nov 12-15, 2023.
  5. Ducrêt, J., Barbeau, B., Impact du co-traitement du Fe et du Mn par une unité de biofiltration unique, 37e Symposium de l’Est du Canada sur la recherche sur la qualité des eaux (CAWQ), Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 27 oct., 2023.
  6. Grimard-Conea, M., Legionella pnemophila occurence in reduced-occupancy buildings in 11 cities during the COVID-19 pandemic, Club de lecture sur les maladies d’origine hydrique – INSPQ et CHU Québec, Virtual, 31 oct., 2023.
  7. Grimard-Conea, M., Marchand-Senécal, X., Prévost, M., Désinfection in situ aux monochloramines : est-ce la solution pour prévenir la croissance de bactéries pathogènes opportunistes en milieu hospitalier ?, 90e Congrès de l'Acfas, Montréal, QC, Canada, 8-12 mai, 2023.
  8. Grimard-Conea, M., Marchand-Senécal, X., Prévost, M., Effectiveness of onsite monochloramine disinfection for waterborne pathogen control in a Canadian acute care academic hospital (poster), 2023 IPAC Canada National Conference  Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 28-31, 2023.
  9. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Un rinçage ciblé lors d’une remise en service peut-il restaurer la qualité de l’eau dans les grands bâtiments ?, Salon MCEE Expo 2023, Montréal, QC, Canada, 20 avr., 2023.
  10. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Marchand-Senécal, X., Is onsite monochloramine disinfection the solution to prevent growth of opportunistic drinking water pathogens in healthcare facilities? (poster), 10th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 10-14, 2023.
  11. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Marchand-Senécal, X., In situ monochloramine disinfection in a large hospital to control Legionella, nontuberculous mycobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 7th ESGLI-ESCMID meeting Legionella Prevention and Control, Chania, Greece, Oct 24-25, 2023.
  12. Hatam, F., Blokker, E., Prévost, M., Evaluation of flushing and corrosion control to lower lead levels at the taps in households with lead service lines, 19th Computing and Control for the Water Industry Conference 2023, Leicester, UK, Sep 4-7, 2023.
  13. Hatam, F., Blokker, M., Prévost, M., The impacts of water conservation strategies on water quality in networks and residences, CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Skiathos island, Greece, Jun 5-9, 2023.
  14. Jakovljevic, A., Barbeau, B., Charlin, L., Prédiction en continue de la turbidité décantée avec l’apprentissage machine, 37e Symposium de l’Est du Canada sur la recherche sur la qualité des eaux (CAWQ), Sherbrooke, ON, Canada, Nov 12-15, 2023.
  15. Ma, L., Guerra Maldonado, J. F., Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Monitoring of cyanobacterial breakthrough and accumulation by in situ phycocyanin probe system within full-scale DWTPs, IFHAB, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 4-5, 2023.
  16. Ma, L., Moradinejad, S., Guerra Maldonado, J. F., Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Factors affecting the interpretation of online phycocyanin fluorescence to manage cyanobacteria in drinking water sources, IFHAB, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 4-5, 2023.
  17. Nguyen, T. L., McQuaid, N., Burnet, J.-B., Dorner, S., Determining the fecal pollution effects on drinking water intake using enzymatic activity, Foncer Pure - Annual Symposium 2023, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jan 20, 2023.
  18. Palma, L., Hatam, F., Di Nardo, A., Santonastaso, G. F., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Combination of water quality and pressure sensors to improve contamination warning systems, Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE23), Toronto, ON, Canada, Jun 11-14, 2023.
  19. Palma, L., Hatam, F., Di Nardo, A., Santonastaso, G. F., Prévost, M., Designing contamination warning systems for water utilities using water quality and pressure sensors, CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Skiathos island, Greece, Jun 5-9, 2023.
  20. Pouliot, E., Dorner, S., McQuaid, N., Bichai, F., Characterizing DOC sources in Greater Montreal and their impact on water quality for drinking water supply, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 5-9, 2023.
  21. Prévost, M., Managing Legionella in engineered systems: Recent developments in monitoring and treatment to guide efficient WSPs, 7th ESGLI-ESCMID meeting Legionella Prevention and Control, Chania, Greece, Oct 24-25, 2023.
  22. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Comment mettre en place un plan de gestion de la sécurité de l’eau pour le contrôle des pathogènes dans les établissements hospitaliers?, 90e Congrès de l'Acfas, Montréal, QC, Canada, 8-12 mai, 2023.
  23. Quach-Thanh, C., Benoit, M.-È., Grimard-Conea, M., Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Faucher, S., Bourdin, T., Prévost, M., Prévenir les infections associées à l’eau dans les établissements de santé : un défi à l’interface du génie et de la médecine, 90e Congrès de l'Acfas, Montréal, QC, Canada, 2023
  1. Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Bichai, F., The combined effect of climatic events and lower water demand on drinking water quality (poster), IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 11-15, 2022.
  2. Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Bichai, F., Modelling and prediction of chlorine and THMs in a full-scale water distribution network under changing condition, 3rd International Conference on Disinfection and DBPs, Milan, Italy, Jun 27-Jul 1, 202
  3. Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Compromised thermal inactivation of L. pneumophila in water heaters in presence of V. vermiformis, 10th International Conference on Legionella, Yokohama, Japan, Sep 20-24, 2022.
  4. Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Prévost, M., Impact of temperature, materials, and stagnation on the composition of large building drinking water microbiome and biofilms, and the occurrence of opportunistic pathogens (poster), Microbiology of the Built Environment GRC Conference, Waterville Valley, NH, USA, Jun 19-24, 2022.
  5. Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Prévost, M., Do heat and material alter the survival of L. pneumophila and its hosts in drinking water biofilms? (poster), 10th International Conference on Legionella, Yokohama, Japan, Sep 20-24, 2022.
  6. Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Prévost, M., Role of temperature, materials, and stagnation on microbial density and prevalence of L. pneumophila in drinking water and biofilm, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  7. Cazals, M., Bédard, E., Savard, P., Prévost, M., Is your ice machine really clean? Uncovering the presence of opportunistic pathogens in hospital ice machines (poster), SHEA Spring, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, Apr 12-14, 2022.
  8. Ducret, J., Barbeau, B., La filtration biologique pour le contrôle du manganèse : un procédé optimal en eau froide, 36th CAWQ eastern, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 4 nov., 2022.
  9. Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Prévost, M., Legionella pneumophila in a large building water system: How should remedial treatments be carried out? (poster), 10th Legionella Conference Yokohama, Japan, Sep 20-24, 2022.
  10. Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Prévost, M., Reopening building water systems after closure: can recommissioning flushing restore water quality on a microbiological perspective? (poster), 2022 Microbiology of the Built Environment GRC, Waterville Valley, NH, USA, 2022.
  11. Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Doré, E., Shock disinfection of building water systems: Making sense of the wild west of guidance, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 3-17, 2022.
  12. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Can chlorine residuals from the utility be maintained in building water systems to prevent growth of pathogens?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  13. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Can flushing, superheating and shock chlorination control Legionella after extended stagnation?, 2022 ASHRAE, Toronto, ON, Canada, Jun 25-29, 2022.
  14. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Lessons learned from recommissioning of building water systems after extended low occupancy caused by the COVID-19 shutdowns, CWWA Annual Conference - National Water and Wastewater Conference (NWWC), virtual, Jan 27, 2022.
  15. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Confirmation and clearance of contamination due to sustained pressure drops in distribution networks, CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos island, Greece, Jun 3-9, 2022.
  16. Hatam, F., Blokker, M., Prévost, M., Doré, E., Lower demand will increase lead release from lead service lines: can corrosion control limit exposure at the tap?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, Canada, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  17. Hatam, F., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Reconciling water conservation and water quality in distribution networks: Is it possible?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  18. Kammoun, R., Dorner, S., Bichai, F., Assessment and prioritizing of combined sewer systems using Bayesian networks, 2022 National Water and Wastewater Conference, Halifax, NS, Nov 6-9, 2022.
  19. Liu, Z., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Segmented regeneration for ion exchange resins used for natural organic matter removal, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  20. Nguyen, T. L., McQuaid, N., Burnet, J.-B., Dorner, S., Near real-time monitoring of fecal contamination in sewage water using online measurement of β-D-glucuronidase activity as rapid surrogate of E. coli, International Symposium on Water Sustainability & Green Technologies (WSGT), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Nov 25-26, 2022.
  21. Palma, L., Hatam, F., Di Nardo, A., Giudicianni, C., Can water utilities rely on contamination warning systems to detect and respond to contaminations?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  22. Prévost, M., Guerra Maldonado, J. F., Doré, E., Sampling every tap in every school in Quebec for Pb: What did they find, How did they measure and what did they do about It?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 20
  23. Prévost, M., Matthews, S., Trigui, H., Grimard-Conea, M., Vallarino, E., Villiard, G., Charron, D., Bédard, E., Faucher, S., Use of legiolert for epidemiological studies: Isolation of Legionella pneumophila and long term storage method, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  24. Trigui, H., Matthews, S., Charron, D., Bédard, E., Guerra Maldonado, J. F., Rivard, M., Prévost, M., Comparison of L. pneumophila detection methods : effective risk monitoring in water systems, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, Nov 13-17, 2022.
  1. Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Bichai, F., Application of a variable reaction rate model for predicting chlorine decay in a drinking water utility in southern Quebec, Virtual Atlantic and Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (CAWQ), Nov 1-3, 202
  2. Bédard, E., Benoit, M., Bourdin, T., Charron, D., Delisle, G., Daraîche, S., Gravel, S., Robert, E., Constant, P., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Implementation of a low-cost method to reduce bacterial load in patient room sink drains, Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology, Jul 21, 2021.
  3. Bédard, É., Prévost, M., Impact of stagnation on building water quality : Commissioning and low usage in new buildings, ASHRAE Virtual Annual Conference, Jun 28-30, 2021.
  4. Bourdin, T., Monnier, A., Bédard, E., Benoit, M.-È., Prévost, M., Quach, C., Beauchemin, S., Lavallée, C., Mandel, R., Déziel, E., Constant, P., Distribution and genotypic diversity of three opportunistic pathogens in the sink-environment of two neonatal intensive care units, CSM-SCM Annual Conference Remote 2021, 14-17 juin, 2021.
  5. Bourdin, T., Monnier, A., Benoit, M.-È., Bédard, E., Charron, D., Prévost, M., Quach, C., Beauchemin, S., Mandel, R., Lavallée, C., Déziel, E., Constant, P., Prevalence And Genotypic Diversity of three opportunistic pathogens in the sink environment of two neonatal intensive care units, World Microbe Forum 2021, Virtual, Jun 20-24, 2021.
  6. Cazals, M., Bédard, É., Doberva, M., Prévost, M., Impact of temperature and plumbing material on the integration of environmental strains of L. pneumophila in drinking water biofilms, NSF Legionella Conference, Mar 9-10, 2021.
  7. Gerchman, Y., Barancheshme, F., Philibert, J., Noam-Amar, N., Barbeau, B., Optical properties of the human saliva and implications on UV inactivation of respiratory pathogens, IUVA Asia Workshop, Feb 18-19, 2021.
  8. Gerchman, Y., Barancheshme, F., Philibert, J., Noam-Amar, N., Barbeau, B., UV-LEDs vs Corona virus -Wavelength effect, 2021.
  9. Kammoun, R., Évaluation des risques pour les ressources en eau de surface : approche déterministe vs approche probabiliste, Montréal, QC, Canada, 2e Symposium du Foncer Pure, 10 nov, 2021.
  10. Kammoun, R., Leveque, B., Bichai, F., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Indice de vulnérabilité d'un site de prélèvement d'eau de surface: étude de cas d'un bassin versant urbain et agricole situé dans le sud du Québec, 88e Congrès de l’Acfas (100 % en ligne), 3-7 mai, 2021.
  11. Liu, Z., Papineau, I., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Is it time to replace BAC with biological ion exchange (BIEX)?, AWWA Biological Water Treatment Committe Meeting, Nov 16, 2021.
  12. Nguyen, T. L., Goitom, E., Nguyen, H. T. L., Hachad, M., Visentin, F., Krylova, K., Frigon, D., Dorner, S., The surveillance of SARS CoV 2 RNA in wastewater in Montreal region (poster), Montréal, QC, Canada, Nov 10, 2021.
  13. Prévost, M., Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Controlling lead in drinking water : A multi faceted challenge, USF’s College of Public Health Dean’s Lecture Series, Mar 2, 2021.
  14. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Remise en service des grands bâtiments. Revue des recommandations et validation leur efficacité, Présentation au PEXEP-D, 30 mars, 2021.
  15. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Hatam, F., Sylvestre, É., Can recommissioning after extended shutdown of large buildings control Legionella, NSF Special virtual session, Mar 10, 2021.
  1. Bannier, A., Deshommes, E., Detection of lead service lines in the City of Montreal, AWWA Virtual Summit: Water Quality & Infrastructure, Dec 10, 2020.
  2. Barbeau, B., Using UVC to decontaminate N95 masks? It’s all about the test protocol, International Conference for UV disinfection of Air and Surface, Virtual Conference, Dec 8-9, 2020.
  3. Bourdin, T., Bedard, E., Benoit, M. E., Prevost, M., Robert, E., Quach, C., Deziel, E., Constant, P., Development of a new high-throughput multilocus sequence typing method to monitor causative agents of nosocomial infections (poster), The Sixth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections Abstracts, March 2020: Global Solutions to Antibiotic Resistance in Healthcare, Oct, 2020.
  4. Deshommes, E., Fontaines extérieures : recommandations pour la mise en marche, utilisation, entretien et suivi, Webinaire #7 Covid-19 Le maintien des services d’eaux —Consolider les actions en place pour un retour progressif des activités, Mai, 2020.
  5. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Impact of prolonged shutdown on buildings from a water quality perspective in showers, Building Water Research Symposium, Oct 13, 2020.
  6. Grimard-Conea, M., Prévost, M., Est-ce que le rinçage des bâtiments après une longue période d’arrêt peut réduire les risques d’exposition à la légionelle et au plomb ? Partie 2, Symposium eau – Colloques d’automne, 5 nov., 2020.
  7. Lalumière, A., Besner, M.-C., Robert, C., Ekoualla, D., Prévost, M., Allard, D., Terrien, J.-F., Denis, G., COVID-19: Le maintien des services d'eaux - Mesures pour la reprise graduelle des activités, Webinaire, 1 mai, 2020.
  8. Prévost, M., Water quality issues in building water systems, EPA Premise Plumbing Modeling Workshop Webinar, Apr 22, 2020.
  9. Prévost, M., Water quality challenges caused by extended stagnation during COVID shutdown, Canadian Water Network Blue Cities Discussions. Empowering Actions on Private Property with Utility Support, Jun 1-4, 2020.
  10. Prévost, M., Health risks in distribution systems: Managing integrity or microbial niches?, Borchardt Conference, Ann Arbor, ML, USA, Feb 25-26, 2020.
  11. Prévost, M., Le rinçage des conduites dans les grands bâtiments: Les enjeux municipaux, Comité COVID, 1er mai, 2020.
  12. Prévost, M., Where and When should Monitoring Occur? Proactive monitoring to control Legionella in building water systems, NASEM Follow up meeting on environmental monitoring, Dec 10, 2020.
  13. Prévost, M., Overview of the AWWA guidance on responding to stagnation in buildings, AWWA Virtual summit, Dec 9, 2020.
  14. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Recommissioning buildings after COVID stagnation: Can intensive flushing restore WQ in large buildings?, Impact of Prolonged Shutdown on Buildings from a Water Quality Perspective, May 28, 2020.
  15. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Est-ce que le rinçage des bâtiments après une longue période d’arrêt peut réduire les risques d’exposition à la légionelle et au plomb ? Partie 1, Symposium eau – Colloques d’automne - Réseau environnement, 5 nov., 2020.
  16. Prévost, M., Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Remise en service des systèmes d'eau des bâtiments, 26e congrès Infra, 30 nov.-2 déc., 2020.
  17. Prévost, M., Hatam, F., Grimard-Conea, M., Deshommes, E., Case studies of online monitoring of building water systems, EPA Webinar on Instrumentation for Premise Plumbing Modeling, Dec 3, 2020.
  1. Abouelmakarim, A., Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Analyse de l'occurence de Legionella dans les réseaux de distribution (poster), Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct, 2019.
  2. Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Thermal inactivation of L. pneumophila in residential water heater sediments, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  3. Besner, M.-C., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., McQuaid, N., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Assessment of the vulnerability of surface water intakes using upstream sewersheds characteristics, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  4. Burnet, J.-B., Cazals, M., Stott, R., Fleury, C., Proulx, F., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., How can rapid online monitoring of E. coli improve recreational water quality management? Insights from Canada and New-Zealand (poster), 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  5. Burnet, J.-B., Sylvestre, E., Hachad, M., Jalbert, J., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., “Know yourcatchment”: Usingonline near-real time monitoringof E. colito trackpollution sources of fecal pathogensin a drinkingwater supplyunderde facto wastewaterreuseconditions, 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  6. Dixit, F., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Managing future water demands via resilient wastewater reuse strategies (poster), 9th International Young Water Professionals Conference, Toronto, QC, Canada, Jun 23-27, 2019.
  7. Dixit, F., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Optimized regeneration strategies for ion exchange resins during PFCs removal from natural waters, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  8. Dixit, F., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Effectiveness of ion exchange process to remove GenX and other persistent per-fluorinated compounds in water reuse and drinking applications, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  9. Dixit, F., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Impact of natural organic matter characteristics on the performance of ion exchange resins in natural waters, The 7th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 7-10, 2019.
  10. Doberva, M., Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Effect of plumbing material on the integration of Legionella pneumophila environmental strains in drinking water natural biofilm, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  11. Doré, E., Feizi, E. A., Solliec, M., Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Are point-of-use (POU) devices effective at removing trace hydrocarbons in emergency situations?, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  12. Farzanehsa, M., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Ziels, R., Bérubé, P., Biological ion exchange NOM removal mechanisms, The 7th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 7-10, 2019.
  13. Hachad, M., Burnet, J.-B., Sylvestre, E., Villemur, R., Sauvé, S., Qiu, Y., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Event-based survey of urban and agricultural drinking water sources: Assessing fecal peak contaminations using microbial and chemical source tracking tools (POP30), 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  14. Hatam, F., Blokker, M., Besner, M.-C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Using QMRA to assess the impact of the duration of sustained low-pressure events on Cryptosporidium infection risk from intrusion, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  15. Liu, Z., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Solliec, M., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Removal of natural organic matter and micropollutants on biological ion exchange, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  16. Liu, Z., Renault, E., Lompe, K. M., Papineau, I., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Enlèvement de la matière organique naturelle et de micropolluants par échange d’ion biologique, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct, 2019.
  17. Liu, Z., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Résines échangeuses d’ions biologiques: une solution plus performante que le charbon actif? (poster), Journée québécoise des étudiants Centreau, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 22 mars, 2019.
  18. Liu, Z., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange as an alternative to biological activated carbon for drinking water treatment (poster), 33e congrès de l'Est du Canada sur la qualité de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 25-26 oct., 2019.
  19. Lompe, K., Ramirez, I., Vo Duy, S., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., How old is too old? – Quebec’s biological activated carbon filters tell us the story, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  20. Lompe, K., Ramirez, I., Vo Duy, S., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Quand vieux est-il trop vieux ?  Le charbon actif de vos biofiltres doit-il être remplacé?, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct., 2019.
  21. Masse-Dufresne, J., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., Pasquier, P., Barbeau, B., Patenaude, M., Pontoreau, C., Proteau-Bédard, F., Anticipating pathways and timing for cyanobacteria breakthrough at a 2-lake bank filtration site via environmental tracers (poster), Le congrès des étudiants du Geotop 2019, Orford, QC, Canada, 22-24 mars, 2019.
  22. Masse-Dufresne, J., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., Patenaude, M., Pontoreau, C., Proteau-Bédard, F., Barbeau, B., Veuille, S., Impacts of induced bank filtration on a highly dynamic Hydrosystem: A case study in a peri-urban area in Canada, 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jul 8-18, 2019.
  23. Mills, E., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Bérubé, P., Biological ion exchange -impact of operating temperature-, The 7th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 7-10, 2019.
  24. Moradinejad, S., Glover, C., Dorner, S., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Using advanced spectroscopy and visualization techniques to assess the impact of oxidation on cyanobacteria cell morphology, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  25. Moradinejad, S., Zadfatollah-Seighalani, T., Mailly, J., Trigui, H., Dorner, S., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Application of next generation sequencing to study the fate of toxic cyanobacteria during oxidation (poster), Journée québécoise des étudiants Centreau, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 22 mars, 2019.
  26. Moradinejad, S., Zadfatollah-Seighalani, T., Mailly, J., trigui, H., Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Application of next generation sequencing to study the fate of toxic cyanobacteria during oxidation, 9th International Young Water Professionals Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, Jun 23-27, 2019.
  27. Okoro, O., Lompe, K., Papineau, I., Fradette, L., Barbeau, B., Oil spill and conventional WTPs: Emergency treatment measures for drinking water production, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  28. Papineau, I., Lapointe, M., Peleato, N., Peldszus, S., Barbeau, B., Selecting the best coagulant for nom removal: Conventional monomeric hydroxides vs. Polynuclear al-species, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-7, 2019.
  29. Prévost, M., Management of Legionella in water systems, Legionella Conference NSF/NEHA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Sep 11-13, 2019.
  30. Prévost, M., Identifying significant risks from contamination from intrusion and regrowth in distribution systems, Seventh International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2019) and SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos island, Grece, May 19-24, 2019.
  31. Prévost, M., Abouelmakarim, A., Bédard, E., Establishing the prevalence of Legionella pneumophila in various niches of chlorinated drinking water distribution (poster), 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  32. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Conséquences de l’application de la stratégie d’eau potable sur la qualité d’eau dans les grands bâtiments, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct., 2019.
  33. Rose, J., Prevost, M., Pruden, A., Berkelman, R., Ehlers, L., Management of Legionella in water systems: A consensus report, Webinar Legionella for report release, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medecine (NASEM) 2019.
  34. Solliec, M., Storck, V., Barbeau, B., Elucidation of organic micropollutants biodegradation using data-independent acquisition as part of a drinking water filter process, 67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Atlanta, GA, USA, Jun 2-6, 2019.
  35. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Pan, X., Qiu, Y., Smeets, P., Madema, G., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Impact of wastewater discharges on viral diversity and loads at a drinking water treatment plant (poster), 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  36. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Characterizing probability distribution tails in microbial risk assessment, UNC Water Microbiology Conference 2019, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 14-16, 2019.
  37. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Smeets, P., Madema, G., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Can stochastic models predict microbial peak events?, 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, Sep 15-20, 2019.
  38. Visentin, F., Bhartia, S., Dorner, S., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Vacuum UV treatment of cyanobacteria-contaminated waters: Impacts on natural organic matter, cyanotoxin & taste and odors (poster), Journée québécoise des étudiants Centreau, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 22 mars, 2019.
  39. Visentin, F., Dorner, S., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Désinfection des cyanobactéries et oxydation des polluants parla technologie UV sous vide (VUV) (poster), Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct., 2019.
  40. Visentin, F., Dorner, S., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., 2 en 1: Désinfection et enlèvement de contaminant par « Vacuum » UV, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-23 oct., 2019.
  41. Visentin, F., Mohseni, M., Dorner, S., Barbeau, B., Impact of Vacuum UV on cyanobacteria cell integrity, WQTC, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov 3-4, 2019.
  1. Alresheedi, M., Basu, O., Barbeau, B., Natural organic matter fouling and chemical cleaning of ceramic UF membranes, American Membrane Technology Association /American Water Works Association-Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition (AMTA/AWWA-MTC), West Palm Beach, FL, USA, Mar 12-16, 2018.
  2. Amini, N., Papineau, I., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange: A novel alternative to ion exchange for natural organic matter removal from surface waters, International Symposium on Potable Reuse and  Biological Treatment - AWWA, Austin, TEX, USA, Jan 22-23, 2018.
  3. Amini, N., Papineau, I., Storck, V., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange for NOM removal: From bench to pilot to implementation, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-14, 2018.
  4. Amini, N., Papineau, I., Storck, V., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Long-term performance of biological ion exchange for the treatment of colored surface waters (poster), RES’EAU annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, Jun 16-23, 2018.
  5. Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Allegra, S., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Impact of Legionella pneumophila strain isolation site on its persistence in water after heat shock or prolonged copper exposure, Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, C, USA, May 22-24, 2018.
  6. Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Quach, C., Laferrière, C., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Legionella pneumophila population in a hospital premise plumbing, ESGLI 2018 Conference, Lyon, FRANCE, Aug 28-30, 2018.
  7. Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Review of energy and water conservation measures and devices in buildings: How does it affect water quality?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 10-15, 2018.
  8. Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Building water quality gone bad – Real world studies (Canada), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 10-15, 201
  9. Bédard, E., Prévost, M., Réglementation et recommandations pour la gestion de la qualité d’eau dans les grands bâtiments, Colloque annuel de l’AGPI, 21e édition, Boucherville, QC, CANADA, 2-3 oct., 2018.
  10. Bédard, E., Taillandier, C., Daraiche, S., Lefebvre, A., Qualité d'eau dans les nouveaux bâtiments : mise en service et opération des réseaux d’eau pour minimiser les problèmes microbiens et chimiques futurs, Colloque annuel de l'AGPI, 21e édition, Boucherville, QC, CANADA, 2-3 oct, 2018.
  11. Bédard, E., Taillandier, C., Daraiche, S., Lefebvre, M.-C., Quach, C., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Water quality in new buildings: does the commissioning procedure determine future microbial and chemical problems?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 10-15, 2018.
  12. Burnet, J.-B., Tracking the contribution of multiple treated wastewater and CSO discharges at drinking water intakes by online E. coli monitoring, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-14, 2018.
  13. Burnet, J.-B., Stott, R., Conwell, C., Davies-Colley, R., Dorner, S., McKergow, L., Milne, J., Servais, P., Sylvestre, E., Prevost, M., Using online monitoring to link E. Coli temporal dynamics to contamination sources and hydrometeorology in drinking water supplies, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-14, 2018.
  14. Burnet, J.-B., Sylvestre, E., Hachad, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Moving towards autonomous online monitoring of E. coli for source water protection: The link with hydrometeorology, catchment characteristics, pathogens and micropollutants in drinking water supplies, Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, C, USA, May 22-24, 2018.
  15. Deshommes, E., Trueman, B., Douglas, I., Huggins, D., Laroche, L., Swertfeger, J., Spielmacher, A., Graham, G., Prévost, M., Impact of lead service line replacements and consumer exposure in 6 utilities using results from sequential sampling, National Water and Wastewater Conference 2018, Montréal, QC, Canada, Nov 4-7, 2018.
  16. Doré, E., DeSantis, M. K., Schock, M. R., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Investigating why orthoP fails to reduce Pb in partial lead service lines: Digging the answer in the scales, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  17. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., When should partial lead service line replacements be allowed? Trade-offs between galvanic corrosion and removing lead sections, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  18. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Lead and copper sampling in schools and large buildings: Implications for exposure and regulations, National Water and Wastewater Confernce 2018, Montréal, QC, Canada, Nov 4-7, 20
  19. Hachad, M., Lanoue, M., Villemur, R., Sauvé, S., Dorner, S., Locating illicit connections in storm water sewers in urban area using multiple approach source trackingdetection: Investigating wastewater micropollutants, human-specific Bacteroides, and mitochondrial DNA genetic markers as alternative tracers of sewer misconnections (poster), Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, C, USA, May 22-24, 2018.
  20. Haddad, M., Bazinet, L., Barbeau, B., Can stand-alone ED or coupled ED-MD be a suitable approach to treat spent brine from ion-exchange and recycle NaCl?, Euromembrane 2018, Valencia, Spain, Jul 9-13, 2018.
  21. Haddad, M., Bérubé, P. R., Ohkame, T., Barbeau, B., Hybrid hollow fibre NF-calcite contactor as a point of entry treatment method to remove Mn, Fe, hardness and nom from domestic groundwater supplies, 16th NYM (Network Young Membranes) 2018 conference, Valencia, Spain, Jul 5-7, 2018.
  22. Haji Malayeri, A., Jasim, S., Barbeau, B., Gehlen, I., Mohseni, M., Pilot-scale investigation of arsenic and manganese removal from groundwater in the city of white rock, BCWWA, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 13-15, 2018.
  23. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Sustained pressure deficient conditions in distribution systems: what is the risk of pathogen intrusion and transport?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  24. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Investigating the impact of sustained low pressure events on water quality in water supply networks using pressure-driven analysis 1st International WDSA/CCWI 2018 Joint Conference, Kingston, ON, Canada, Jul 23-25, 2018.
  25. Liu, Z., Sauvé, S., Lompe, K., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Second-stage biofiltration using ion exchange as a polishing water treatment process for NOM and ammonia removal, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 10-15, 2018.
  26. Liu, Z., Storck, V., Bérubé, P., Sauvé, S., Amini, N., Papineau, I., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange: A novel alternative to ion exchange for natural organic matter removal from surface waters, International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU), Tianjin, Chine, Jun 11-14, 2018.
  27. Lompe, K., Vo Duy, S., Peldszus, S., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Adsorption of micropollutants by fresh and colonized magnetic powdered activated carbon?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  28. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., McQuaid, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Besner, M.-C., Analyse de la vulnérabilité en milieu urbanisé: développement d’une approche novatrice, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 10-11 oct., 2018.
  29. Paranjape, K., Bédard, E., Ronholm, J., Prévost, M., Faucher, S., The importance of the bacterial community of cooling towers in legionnaires' disease outbreaks (poster), 1er symposium sur le microbiote, Faculté de médecine, Montréal, QC, Canada, 2 nov., 2018.
  30. Pourahmad, H., Haddad, M., Barbeau, B., Simultaneous Mn/Fe removal and hardness adjustment of hollow fiber-NF soft permeate via calcite contactor for domestic groundwater treatment systems, XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering Incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSCHE), Toronto, ON, Canada, Oct 28-31, 2018.
  31. Prévost, M., Panel discussion, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018.
  32. Prévost, M., Introduction to building WQ issues - Microbiological and chemical, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018.
  33. Prévost, M., Barrette, S., Dorner, S., Bichai, F., Assessing the risks of pipeline spills on drinking water intakes: the case study of 27 Canadian drinking water intakes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  34. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Management of legionella in Canadian HCFs: From commissionning to outbreak response, Managing Legionella in Building Water Systems, Session on Management in Hospitals and Buildings, National Sanitation Agency – NSF, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 7-8, 2018.
  35. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Presentation titles to be determined, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018.
  36. Prévost, M., Nguyen, L. C., Comparaison of regulations and guidance to control Legionella in HWS, National Academy of Science,  Open Session of the Committee on Management of Legionella in Water Systems, 2nd meeting, Washington, USA, May 7-8, 2018.
  37. Riblet, C., Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Exposure to lead at the tap: Insights from proportional sampling and water usage monitoring, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  38. Romanis, C., Mills, T., Neilan, B., Henderson, R., Gale, D., Newcombe, G., Crosbie, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Zamyadi, A., Exploring benefits of combined microscopy & next-generation sequencing to identify cyanobacteria water treatment critical points & potential solutions, The 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), Nantes, France, 2018.
  39. Solliec, M., Storck, V., Greer, C., Barbeau, B., Monitoring micropollutant biodegradation using mass spectrometry in a biological exchange drinking water filter process (poster), 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, San Diego, CA, USA, June 3-7, 2018.
  40. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Cantin, P., Robert, C., Villion, M., Dorner, S., Using quantitative microbial risk assessment to evaluate treatment requirements at 26 drinking water systems Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, C, USA, May 22-24, 2018.
  41. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Cantin, P., Robert, C., Villion, M., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Dorner, S., Can E. coli reliably inform on the magnitude and fluctuations in waterborne pathogens for microbial risk assessment? A study of 26 drinking water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  42. Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Villion, M., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Dorner, S., Including climate variability in QMRA models for drinking water safety: Case studies for heavy rainfall and rapid snowmelt events American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  43. Yarahmadi, H., Vo Duy, S., Hachad, M., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Fate of steroids released by CSOs and WWTPs into rivers: Impact on drinking water sources and aquatic life (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  44. Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Bloom real time monitoring, predictive modelling and source management options, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  45. Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Stuetz, R., Henderson, R. K., Choo, F., Coral, L. A., Romanis, C., Mills, T., Neilan, B., Gale, D., Newcombe, G., Crosbie, N., Hofmann, R., Sauvé, S., Management of harmful algal blooms: Lessons learned from water treatment plants at low and high risk of bloom events, Atlantic Canadian Cyanobacterial Workshop, Halifax, Canada, Nov 20, 2018.
  46. Zamyadi, A., Hofmann, R., Use of multi-probe data sondes to monitor treatment through the water plant, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  47. Zamyadi, A., Hofmann, R., Group 1 - Use of multi-probe data sondes to monitor treatment through the water plant, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  48. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Cyanobacterial toxin expression in treatment plant located in high risk bloom sources, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 11-15, 2018.
  49. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Moradinejad, S., Henderson, R., Stuetz, R., Development of a model to support the design and operation of ozonation against toxic cyanobacteria, International Ozone Association (IOA), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Aug 20-23, 2018.
  50. Zamyadi, A., Romanis, C., Mills, T., Neilan, B., Choo, F., Coral, L., Stuetz, R., Henderson, R., Gale, D., Newcombe, G., Crosbie, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Taste & odour compounds and algal toxins in Water: Management strategies in an era of extreme climate and urban growth, Tokyo, Japan, IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018, Sep 16-21, 2018.
  51. Zamyadi, A., Romanis, C., Mills, T., Neilan, B., Coral, L., Stuetz, R., Henderson, R., Gale, D., Newcombe, G., Crosbie, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Harmful algal blooms during water treatment: Challenges and management techniques, 53th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (CAWQ), Toronto, ON, Canada, Feb 22, 2018.
  1. Amini, N., Papineau, I., Bérubé, P., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange: A novel alternative to ion exchange for natural organic matter removal from surface waters, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  2. Amini, N., Papineau, I., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Biological ion exchange performance compared to biological activated carbon in NOM removal from drinking water (poster), RES'EAU Impact - RES'EAU WaterNet, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 26-27, 2017.
  3. Barbeau, B., Pfeiffer, V., Ellis, D., Révision du chapitre 11 sur la conception des réservoirs d’eau potable du Guide de conception des installations de production d’eau potable – Volume 1 & 2, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau, Lévis (QC) Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  4. Barrette, S., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Vulnerability of the water treatment plants in the greater Montreal to pipeline spills, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  5. Barrette, S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Déversement accidentel d’oléoduc : vulnérabilité des usines de traitement d‘eau potable de la grande région montréalaise, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  6. Bédard, E., Doberva, M., Lalancette, C., Quach, C., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., What determines the population breakdown of Legionella pneumophila in large buildings: The faucet or the distribution piping?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-15, 2017.
  7. Bédard, E., Lalancette, C., Charron, D., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Do electronic faucets cause Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreaks in hospital environments?, 19th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 15-19, 2017.
  8. Bhartia, S., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Assessment of biostability for vacuum uv treated surface water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  9. Burnet, J. B., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Validation de la technologie ColiMinder pour le suivi en continu d'Escherichia coli, Journée d’échange CICEP-Veolia, Maisons-Laffitte, France, 2017.
  10. Burnet, J.-B., Ceccantini, J., Quoc, D. T., Servais, P., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Automated high frequency monitoring of beta-D-glucuronidase activity for improved protection of drinking water supplies (poster), IWA Young Water Professionals BeNeLux 5th Regional Conference Ghent, Belgium, Jul 5-7, 2017.
  11. Burnet, J.-B., Ceccantini, J., Quoc, D. T., Sylvestre, É., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Automated high frequency monitoring of β-D-glucuronidase activity in drinking water supplies in Québec, Canada (poster), 19th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2017.
  12. Burnet, J.-B., Faraj, T., Cauchie, H.-M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., How does metazooplankton grazing affect the fate of E. coli in water?, 19th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 15-19, 2017.
  13. Burnet, J.-B., Tuc, D. Q., Ceccantini, J., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Analytical validation of automated high frequency monitoring of β-D-glucuronidase activity in drinking water supplies, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  14. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Barbeau, B., An integrated fluidized bed-membrane hybrid process for iron/manganese control in drinking water, International Symposium on Inorganics, Detroit, ML, USA, Mar 21-22, 2017.
  15. Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Prévost, M., Niveaux de contamination par le plomb dans les écoles canadiennes et prédiction de la plombémie, Webinaire, 28 juin, 2017.
  16. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Application of sequential sampling for lead in water to inform management decisions, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  17. Doberva, M., Bédard, E., Vauquier Claire, Mendis, N., Faucher, S., Allegra, S., Prévost, M., Innovative flow cytometry to show the resistance of Legionella pneumophila environmental strains to different disinfectants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-15, 2017.
  18. Doré, E., Impact des modifications à l'usine de traitement sur les teneurs en plomb dans l'eau du robinet, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  19. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Can you flush away your lead problems in large buildings?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-15, 2017.
  20. Endetec Veolia, SWARM smart water ressource active management, Journée d’échange CICEP-Veolia, Maisons-Laffitte, France, 13 juill., 2017.
  21. Haddad, M., Bérubé, P., Ohkame, T., Taniguchi, N., Barbeau, B., Treatment of domestic groundwater supplies by a novel hybrid Hollow fiber nanofiltration membrane-calcite contactor process, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  22. Haddad, M., Bérubé, P. R., Ohkame, T., Taniguchi, N., Barbeau, B., Integrated hollow fiber nanofiltration membrane-calcite contactor process for domestic groundwater treatment, 8th IWA Specialist conference on membrane technologiy for water and wastewater treatment, Singapore, Sep 5-9, 2017.
  23. Haddad, M., Bérubé, P. R., Ohkame, T., Taniguchi, N., Barbeau, B., Performance of hollow fiber nanofiltration (HFNF) system to remove manganese and iron from domestic groundwater supplies (poster), ICOM 2017 Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jul 29 - 4 Aug, 2017.
  24. Haji Malayeri, A., Jasim, S., Barbeau, B., Gehlen, I., Mohseni, M., Identifying a municipal groundwater treatment strategy for the City of White Rock, BC, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  25. Haji Malayeri, A., Mohseni, M., Jasim, S., Barbeau, B., A community circle approach to evaluating water treatment solution for the city of White Rock, 45th Annual conference & Trade and Show. BCWWA, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 28-30, 2017.
  26. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Assessing the impact of the duration and intensity of sustained low pressure events on water quality in a full-scale network, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  27. Hatat-Fraile, M., Barbeau, B., Can routine colorimetric monitoring of manganese be enough sensitive for regulatory compliance?, International Symposium on Inorganics, Detroit, ML, USA, Mar 21-22, 2017.
  28. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Optimising flocculation with starch polymer to reduce polyacrylamide usage, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  29. Lompe, K., Solliec, M., Rivas Gongora, M., Peldszus, S., Barbeau, B., Selecting powdered activated carbon against taste & odour events in different water matrices, The 31st Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, May 19, 2017.
  30. Lompe, K., Solliec, M., Rivas Gongora, M., Peldszus, S., Barbeau, B., Selecting a single pac against multiple threats: taste & odour, hydrocarbons and toxins, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-15, 2017.
  31. Lompe, K., Solliec, M., Rivas Gongora, M., Peldszus, S., Barbeau, B., Un seul charbon actif en poudre contre plusieurs défis : les goûts et odeurs et le benzène, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  32. Nguyen, M. T. K., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Comparing on-line sensors for the rapid detection of hydrocarbons (HCs) in surface water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  33. Nguyen, M. T. K., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Évaluation de sondes en continu pour la détection rapide d’hydrocarbures dans l’eau brute, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  34. Papineau, I., Amini, N., Bérubé, P., Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Échange d'ions biologique: une approche novatrice pour l'élimination de la matière organique naturelle des eaux de surface, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  35. Prévost, M., Renouvellement de la Chaire industrielle CRSNG en traitement et distribution de l'eau potable pour la période 2015-2020, Journée d’échange CICEP-Veolia, Maisons-Laffitte, France, 13 juill., 2017.
  36. Prévost, M., Programme de recherche. Thème 1 : Analyse des risques aux prises d'eau potable (20 %), Journée d’échange CICEP-Veolia, Maisons-Laffitte, France, 13 juill., 2017.
  37. Prévost, M., Renouvellement de la Chaire industrielle CRSNG en traitement et distribution de l'eau potable pour la période 2015-2020. Survol du programme, Journée d’échange CICEP-Veolia, Maisons-Laffitte, France, 13 juill., 2017.
  38. Prévost, M., Doberva, M., Allegra, S., Faucher, S., Bédard, E., Impact of temperature, copper and chlorine exposure on the viability and recovery of clinical and environmental strains of Legionella pneumophila, The 9th International Conference on Legionella, Rome, Italy, Sep 26-30, 2017.
  39. Riblet, C., Les prélèvements réglementaires du plomb permettent-ils de refléter l’exposition du consommateur?, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis (QC) Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  40. Solliec, M., Barbeau, B., Development of a sensitive analytical method for the analysis of cyanobacteria-related off-flavor compounds in water using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (poster), 65th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Jun 4-8, 2017.
  41. Sylvestre, É., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Capturing the high risk periods for water treatment plants by measuring peak microbial contamination at the water intake, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  42. Sylvestre, É., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Pang, X. L., Qiu, L., Dorner, S., Do current regulatory monitoring frameworks account for microbial risk associated with peak contamination events?, 19th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 15-19, 2017.
  43. Taillandier, C., Bédard, E., Mendis, N., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Efficacité du cuivre pour le contrôle de Legionella pneumophila dans l’eau: réalité ou fiction?, Americana- Réseau Environnement, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-24 mars, 2017.
  44. Visentin, F., Dorner, S., Mohseni, M., Bhartia, S., Barbeau, B., Traitement des eaux contaminées par des cyanobactéries par Vacuum UV : Impacts sur les toxines et la matière organique naturelle, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau, Lévis, QC, Canada, 11-12 oct., 2017.
  45. Visentin, F., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Evolution of natural organic matter composition during a cyanobacterial bloom and its impact on coagulant demand, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR, USA, Nov 12-16, 2017.
  1. Bédard, E., Boppe, I., Skouame, S., Valiquette, L., Racine, J., Prévost, M., Long term impact of thermal control on Legionella levels in large building premise plumbing, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  2. Bédard, E., Boppe, I., Skouame, S., Valiquette, L., Racine, J., Prévost, M., Long term impact of thermal control on Legionella levels in large building premise plumbing, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  3. Bédard, E., Lévesque, S., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Dolcé, C.-É., Villion, M., Valiquette, L., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Unintended consequences of energy conservation devices on Legionella proliferation (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  4. Bédard, E., Lévesque, S., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Dolcé, C.-É., Villion, M., Valiquette, L., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Unintended consequences of energy conservation devices on Legionella proliferation, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  5. Bédard, E., Lévesque, S., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Dolcé, C.-É., Villion, M., Valiquette, L., Faucher, S., Prévost, M., Dispositifs d’économie d’énergie pour les réseaux d’eau chaude: conséquences sur la prolifération de la bactérie Legionella pneumophila, Journées annuelles de la formation de l'AMMIQ - JAFA 2016, Estérel, QC, Canada, Jun 1-3, 2016.
  6. Bédard, E., Taillandier, C., Mendis, N., Faucher, S. P., Prévost, M., Effect of copper on survival and culturability of premise plumbing-adapted Legionella pneumophila strains, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  7. Bédard, E., Taillandier, C., Mendis, N., Faucher, S. P., Prévost, M., Effect of copper on survival and culturability of premise plumbing-adapted Legionella pneumophila strains, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  8. Burnet, J.-B., Faraj, T. A. A., Role of metazooplankton grazing on the fate of E. Coli in source water (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  9. Burnet, J.-B., Faraj, T. A. A., Cauchie, H.-M., Joaquim-Justo, C., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Role of metazooplankton grazing on the fate of E. Coli in source water, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  10. Burnet, J.-B., Sylvestre, É., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Automated high frequency monitoring of β-D-glucuronidase activity for assessment of E. coli temporal dynamics in source water, Rendez-Vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l’Eau, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 1er-3 nov., 2016.
  11. Chacana-Olivares, J., Labelle, M.-A., Maclennan, L., Laporte, A., Barbeau, B., Comeau, Y., Use of ozone in anaerobic digestion to enhance biogas production, WEAO 2016 Technical Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, Apr 10-12, 2016.
  12. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Barbeau, B., Integrated fluidized bed-membrane process for improved iron and manganese control in drinking water (poster), Reseau waternet annual meeting Whistler, BC, Canada, May, 2016.
  13. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Challenges in lead service line detection and management by utilities, OWWA Treatment Seminar, Toronto, ON, Canada, Jun 10, 2016.
  14. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Défis soulevés pour la détection et la gestion des entrées de service en plomb par les municipalités canadiennes, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 nov., 2016.
  15. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Situations à risque pour l'exposition au plomb dans l'eau du robinet (poster), Les 20es journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP), Montréal, QC, Canada, 21-22 nov., 2016.
  16. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Gagnon, G., Andrews, R. C., Partial lead service line replacements: Impacts on water quality and recommendations, NSERC IRC Technology Transfer Day, Toronto, ON, Canada, Apr 13, 2016.
  17. Doré, E., DeSantis, M. K., Schock, M. R., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Comparison of corrosion scales in full and partially replaced lead service lines after changes in water quality, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  18. Doré, E., DeSantis, M. K., Shock, M. R., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Impact of water quality change on corrosion scales in full and partially replaced lead service lines, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  19. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Laroche, L., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Impacts du temps de stagnation, du Cl2 et de la dose d’orthoP sur les concentrations de plomb à l’échelle pilote, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 Nov., 2016.
  20. Durand, J., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Monitoring water quality in distribution systems: Laboratory and field validation of on-line multi-parameter probes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  21. Durand, J., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Monitoring water quality in distribution systems: Laboratory and field validation of on-line multi-parameter probes, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  22. Durand, J., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Suivi en continue de la qualité de l’eau dans les réseaux de distribution : validation en laboratoire et terrain de sondes de mesures en continues milti-paramétriques, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 nov., 2016.
  23. Goyer-Desrosiers, P., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Predicting the impacts of source water quality changes by using on-line monitoring in pilot zones (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  24. Goyer-Desrosiers, P., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Predicting the impacts of source water quality changes by using on-line monitoring in pilot zones, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  25. Goyer-Desrosiers, P., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Suivi en temps réel de la qualité de l’eau potable dans un réseau de distribution pendant le changement d’usine de production d’eau potable, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 nov., 2016.
  26. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Case studies of pressure-driven analysis: Managing sustained low pressure events in water distribution system, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  27. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Water quality modeling during low pressure event in a full-scale distribution system, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  28. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Modélisation de la qualité de l'eau lors de pertes de pression prolongées dans un réseau de distribution réel, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 nov., 2016.
  29. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Alternative ballast medias for water flocculation, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  30. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Dual polyacrylamide-starch polymer system for improved flocculation, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  31. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Dual starch-polyacrylamide and polymer system for improved flocculation, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  32. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Novel ballast media for ballasted flocculation 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  33. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Peut-on utiliser une combinaison de polymères pour améliorer la floculation ?, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 9-10 nov., 2016.
  34. Lompe, K., Barbeau, B., Menard, D., Adsorption of NOM & micropollutants on magnetic powdered activated carbon, North East Graduate Student Water Symposium (NEGSWS), Amhrest, USA, Sep 8-10, 2016.
  35. Lompe, K., Menard, D., Barbeau, B., Adsorption of micropollutants and natural organic matter on magnetic activated carbon, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  36. Lompe, K., Menard, D., Barbeau, B., Adsorption of NOM & micropollutants on magnetic powdered activated carbon, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  37. Oie, C., Vo Duy, S., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Evaluation of polymeric adsorbents for the removal of organic micropollutants from drinking water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  38. Prévost, M., Use of molecular techniques for detecting legionella in environmental samples, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  39. Prévost, M., Collaborative research in drinking water: Solving problems from source to tap, Research Seminar, May, 2016.
  40. Prévost, M., Collaborative research in drinking water: Solving problems from source to tap, Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun 19-22, 2016.
  41. Prévost, M., Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Canadian research perspective on relating water sampling protocols to lead exposure risks, USEPA Webinar, Montreal, QC, Canada, Jan 21, 2016.
  42. Prévost, M., Deshommes, E., Doré, E., Desmarais, M.-C., Nour, S., Update on lead service line related work, Webinar, Montreal, QC, Canada, Jan 15, 2016.
  43. Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Coral, L. A., Dorner, S., Toxic Cyanobacteria: What do they mean for Canadian utilities, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  44. Sylvestre, É., Analysis of fecal indicator data to identify periods of microbial challenge in drinking water treatment plants, 2016 Water Microbiology Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 17-19, 2016.
  45. Sylvestre, É., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Analysis of fecal indicator data to identify periods of microbial challenge in drinking water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  46. Sylvestre, É., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Monitoring temporal variability of fecal indicator bacteria concentrations in an urban drinking-water source, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  47. Winter, J., Berubé, P., Barbeau, B., NF-tight UF for NOM-removal: System design and operating conditions, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  48. Winter, J., Schulz, M., Wray, H., Barbeau, B., Bérubé, P., Biological filtration for NOM-removal – Biological ion exchange and biological activated carbon, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov 13-17, 2016.
  49. Yarahmadi, H., Vo Duy, S., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Fate of steroid hormones in wastewater treatment plants and their occurrence in receiving surface waters and drinking water plants, 17th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water (NDWC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct 16-18, 2016.
  1. Bannier, A., Deshommes, E., Remplacements d'entrées de service en plomb à la Ville de Montréal, Congrès INFRA, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 2015.
  2. Barbeau, B., Papineau, I., Blais, M., Laflamme, E., Evaluation of the OPALIX: A novel process for natural organic matter removal from surface waters, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  3. Bédard, E., Charron, D., Lalancette, C., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Novel tools to detect Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water from premise plumbing, National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, Oct 25-28, 2015.
  4. Bédard, E., Charron, D., Lalancette, C., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Electronic faucets and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Uncovering the role of water quality and faucet design, American Water Works Association-International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens (IWPS), Savannah, GA, USA, Apr 13-14, 2015.
  5. Bédard, E., Charron, D., Lalancette, C., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Déziel, É., Is Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurrence in hospital water underestimated, ASM Conference on Pseudomonas, Washington, DC, USA, Sept 8-12, 2015.
  6. Bédard, E., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Impact of surface-to-volume ratio on biofilm release in drinking water at the tap, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  7. Boppe, I., Bédard, E., Valiquette, L., Racine, J., Prévost, M., Légionelles : déterminer les zones à risque par un diagnostic de réseau d’eau chaude, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Réseau Environnement, Rivière-du-Loup, QC, Canada, 11-12 nov., 2015.
  8. Chacana, J., Labelle, M.-A., Laporte, A., Laflamme, E., Dold, P. L., Barbeau, B., Comeau, Y., Enhanced methanogenesis by ozone venturi injection in an enhanced primary water resource recovery facilities (poster), Americana-Réseau Environnement, Montréal, QC, Canada, 17-19 mars, 2015.
  9. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Barbeau, B., Comparison of pyrolucite fluidized and fixed bed operations for iron/manganese control in groundwater, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  10. Deshommes, E., Laroche, L., Bannier, A., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Two-year monitoring of lead release before and after partial lead service line replacement in 35 households, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  11. Desmarais, M.-C., Trueman, B., Wilson, P., Huggins, D., Swertfeger, J., Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Impact of partial lead service line replacements on water quality: Lead profiling sampling results in 6 North-American utilities, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  12. Dias, V., Bédard, E., Durand, A.-A., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Shifts in bacterial diversity composition in a full scale distribution system, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  13. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Lead release in partial and full LSLs: Impact of higher orthoP dosage and the addition of Cl2, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  14. Hatam, F., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Water quality modeling: Comparison of different chlorine and THM reaction models under different pressure conditions, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  15. Lalancette, C., Charron, D., Dolcé, P., Bédard, E., Laferrière, C., Déziel, É., Prévost, M., Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Investigating relationships between strains found in water system biofilms and on infected patients American Water Works Association-International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens (IWPS), Savannah, GA, USA, Apr 13-14, 2015.
  16. Lalancette, C., Dolcé, P., Bédard, E., Déziel, É., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Pseudomonas aeruginosa: à la recherche des liens possibles entre les biofilms des systèmes d'eau des hôpitaux et les cas d'infection nosocomiale, Midi conférence INSPQ, 2015.
  17. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Novel microscopy method to evaluate the incorporation efficiency of alternative ballasting agents during flocculation, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  18. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Non-toxic biodegradable starch as an alternative to synthetic polymers for drinking water flocculation (poster), Americana-Réseau Environnement, Montréal, QC, Canada, 17-19 mars, 2015.
  19. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Évaluation «morphologique» de flocs lestés par microscopie optique adaptée : impact des propriétés physiques de l’agent lestant, Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Réseau Environnement, Rivière-du-Loup, QC, Canada, 11-12 nov., 2015.
  20. L'heureux, S., Dorner, S., Autixier, L., McQuaid, N., Prévost, M., Modélisation du risque de contamination ponctuelle dans un canal urbain d'eau potable, RHQ2015 – La recherche hydrologique au Québec : État des lieux et perspectives, Montréal, QC, Canada, 9-10 juin, 2015.
  21. Lompe, K., Barbeau, B., Menard, D., Performance evaluation of biological magnetic powdered activated carbon, New England Graduate Student Water Symposium (NEGSWS), Amherst, MA, USA, Sep 11-13, 2015.
  22. Lompe, K., Menard, D., Barbeau, B., Perfomance evaluation of biological magnetic powdered activated carbon, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  23. Mohseni, M., Barbeau, B., Doyle-Yamaguchi, E., Laflamme, E., Field investigation of alternative NOM removal processes for applications in small water systems: Pilot plant studies in Shawnigan Lake, BC The Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), Whistler, BC, Canada, Oct 25-28, 2015.
  24. Nour, S., Deshommes, E., Gagnon, G., Andrews, R. C., Prévost, M., Lessons and experience on the management of lead service lines by utilities and public perception, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  25. Payant, A., Ganaoui, R., Barbeau, B., Performance of novel hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes for surface water treatment (poster), Réunion annuelle du Reseau - Waternet, Kelowna, BC, Canada, May 24-27, 2015.
  26. Pazouki, P., McQuaid, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Use of fluorometric probes to estimate the risk of cyanobacteria (CB) breakthrough in a bank filtration, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  27. Prévost, M., Recent advances in detecting and monitoring algal toxins in surface water treatment, IRC Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, Apr 15, 2015.
  28. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Biocides and disinfectants: Microbial survival strategies, Pathogen Risk Management and Control in Building Water Systems, Portland, OR, USA, May 29, 2015.
  29. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Boppe, I., Charron, D., Lalancette, C., Dolcé, C. E., institutions, C. d., Conséquences des mesures de conservation d'eau et d'énergie sur l'exposition aux bactéries opportunistes en milieu hospitalier, Colloque AGPI, Boucherville, Québec, Canada, 30 sept., 2015.
  30. Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Ellis, D., Bolduc, A., Bastien, C., Toxic cyanobacteria in a drinking water treatment plant: Source to tap challenges, IAGLR Meeting, Burlington, VT, USA, May 25-29, 2015.
  31. Taghipour, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Autixier, L., Tolouei Gavgani, S., Galarneau, M., Dorner, S., Dynamic behavior of CSO discharges in terms of normalized scale parameters of events for source water characterization (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  32. Toulouei, S., Prévost, M., Autixier, L., Bonsteel, J., Sauvé, S., Burnet, J.-B., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Evaluating the dynamic behaviour of waterborne pathogens in raw sewage and treated effluent under dry and wet weather conditions American Water Works Association-International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens (IWPS), Apr 13-14, 2015.
  33. Winter, J., Bérubé, P. R., Barbeau, B., NF-UF range membranes for surface water treatment - Fouling and concentration polarization due to NOM of various compositions, American Membrane Technology/American Water Works Association-Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition (AMTA/AWWA-MTC), Orlando, FL, USA, Mar 2-6, 2015.
  34. Wray, H., Schuler, M., Vortisch, R., Bérubé, P., Barbeau, B., Ion Exchange for NOM removal in drinking water treatment, The Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), Whistler, BC, Canada, Oct 25-28, 2015.
  35. Yarahmadi, H., Sauvé, S., Vo Duy, S., Prévost, M., Occurrence of steroid hormones and seasonal variation in their profile in river sediments and surface waters considered as drinking water source, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  36. Yarahmadi, H., Vo Duy, S., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Présence et variation saisonnière d'hormones dans les sédiments et les eaux de surface, Symposium sur la gestion de l’eau. Réseau Environnement, Rivière-du-Loup, QC, Canada, 11-12 nov., 2015.
  37. Zamyadi, A., Ellis, D., Bolduc, A., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Cyanotoxins breakthrough in eastern canadian water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  38. Zamyadi, A., Henderson, R., Stuetz, R., Newcombe, G., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Cyanobaterial cells-water treatment challenges, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  39. Zamyadi, A., Henderson, R., Stuetz, R., Newcombe, G., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Real-time management of cyanobacterial blooms: Advantages and limitations of in vivo fluorescence probes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Nov 15-19, 2015.
  1. Autixier, L., Dorner, S., Bolduc, S., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Galarneau, M., Rain gardens and source water protection: Modelling of rain gardens for an urban area in Québec, American Water Works Association - Sustainable Water Management Conference, Denver, CO, USA, Mar 30-Apr 2, 2014.
  2. Bédard, E., Fey, S., Lalancette, C., Dolce, P., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Risk assessment of Legionella pneumophila amplification in sanitary hot water distribution systems, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  3. Bichai, F., Dullemont, Y., Hijnen, W., Barbeau, B., Predation and transport of persistent pathogens in gac and slow sand filters: a threat to drinking water safety? , American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  4. Coral, L. A., Zamyadi, A., Barbeau, B., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Bassetti, F. J., Lappolli, F. R., Prévost, M., Release and oxidation of cell-bound microcystins by ozone, IWA-World Water Congress & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept 21-26, 2014.
  5. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Deveau, D., Bannier, A., Field evaluation of the impact of partial lead service line replacements on lead concentrations in tap water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  6. Doré, E., Cartier, C., Edwards, M., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Impact of stagnation patterns on particulate and dissolved lead release from full and partial LSLs, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  7. Fey, S., Bédard, E., Parent, C., Dolcé, P., Rhéaume, P., Prévost, M., Évaluation du risque de prolifération de légionelles dans des réseaux d’eau chaude sanitaire de grands bâtiments par une méthode innovatrice, Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec (STEQ), Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 11-12 mars, 2014.
  8. Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Leconte, R., Huaringa Alvarez, U. F., Galarneau, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Hydrodynamic modelling and dispersion of fecal contaminants in water current and future climates, 2014 Water Microbiology Conference Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 5 – 7, 2014.
  9. Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Leconte, R., Huaringa Alvarez, U. F., Galarneau, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Hydrodynamic modelling and fecal indicator dispersion in current and future climates, 2014 New England Graduate Student Water Symposium, Amherst, MA, USA, Sep 12-14, 2014.
  10. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Evaluation of activated starch polymers as an alternative to polyacrylamide in ballasted flocculation (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  11. Lapointe, M., Barbeau, B., Évaluation des polymères d'amidon activé comme alternative au polyacrylamide pour le traitement de l'eau potable, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 2014.
  12. Lompe, K., Menard, D., Barbeau, B., Magnetic powdered activated carbon as an alternative adsorbent in a biological drinking water treatment process, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  13. Papineau, I., Dionne, Y., Barbeau, B., Bench-scale evaluation to identify optimal treatment scenario for Gatineau water treatment plant, 16th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water, Gatineau, QC, Canada, Oct 26-29, 2014.
  14. Prévost, M., Legionella: Experiences in managing pathogens in large buildings, 16th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water, Gatineau, QC, Canada, Oct 26-29, 2014.
  15. Toulouei, S., Autixier, L., Bonsteel, J., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Event-based analysis of the microbiological quality of the influent and effluent in a wastewater treatment plant, 29th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Montréal, QC, Canada, Oct 17, 2014.
  16. Zamyadi, A., Coral, L. A., Daly, R. I., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Development of a model to support the design and operation of ozone and chlorine oxidation processes against toxic cyanobacteria, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov 16-20, 2014.
  17. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Henderson, R., Stuart, R., Newcombe, G., Dorner, S., Fluorescence probes for real time management of cyanobacterial blooms in drinking water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2014.
  1. Aboulfadl, K., El Messabeb-Ouali, A., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Choix des filtres appropriés pour la filtration des échantillons en utilisant la méthode d'analyse multi-composés automatisée à haut-débit (SPE-UPLC-APCI-MS/MS), 17e colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, Canada, 6-7 juin, 2013.
  2. Autixier, L., Dorner, S., Bolduc, S., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Calage du débit et de la qualité des eaux d'un ouvrage de surverse d'un secteur urbain à l'aide du modèle SWMM, Le 27e Congrès régional de l'Association Canadienne sur la qualité de l'Eau (ACQE) de l'Est du Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 26 oct., 2013.
  3. Autixier, L., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Aboufadl, K., Mailhot, A., Bolduc, S., Servais, P., Galarneau, M., Dorner, S., Surverses d’égouts combinés : échantillonnage, modélisation et gestion des eaux de débordements, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  4. Autixier, L., Mailhot, A., Bolduc, A., Talbot, G., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Galarneau, M., Dorner, S., Mise en place de cellules de bio-rétention pour un secteur urbain québécois dans la perspective de protection de sources d'eau potable (poster), La recherche hydrologique au Québec, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 25-26 avr., 2013.
  5. Barbeau, B., Pfeiffer, V., Beyond the CT10 approach: A validation of alternative models to predict disinfection performance, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  6. Bédard, E., Lalancette, C., Fey, S., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., An innovative and simple approach to identify bacterial amplification risk areas in large building water distribution systems, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  7. Besner, M.-C., Therrien, J. F., Allard, D., Mise en œuvre de la sectorisation du réseau de distribution de la Ville de Laval 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct. , 2013.
  8. Charron, D., Bédard, E., Lalancette, C., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Impact des différents types de robinets sur l’occurrence de Pseudomonas aeruginosa dans l’eau des grands bâtiments, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  9. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Bérubé, P. R., Barbeau, B., Understanding groundwater ultrafiltration fouling caused by manganese and iron, American Water Works Assciation-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  10. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Bérubé, P. R., Barbeau, B., Understanding groundwater ultrafiltration fouling caused by manganese (poster), Res'eau WaterNet Impact, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct 2-3, 2013.
  11. Deshommes, E., Andrews, R., Gagnon, G., Doré, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Contribution of tap water from large buildings to blood lead levels, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  12. Dias, V., Besner, M.-C., Doutetien, C., Prevost, M., Approach to predict water quality changes resulting from sectorization, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  13. Dias, V. C. F., Besner, M.-C., Doutetien, C., Prévost, M., Sectorisation du réseau de distribution d’eau potable : impact et prédiction des changements sur la qualité de l’eau, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  14. Doré, E., Cartier, C., Laroche, L., Nour, S., Prévost, M., L'impact du traitement sur la formation de dépôts et le relargage de plomb provenant de remplacements partiels de conduites de plomb âgées, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  15. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Measuring lead levels at the tap of Canadian schools: The importance of considering particulate lead, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  16. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Développement d’une méthode d’analyse des hormones stéroïdiennes par l’extraction sur phase solide en ligne couplée à la LC-APCI-MS/MS, 17e Colloque annuel du Chapitre St-Laurent (SETAC/SRA), Montréal, QC, Canada, 6-7 juin, 2013.
  17. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APCI-MS/MS for the Determination of steroidal hormones in water, 9th Annual Workshop on LC/MS/MS Applications in Environmental Analysis and Food Safety, Burlington, ON, Canada, May 6-9, 2013.
  18. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., A kinetic study of the permanganate oxidation of progestagens by LDTD-APCI-MS/MS, EnviroAnalysis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Sep 15-18, 2013.
  19. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APCI-MS/MS for the determination of steroidal hormones in water, Montreal Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group (MMSDG), Montréal, QC, Canada, Feb 19, 2013.
  20. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Ultra-fast LDTD-APCI-MS/MS analysis of steroid hormones oxidized in surface water using potassium permanganate, 61st ASMS Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Jun 9-13, 2013.
  21. Fayad, P. B., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Degradation of progestagens by oxidation with potassium permanganates in wastewater effluents using the LDTD-APCI-MS/MS (poster), 61st ASMS Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Jun 9-13, 2013.
  22. Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Leconte, R., Huaringa Alvarez, U. F., Galarneau, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Hydrodynamic modelling and the dispersion of fecal contaminants in current and future climates, 13th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists Arcueil, Paris, France, Jun 2-7, 2013.
  23. Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Leconte, R., Huaringa Alvarez, U. F., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Modélisation hydrodynamique de la contamination en E. Coli sur la rivière des Prairies en climat actuel et futur, La recherche hydrologique au Québec, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 25-26 avr., 2013.
  24. Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Bédard, E., L’environnement des centres de santé à la hauteur des interventions médicales des années 2010-2050, AIPI - 35e journées scientifiques Boucherville, QC, Canada, 27 mai, 2013.
  25. Lalancette, C., Bédard, E., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Do drinking water system biofilms act as reservoirs for hospital-acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  26. Lalancette, C., Bédard, E., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Bacterial load and diversity survey in hospital water distribution system (poster), IDWeek 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct 2-6, 2013.
  27. Lalancette, C., Papineau, I., Dorner, S., Servais, P., Barbeau, B., Di Giovanni, G., Prévost, M., Using E. coli to Cryptosporidium ratios: Are current binning thresholds safe?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  28. Maghsoudi, E., Fortin, N., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Greer, C., Masson, L., Sauvé, S., Aboufadl, K., Predicting the biodegradation of multiple cyanotoxins in drinking water sources on the Missisquoi Bay, Canada, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  29. Papineau, I., Plourde-Lescelleur, F., Gadbois, A., Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Evaluating five process alternatives to upgrade nom removal in conventional treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  30. Pfeiffer, V., Barbeau, B., Développement et mise en place d'une nouvelle méthode simple et fiable pour le calcul des performances de désinfection, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  31. Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Fey, S., Lalancette, C., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Using temperature profiling in sanitary hot water systems of hospitals to identify hight sites for L. pneumophila, 8th International Legionella Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Oct 29-Nov 1, 2013.
  32. Robinson, S. J., Bérubé, P., Barbeau, B., Hybrid or discrete ozone/filtration systems? Implications for performance & permeate quality (poster), Res'eau WaterNet Impact, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct 2-3, 2013.
  33. St. Clair, J., Cartier, C., Arnold, R., Triantafylidou, S., Prevost, M., Edwards, M., Long-term behavior of partially replaced lead service lines, Inorganic contaminants symposium Sacremento, CA, USA, Feb 5-6, 2013.
  34. Stoquart, C., Vázquez-Rodríguez, A. G., Servais, P., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Removal of organic micropollutants in a hybrid membrane process, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  35. Stoquart, C., Vázquez-Rodríguez, G. A., Servais, P., Sauvé, S., Barbeau, B., Enlèvement de micropolluants organiques par un procédé membranaire hybride, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  36. Winter, J., Bérubé, A., Uhl, M., Barbeau, B., Insight into biodegradation of organic matter from different waters and the effect of pre-ozonation, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  37. Yarahmadi, H., Aboulfadl, K., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Oxydation des hormones dans les procédés de traitement de l'eau potable, 25e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2013.
  38. Yarahmadi, H., Sauvé, S., Aboufadl, K., Prévost, M., Oxidation of estrogens and progestogens during ozonation of drinking water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  39. Zamyadi, A., Coral, L. A., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Pre-ozonation a solution to prevent toxic cyanobacteria cell breakthrough into water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  40. Zamyadi, A., Coral, L. A., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Ozone: Benefits and consequences, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov 3-7, 2013.
  1. Aboulfadl, K., MacLeod, S., Viglino, L., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Développement d’une méthode automatisée et rapide à haut débit pour la détermination simultanée des microcystines et neurotoxines dans les eaux de surface 16e colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 7-8 juin, 2012.
  2. Barbeau, B., Drinking water disinfection: Understanding the microbial risk, First conference on water of the Assembly of First Nations, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Mar, 2012.
  3. Barbeau, B., Bouchard, M. F., Carrière, A., Sauvé, S., Manganese in drinking water: Health impacts on children and fate in distribution systems, BC Water and Wastewater Association, Pentincton, BC, Canada, Apr 21-25, 2012.
  4. Bédard, E., Chapalain, A., Déziel, E., Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Bacterial diversity survey and Pseudomonas aeruginosa quantification in a hospital water distribution system, American Water Works Association - Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  5. Bédard, E., Doré, E., Laferrière, C., Déziel, E., Prévost, M., Évaluation de la qualité microbiologique de l’eau aux points d’utilisation d’un réseau d’eau interne de grand bâtiment, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  6. Besner, M.-C., Extensive sediment characterization during unidirectional flushing in a distribution system, 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA), Adelaide, Australia, Sep 24-27 2012.
  7. Besner, M.-C., Modak, P. R., Glauser, N., Influence of pipe material on sediment composition and accumulation in a distribution system, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8 2012.
  8. Carrière, A., Geismar, N., Bérubé, P., Barbeau, B., Ozonation and biofiltration pretreatments: impact on membrane fouling as measured by the unified membrane fouling index (UMFI), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  9. Cartier, C., Doré, E., Laroche, L., Nour, S., Edwards, M., Prévost, M., Effect of stagnation and flow rate on Pb release from Pb-Cu connected pipes after partial LSL replacement, American Water Works Association - Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  10. Coral, L. A., Zamyadi, A., Barbeau, B., Bassetti, F. J., Lapolli, F. R., Prévost, M., Ozonation of M. aeruginosa and A. flos-aquae: impacts on cell viability, DOC release and DBP production, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  11. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Integrated fluidized bed-ultrafiltration process for improved iron and manganese control in groundwater (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  12. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Carrière, A., Bérubé, P. R., Barbeau, B., Integrated fluidized bed-ultrafiltration process for improved iron and control in groundwater (poster), Res'eau Waternet Annual meeting Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 3-4, 2012.
  13. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Contribution du plomb particulaire de l’eau du robinet à l’exposition des enfants de 7 ans et moins, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  14. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Lemieux, F., Levallois, P., Can results from lead monitoring be used to predict exposure at the tap?, American Water Works Association - Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov. 4-8, 2012.
  15. Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Nour, S., Levallois, P., Lemieux, F., Impact du type de résidence et du protocole d'échantillonnage sur la plombémie, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  16. Deshommes, E., Tachet, A., Prévost, M., Does food prepared with tap water contribute more than tap water to children's exposure to lead?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  17. Deziel, E., Monosov, I., Bazri, M., Imoberdorf, G., Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Mohseni, M., Couplage de la filtration granulaire aux résines échangeuses d'ions pour l'enlèvement de la matière organique pour les petites communautés rurales, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  18. Deziel, E., Monosov, I., Madhi Bazri, M., Imoberdorf, G., Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Integrated granular filtration and ion exchange resin for the removal of NOM (poster), Res'eau Waternet Annual meeting Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 3-4, 2012.
  19. Dias, V., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Implementation of sectorization in distribution system and associated water quality variations, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8 2012.
  20. Doré, E., Cartier, C., Edwards, M., Schock, M. R., DeSantis, M. K., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Impact of treatment on scale formation and lead release from aged LSLs, American Water Works Association - Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  21. Doré, E., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Source et occurrence du plomb dissous et particulaire dans des écoles primaires au Canada, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  22. Dorner, S., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Pongmala, K., Sauvé, S., Aboufadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Monitoring and modeling the impacts of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) on Drinking Water Intakes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  23. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Chemical and microbial contamination of valve vault water, valve vault sediments and groundwater nearby drinking water pipes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8 2012.
  24. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Caractérisation de sources potentielles d’intrusion en réseau : chambres de vannes inondées et nappe phréatique, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  25. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Field validation of intrusion modeling inputs: External heads and contamination levels of water in valve vaults and groundwater, 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA), Adelaide, Australia, Sep 24-27, 2012.
  26. Fayad, P., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APCI-MS/MS for the determination of steriodal hormones in water (poster), 16e colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 7-8 juin, 2012.
  27. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APCI-MS/MS for the determination of steroidal hormones in water (poster), 60th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 20-24 2012.
  28. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Oxydation des hormones stéroïdiennes par le chlore et le permanganate analysée par LDTD-APCI-MS/MS, 16e Colloque annuel du Chapitre St-Laurent (SETAC/SRA), Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 7-8 juin, 2012.
  29. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APCI-MS/MS for the Determination of steroidal hormones in water (poster), Montreal Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group (MMSDG), Montréal, QC, Canada, 31 janv., 2012.
  30. Laferrière, C., Prévost, M., Bédard, E., Lalancette, C., Déziel, E., L'environnement des centres de santé à la hauteur des interventions médicales des années 2010-2050, Grandir en Santé, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11 déc., 2012.
  31. Meite, L., Fotsing, M., Barbeau, B., Influence de l'ozonation sur l'élimination des sous-produits de chloration dans les usines de traitement d'eau potable du Québec (poster), 20e Édition des Journées Information Eaux (JIE), Poitiers, France, 25-27 sept., 2012.
  32. Monosov, I., Bazri, M., Imoberdorf, G., Vazquez-Rodriguez, G. A., Barbeau, B., Mohseni, M., Removal of cyanobacterial toxins and NOM using ion exchange, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  33. Ngueta, G., Abdous, B., Prévost, M., Levallois, P., Gauvin, D., Household water lead level in Montreal area (Canada): Predictive factors and seasonal change (poster), Ve Congrès international d’épidémiologie ADELF/ÉPITER, Bruxelles, Belgique, Sep 12-14, 2012.
  34. Papineau, I., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Impact of raw water turbidity on asf removal: Historical analysis of 7 Canadian water treatment plants, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  35. Papineau, I., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Impact de la charge microbienne et de la turbidité à l’eau brute sur l’enlèvement de BSA : analyse historique de 7 usines québécoises, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  36. Papineau, I., Smeets, P. W. M. H., Hijnen, W. A., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Impact of the microbial load and raw water turbidity on ASF removal: historical analyses of 7 water treatment plants Assessing pathogen fate, transport and risk in natural and engineered water treatment, Banff, AB, Canada, Sep 23-26 2012.
  37. Plourde-Lescelleur, F., Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Comparaison des solutions alternatives pour l'abattement des précurseurs de sous-produits organochlorés dans les eaux de surface du Québec, Rencontre des opérateurs du Programme d'Excellence en Eau Potable, L'Assomption, QC, Canada, 28 nov., 2012.
  38. Plourde-Lescelleur, F., Carrière, A., Gadbois, A., Barbeau, B., Comparaison technico-économique des solutions alternatives pour l’abattement des précurseurs de sous-produits organochlorés dans les eaux de surface du Québec, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  39. Prévost, M., Validation de l'estimation rapide de cyanobactéries par sonde fluorométrique de phycocyanine in vivo et de son application pour la détection et le suivi des efflorescences, Forum de transfert sur les cyanobactéries, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 9 févr., 2012.
  40. Prévost, M., Revue critique des approches de protection des sources d'eau potable, Salon des Technologies Environmentales du Québec (STEQ), Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 13-14 mars, 2012.
  41. Prévost, M., Suivi des cyanobactéries à l'usine de filtration de la ville de Bedford, Rencontre multipartenaires avec la ville de Bedford, Ville de Bedford, Québec, Canada, 11 avr., 2012.
  42. Prévost, M., Besner, M.-C., Public health risk of microbial intrusion events in distribution systems, SecuEau Security Workshop (WCEC5), Mulheim, Germany, Nov 19-22, 2012.
  43. Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Problématique des fleurs d'eau de cyanobactéries dans les clarificateurs des stations d'eau potable, Forum de transfert sur les cyanobactéries, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 9 fév., 2012.
  44. Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Lemoine, P., Viglino, L., Roy-Lachapelle, A., Zamyadi, A., Macleod, S., Développement de méthodes rapides pour l’analyse des cyanotoxines, Forum de transfert sur les cyanobactéries, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 9 févr., 2012.
  45. St. Clair, J., Cartier, C., Arnold, R., Triantafylidou, S., Prevost, M., Edwards, M., Long-term behavior of partially replaced lead service lines, American Water Works Association - Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE), Halifax, NS, Canada, Jun 10-14, 2012.
  46. Stoquart, C., Integrated membrane systems: adsorption, Workshop du CWN - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2012.
  47. Stoquart, C., Vazquez-Rodriguez, G., Servais, P., Barbeau, B., A comparison of methods to measure bacterial biomass on powder and granular activated carbon, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8, 2012.
  48. Vázquez-Rodriguez, G. A., Mailly, J., Stoquart, C., Barbeau, B., Capacidad de adsorción de carbón activado en polvo biológico en un proceso híbrido de membrana para el tratamiento de agua potable (Adsorption capacity of biological powered activated carbon in a hybrid membrane process for drinking water treatment), XXXIII Encuentro Nacional y II congreso Internacional AMIDIQ, San José del Cabo, BCS, Mexico 1-4 mai, 2012.
  49. Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Ndong, M., Ellis, D., Bolduc, A., Bastien, C., Prévost, M., Breakthrough and accumulation of toxic cyanobacteria in full scale clarification and filtration processes American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Toronto, ON, Canada, Nov 4-8 2012.
  50. Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Ndong, M., Ellis, D., Bolduc, A., Bastien, C., Prévost, M., Cyanobactérias toxiques dans les trois usines de traitement de l'eau au Québec: de l'eau brute à l'eau potable, 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, QC, Canada, 23-24 oct., 2012.
  51. Zamyadi, A., MacLeod, S. L., McQuaid, N., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Prévost, P., Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins breakthrough and accumulation in three drinking water treatment plants in Quebec, 47th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Burlington, ON, Canada, Feb 21-22, 2012.
  52. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Application of Australian experience in adaptation of cyanobacterial management guidelines to site-specific issues, 27th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Oct 26, 2012.
  1. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Charest, S., Léveillé, S., Gadbois, A., Performance of an hybrid membrane process using biological PAC, American Water Works Association-Membrane Technology Conference, Long Beach, CA, USA, Mar 28-31, 2011.
  2. Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Regli, S., Modeling assumptions influencing the assessment of public health risks from microbial intrusion events in distribution systems, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  3. Cartier, C., Arnold, R., Triantafyllidou, S., Prévost, M., Edwards, M., Effect of flow rate and lead/copper pipe sequence on galvanic and deposition corrosion of lead pipe, American Water Works Association-Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE), Washington, DC, USA, Jun 12-16, 2011.
  4. Cartier, C., Arnold, R., Triantafyllidou, S., Prévost, M., Edwards, M., Effect of flow rate and lead/copper pipe sequence on galvanic and deposition corrosion of lead pipe, Workshop CWN on Lead in Drinking Water: Health Impacts, Monitoring and Control, Montréal, QC, Canada, June 8-9, 2011.
  5. Cartier, C., Doré, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Laroche, L., Edwards, M., Galvanic corrosion under flow conditions and simulated partial replacements of aged LSLs (poster), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  6. Cartier, C., Nour, S., Richer, B., Prévost, M., Contribution of faucets to lead concentrations at the tap (poster), Connecting Water Resources (CWN): Responding to the Opportunities, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Feb 28-Mar 3, 2011.
  7. Clark, B., Cartier, C., St. Clair, J., Triantafyllidou, S., Prévost, M., Edwards, M., Lead contamination of drinking water after partial lead service line replacements with copper pipe: bench testing of galvanic impacts, American Water Works Association-Annual Conference & Exposition, Washington, DC, USA, Jun 12-16, 2011.
  8. Dashtban Kenari , S. L., Satge, A., Bérubé, P. R., Barbeau, B., Development an integrated catalytic membrane process for the removal of Mn and Fe in groundwaters (poster), Res'eau Waternet Biennial Event Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct 4-7, 2011.
  9. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Lead removal from tap water using point-of-use devices, Workshop CWN on Lead in Drinking Water: Health Impacts, Monitoring and Control, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Jun 8-9, 2011.
  10. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Particulate lead: source, occurrence and bioaccessibility, Workshop CWN on Lead in Drinking Water: Health Impacts, Monitoring and Control, Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 8-9, 2011.
  11. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Contribution of particulate Pb in tap water to human exposure: Bioaccessibility experiments, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  12. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Quantification of the relative importance of factors contributing to intrusion in a distribution system using a full factorial design, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for sustainability Palm Springs, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2011.
  13. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Negative pressure events in water distribution systems: public health risk assessment based on transient analysis outputs (Poster), Connecting Water Resources (CWN): Responding to the Opportunities, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Feb. 28-Mar 3, 2011.
  14. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Quantification de l'importance relative des facteurs contribuant à l'intrusion dans un réseau de distribution d'eau potable, 23e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 2011.
  15. Edwards, M., Arnold, R., Clark, B., Nguyen, C., Cartier, C., Prévost, M., Evaluating the long-term impacts of galvanic corrosion on lead release from service lines, Workshop CWN on Lead in Drinking Water: Health Impacts, Monitoring and Control, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jun 8-9, 2011.
  16. Fayad, P. B., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE–LC–APCI–MS/MS for the determination of steroidal hormones in drinking water, Environmental Measurement Symposium, Bellevue, WA, USA, Aug 15-19, 2011.
  17. König, N., Bérubé, P. R., Ko, F., Barbeau, B., Polymeric UF membranes with metal oxide catalysts for the oxidation of organic and microbial material (Poster), Connecting Water Resources (CWN): Responding to the Opportunities, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 28-March 2, 2011.
  18. Lefebvre, A., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Applicabilité du modèle d'analyse quantitative du risque microbiologique de Santé Canada aux installations de traitement d'eau potable de la région de Montréal, 23e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 25-27 sept., 2011.
  19. Levallois, P., St-Laurent, J., Gauvin, D., Campagna, C., Courteau, M., Prévost, M., Lemieux, F., Nour, S., D'Amour, M., La contribution de l'eau du robinet à la plombémie des jeunes enfants vivant dans des quartiers anciens de Montréal, 2e Congrès de la Société Française de Santé Environnementale, Paris, France, 14-15 déc., 2011.
  20. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Evaluation of the impacts of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) on Drinking Waters Intakes (DWIs), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  21. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Characterization of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) and evaluation of their impacts on urban waters, 15th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Rotura, New Zealand, Sep 18-23, 2011.
  22. Messabeb-Oualia, A. E., Aboulfadl, K., Benna-Zayani, M., Trabelsi–Ayadi, M., Barbeau, B., Sauvé, S., Sorption de traces micropolluants émergents (médicaments, pesticides et hormones) sur des argiles modifiées (Poster), The 3rd Maghreb Conference on Desalination and Water Treatment (CMTDE), Hammamet, Tunisie, Dec 18-22, 2011.
  23. Ndong, M., Bird, D., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Cyanobacteria monitoring for model development (poster), 2nd IWA Symposium on Lake and Reservoir Management Sustainable Strategies to Enhance Water Quality, Granada, Espagne, Jun 13-17, 2011.
  24. Nour, S., Deshommes, E., Prévost, M., Cartier, C., Laroche, L., Investigating lead concentrations in tap water using different sampling protocols (Poster), Connecting Water Resources (CWN): Responding to the Opportunities, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Feb 28-Mar 3, 2011.
  25. Nour, S., Prévost, M., Developing a comprehensive strategy to reduce lead at the tap. Health study: tap water lead concentration results, Workshop CWN on Lead in Drinking Water: Health Impacts, Monitoring and Control, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jun 8-9, 2011.
  26. Okhmatovskaia, A., Verma, A., Jauvin, C., Barbeau, B., Allard, R., Buckeridge, D. L., Evaluating timely triggering of boil-water advisory through public health surveillance: a simulation study of waterborne Cryptosporidiosis, Annual Conference Canadian Health in Canada: Innovative Paterships for Action, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jun 19-22, 2011.
  27. Papineau, I., Servais, P., Tufenkji, N., Barbeau, B., Impact of biofilm accumulation on the surface of granular media on the removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts (poster), 85th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium at McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jun 19-22, 2011.
  28. Papineau, I., Servais, P., Tufenkji, N., Barbeau, B., Impact du vieillissement des matériaux sur l’enlèvement de Cryptosporidium par filtration granulaire, Américana-Salon International des Technologies Environnementales, Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-24 mars, 2011.
  29. Papineau, I., Servais, P., Tufenkji, N., Barbeau, B., Do biofilm and trace metals accumulated on the surface of granular media impact Cryptosporidium removal?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  30. Pongmala, K., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Fuamba, M., Galarneau, M., Prévost, m., Dorner, S., Modeling microbial contaminant loads from combined sewer overflows (poster), 15th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Rotura, New Zealand, Sep 18-23, 2011.
  31. Prévost, M., Validation de l'estimation rapide de cyanobactéries par sonde fluorométrique de phycocyanine in vivo et de son application pour la détection et le suivi des efflorescences, Forum-Partenariat Cyanobactéries - Le Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT), Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 11-13 janv., 2011.
  32. Prévost, M., Developing a comprehensive strategy to reduce lead at the tap (progress report), Connecting Water Resources (CWN): Responding to the Opportunities, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Feb. 28-Mar 3, 2011.
  33. Prévost, M., Nour, S., Levallois, P., Lemieux, F., Gauvin, D., D'Amour, M., St-Laurent, J., Deshommes, E., Evaluating the contribution of lead services lines on blood lead levels (BLLs) of young children in Canada, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  34. Prévost, M., Servais, P., Update of BOM and water quality in distribution systems, International BTO-Conference Microbial growth in drinking-water distribution systems and tap water installations, Duin en Kruidberg, The Netherlands, May 11-12, 2011.
  35. Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Cyanobacteria and their associated toxins inside drinking water treatment plants and in drinking water, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  36. Stoquart, C., Servais, P., Gadbois, A., Barbeau, B., Charbon actif en poudre biologique: une alternative potentielle aux filtres biologiques au charbon actif biologique?, 23e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 25-27 sept., 2011.
  37. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Les cyanobactéries et leurs toxines associées à l'intérieur des usines de traitement d'eau potable et en eau potable, 23e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 25-27 sept., 2011.
  38. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., La problématique des cyanobactéries pour la production d'eau potable à Bedford, Présentation au conseil de la ville de Bedford, Ville de Bedford, QC, Canada, 6 sept., 2011.
  39. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Ho, L., Newcombe, G., Bustamante, H., Formation of disinfection by-products resulting from the chlorination of toxic cyanobacteria, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov 13-17, 2011.
  1. Barbeau, B., Laporte, A., Valiquette, R., Carrière, A., Évaluation des bénéfices liés à l’utilisation d’un coagulant ferrique à la station de purification de l’eau potable de Repentigny, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct. , 2010.
  2. Barbeau, B., Markarian, A., Charest, S., Léveillé, S., Broséus, R., Carrière, A., Gadbois, A., Hybrid membrane process to achieve biostability in drinking water, International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  3. Barbeau, B., Raev, K., Broséus, R., Servais, P., Evaluation of biomass colonization on GAC and PAC materials using respirometry, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18 2010.
  4. Besner, M.-C., Messner, M., Letkiewicz, F., Regli, S., QMRA modeling approach to estimate health risks from pathogen intrusion systems, AWWA International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA, May 2-4, 2010.
  5. Besner, M.-C., Messner, M., Regli, S., Pathogen intrusion in distribution systems: model to assess the potential health risks, 12th Annual Conference on Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA), Tucson, AZ, USA, Sep 12-15, 2010.
  6. Bichai, F., Hijnen, W., Dullemont, Y., Barbeau, B., Impact of higher organisms on the microbial risk associated with drinking water, International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  7. Bichai, F., Hijnen, W., Dullemont, Y., Barbeau, B., Do internalized pathogens inside higher organisms pose a significant microbial risk in drinking water?, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  8. Broséus, R., Aboulfadl, K., Garcia Ac, A., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Ozone oxidation of pharmaceuticals during drinking water treatment, International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  9. Carrière, A., Charest, S., Gadbois, A., Barbeau, B., Performance of a biological hybrid membrane process for drinking water treatment, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  10. Carrière, A., Charest, S., Laflamme, É., Barbeau, B., Performance d'un procédé hybride CAP/ultrafiltration opéré en mode biologique, Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 16-17 mars, 2010.
  11. Cartier, C., Richer, B., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Contribution of faucets to lead concentrations at the tap, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18 2010.
  12. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Bioaccessibility of Pb particles from tap water: results from field and laboratory, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  13. Deshommes, E., Richer, B., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Enlèvement du plomb dissous et particulaire par des dispositifs de filtration au point d’utilisation (POU): implications pour la qualité de l’eau, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  14. Deshommes, E., Richer, B., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Removal of particulate and dissolved lead by POUs in a large building: implications for water quality, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18 2010.
  15. Deshommes, E., Zhang, Y., Sauvé, S., Laroche, L., Edwards, M., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Removal of lead and other metals from drinking water treated with NSF/ANSI 53 certified point-of-use devices (poster), International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  16. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Allard, D., Prévost, M., Pressions négatives dans les réseaux de distribution: évaluation des risques fondée sur les résultats d’une analyse transitoire, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  17. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Public health risks induced form low pressure events in water networks: estimates based on transient recordings and model outputs, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  18. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., Allard, D., Negative pressure events in water distribution systems: Public health risk assessment based on transient analysis outputs, 12th Annual Conference on Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA), Tucson, AZ, USA, Sep 12-15, 2010.
  19. Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G. D., Généreux, M., Côté, C., Prévost, M., Estimation des fractions infectieuses de Cryptosporidium dans des sources de pollution rurales et urbaines, Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec, Réseau Environnement, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada, 16-17 mars, 2010.
  20. Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G. D., Généreux, M., Côté, C., Prévost, M., Impacts des charges infectieuses et totales de Cryptosporidium provenant de sources de pollution rurale et urbaine sur le risque pour le consommateur d’eau potable, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  21. Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G. D., Prévost, M., The impact of infectious Cryptosporidium fractions on QMRA risk estimations at water intakes, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  22. Lalancette, C., Généreux, M., Côté, C., Di Giovanni, G. D., Prévost, M., Tools for better understanding the risk associated with Cryptosporidium oocysts in sources of drinking water, International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  23. Levallois, P., Prevost, M., Lemieux, F., Gauvin, D., Nour, S., D'Amour, M., St-Laurent, J., Campagna, C., Courteau, M., The contribution of lead in drinking water on blood lead levels of young children, 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montréal, QC, Canada, Jun 21-24, 2010.
  24. Léveillé, S., Carrière, A., Gadbois, A., Laflamme, É., Barbeau, B., Validation du procédé de filtration membranaire hybride: essais pilotes à l’usine Ste-Rose, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  25. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Galarneau, M., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Suivi des contaminants pharmaceutiques et microbiologique dans les surverses d’égouts, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  26. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Monitoring pharmaceutical and microbiological contaminants in urban waters, 14th IWA international specialist conference on diffuse pollution: diffuse pollution and eutrophication, Beaupré, QC, Canada, Sep 12-17, 2010.
  27. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Galarneau, M., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Monitoring pharmaceutical and microbiological contamination in Combined Sewer Overfloms (CSOs) and Drinking Water Intakes (DWIs), American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  28. Mansour-Geoffrion, M., Barbeau, B., Gadbois, A., Lamarre, D., Comeau, Y., Effect of biological treatment and water quality on required ozone dose for disinfection of an enhanced primary effluent (poster), International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  29. Ndong, M., McQuaid, N., Bird, D., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Cyanobacterial contamination: The influence of weather conditions on blooms at a drinking water intake, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  30. Ndong, M., McQuaid, N., Bird, D., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Eutrophic waters: Cyanobacteria and toxin occurrence and modelling, 14th IWA international specialist conference on diffuse pollution: diffuse pollution and eutrophication, Beaupré, QC, Canada, Sep 12-17, 2010.
  31. Okhmatovskaia, A., Verma, A. D., Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Pasquet, R., Buckeridge, D. L., A simulation model of waterborne gastro-intestinal disease outbreaks: description and initial evaluation, Annual Symposium American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), Washington, DC, USA, Nov 13-17, 2010.
  32. Okhmatovskaia, A., Verma, A. D., Jauvin, C., Barbeau, B., Allard, R., Buckeridge, D. L., Quantifying the potential benefit of early detection for preventing morbidity and mortality: A simulation study of Cryptosporidium outbreak, 9th Annual Conference International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS), Park City, UT, USA, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2010.
  33. Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Servais, P., Barbeau, B., Impact of media aging on granular filtration performance for the removal of Cryptosporidium, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  34. Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Le défi de l’eau potable: de la source au robinet, 9e Journée de la Recherche de Polytechnique, Montréal, QC, Canada, 27 mai 2010.
  35. Prévost, M., Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Composantes de plans d'évaluation et de protection des sources d'eau potable: expériences de la NZ et de l'Australie et de l'ON, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  36. Sauvé, S., Viglino, L., Fayad, P., Prévost, M., High throughput analysis of endocrine disruptors (hormones and parabens) in solids, 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, Mikonos, Greece, Sep 27-29, 2010.
  37. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Bird, D., Newcombe, G., Burch, M., Baker, P., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Comparison of in vivo phycocyanin probes and their application in a novel monitoring strategy for the detection of cyanobacteria, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18, 2010.
  38. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Bird, D. F., Newcombe, G., Burch, M., Baker, P., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Validation and application of an on-line probe for rapid detection of harmful Cyanobacteria in source waters, 5th IWA International Young Water Professionals Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 5-7, 2010.
  39. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Ndong, M., Burch, M., Baker, P., Prévost, M., Évaluation des sondes phycocyanine in vivo et leur application dans une méthode de surveillance innovatrice pour la détection des cyanobactéries, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  40. Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Daly, R., Burch, M., Baker, P., Oxidation of Cyanobacteria cells by chlorine and subsequent toxin release and degradation (poster), International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sep 19-24, 2010.
  41. Zamyadi, A., Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Prévost, M., Chloration : une barrière contre la percée des cyanobactéries toxiques dans des usines de traitement d'eau potable, 22e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 26-27 oct., 2010.
  42. Zamyadi, A., Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Prévost, M., Chlorination in drinking water treatment processes: A barrier against toxic cyanobacterial breakthrough, American Water Works Association-Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov 14-18 2010.
  43. Zamyadi, A., Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Prévost, M., Chlorination as a barrier against toxic cyanobacterial breakthrough: Validation of laboratory findings in a drinking water treatment plant, 14th Canadian National Conference and 5th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2010.
  1. Besner, M.C., Prévost, M., Microbial characterization of intrusion pathways and pitfalls of modeling negative pressure events, Session Potential intrusion of pathogens through failures in drinking water distribution systems, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  2. Bichai, F., Dullemont, Y., Rosielle, M., Barbeau, B., Hijnen, W., Role of predation in transport of fecal bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water treatment, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  3. Broséus, R., Aboulfadl, K., Garica Ac, A., Barbeau, B., Sauvé, S., Prévost, M., Ozone oxidation of chemotherapy drugs and pharmaceuticals during drinking water treatment, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  4. Carrière, A., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Quebec WTPs' vulnerability assessment with respect to cyanotoxins in a the context of climate change, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  5. Cartier, C., Pirog, M., Nour, S., Prévost, M., A rapid method for the detection of lead services lines, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  6. Deshommes, E., Sauvé, S., Zhang, Y., Edwards, M., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Removal of lead and other metals from drinking water treated with NSF/ANSI 53 certified point-of-use devices (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  7. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.C., Jung, B.S., Karney, B., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Intrusion volumes computed with transient analysis supported by transient pressure recordings in a full-scale distribution system, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  8. Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G.D., Généreux, M., Côté, C. Prévost, M., Infectious Cryptosporidium fractions: direct estimates from rural and urban pollution sources, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  9. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Mongelard, D., Dorner, S., Galarneau, M., Prévost, M., Urban source protection: identification of contamination sources with a geographical information system (GIS) (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  10. McQuaid, N., Zamyadi, A., Bird, D., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., The application of an online multiprobe system for the rapid detection of cyanobacteria in drinking water sources and treatment plants, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  11. Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., The role of influent concentrations of particles on their removal by sand filtration, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  12. Prévost, M., Besner, M.C., Application of QMRA for the management and optimisation of drinking water treatment, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  13. Zamyadi, A., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Burch, M., Baker, P., Daly, R., Prévost, M., Effect of chlorination on Anabaena circinalis cell integrity and subsequent paralytic shellfish poisons release and degradation, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  14. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Burch, M., Baker, P., Daly, R., Mosisch, T., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Validation of online fluoroprobes for the detection of Cyanobacteria in source waters, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 15-19, 2009.
  15. Barbeau, B., Markarian, A., Carrière, A., Dallaire, P.-O., Couplage d'un procédé biologique sur charbon actif en poudre à un procédé membranaire pour le traitement des eaux potables, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  16. Cartier, C., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Problématique du plomb dans les grands bâtiments ne présentant pas de conduite en plomb, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  17. Deshommes, E., Sauvé, S., Zhang, Y., Edwards, M., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Enlèvement du plomb et autres métaux présents dans l'eau du robinet avec des dispositifs de filtration domestique au point d'utilisation certifiés NSF/ANSI 53 pour le plomb, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  18. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.C., Jung, B.S., Karney, B., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Estimation des volumes d'intrusion dans un réseau réel à l'aide de l'analyse transitoire soutenue par des mesures de pressions transitoires, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  19. Godin, D., Bonton, A., Bouchard, C., Jedrzejak, S., Barbeau, B., Analyse environnementale de cycle de la vie de l'eau en milieu urbain, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  20. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Galarneau, M., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Développement et validation d'indices d'impacts de surverses sur les prises d'eau potable, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  21. Ndong, M., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Bird, D., La prolifération des cyanobactéries: suivi et modélisation des conditions environnementales dans les sources d'eau potable, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  22. Nour, S., Cartier, C., Pirog, M., Mercier, C.,Prévost, M., Méthode de dépistage des conduites en plomb, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  23. Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Influence des variations de concentrations de microsphères et de particules sur la performance de la filtration sur sable, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  24. Prévost, M., Broséus, R., Vincent, S., Barbeau, B., Garcia Ac, A., Sauvé, S., Oxydation par l'ozone des composés cytostatiques, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  25. Sauvé, S., Aboulfadl, K., Viglino, L., Segura, P.A., Garcia-Ac, A., Gagnon, C., Prévost, M., Traces de caféine, médicaments et pesticides dans l'eau du robinet au Québec, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  26. Zamyadi, A., Wang, Y., Newcombe, G., Ho, L., Burch, M., Baker, P., Prévost, M., Effet de la chloration sur l'intégrité des cellules de cyanobactéries et libération subséquente des toxines, 21e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Lévis, Québec, Canada, 27-28 oct. 2009.
  27. Besner, M.C., Ebacher, G., Jung, B.S., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Negative pressures in full-scale distribution system: field investigation, modeling, estimation of intrusion volumes and risk for public health, Computing and Control in the Water Industry (CWWI)–Integrating Water Systems, The Edge, Sheffield, United Kingdom, September 1-3, 2009.
  28. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Prévost, M., Assessing the impacts of climate change on the source water quality of the City of Montreal, AWWA-Annual Conference and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, June 14-18, 2009.
  29. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Prévost, M., Dorner, S., Bird, D., Burch, M., Newcombe, G., Baker, P., Mosisch, T., The validation and use of an in vivo fluroprobe for the rapid detection of harmful cyanobacteria in natural waters, International Forum on Integrated Water Management, Sherbrooke, Canada, June 1-3, 2009.
  30. Bichai, F., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Protection of E. coli bacteria and B. subtilis spores ingested by nematode C. elegans against UV-A and UV-C disinfection processes, 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Naxos, Greece, May 31-June 5, 2009.
  31. Prévost, M., Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G., Généreux, M., Côté, C., Optimization of the detection of infectious Cryptosporidium by CC-IAF and application to estimate environmental infectious fractions in rural and urban sources (Poster), 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Naxos, Greece, May 31-June 5, 2009.
  32. Fayad, P.B., Picard, P., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., LDTD-APCI-MS/MS for selected endocrine disrupting compounds in water matrices: optimization and method application (Poster), 57th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 31-June 4, 2009.
  33. Viglino, L., Lemoine, P., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Fully automated quantification of different classes of cyanobacterial toxins by online SPE-LC-ESI-MS/MS (Poster), 57th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 31-June 4, 2009.
  34. Viglino, L., Fayad, P., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., High throughput analysis of some endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in solid matrices by LDTD-MS/MS (Poster), 57th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 31-June 4, 2009.
  35. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.C., Jung, B.S., Karney, B., Prévost, M., Comparison of pressures simulated using transient analysis with field data from full-scale distribution system, 11thWater Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, May 17-21, 2009.
  36. Lalancette, C., Di Giovanni, G., Prévost, M., Dual direct detection of total and infectious Cryptosporidium oocysts by optimizing the cell culture and immuno fluorescent assay (3D-CC-IFA) and its applications in public health (Poster), 109th General Meeting American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 17-21, 2009.
  37. Madoux-Humery, A.-S., Dorner, S., Prévost, M., Utilisation des Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (SIG) dans l’eau potable: identification des sources des contaminants aux prises d’eau, 77e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa, Ontario, 11-15 mai 2009.
  38. Locas, A., Payment, P., Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., A protocol for identifying groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUDI) in Quebec, 1st International Conference on Microbial Transport and Survival in the Subsurface, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, May 10-13, 2009.
  39. Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Impact of influent concentration of microspheres on their removal by sand filtration, 1st International Conference on Microbial Transport and Survival in the Subsurface, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, May 10-13, 2009.
  40. Barbeau, B., Vincent, S., Kotbi, A., Predicting hydroxyl radical activity and trace contaminants removal in ozonated water, IOA/IUVA North American Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May 4-5, 2009.
  41. Prévost, M., Besner, M.C., Payment, P., Evaluating the potential causes of excess GI illnesses observed in the Payment's distribution system, Your Drinking Water: Challenges and Solutions for the 21st Century, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, April 20-21, 2009.
  42. Broséus, R., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Utilisation de l’ozone en traitement de l’eau potable –Expertise de la Chaire industrielle CRSNG en eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 17-19 mars 2009.
  43. Barbeau, B., Markarian, A., Biological powder activated carbon membrane bioreactor to achieve biostability in drinking water systems, AWWA-Membrane Technology Conference and Exposition, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, March 15-18, 2009.
  1. Sauvé, S., Viglino, L., Aboulfadl, K., Segura, P.A., Garcia-Ac, A., Lajeunesse, A., Fayad, P., Prévost, M., Gagnon, C., Combien de médicaments rejetons-nous dans l’environnement? Forum Science Environnement sur les Contaminants Émergents du MDDEP, Québec, 6 décembre 2008.
  2. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Zamyadi, A., Chevalier, P., Analyse de la vulnérabilité des installations québécoises de traitement de l'eau potable aux cyanobactéries toxiques dans un contexte de changements climatiques (Poster), 3e Symposium Scientifique sur la Climatologie Régionale et l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques, Ouranos, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 19-20 nov. 2008.
  3. Barbeau, B., Ball, T., Optimizing flocculation for direct filtration using floc size, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  4. Barbeau, B., Bichai, F., Payment, P., Protection against UV disinfection of E. coli bacteria and B. subtilis spores ingested by nematode C. elegans, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  5. Besner, M.C., Ebacher, G., Jung, B.S., Lavoie, J. Prévost, M., Modeling of intrusion volumes during negative pressures events in a full-scale distribution system, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  6. Broséus, R., Aboulfadl, K., Garcia Ac, A., Daneshvar, A., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Ozone oxidation of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and endocrine disruptors during drinking water treatment, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  7. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Laroche, L., Occurrence and source of particulate lead in tap water, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  8. Dorner, S., Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Bird, D., Burch, M., Newcombe, G., Baker, P., Mosisch, T., Prévost, M., Occurrence of cyanobacteria and their associated toxins in water resources of water treatment facilities in southern Quebec, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  9. Basile, N., Fuamba, M., Barbeau, B., Optimization of water tank design and location in water distribution systems, 10th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference, p 361-373, 2008.
  10. Jaidi, K., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Sensitivity analysis of the QMRA model developed for evaluating the relative risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and Giardia in drinking water, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  11. Lalancette, C., Labbé, N., Di Giovanni, G.D., Prévost, M., Contribution to the optimization of the detection of infectious Cryptosporidium by 3D-CC-IAF, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  12. Prévost,M., Aboulfadl, K., Daneshvar Mahvelat, A., Viglino,L., Sauvé, S., Occurrence and source of pharmaceutical compounds, personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting substances (EDC) in drinking water sources, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2008.
  13. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Chevalier, P., Les usines d’eau potable du Québec sont-elles vulnérables à une hausse des cyanotoxines dans un contexte de changement climatique? 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  14. Besner, M.C., Broséus, R., Lavoie, J., Payment, P., Prévost, M., Suivi des pressions et caractérisation des sources présumées d’intrusion sur le site des études épidémiologiques de Payment, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  15. Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Prévost, M., Source et occurrence du plomb particulaire à Montréal, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  16. Ebacher, G., Besner, M.C., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Pressions transitoires et intrusion: quel est le risque pour la population? 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  17. Jaidi, K., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Analyse de sensibilité du modèle QMRA développé pour évaluer les risques relatifs d’infection par Cryptosporidium et Giardia, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  18. McQuaid, N., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Bird, D., Dorner, S., Application de sondes fluorométriques au suivi des cyanobactéries dans des sources d’eau potable, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  19. Prévost,M., Aboulfadl, K, Daneshvar Mahvelat, A., Viglino,L., Sauvé, S., Occurrence et source de produits pharmaceutiques, de soins personnels et de perturbateurs endocriniens dans les sources d’eau potable, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  20. Prévost, M., Broséus, R., Aboulfadl, K., Garcia Ac, A., Daneshvar, A., Sauvé, S., Ozonation des produits pharmaceutiques, des perturbateurs endocriniens et des pesticides en traitement de l’eau potable, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  21. Zamyadi, A., Burch, M., Newcombe,G., Daly, R., Baker, P., Mosisch, T., Prévost, M., Validation de la détection rapide des cyanobactéries dans les sources d’eau avec une fluoroprobe insitu, 20e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, 28-29 oct. 2008.
  22. Aboulfadl, K, Daneshvar Mahvelat, A., Viglino,L., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds, personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting substances (EDC) in drinking water sources, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  23. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., Chevalier, P., Are Quebec drinking water treatment plants vulnerable to increased cyanotoxin concentrations in the context of climate change?, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  24. Bichai, F., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Protection against UV disinfection of E. coli bacteria and B. subtilis spores ingested by nematode C. elegans (Poster), 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  25. Cartier, C., Laroche, L., Deshommes, E., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Impact of sampling mode, water chemistry and pipe characteristics on lead dissolution at the tap, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  26. Deshommes, E., Laroche, L., Nour, S., Prévost, M., Occurrence and source of particulate lead in tap water, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  27. Lalancette, C., Labbé, N., Di Giovanni, G.D., Prévost, M., Contribution to the optimization of the detection of infectious Cryptosporidium by 3D-CC-IFA, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  28. McQuaid, N., Zamyadi, A., Dorner, S., Bird, D., Prévost, M., The use of florometric probes for monitoring of cyanobacteria blooms in two sources of potable water, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  29. Payne, S.J., Besner, M.C, Krentz, C., Gagnon, G.A., Prévost, M., Truelstrup Hansen, L., Microbial source tracking: investigating coliform events, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  30. Prévost, M., Jaidi, K., Barbeau, B., Sensitivity analysis of QMRA model developed to evaluate the relative risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and Giardia in drinking water, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  31. Zamyadi, A., McQuaid, N., Dorner, S., Bird, D., Burch, M., Newcombe,G., Daly, R., Baker, P., Mosisch, T., Prévost, M., Rapid detection of harmful cyanobacteria in source waters with an online fluoroprobe: method validation, 13th Canadian National Conference and 4th Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2008.
  32. Basile, N., Fuamba, M., Barbeau, B., Optimization of water tank design and location in water distribution systems, 10th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference WDSA, Skukuza, South Africa, August 17-20, 2008.
  33. Fayad, P.B., Segura, P.A., Picard, P., Prévost, M., Gagnon, C., Sauvé, S., Novel determination method of anti-infectives and estrogenic endocrine disruptors in surface and drinking water using LDTD-APCI-MS/MS (Poster), 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 1-5, 2008.
  34. Viglino, L., Aboulfadl, K., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-APPI-MS/MS for the quantification of estrogenic endocrine disruptors in water (Poster), 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 1-5, 2008.
  35. Zamyadi, A., Carrière, A., Bird, D., Prévost, M., Évaluation de l'occurrence des cyanobactéries par sonde fluorométrique dans des sources d'eau potable au Québec (Poster), Colloque "Les cyanobactéries: mieux connaître pour mieux gérer", l’Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 24 janvier 2008.
  1. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Vaillancourt, F., Use of SDS-THM to evaluate treatment need for unfiltered supplies, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  2. Besner, M.C., Lavoie, J., Payment, P., Prévost, m., Assessment of transient negative pressures at the site of the Payment’s drinking water epidemiological studies, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  3. Broséus, R., Cigana, J., Barbeau, B., Seed, L., Shelp, G., Daines, C., Suty, H., Electrochemical removal of total dissolved solids, nitrate, ammonia from drinking water using charge barrier capacitive deionisation, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  4. Nour, S., Prévost, M., Cartier, C., Laroche, L., Edwards, M., Impact of sampling flow rate, flushing, and faucet aerator on dissolved and particulate lead concentrations at consumer tap, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  5. Prévost, M., Nour, S., Laroche, L., Cartier, C., Comparison of sampling methods to monitor lead and copper at consumer’s tap, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  6. Prévost, M., Jaidi, K., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Development of quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) model allowing the choice of safe process combinations, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  7. Viglino, L., Aboulfadl, K., Daneshvar Mahvelat, A., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Online SPE-LC-MS/MS for the quantification of pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disruptors in drinking water sources of Montreal region (Quebec, Canada), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 4-8, 2007.
  8. Ball, T., Barbeau, B. Optimisation de la floculation pour l'application de la filtration directe à l'usine Atwater, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  9. Besner, M.C., Fontaine, Y., Barbeau, B., Impact du passage à la monochloramine comme résiduel de désinfectant dans le réseau de Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  10. Besner, M.C., Ebacher, G., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Pressions négatives en réseau de distribution: fréquence et impact sur la qualité, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  11. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Vachon, M., Bélisle, J.-L., Évaluation du potentiel de réduction des trihalométhanes par l’optimisation des installations de traitement de l’eau potable de Pointe-Claire, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  12. Esquivel, A.G., Barbeau, B., Bouchard, C., La filtration membranaire à haute pression: suivi saisonnier et meilleur prétraitement pour diminution d’encrassement, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  13. Grimaud, P., Prévost, M., Labib, R., Millette, R., Prévision de la turbidité à l’eau brute de la Ville de Montréal à l’aide de réseaux neuronaux, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  14. Jaidi, K., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Développement d'un modèle d'analyse des risques microbiologiques (QMRA) permettant le choix de combinaisons de procédés les plus sécuritaires, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  15. Labbé, N., Lalancette, C., Papineau, I., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Analyse des risques microbiologiques associés aux décanteurs à lits de boues, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  16. Lalancette, C., Prévost, M., Payment, P., Di Giovanni, G.D., Caractérisation du risque des oocystes infectieux de Cryptosporidium: optimisation de la méthode de détection par culture cellulaire et analyse par immunofluorescence (CC-IFA), 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  17. Mongelard, D., Prévost, M., Plan de protection de la ressource, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  18. Nour, S., Prévost, M., Laroche, L., Cartier, C., Richard, G., Impact du débit de prélèvement, du rinçage et de l'aérateur sur les concentrations en plomb dissous et particulaires dans l'eau du robinet, 19e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 16-17 oct. 2007.
  19. Barbeau, B., Qualité de l'eau en milieu hospitalier - Besoin de normes, Conférence Hôpital Ste-Justine sur la qualité de l’environnement dans les centres de soins de santé: un défi, Montréal Québec, 15-16 oct. 2007.
  20. Prévost, M., Facteurs influençant la qualité de l’eau qui arrive de la ville, Conférence Hôpital Ste-Justine sur la qualité de l’environnement dans les centres de soins de santé: un défi, Montréal Québec, 15-16 oct. 2007.
  21. Besner, M.C., Prévost, M., Lavoie, J., Payment, P., Distribution system operation: impact on transient pressures and water quality variations, CCWI and SUWM Conferences, DeMontfort, Leicester, England, United Kingdom, Sept. 3-5, 2007.
  22. Sauvé, S., Viglino, L., Aboulfald, K., Garcia, Ac, A., Segura, P.A., Daneshvar, A., Online SPE-LC/MS-MS for analysis of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in the waste and surface waters. Thermos User Meeting 55th ASMS Conference for Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, USA, June 3-8, 2007.
  23. Besner, M.C., Ebacher, G., Lavoie, J., Prévost, m., Low and negative pressures in distribution systems: do they actually result in intrusion? 9th Annual Water Distribution System Analysis Symposium, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, Florida, USA, May 15-19, 2007.
  24. Prévost, M., New advances on impacts of water quality on disinfection, Mexico-Canada Seminario sobre Technologias Avanzadas para el Tratamiento de Agua Potable y Aguas Residuales, Celaya, Mexico, March 29-30, 2007.
  25. Nour, N., Prévost, M., Revue des approches de protection des sources d’eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 20-22 mars 2007.
  26. Prévost, M., Sous comité sur la révision du règlement sur la qualité de l’eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 20-22 mars 2007.
  27. Besner, M.C., Morissette, C., Lavoie, J., Prévost, M., Pressure transients and water quality changes associated with various O&M activities, AWWA-Distribution System Research Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA, March 2-3, 2007.
  28. Prévost, M., Besner, M.C., Understanding the sources, fate and transport of coliform bacteria in distribution systems, AWWA-Distribution System Research Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA, March 2-3, 2007.
  29. Barbeau, B., Besner, M.C., Prévost, M., Impacts of operational activities on water quality and health risks, 3rd Annual Workshop Federal Drinking Water Provider’s, Ottawa, Canada, January 17-18, 2007.
  1. Besner, M.C., Prévost, M., Risk of drinking water contamination due to distribution system operation and maintenance activities, CWN National Conference: Connecting Water Resources, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Nov. 20-23, 2006.
  2. Besner, M.C., Ebacher, G., Prévost, M., Lavoie, J., Occurrence of transient negative pressures in drinking water distribution systems (Poster), CWN's-Connecting Water Resources Conference, Water Management in Canada: leadership at Every Level, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Nov. 20-23, 2006.
  3. Aboulfadl, K., Viglino, L., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Analysis of endocrine disruptors in water by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-optimisation and comparison of three ionization techniques (Poster), SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Nov. 5-9, 2006.
  4. Viglino, L., Aboulfadl, K., Daneshvar Mahvelat, A., Prévost, M., Sauvé, S., Pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disruptors in the water resources around the region of Montréal, Québec (Canada) (Poster), SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, Nov. 5-9, 2006.
  5. Besner, M.C., Prévost, M., Microbial intrusion in a distribution system: efficacy of the disinfectant residual, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2006.
  6. Broséus, R., Barbeau, B., Bouchard, C., Validation of full-scale ozone contactor performance using biodosimetry, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2006.
  7. Prévost, M., Chevrefils, G., Caron, É., Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Effect of particulate matter on UV inactivation kinetics of indigenous aerobic spores, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2006.
  8. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Prévost, M., Impact des changements climatiques sur la qualité de l’eau brute à la prise principale de la Ville de Montréal, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  9. Broséus, R., Barbeau, B., Bouchard, C., Validation des CT d’un procédé d’ozonation industriel par techniques biodosimétriques, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  10. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Vaillancourt, F., Prévost, M., Mesure des THM-SDS: impact des conditions d’incubations, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  11. Nour, S., Prévost, M., Mesures correctives pour contrôler la présence de plomb dans l’eau au robinet du consommateur, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  12. Prévost, M., Nour, S., Choix de protocoles d’échantillonnage pour la mesure des teneurs en plomb, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  13. Richard, G, Nour, S., Prévost, M., Importance du plomb particulaire dans les réseaux d’eau potable, 18e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Boucherville, Québec, 17-18 oct. 2006.
  14. Prévost, M., Caron, É., Chevrefils, G., Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Impact des particules sur la désinfection de spores aérobies par les UV, 17ème Journées Information Eaux APTEN, Poitiers, France, 26-28 sept. 2006.
  15. Prévost, M., Focus on Canadian research. Water treatment 2. Meeting the challenges of disinfection to produce safe drinking water in Canada, AWWA-Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 11-15, 2006.
  16. Prévost, M., Les défis du traitement et de la distribution de l’eau potable au 21e Siècle, 5e Journée de la Recherche de Polytechnique, Montréal, Québec, 25 mai 2006.
  17. Besner, M.C., Cartier, C., Prévost, M., Lavoie, J., Aubin, A., Payment, P., Water main repairs and their impact on water quality, 12th Canadian National Conference and 3rdPolicy Forum on Drinking Water, St-John, New Brunswick, Canada, April 1-4, 2006.
  18. Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., Nouveaux enjeux de qualité de l’eau potable: perspective internationale, Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec, Réseau Environnement, 14 mars 2006.
  19. Prévost, M., Biofiltration of drinking water. Why, how and when, Ontario Water Works Association-Spring Treatment Seminar, Implementation of Evaluating Drinking Water Treatment Technologies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 23-25, 2006.
  1. Besner, M.C., Cartier, C., Prévost, M., Payment, P., Morissette, C., Repairs of pipe leaks: what is the impact on water quality? (Poster), Canadian Water Network (CWN) Kananaskis Research Retreat, Alberta, Canada, Nov. 23-25, 2005.
  2. Barbeau, B., Rivard, M., Prévost, M., The favorable role of natural organic matter on disinfection efficacy, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Quebec City, Canada, Nov. 6-10, 2005.
  3. Besner, M.C., Cartier, C., Morissette, C., Aubin, A., Payment, P., Prévost, M., Water quality variations during repairs of pipe leaks, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Quebec City, Canada, Nov. 6-10, 2005.
  4. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Tremblay, G., Gauthier, V., Predicting source water quality using neural network, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Quebec City, Canada, Nov. 6-10, 2005.
  5. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Péloquin, D., Eryuzlu, E., Impacts des fluctuations du niveau du fleuve St-Laurent sur l'opération des installations de traitement de l'eau potable, 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  6. Besner, M.C., Impact du résiduel de désinfectant sur l’inactivation des microorganismes accidentellement introduits en réseau de distribution, 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  7. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Locas, A., Payment, P., Protocole québécois d’évaluation d’une eau souterraine sous influence directe des eaux de surface (ESSIDES), 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  8. Cartier, C., Besner, M.C., Lavoie, J., Aubin, A., Payment, P., Prévost, M., Étude des possibilités d’intrusions dans les réseaux de distribution d’eau potable lors des réparations de conduites, 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  9. Fortier, J.-P., Beaudet, J.-F., Barbeau, B., Essais de traitabilité in situ sur l'eau du Lac Memphrémagog pour vérification de l'applicabilité du procédé de filtration directe, 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  10. Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Chevrefils, G., Caron, É., Payment, P., Impacts des particules sur l’efficacité de la désinfection aux UV, 17e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 26-27 oct. 2005.
  • Besner, M.C., Cartier, C., Morissette, C., Karney, B., Payment, P. Prévost, M., Do routine distribution system operations have an impact on water quality? AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Nov. 14-18, 2004.
  • Besner, M.C., Approche réglementaire relative aux raccordements croisés: situation aux États-Unis et en Europe, Journée Technique - Contrôle des raccordements croisés, Montréal, Québec, 11 nov. 2004.
  • Barbeau, B., Interférences de la turbidité et de la matière organique naturelle sur la désinfection, 16e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 22-23 sept. 2004.
  • Besner, M.C., Morissette, C., Payment, P., Prévost, M., Impact des réparations de bris de conduites sur la qualité de l'eau distribuée, 16e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 22-23 sept. (2004).
  • Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Demard, H., Prévost, M., Petits systèmes: modalités d'application des réglementations américaine, ontarienne et québécoise sur l'eau potable, 16e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 22-23 sept. 2004.
  • Locas, A., Payment, P., Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Indicateurs de la contamination microbiologiques des eaux souterraines vulnérables et sous influence directe des eaux de surface, 16e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 22-23 sept. 2004.
  • Prévost, M., Sous comité sur la révision du règlement sur la qualité de l'eau potable, 16e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 22-23 sept. 2004.
  • Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Péloquin, D., Impacts of water levels on water treatment plants operation in the lower St. Lawrence River, 57ème Congrès Annuel de l'Association Canadienne des Ressources Hydriques, Montréal, Québec, June 16-18, 2004.
  • Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Péloquin, D., Eryuzlu, E., Impacts of water level on water treatment plants operation in the lower St. Lawrence River, 11th Annual International Conference on the St. Lawrence River Ecosystems, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, June 18-19, 2004.
  • Barbeau, B., Les objectifs du traitement de l'eau potable au Québec et les moyens mis en place pour les rencontrer. L'eau: cet ingrédient méconnu, Congrès du Centre de Recherche et Développement en Agro-alimentaire (CRDA), 1er avril 2004.
  • Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Péloquin, D., Eryuzlu, E., Impacts des fluctuations du niveau du fleuve St-Laurent sur l'opération des installations de traitement de l'eau potable, Réseau Environnement, Québec, Canada, mars 2004.
  1. Carrière, A., Gauthier, V., Desjardins, R., Barbeau, B., Short term impacts of unidirectional flushing on water quality (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Nov. 2-6, 2003.
  2. Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., Sarrazin, V., Protocole québécois d'évaluation d'une eau souterraine sous l'influence directe des eaux de surface, 15e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 17-18 sept. 2003.
  3. Carrière, A., Barbeau, B., Coallier, J., Arcouette, N., Beaudet, j.f., Phillipon, l., optimisation d'une filière de traitement pour l'enlèvement de Cryptosporidium parvum en eau froide, 15e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 17-18 sept. 2003.
  4. Desjardins, R., Enhanced coagulation 101, 15e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 17-18 sept. 2003.
  5. Mysore, C., Leparc, J., Prévost, M., Zuback, J., Owen, C., Selection of an ozone dissolution system for the Tampa Bay regional water treatment plant, 16th World Congress, International Ozone Association (IWA), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 31-September 5, 2003.
  6. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Trépanier, M., Nicholson, E., Desjardins, R., Study of water quality variations in the Moncton (New-Brunswick) distribution system using an integrated approach, 8e Environmental and Sustainable Engineering Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada, June 4-7, 2003.
  7. El Baz, G., Barbeau, B., Desjardins, R., Development of an integrated disinfection design framework (IDDF) to model ozone contactors of the Cities of Montreal and Laval, Canadian Water Network (CWN), St-John, Canada, March 23-26, 2003.
  8. Prévost, M., Besner, M.C., Impact of infrastructure management on the contamination of drinking water with pathogens, Canadian Water Network (CWN), St-John, Canada, March 12-13, 2003.
  9. Prévost, M., L'approche intégrée de la ressource au robinet: le vrai défi de la production d'eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 19-21 mars 2003.
  1. Barbeau, B., Évolution des normes et technologies de traitement: Perspectives québécoises. Les Entretiens Jacques-Cartier, Lyon, France, décembre 2002.
  2. Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Sarrazin, V., Dandres, T., Bélanger, C., Beauchamp, P., Évaluation de la filtration biologique afin d'atténuer les goûts et odeurs à l'usine de filtration de Valleyfield, 14e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 21-22 nov. 2002.
  3. Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Demard, H., Leclair, M., Morissette, C., Perspective américaine en matière de réglementation sur la qualité de l'eau en réseau, 14e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 21-22 nov. 2002.
  4. Carrière, A. Barbeau, B., Gauthier, V., Lalumière, A., Rinçage unidirectionnel: bilan des résultats de trois campagnes successives à Jonquière, 14e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 21-22 nov. 2002.
  5. Sarrazin, V., Barbeau, B., Mainville, É., Laporte, A., Valiquette, R., Suivi en continu des performances d'abattement des pathogènes de l'usine de Repentigny: l'outil efficace, 14e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 21-22 nov. 2002.
  6. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Allard, D., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Détermination des paramètres majeurs en filtration directe et modélisation des performances des filtres, 14e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 21-22 nov. 2002.
  7. Barbeau, B., Huffman, D., Rivard, M., Mysore, C., Impacts of water quality on the inactivation of viral and bacterial surrogates, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 10-14. 2002.
  8. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Morissette, C., Prévost, M., Identification of the main causes of total coliforms in a distribution system, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 10-14, 2002.
  9. Carrière, A. Barbeau, B., Gauthier, V., Morissette, C., Millette, R., Lalumière, A., Unidirectional flushing: loose deposits characterization in test zones of four canadian distribution systems, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 10-13, 2002.
  10. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Allard, D., Prévost, M., Desjardins, R., Détermination des paramètres majeurs en filtration directe et modélisation des performances des filtres, 15ième Journées Information Eaux-APTEN, Poitiers, France, 18-20 sept. 2002.
  11. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Morissette, C., Prévost, M., Identification des causes principales d'apparition de coliformes dans un réseau de distribution, 4e Édition du Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec, Réseau Environnement, Québec, 11-12 avril 2002.
  1. Barbeau, B., Application de la désinfection UV: recommandations du comité sur les technologies de traitement d'eau potable, 13e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, 28-29 nov. 2001.
  2. Barbeau, B., El-Baz, G., Rivard, M., Huffman, D., Mysore, C., Impact de la qualité de l'eau sur l'efficacité de la désinfection, 13e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, 28-29 nov. 2001.
  3. Carrière, A., Pinot, O., Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Besner, M.C., Mercier, B., Millette, R., Évaluation de l'efficacité des rinçages unidirectionnels: caractérisation et répartition des dépôts éliminés, 13e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, 28-29 nov. 2001.
  4. Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Tremblay, G., Millette, R., Bernier, A.-M., Évolution de la qualité de l'eau en réseau de distribution en période de pointe de turbidité, 13e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, 28-29 nov. 2001.
  5. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Allard, D., Sarrazin, V., Prévost, M., Principaux paramètres de design et d'opération de la filtration directe, 13e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, 28-29 nov. 2001.
  6. Baudart, J., Olaizola, A., Laurent, P., Coallier, J., Prévost, M., New rapid methods to track diluted Enterobacteriaceae cells in drinking waters, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2001.
  7. Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Tremblay, G., Millette,R., Bernier, A.-m., Evaluating turbidity transit throughout a distribution system, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2001.
  8. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Trépanier, M., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Tracking the source for microbial contamination in distribution system using an integrated approach, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2001.
  9. Huffman, D., Barbeau, B., Mysore, C., Prévost, M., Effects of purification on the inactivation of bacteriophage MS2 by chemical disinfectants, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2001.
  10. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Mysore, C., Determination of the most influential parameters for efficient design and operation of high-rate filters (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2001.
  11. Jaeger, Y., Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Viret, B., Toulorge, R., Lemaire É., de Roubin, M.-R., Gagnon, J.-L., An integrated approach to assess the causes of drinking water quality failures in the distribution system of Caen, International Water Association Conference, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 15-19, 2001.
  12. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Trépanier, M., Prévost, M., An integrated approach to understand water quality failures in distribution systems, AWWA-Distribution System Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, Sept. 23-25, 2001.
  13. Baudart, J., Coallier, J., Laurent, P., Prévost, M., New tools for a sensitive detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae cells in different water sources (Poster), 101st General Meeting American Society for Microbiology, Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2001.
  14. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Trépanier, M., Chapleau, R., Prévost, M., Development of an interactive analyser to identify sources of water quality problems in distribution systems, EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress (ASCE), Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2001.
  15. Lake, R., Miller, K. Besner, M.C., Trépanier, M., Rompré, A., Gauthier, V., A comprehensive approach for predicting coliforms in drinking water distribution system, 4th International Conference on Water Pipeline Systems: Managing Pipeline Assets in an Evolving Market, York, United Kingdom, March 28-30, 2001.
  16. Barbeau, B., Gauthier, V., Desjardins, R., Laporte, A., Évaluation de l'efficacité des procédés de désinfection selon le concept des CT: théorie et application à l'usine de filtration de Repentigny, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec 28-30 mars 2001.
  17. Chevalier, J., Gauthier, V., Millette, R., Barbeau, B., Impact d'une station de pompage sur la qualité microbiologique de l'eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 28-30 mars 2001.
  18. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Sarrazin, V., Simard, P. Prévost, M., Optimisation de la filtration à très grande vitesse pour la production d'eau potable, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 28-30 mars 2001.
  19. Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Coallier, J., Prévost, M., Clément, B., Evaluating the risk of infection from the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in drinking water, AWWA-Symposium on Health Effects, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 24-26, 2001
  1. Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Coallier, J., Clément, B., Prévost, M., Analyse du risque d'infection liée à la présence de Giardia et Cryptosporidium dans l'eau potable, 12e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 28-29 nov. 2000.
  2. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Trépanier, M., Chapleau, R., Morissette, C., Prévost, M., Nouvelle approche permettant l'identification des causes possibles de problèmes de la qualité d'eau en réseau de distribution, 12e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 28-29 nov. 2000.
  3. Desjardins, A., Gauthier, V., Mainville, É., Millette, R., Marche, C., Détermination des temps de séjour dans les réseaux de distribution d'eau potable par traitement du signal, 12e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 28-29 nov. 2000.
  4. Brousseau, R., Greer, C., Baudart, J., Laurent, P., Payment, P., Méthodes novatrices de détection des pathogènes dans l'eau potable, 12e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Québec, 28-29 nov. 2000.
  5. Batté, M., Koudjonou, B., Laurent, P., Coallier, J., Prévost, M., Does phosphate-based anticorrosion treatment enhance biofilm resistance to disinfection? AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Nov. 5-9 2000.
  6. Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Trépanier, M., Chapleau, R., Morissette, C., Prévost, M., Identification of the causes for coliforms and water quality complaints in distribution systems: an event-based approach (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2000.
  7. Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Coallier, J., Prévost, M., Clément, B., Evaluating the risk of infection from the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in drinking water, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2000.
  8. Desjardins, A., Gauthier, V., Mainville, É., Millette, R., Marche, C., Determination of residence time in water distribution system by signal processing, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Nov. 5-9, 2000.
  9. Laurent, P., Besner, M.C., Rompré, A., Gauthier, V., Coallier, J., Baudart, J., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Coliformes en réseau de distribution d'eau potable: nouveaux outils et nouvelle approche pour un meilleur contrôle, 14ième Journées Information Eaux, APTEN, Poitiers, France, 13-15 sept. 2000.
  10. Laurent, P., Kihn, A., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Impact des matériaux filtrants sur la nitrification dans les filtres biologiques utilisés en traitement de l'eau potable, 14ième Journées Information Eaux, APTEN, Poitiers, France, 13-15 sept. 2000.
  11. Desjardins, R., Rompré, A, Allard, D., Niquette, P., Mercier, C., Prévost, M., Lavoie, J., Control of iron corrosion: impacts of inhibitors, IVth International Conference, Water Supply and Water Quality, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 11-13, 2000.
  12. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Trépanier, M., Barbeau, B., Millette, R., Chapleau, R., Prévost, M., Desjardins, R., Extending our ability to predict water quality in distribution systems by integrated water quality management, IVth International Conference Water Supply and Water Quality, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 11-13, 2000.
  13. Laurent, P., Prévost, M., Desjardins, R., Mailly, J., Servais, P., Controling bacterial regrowth in distribution systems, IVth International Conference Water Supply and Water Quality, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 11-13, 2000.
  14. Barbeau, B., Payment, P., Coallier, J., Clément, B., Prévost, M., Evaluating the risk of infection from the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in drinking water, Health-Related Water Microbiology Conference, Paris, France, July 3-7, 2000.
  15. Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Millette, R., Block, J.C., Prévost, M., Suspended particles in the drinking water of two distribution systems (Poster), Health-Related Water Microbiology Conference, Paris, France, July 3-7, 2000.
  16. Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Besner, M.C., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Storage tanks management to improve quality of distributed water: a case study, AWWA-International Distribution Research Symposium, Denver, Colorado, June 10-11, 2000.
  17. Desjardins, C., Koudjonou, B., Desjardins, R., Beaudet, J.F., The use of jar-test to scale up and scale down microsand weighted flocculation, 9th National Conference on Drinking Water CWWA, Regina, Saskatchewan, May 16-18, 2000.
  18. Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Douki, J., Julienne, K., Laurent, P., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Examining suspended and deposited particulate matter in a Canadian drinking water distribution system, 9th National Conference on Drinking Water CWWA, Regina, Saskatchewan, May 16-18, 2000.
  19. Desjardins, R., Gauthier, V., Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Koudjonou, B., Laurent, P., Désinfection et réseaux de distribution d’eau potable, Journées Techniques Mobiles, Réseau Environnement, Laval, Gatineau, Beauce, Amos, Laurentides, Québec, Saguenay/Lac St-Jean, Estrie, Montérégie, 1999-2000.
  20. Allard, D., Rompré, A., Mercier, C., Simard, P., Arrêt des polyphosphates: motifs et impacts, Étude des inhibiteurs de corrosion sur le réseau de distribution de la Ville de Laval, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 29-31 mars 2000.
  21. Lalumière, A., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Coallier, J., Diagnostic et correctifs apportés aux stations de purification et au réseau d'aqueduc de la Ville de Jonquière: les suites du déluge de 1996, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St‑Hyacinthe, Québec, 29-31 mars 2000.
  22. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Impact de la gestion hydraulique d'un réservoir d'eau potable sur la qualité de l'eau distribuée: une étude de cas, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, 29-31 mars 2000.
  23. Tchio, M., Koudjonou, B., Allard, D., Simard, P., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Filtration directe à taux rapide avec objectifs multiples, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, St-Hyacinthe, Québec 29-31 mars 2000.
  1. Barbeau, B., Julienne, K., Gauthier, V., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Dead-end flushing of a distribution system: short and long-term impacts on water quality, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  2. Batté, M., Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Mathieu, L., Hartemann, P., Evaluating the impacts of phosphate-based corrosion inhibitors on the efficiency of drinking water biofilm disinfection (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  3. Desjardins, C., Koudjonou, B., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Validation of a modified jar-test procedure to scale down microsand ballasted flocculation (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  4. Douki, J., Coallier, J., Barbeau, B., Laurent, P, Gauthier, V., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Sediments characterization and water quality variation in storage tanks (Poster), AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  5. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Trépanier, M., Barbeau, B., Millette, R., Chapleau, R., Prévost, M., Understanding the microbial quality of drinking water using distribution system structure information and hydraulic modeling, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  6. Koudjonou, B., de la Torre, J., Prévost, M., Desjardins, R., Morissette, C., Using various backwashing start-up strategies to improve filtered water quality: a full scale experience, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  7. Laurent, P., Shatat, S., Kihn, A., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Ammonia and bromate removal by biological filtration, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  8. Rompré, A., Allard, D., Niquette, P., Mercier, C., Prévost, M., Lavoie, J., Implementing the best corrosion control for your needs, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1999.
  9. Allard, D., Rompré, A., Niquette, P., Mercier, C., Morissette, C., Lavoie, J. Contrôle des problèmes liés à la corrosion avec les phosphates et les silicates. 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 21-22 oct. 1999.
  10. Barbeau, B., Julienne, K., Gauthier, V., Millette, R, Prévost, M., Purge des culs de sac: effets à court et à long terme sur la qualité de l’eau, Réseau Environnement, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Montréal, Québec, 21-22 oct. 1999.
  11. Barbeau, B., Facile, N., Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Utilisation des bactéries sporulantes aérobies pour l'évaluation de la désinfection par l'ozone, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 21-22 oct. 1999.
  12. Koudjonou, B., de La Torre, J., Morissette, C., Lavoie, J., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Utilisation de différentes stratégies de lavage et de remise en route des filtres rapides pour améliorer la qualité de l’eau potable, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 21-22 oct. 1999.
  13. Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Coallier, J., Évaluation de l’effet d’une inondation sur la qualité de l’eau dans un réseau de distribution d’eau potable, 11e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 21-22 oct. 1999.
  14. Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Coallier, J., Brisebois, P., Lavoie, J., Lafrance, P., Impacts of implementing a corrosion control strategy on biofilm regrowth, 4th IAWQ Conference on Biofilm Technology, New York, USA, Oct. 17-20, 1999.
  15. Batté, M., Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Block, J.-C., Hartemann, P., Mathieu, L., Various approaches to evaluate the impact of inhibition of corrosion with polyphosphates on disinfection of a drinking water biofilm, 4th IAWQ Conference on Biofilm Technology, New York, USA, Oct. 17-20, 1999.
  16. Barbeau, B., Facile, N., Desjardins, R., Myre, I., Prévost, M., Monitoring ozone disinfection with the use of aerobic spore-formers, 14th International Ozone Association, World Congress, , Dearborn, Michigan, USA, August 22-26, 1999.
  17. Prévost, M., Laurent, P., Barbeau, B., Mailly, J., Servais, P., Evaluating the impact of treatment options on regrowth potential using BDOC curves and DS modeling, AWWA-Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 20-24, 1999.
  18. Prévost, M., Lalumière, A., Barbeau, B., Allard, D., Coallier, J., Evaluation of the impact from flooding on microbial intrusion in a distribution system, AWWA-Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 20-24, 1999.
  19. Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Assessing regrowth in DS: from regrowth modelling to plain intrusion, AWWA-Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 20-24, 1999.
  20. Gauthier, V., Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Millette, R., Prévost, M., Combining hydraulic modeling and operational data to understand chlorine decay in a drinking water distribution system, Water Distribution System Analysis, American Sosiety on Chemical Engineers, Tempe, Arizona, USA, June 6-9, 1999.
  21. Desjardins, C., Koudjonou, B., Desjardins, R., Gadbois, A., Simulation of a weighted flocculation process using a modified jar-test procedure, Ontario Water Works Water Association, Ontario, Canada, May 16-19, 1999.
  22. Gauthier, V., Portal, J.M., Yvon, J., Rosin, C., Block, J.C., Lahoussine, V., Benabdellah, S., Cavard, J., Gatel, D., Accumulation of particulates matter and bacteria in deposits in drinking water reservoirs, AWWA-Particle Measurement and Characterization in Drinking Water Treatment Symposium, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, March 28-30, 1999.
  23. Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Gauthier, V., Prévost, M., Chapleau, R., Trépanier, M., Aubé, M., Soly, C., Mise au point d'un outil de gestion intégrée d'un réseau de distribution d'eau potable: application à un secteur pilote de la Ville de Montréal, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 24-26 mars 1999.
  24. Besner, M.C., Barbeau, B., Gauthier, V., Prévost, M., Chapleau, R., Trépanier, M., Aubé, M., Soly, C., Development of a water distribution network management tool: application to a pilot sector of the city of Montreal, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 24-26 mars 1999.
  25. Desjardins, C., Koudjonou, B., Desjardins, R., Beaudet, J.F., Simulation d’un procédé utilisant la floculation lestée (ACTIFLO®) en utilisant une procédure de jar test modifiée, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 24-26 mars 1999.
  26. Niquette, P., Rompré, A., Allard, D., Corrosion interne des réseaux de distribution d'eau: diagnostic et intervention, Américana, Réseau Environnement, Montréal, Québec, 24-26 mars 1999.
  • Barbeau, B., Myre, I., Facile, N., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Evaluating disinfection processes: aerobic spore-formers as a surrogate for Giardia and Cryptosporidium, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA, Nov. 1-4, 1998.
  • Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Lafrance, P., Chlorine versus chloramine: impact on the decomposition of a drinking water biofilm, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA, Nov. 1-4, 1998.
  • Raad, R., Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Morissette, C., Lafrance, P., Selecting the best corrosion control strategy using a new rapid corrosion monitoring tool, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA, Nov. 1-4, 1998.
  • Barbeau, B., Nour-Hosseinian, S., Ndiongue, S., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Utilisation des compteurs de particules pour le contrôle de la qualité de l'eau potable, 10e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, AQTE, Québec, 29-30 oct. 1998.
  • Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Bédard, É., Brisebois, P., Lavoie, J., Lafrance, P., Sélection d’une stratégie de contrôle de la corrosion: essais en laboratoire, 10e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, AQTE, Québec, 29-30 oct. 1998.
  • Desjardins, A., Lavallée, D., Marche, C., Residence time in the water distribution system: determination by spectral analysis, 10e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, AQTE, Québec, 29-30 oct. 1998.
  • Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Lafrance, P., Effets comparés du chlore et de la monochloramine sur le biofilm, 10e Atelier sur l’Eau Potable, AQTE, Québec, 29-30 oct. 1998.
  • Desjardins, A., Lavallée, D., Marche, C. Approche novatrice pour la détermination des temps de séjour en réseau d’eau, Journées Information Eaux, Poitiers, France, 1998.
  • Koudjonou, B., Prévost, M., Lafrance, P., Impact du chlore et de la monochloramine sur la composition d'un biofilm d'eau potable, Journées Information Eaux, Poitiers, France, 1998.
  • Laurent, P., Andersson, A., Kihn, A., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Dagois, G., Optimisation de la nitrification dans les filtres CAB utilisés pour le traitement de l'eau potable, Journées Information Eaux, Poitiers, France, 1998.
  • Prévost, M., Desjardins, R., Lafrance, P., Rompré, A., Raad, R., Niquette, N., Bénard, I., Allard, D., Corrosion interne des réseaux de distribution d'eau: diagnostic et intervention, Congrès Annuel AQTE/AESEQ, Québec, 1998.
  1. Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Brisebois, P., Lavoie, J., Lafrance, P., L'application des stratégies de contrôle de la corrosion dans les réseaux de distribution d'eau potable, Semaines des Infrastructures, INFRA, Montréal, Québec, 24-28 nov. 1997.
  2. Allard, D., Techniques d'échantillonnage et suivi de la qualité de l'eau dans les réseaux de distribution, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  3. Bénard, I., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Rompré, A., Brisebois, P., Lafrance, P., Lavoie, J., Implantation d'une stratégie de contrôle de la corrosion, 9e Atelier sur l'eau potable de l'AQTE, Montréal, 1997.
  4. Koudjonou, B., Chevalier, J., Prévost, M., L'impact de la chloration sur la composition du biofilm d'eau potable, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  5. Laurent, P., Prévost, M., Mailly, J., Servais, P., Un nouvel outil d'évaluation de l'impact de modifications aux filières de traitement sur la recroissance bactérienne en réseau de distribution, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  6. Laurent, P., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Gatel, D., Clément, B., Évaluation d'un modèle de prédiction de la qualité de l'eau dans les réseaux de distribution d'eau potable, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  7. Marche, C., Benrhanem, M., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Validation par un traçage des temps de séjour dans un réseau de distribution d'eau potable, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  8. Payment, P., Berte, A., Ménard, B., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., Évaluation des risques à la santé humaine pour les usines de traitement de l'eau potable tirant leur source du fleuve Saint-Laurent et de ses tributaires, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  9. Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Brisebois, P., Lavoie, J., Lafrance, P., Sélection d'une stratégie de contrôle de la corrosion: essais en réacteur annulaire, 9e Atelier sur l'Eau Potable, AQTE, Montréal, Québec, 19-21 nov. 1997.
  10. Cigana, J., Laurent, P., Prévost, M., Clément, B., Servais, P., Key parameters affecting regrowth in distribution systems using the SANCHO model, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  11. Koudjonou, B.K., Prévost, M., Lafrance, P., Assessing of the impact of chlorination on the composition of a drinking water biofilm, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  12. Laurent, P., Niquette, P., Kihn, A., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Maclean, R.G., Optimizing nitrification in biological filters used for drinkink water treatment, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  13. Laurent, P., Prévost, M., Mailly, J., Servais, P., Gatel, D., A new tool to evaluate the impacts of treatment modifications on regrowth potential in distribution systems, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  14. Millette, R., Barbeau, B., Ndiongue, S., Morissette, C., Desjardins, R., Prévost, M., Optimizing direct biological filtration for the removal of particles, microbial and dissolved NOM: the Montreal experience, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  15. Payment, P., Ménard, B., Prévost, M., Enteric viruses, Giardia and Cryptosporidium levels in the raw water of water treatment plants along the Saint-Lawrence river, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  16. Prévost, M., Boulos, L., Barbeau, B., Desjardins, R., Coallier, J., Lafrance, P., Evaluation of CT values for coliform bacteria using different measurements of viability, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  17. Prévost, M., Dubreuil, G., Desjardins, R., MacLean, R.G., Bioreactors for the rapid determination of the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) in drinking water: feed mode impact, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
  18. Rompré, A., Prévost, M., Brisebois, P., Lavoie, J., Lafrance, P., Comparison of corrosion control strategies efficiency and their impact on biofilm growth in a model distribution system, AWWA-Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver Colorado, USA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.