Laboratoire de microphotonique


(514) 340-4711 poste 3100




C. Lemieux-Leduc, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, P. Daoust, L. Luo, G. Daligou, J. Brodeur, S. Kéna-Cohen, Y.-A. Peter, and O. Moutanabbir, "Transfer-printed Multiple GeSn Membrane Mid-infrared Photodetectors," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 31, no.1, 3800410, 2025. [DOI] [pdf]

R. Guertin, M.-A. Bianki, O. Figueroa, C. Amoah, W. Skene, and Y.-A. Peter, “Polymer-functionalized on-chip Fabry-Perot interferometer for CO2 and CH4 sensing,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, San Sebastian, Spain, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Poveda-Hospital, N. Quesada, and Y.-A. Peter, “PIN-PMN-PT electro-optic phase modulator,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, San Sebastian, Spain, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

M.-A. Bianki, R. Guertin, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and Y.-A. Peter, “Inkjet printing of polymeric optical resonators for multi-gas sensing,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, San Sebastian, Spain, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

L. Sène, R. Guertin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Optimization of Fabry-Perot Interferometer Performance Through Low Mirror Roughness,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, San Sebastian, Spain, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

C. Lemieux-Leduc, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, and Y.-A. Peter, “Waveguide-coupled GeSn membranes for mid-infrared silicon photonics,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, San Sebastian, Spain, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

M.-A. Bianki, R. Guertin, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and Y.-A. Peter, "Suspended whispering gallery mode resonators made of different polymers and fabricated using drop-on-demand inkjet printing for gas sensing applications," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 420, 136460, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

A. S. Bahgat, J. Provost, D. Seletskiy, and Y. -A. Peter, "Ultrafast ultrasound imaging by optical polymer microring resonator array and a dual optical frequency comb: a theoretical concept," Journal of Optical Microsystems, vol. 4, no. 3, 034502, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

M. -A. Bianki, R. Guertin, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and Y. -A. Peter, "Temperature Sensitivity Control of an Inkjet-Printed Optical Resonator on Pillar," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 5067–5074, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

E. Peinke, T. Lacasse, N. Najeeb, M. Masnad, M. Fouda, Y.-A. Peter, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, "A scalable integrated photonics tensor core for large vector-matrix multiplications," Proc. SPIE 12903, 1290303, 2024. [DOI] [pdf]

C. Lemieux-Leduc, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, P. Daoust, G. Daligou, J. Brodeur, S. Kéna-Cohen, Y.-A. Peter, and O. Moutanabbir, “Transfer-printing of GeSn membranes for broadband photodetection in the extended short-wave infrared,” in IEEE Photonics Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 10360743, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

R. Guertin, M.-A. Bianki, and Y.-A. Peter, “ Low-cost fabrication of an on-chip Fabry-Perot interferometer for dry environmental monitoring,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Campinas, Brazil, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

M.-A. Bianki, R. Guertin, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and Y.-A. Peter, “Investigation of an Inkjet Printed Optical Resonator as an Environmental Sensor,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Campinas, Brazil, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

R. Guertin, T. Lacasse, C. Lemieux-Leduc, M. -A. Bianki and Y. -A. Peter, "High-Performance, Low-Cost On-Chip Fabry-Perot Interferometer With Microfluidic Channel Using Single Anisotropic Wet Etching," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 347-351, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Poveda-Hospital, Y.-A. Peter, and N. Quesada, “Custom Nonlinearity Profile for Integrated Quantum Light Sources,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 19, no. 5, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, C. Audiger, G. Chabot-Roy, F. Lombard-Vadnais, J.-S. Delisle, Y.-A. Peter, and S. Lesage, “Immature and mature bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibit distinct intracellular mechanical properties,” Scientific Reports, vol. 13, 1967, 2023. [DOI] [pdf]

M.-A. Bianki, C. Lemieux-Leduc, R. Guertin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Mutlilayer Wedge Disks CROW for an Optical Delay Line,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 770-775, 2022. [DOI] [pdf]

C. Lemieux-Leduc, R. Guertin, M.-A. Bianki, and Y.-A. Peter, “All-polymer whispering gallery mode resonators for gas sensing,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 8685-8697, 2021. [DOI] [pdf]

R. Guertin, M.-A. Bianki, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and Y.-A. Peter, “Multi-gas detection using Fabry-Perot interferometers on silicon chip,” Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 335, 129655, 2021. [DOI] [pdf]

M.-A. Bianki, C. Lemieux-Leduc, R. Guertin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Vertically Coupled Wedge Disks for a Coupled-Resonator Optical Waveguide,” in IEEE Photonics Conference, 2020. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zhang, I. Alamgir, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “Multimode interference tunable filter in chalcogenide fiber,” in IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2019. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, N. Sen Nkwe, G. Chabot-Roy, E. B. Affar, S. Lesage, J.-S. Delisle, and Y.-A. Peter, “On-chip refractive index cytometry for whole-cell deformability discrimination,” Lab on a Chip, vol. 19, pp. 464-474, 2019. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zhang, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “Chalcogenide Fabry-Perot Fiber Tunable Filter,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 30, no. 23, 2018. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zhang, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “Chalcogenide Fabry-Perot Fiber Tunable Filter,” in IEEE Photonics Conference, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 317-318, 2018. [DOI] [pdf]

C. Lemieux-Leduc, R. Guertin, M. Bianki and Y.-A. Peter, “Gas Sensing with SU-8 Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 115-116, 2018. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, G. Chabot-Roy, S. Lesage, J.-S. Delisle and Y.-A. Peter, “An integrated microphotonic biosensor for simultaneous refractive index and deformability cell discrimination,” in International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Monterey, CA, 2018. [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, G. Chabot-Roy, L. Odagiu, M. Richaud, S. Lesage, J.-S. Delisle, and Y.-A. Peter, “High-Throughput Refractive Index-Based Microphotonic Sensor for Enhanced Cellular Discrimination,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 266, pp. 255-262, 2018. [DOI] [pdf]

P. Jubinville, R. Guertin, L. Erbilgin, W. Skene, and Y.-A. Peter, “Selective in-plane Fabry-Pérot gas sensor functionalized with polymer,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 117-118, 2017. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Bernard, C. Reinhardt, V. Dumont, Y.-A. Peter, and J. C. Sankey, “Etch-tuning and Design of SiN Photonic Crystal Reflectors,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, JTu5A.127, 2017. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, R. St-Gelais, “Deformable Interferometric Sensor Using a Polymer Between Reflectors to Measure Analyte Absorption,” US Patent 9,562,810 B2, 2017. [pdf]

H. Ghali, P. Bianucci, and Y.-A. Peter, “Wavelength shift in a whispering gallery microdisk due to bacterial sensing: A theoretical approach,” Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, vol. 13, pp. 9-16, 2017. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Bernard, C. Reinhardt, V. Dumont, Y.-A. Peter, and J. C. Sankey, “Precision resonance tuning and design of SiN photonic crystal reflectors,” Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 24, pp. 5624-5627, 2016. [DOI] [pdf]

L N. Acquaroli, P. Newby, C. Santato, and Y.-A. Peter, “Thermal properties of methyltrimethoxysilane aerogel thin films,” AIP Advances, vol. 6, no. 10, 105007, 2016. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, J.-S. Delisle, S. Lesage, and Y.-A. Peter, “High-throughput Volume Refractive Index Distribution Measurement Through Mechanical Deformation of Single Cells,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Singapore, pp. 167-168, 2016. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, J.-S. Delisle, S. Lesage, and Y.-A. Peter, "The Importance of Single-Mode Behavior in Silicon-On-Insulator Rib Waveguides With Very Large Cross Section for Resonant Sensing Applications," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 22, no.6, 4403008, 2016. [DOI] [pdf]

H. Ghali, H. Chibli, J. L. Nadeau, P. Bianucci, and Y.-A. Peter, “Real-time detection of Staphylococcus aureus using whispering gallery mode optical microdisks,” Biosensors, vol. 6, no. 2, 20, 2016. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, F. Côté, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “Low-threshold lasing at 1975  nm in thulium-doped tellurite glass microspheres,” Optics Letters, vol. 40, no. 22, pp. 5227-5230, 2015. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “Cascaded Raman Lasing in Packaged High Quality As2S3 Microspheres,” Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 23, pp. 428731-428739, 2014. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette, “2 μm Cascaded Raman Scattering Emission from As2S3 High-Q Microspheres,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Glasgow, UK, pp. 15-16, 2014. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, M. Rochette, and Y.-A. Peter, “High-Order Raman Scattering Emission in High-Q Factor As2S3 Microspheres,” in the IEEE Summer Topical Meetings of the Photonics Society on "Midwave Infrared Integrated Photonics", Montréal, pp. 37-38, 2014. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, J.-S. Delisle, S. Lesage, and Y.-A. Peter, "Optofluidic device for high resolution and multiparametric measurement of single biological cells," in Proceedings of the Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, pp. 327-330, 2014. [pdf]

O. Solgaard, A. Godil, R. Howe, L. P. Lee, Y.-A. Peter, H. Zappe, "Optical MEMS: From micromirrors to complex systems," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 517-538, 2014. [DOI] [pdf]

H. Chibli, H. Ghali, S. Park, Y.-A. Peter, and J. L. Nadeau, “Immobilized Phage Proteins for Specific Detection of Staphylococci,” Analyst, vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 179-186, 2014. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, M. Rochette, N. Godbout, and Y.-A. Peter, “Raman lasing in As2S3 high-Q whispering gallery mode resonators,” Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 23, pp. 4966-4969, 2013. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Poulin, R. St-Gelais, A. L. Eichenberger, L. Thévenaz, and Y.-A. Peter, “MEMS Tunable Asymmetric Fabry–Perot Cavity for High-Precision Weighing of Macro Samples,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 884-891, 2013. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, M. Rochette, and Y.-A. Peter, "Raman Scattering Emission in High Q Factor As2S3 Microspheres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CM1L.8, 2013. [link] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, G. Mackey, J. Saunders, J. Zhou, A. Leblanc-Hotte, A. Poulin, J. A. Barnes, H.-P. Loock, R. S. Brown, and Y.-A. Peter, "Gas sensing using polymer-functionalized deformable Fabry-Perot interferometers," Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 182, pp. 45-52, 2013. [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, T. Kerrien, H. Camirand, A. Poulin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Silicon-On-Insulator In-Plane Gires-Tournois Interferometers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 24, pp. 2272-2275, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zandi, J.A. Bélanger, and Y.-A. Peter, “Design and Demonstration of an In-Plane Silicon-On-Insulator Optical MEMS Fabry Pérot-Based Accelerometer Integrated With Channel Waveguides,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1464-1470, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Leblanc-Hotte, R. St-Gelais, and Y.-A. Peter, “Optofluidic Device for High Resolution Volume Refractive Index Measurement of Single Cell,” in International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan, pp. 1330-1332, 2012. [pdf]

H. Ghali, P. Bianucci, H. Chibli, J. L. Nadeau, and Y.-A. Peter, “Bacterial Sensing Using Phage-Functionalized Whispering Gallery Microcavities,” in International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan, pp. 749-751, 2012. [pdf]

P. Pottier, L. Shi, and Y.-A. Peter, “Evolution of modes of Fabry-Pérot cavity based on photonic crystal guided-mode resonance mirrors,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 29, pp. 2698-2703, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, P. Bianucci, N. Godbout, M. Rochette, and Y.-A. Peter, “As2S3 Microspheres With Near Absorption-Limited Quality Factor,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Banff, Canada, pp. 45-46, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

A. Poulin, R. St-Gelais, N. Goulamhoussen, G. Zhu, C. Boudoux, and Y.-A. Peter, “In-plane MEMS-based Fabry-Perot filter for high-speed wavelength-swept semiconductor laser,” in Proceedings of the Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, pp. 401-404, 2012. [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, J. Masson, R. St-Gelais, “MEMS Tunable Silicon Fabry-Perot Cavity and Applications Thereof,” US Patent 8,174,698 B2, 2012. [pdf]

A. Poulin, R. St-Gelais, and Y.-A. Peter, “Coupled electro-mechanical transducers for vertical to horizontal motion translation,” in Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Cannes, France, pp. 240-243, 2012. [link] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, A. Poulin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Advances in modeling, design, and fabrication of deep-etched multilayer resonators,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1900-1908, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

M. I. Cheema, S. Mehrabani, A. A. Hayat, Y.-A. Peter, A. M. Armani, and A. G. Kirk, “Simultaneous measurement of quality factor and wavelength shift by phase shift microcavity ring down spectroscopy,” Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 9090-9098, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

M. I. Cheema, S. Mehrabani, A. A. Hayat, F. Vanier, Y.-A. Peter, A. M. Armani, and A. G. Kirk, "Experimental demonstration of application of ring down measurement approach to micro-cavities for biosensing," Proc. SPIE 8212, 82120B, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Malak, F. Marty, N. Pavy, Y.-A. Peter, A. Q. Liu, and T. Bourouina, “Cylindrical Surfaces Enable Wavelength-Selective Extinction and Sub-0.2 nm Linewidth in 250 micrometer-Gap Silicon Fabry-Pérot Cavities,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 171-180, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

P. Pottier, L. Shi, and Y.-A. Peter, “Determination of guided-mode resonances in photonic crystal slabs,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 29, pp. 109-117, 2012. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, C. La Mela, A. Hayat, and Y.-A. Peter, “Intrinsic quality factor determination in whispering gallery mode microcavities using a single Stokes parameters measurement,” Opt. Express, vol. 19, no. 23, pp. 23544-23553, 2011. {Selected paper published in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2012} [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, G. Mackey, J. Saunders, J. Zhou, A. Leblanc-Hotte, A. Poulin, J.A. Barnes, H.-P. Loock, R. S. Brown, and Y.-A. Peter, “A Fabry-Perot refractometer for chemical vapor sensing by solid-phase microextraction,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 85-86, 2011. [DOI] [pdf]

F. Vanier, C. La Mela, A. Hayat, and Y.-A. Peter, “Whispering Gallery Modes Intrinsic Quality Factor and Coupling Regime Extraction Using Stokes Parameters,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 173-174, 2011. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zandi, J. Zou, B. Wong, R. V. Kruzelecky, and Y.-A. Peter, “VOA-Based Optical MEMS Accelerometer,” in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 15-16, 2011. [DOI] [pdf]

R. V. Kruzelecky, B. Wong, J. Zou, W. Jamroz, K. Zandi, and Y.-A. Peter, “Space Fiber-optics and microPhotonics,” in 7th International Workshop on Fibre Optics and Passive Components, Montréal, Canada, 2011. (invited)

R. St-Gelais, G. Mackey, J. Saunders, J. Zhou, A. Leblanc-Hotte, J.A. Barnes, H.-P. Loock, Y.-A. Peter, and R. S. Brown, “Functionalized silicon Fabry-Perot microcavities for chemical vapor sensing,” in Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy, Kingston, Canada, p. 19, 2011. [pdf]

D. Gagnon, G. Painchaud-April, J. Poirier, L. J. Dubé, F. Vanier, A. Hayat, and Y.-A. Peter, “Numerical design and optimization strategies for annular silica microcavities,” in 2nd International Workshop On Mircrocavities and their Applications, Busan, Korea, p. 40, 2011. [pdf]

M. Malak, N. Pavy, F. Marty, Y.-A. Peter, A. Q. Liu, and T. Bourouina, “Micromachined Fabry–Perot resonator combining submillimeter cavity length and high quality factor,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, no. 21, 211113, 2011. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Malak, N. Pavy, F. Marty, Y.-A. Peter, A.Q. Liu, and T. Bourouina, “Stable, High-Q Fabry-Pérot Resonators with Long Cavity Based on Curved, All-Silicon, High Reflectance Mirrors,” in 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 720-723, 2011. [DOI] [pdf]

J. Masson, R. St-Gelais, A. Poulin, and Y.-A. Peter, “Tunable Fiber Laser Using a MEMS-Based In Plane Fabry-Pérot Filter,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1313 - 1319, 2010. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Bergeron, S. Saïdi, and Y.-A. Peter, “Periodic and non-periodic frequency selection in an erbium doped fiber laser by silica microdisk optical cavity filters,” Opt. Express, vol. 18, no. 16, pp. 16797–16804, 2010. [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, T. Kerrien, A. Poulin, and Y.-A. Peter, "In-Plane MEMS Tunable Gires-Tournois Interferometers," in CLEO/QELS Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, CTuW2, 2010. [link] [pdf]

K. Zandi, Y. Zhao, J. Schneider, and Y.-A. Peter, “New Photoresist Coating Method For High Topography Surfaces,” in 23rd IEEE Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong, pp. 392-395, 2010. [DOI] [pdf]

K. Zandi, B. Wong, J. Zou, R. V. Kruzelecky, W. Jamroz, and Y.-A. Peter, “In-Plane Silicon-On-Insulator Optical MEMS Accelerometer Using Waveguide Fabry-Perot Microcavity With Silicon/Air Bragg Mirrors,” in 23rd IEEE Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong, pp. 839-842, 2010. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Bergeron, F. Vanier, and Y.-A. Peter, "Silica microdisk coupled resonator optical waveguide," in IEEE/Photonics International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Clearwater, FL, pp. 73-74, 2009. [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, J. Masson, and Y.-A. Peter, “All-silicon integrated Fabry-Pérot cavity for volume refractive index measurement in microfuidic systems,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, no. 24, 243905, 2009. {Selected paper published in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, vol. 18, no. 1, 2009} [DOI] [pdf]

L. Shi, P. Pottier, M. Skorobogatiy, and Y.-A. Peter, “Tunable structures comprising two photonic crystal slabs – optical study in view of multi-analyte enhanced detection,” Opt. Express, vol. 17, no. 13, pp. 10623–10632, 2009.  {Selected paper published in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, vol. 4, no. 8, 2009} [DOI] [pdf]

S. A. Kumar, Y.-A. Peter, and J. L. Nadeau, "Biosynthesis, separation and conjugation of gold nanoparticles to doxorubicin for cell uptake and toxicity," in IEEE 35th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, MA , paper 4967628 , 2009. [DOI] [pdf]

I.-H. Song, Y.-A. Peter and M. Meunier, “Resonant frequency sensitive MEMS bandpass filter using capacitive sensing scheme,” Microsystem Technologies, vol.15, no.7, pp. 973-979, 2009. [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, J. Masson, and Y.-A. Peter, "High Resolution Microfluidic Refractometer for Biomedical Applications," in International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec City, Canada, pp. 96-97, 2009. [pdf]

B. Bouabdallaoui, S. A. Kumar, J. L. Nadeau, Y.-A. Peter, and O. Guenat, "Local immobilization of quantum dots in a microchannel for the development of a point of care biosensor," in International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec City, Canada, pp. 152-153, 2009. [pdf]

S. A. Kumar, Y.-A. Peter, and J. L. Nadeau, “Facile biosynthesis, separation and conjugation of gold nanoparticles to doxorubicin,” Nanotechnology, vol.19, no.49, 495101, 2008. [DOI] [pdf]

L. Shi, P. Pottier, Y.-A. Peter and M. Skorobogatiy, "Guided-mode resonance photonic crystal slab sensors based on bead monolayer geometry," Opt. Express, vol. 16, no. 22, pp. 17962-17971, 2008. {Selected paper published in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, vol. 3, no. 12, 2008} [DOI] [pdf]

R. St-Gelais, J. Masson, and Y.-A. Peter, "High Resolution Integrated Microfluidic Fabry-Perot Refractometer in Silicon," in IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 17-18, 2008. [DOI] [pdf]

S. Bergeron, S Saïdi, and Y.-A. Peter, "Optical Wavelength Selection and Amplification by Silica Microcavities and Erbium Doped Fiber," in IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 35-36, 2008. [DOI] [pdf]

G. Zhu, L. Saydy, M. Hosseini, J.-F. Chianetta and Y.-A. Peter, “A Robustness Approach for Handling Modeling Errors in Parallel-Plate Electrostatic MEMS Control,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1302-1314, 2008. [DOI] [pdf]

G. Painchaud-April, J. Poirier, S. Saïdi, Y.-A. Peter, E. Brasselet, L.J. Dubé, “Highly Directional Emission from Inhomogeneous Dielectric Microcavities,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., vol. 53, no. 7, p. 109, 2008.

J. Masson, F. B. Koné and Y.-A. Peter, "MEMS Tunable Silicon Fabry-Pérot Cavity," Proc. SPIE 6717, 671705, 2007. [DOI] [pdf]

J. Masson, S. Bergeron, A. Poulin, N. Godbout, and Y.-A. Peter , "Tunable Erbium Doped Fiber Laser Using a Silicon Micro-Electro-Mechanical Fabry-Perot Cavity," in IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Hualien, Taiwan, pp. 171-172, 2007. [DOI] [pdf]

I.-H. Song, Y.-A. Peter and M. Meunier, "Smoothing dry etched microstructure sidewalls using focused ion beam milling for optical applications," J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 17, pp. 1593-1597, 2007. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Hosseini, G. Zhu, Y.-A. Peter, "A New Formulation of Fringing Capacitance and its Application to the Control of Parallel-Plate Electrostatic Micro Actuators," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 119-128, 2007. [DOI] [pdf]

I. W. Jung, Y.-A. Peter, E. Carr, J.-S. Wang, and O. Solgaard, “Single-Crystal-Silicon Continuous Membrane Deformable Mirror Array for Adaptive Optics in Space-based Telescopes,” IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 13, no.2, pp. 162-167, Mar./Apr. 2007. [DOI] [pdf]

P. Masson, P. Micheau, Y. Pasco, M. Thomas, V. Brailovski, M. Meunier, Y.-A. Peter, D. Mateescu, A. Misra, N. Mrad, J. Pinsonnault, A. Cambron, "Smart Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring of Aerospace Structures," in International Workshop on Smart Materials and Smart Structures, Toronto, Canada, 2006 , pp. 191-202. [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, F. B. Koné, J. Masson and N. Godbout, "Tunable micro-electromechanical grating in silicon," Proc. SPIE 6376, 637604, 2006. (invited paper) [DOI] [pdf]

G. Zhu, J.-F. Chianetta, M. Hosseini, Y.-A. Peter, "An Investigation of Phenomenal Parasitics and Robust Control of Parallel-Plate Electrostatic Micro Actuators," Proc. SPIE 6374, 63740V, 2006. [DOI] [pdf]

G. Zhu, J. Lévine, L. Praly, Y.-A. Peter, "Flatness-Based Control of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS with Application to Adaptive Optics, a Simulation Study," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1165-1174, 2006. [DOI] [pdf]

G. Zhu, M. Packirisamy, M. Hosseini, and Y.-A. Peter, "Modelling and control of an electrostatically actuated torsional micromirror," J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 16, pp. 2044-2052, 2006. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Hajj Hassan, M. Sawan and Y.-A. Peter, "MEMS-Based Electrostatic Actuated Scanner Dedicated for Ultrasound Sensors," in IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception and Sensing, Montréal, 2006, pp. 69-70. [DOI] [pdf]

F. B. Koné and Y.-A. Peter, "Individually tunable silicon Bragg reflectors," in IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Big Sky, MT, 2006, pp. 136-137. [DOI] [pdf]

I. W. Jung, Y.-A. Peter, E. Carr, J.-S. Wang and O. Solgaard, "Single-Crystal-Silicon Continuous Membrane Deformable Mirror Array for Adaptive Optics," in IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Big Sky, Montana, 2006, pp. 152-156. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Hajj Hassan, M. Sawan and Y.-A. Peter, "MEMS-Based Scanner Dedicated for Ultrasound Medical Imaging," in IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Puerto Rico, 2006, vol. 1, pp. 100-103. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Tormen, Y.-A. Peter, Ph. Niedermann, A. Hoogerwerf, R. Stanley, "Deformable MEMS grating for wide tunability and high operating speed," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. S337-40, 2006. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Hosseini, G. Zhu, Y.-A. Peter, "A New Formulation of Fringing Capacitance and its Application to the Control of Parallel-Plate Electrostatic Micro Actuators," in Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Stresa, Italy, pp. 211-216, 2006. [pdf]

M. Tormen, Y.-A. Peter, Ph. Niedermann, A. Hoogerwerf, R. Stanley, "Deformable MEMS grating for wide tunability and high-operating speed," Proc. SPIE 6114, 61140C, 2006. [DOI] [pdf]

M. Tormen, Y.-A. Peter, Ph. Niedermann, A. Hoogerwerf, R. Stanley, "Deformable MEMS grating for wide tunability," in International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Oulu, Finalnd, 2005, pp. 175-176, IEEE/LEOS. [DOI] [pdf]

O. Kilic, S. Kim, W. Suh, Y.-A. Peter, A. S. Sudbø, M. F. Yanik, S. Fan, O. Solgaard, "Photonic crystal slabs demonstrating strong broadband suppression of transmission in the presence of disorders," Optics Letters, vol. 29, no. 23, pp. 2782-2784, 2004. [DOI] [pdf]

P. Lu, Y.-A. Peter, E. Carr, U. Krishnamoorthy, I.-W. Jung, O. Solgaard, R.L. Byer, "Summary of adaptive optics at Stanford," in 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Münster, Germany, 2003, pp. 53-59. [pdf]

P. Krulevitch, P. Bierden, T. Bifano, E. Carr, C. Dimas, H. Dyson, M. Helmbrecht, P. Kurczynski, R. Muller, S. Olivier, Y.-A. Peter, B. Sadoulet, O. Solgaard, E.H. Yang, "MOEMS spatial light modulator development at the Center for Adaptive Optics," Proc. SPIE 4983, 172, 2003. [DOI] [pdf]

O. Kilic, S. Kim, Y.-A. Peter, S. Fan, O. Solgaard, "Optical filters and Displacement Sensors based on Guided Resonances in Photonic Crystals," in Stanford Photonics Research Center Annual Report 2002, pp. 127-129. [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, E. Carr, O. Solgaard, "Segmented Deformable Micro-Mirror for Free-Space Optical Communication," in International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Lugano, Switzerland, 2002, pp. 197-198, IEEE/LEOS. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, E. Carr, J. Mansell, O. Solgaard, "Optical MEMS for Adaptive Optics Applications," in 201st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, First International Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronics, Philadelphia, PA, May 12-17, 2002, vol. 4, pp. 361-367. [pdf] (invited paper)

Y.-A. Peter, F. Gonté, H.P. Herzig, R. Dändliker, "Micro-optical fiber switch for a large number of interconnects using a deformable mirror," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 14, pp. 301-303, March 2002. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, R. Dändliker, "Micro-optical fiber switch for a large number of interconnects: optical design considerations and experimental realizations using microlens arrays," IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 8, pp. 46-57, Jan./Feb. 2002. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, F. Gonté, H.P. Herzig, R. Dändliker, "Micro-optical fiber switch for a large number of interconnects," in International Conference on Optical MEMS, Okinawa, Japan, 2001, pp. 31-32, IEEE/LEOS. [pdf]

F. Gonté, Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, R. Dändliker, "Massive free-space optical 1xN fiber switch using an adaptive membrane mirror," Proc. SPIE 4493, 64, 2001. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, F. Gonté, H.P. Herzig, R. Dändliker, "Optical fiber switch using a deformable mirror for a large number of interconnects," in International Conference on Optical MEMS, Kaui, HI, 2000, pp. 75-76, IEEE/LEOS. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, E. Rochat, R. Dändliker, C. Marxer, N.F. de Rooij, "Pulsed fiber laser using micro-electro-mechanical (MEM) mirrors," Opt. Eng., vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 636-40, 1999. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, S. Bottinelli, "Optical fiber switching device with active alignment," Proc. SPIE 3680, 800, 1999. [DOI] [pdf]

H.P. Herzig, Y.-A Peter, "Micro-optics for micromachined fiber optic switches," in IEEE/LEOS 1998 Summer Topical Meetings on Optical MEMs, Monterey, CA, 1998, pp. 29-30. (invited talk) [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, S. Bottinelli, "XY-stage for alignment of optical elements in MOEMS," Proc. SPIE 3513, 202, 1998. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, E. Rochat, H.P. Herzig, "Micro-opto-mechanical systems: applications in pulsed fiber lasers and optical switching," Proc. SPIE 3226, 102, 1997. [DOI] [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, "Micro-Opto-Mechanical Systems: Study of an array of torsional micro-mirrors in an opto-mechanical switch," in EOS Diffractive Optics, Savonlinna, Finland, 1997, pp. 226-227. [pdf]

Y.-A. Peter, H.P. Herzig, E. Rochat, R. Dändliker, C. Marxer, N.F. de Rooij, "Q-switched fiber laser using micro-electro-mechanical (MEM) mirrors," in IEEE/LEOS 1996 Summer Topical Meetings on Optical MEMs and their Applications, Keystone, CO, 1996, pp. 67-68. [DOI] [pdf]

Ph. Lerch, S. P. Zhao, F. Finkbeiner, Y.-A. Peter, Th. Nussbaumer, A. Zehnder, H. R. Ott, "Investigations on Nb/Al-AlOx-Al/Nb tunneling junctions: the influence of the Al-thickness," in Superconductivity and Particle Detection, Toledo, Spain, 1994, pp. 53-58. [pdf]