Dr. Clara Santato, Full Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique, is holder of the chair, which aims to promote both innovative and pragmatic solutions to the problem of waste electronic equipment (e-waste). The UNESCO Chair in Green and Sustainable Electronics (GSE) will target every link in the lifecycle chain of electronic devices, taking a holistic approach that incorporates science, technological innovation, social innovation and education with a view to transforming the production, consumption and management of such devices, in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.
This major project involves partners on three continents, with the University of British Columbia (Canada), the American University in Cairo (Egypt), St. John’s University of Tanzania, the University of Milan (Italy), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal), the University of Burundi, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, along with the University of KwaZulu-Natal, the University of Pretoria and iThembaLABS (all in South Africa) pooling their expertise.
Press review

june 27, 2023 - Academica Group
Polytech MTL launches UNESCO chair focused on green, sustainable electronics
Polytechnique Montréal accueille les activités de la Chaire UNESCO en électronique verte et soutenable (ÉleVéS), sous la supervision de Clara Santato, titulaire de la nouvelle Chaire.

june 20, 2023 - L'Écho de la Rive-Nord
Polytechnique : lancement de la Chaire UNESCO en électronique verte et soutenable
Polytechnique Montréal accueille les activités de la Chaire UNESCO en électronique verte et soutenable (ÉleVéS), sous la supervision de Clara Santato, titulaire de la nouvelle Chaire.

june 19, 2023 - CTV News
Polytechnique Montreal launches UNESCO chair in green and sustainable electronics
Polytechnique Montréal accueille les activités de la Chaire UNESCO en électronique verte et soutenable (ÉleVéS), sous la supervision de Clara Santato, titulaire de la nouvelle Chaire.