Nano and Quantum Semiconductors Laboratory

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Prof. Oussama Moutanabbir

+1-514-340-4711 poste 2587



Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journal


[151] Y. Kim, S. Assali, J. Ge, S. Koelling, M. Luo, L. Luo, H.-J. Joo, J. Tan, X. Shi, Z. Ikonic, H. Li, O. Moutanabbir, and D. Nam
Mid-infrared group-IV nanowire laser
Science Advances (revised)

[150] K-P. Gradwohl, L. Cvitkovich, C-H. Lu, S. Koelling, M. Oezkent, Y. Liu, D. Waldhör, T. Grasser, Y-M. Niquet, M. Albrecht, C. Richter, O. Moutanabbir, and J. Martin
Enhanced nano-scale Ge concentration oscillations in Si/SiGe quantum well through controlled segregation
Nano Letters xx, xxxxxxx (2025)


[149] S. Koelling, S. Assali, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir
Hidden Structures in Atom Probe Tomography   
Journal of Applied Physics 136, 245103 (2024)

[148]  B. N. Carnio, M. Zhang, K. Zawilski, P. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Self-balanced and self-phase-corrected electro-optic sampling in a birefringent crystal     
Optics Letters xx, xxxxxxx (2024)

[147]  S. Mukherjee, Z. Zhang, M. Wajs, M. C. Spadaro, M. Gonzalez-Catala, U. Givan, S. Senz, J. Arbiol, S. Francoeur, S. Volz, and O. Moutanabbir
Thermal conductivity in biphasic silicon nanowires       
Nano Letters 46, 14648 (2024)

[146]  B. N. Carnio, M. Zhang, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
A phase-correction approach for enhancing electro-optic sampling in highly nonlinear and dispersive birefringent crystals       
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 125, 131104 (2024)

[145]  B. N. Carnio, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Advanced Modeling of Electro-Optic Sampling: Nonlinear Vectoral-Field Solutions to Maxwell's Equations       
Advanced Physics Research Vol. 3, 2400034 (2024)

[144] C. Lemieux-Leduc, M. R.M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, P. Daoust, L. Luo, G. Daligou, J. Brodeur, S. Kéna-Cohen, Y.-A. Peter, and O. Moutanabbir
Transfer-printed multiple GeSn membrane mid-infrared photodetectors       
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics Vol. 31, 3800410 (2024)

[143] M. Rossi, T. A. J. van Schijndel, P. Lueb, G. Badawy, J. Jung, W. Peeters, S. Koelling, O. Moutanabbir, M. A. Verheijen, and E. P.A.M. Bakkers
Stemless InSb nanowire networks and nanoflakes grown on InP       
Nanotechnology Vol. 35, 415602 (2024).

[142] R. Soref, F. DeLeonardis, O. Moutanabbir, and G. Daligou
Remote Electric Powering by Germanium Photovoltaic Conversion of an Erbium-Fiber Laser Beam 
Chip Vol. 3, 100099 (2024).

[141] P. Del Vecchio and O. Moutanabbir
Light-Hole Spin Confined in Germanium       
Physical Review B Vol. 110, 045409 (2024).

[140] L. Luo, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, and O. Moutanabbir*
Mid-infrared top-gated Ge/Ge0.82Sn0.18 nanowire phototransistors      
Advanced Optical Materials Vol. 12, 2400096 (2024).

[139] M. R. M. Atalla, C Lemieux-Leduc, S. Assali, S. Koelling, and P. Daoust, O. Moutanabbir*
Extended-SWIR High-Speed All-GeSn PIN Photodetectors on Silicon      
APL Photonics Vol. 9, 056103 (2024).

[138] L. Luo, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, G. Daligou, and O. Moutanabbir*
Mid-infrared imaging using strain-relaxed Ge1−xSnx semiconductors grown on 20 nm Ge nanowires 
Nano Letters Vol. 24, 4979 (2024).

[137] R. Soref, F. DeLeonardis, G. Daligou, and O. Moutanabbir
Directed High-Energy Infrared Laser Beams for Photovoltaic Generation of Electric Power at Remote Locations 
APL Energy Vol. 2, 026101 (2024).

[136] M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, G. Daligou, A. Attiaoui, S. Koelling, and O. Moutanabbir*
Continuous-wave GeSn light emitting diodes on silicon with 2.5 μm room-temperature emission  
ACS Photonics Vol. 11, 1335 (2024).

[135]  B. N. Carnio, B. Shahriar, A. Attiaoui, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Probing the infrared properties of a p‑doped Ge0.94Sn0.06 thin film via polarization-dependent FTIR spectroscopy
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 124, 072102 (2024).

[134] O. Moutanabbir, S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, G. Daligou, P. Daoust, P. Del Vecchio, S. Koelling, L. Luo, N. Rotaru
Nuclear Spin-Depleted, Isotopically Enriched  70Ge/28Si70Ge Quantum Wells
Advanced Materials Vol. 36, 2305703 (2024).


[133]  B. N. Carnio, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and Dispersive Fourier Transform Spectroscopy: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves Vol. 44, 912 (2023).

[132] G. Daligou, A. Attiaoui, A. Assali, P. Del Vecchio, and O. Moutanabbir*
Radiative Carrier Lifetime in Ge1−xSnx Mid-Infrared Emitters  
Physical Review Applied Vol. 20, 064001 (2023).

[131] Y. Kim, S. Assali, H.-J. Joo, S. Koelling, M. Chen, L. Luo, X. Shi, D. Burt, Z. Ikonic, D. Nam, and O. Moutanabbir
Short-wave infrared cavity resonances in a single GeSn nanowire   
Nature Communications Vol. 14, 4393 (2023).

[130] G. Daligou, R. Soref, A. Attiaoui, J. Hossai, M. R. M. Atalla, P. Del Vecchio, and O. Moutanabbir*
Group IV Mid-Infrared Thermophotovoltaic Cells on Silicon   
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Vol. 13, 728 (2023).

[129] A. Attiaoui, G. Daligou, S. Assali, O. Skibitzki, T. Schroeder, and O. Moutanabbir*
Polarization-Tuned Fano Resonances in All-Dielectric Short-Wave Infrared Metasurface   
Advanced Materials Vol. 35, 2300595 (2023).

[128] M. R. M. Atalla, Y. Kim, S. Assali, D. Burt, D. Nam, and O. Moutanabbir*
Extended-SWIR GeSn LEDs with Reduced Footprint and Efficient Operation Power
ACS Photonics Vol. 10, 1649 (2023).

[127] G. Fettu, J. E. Sipe, and O. Moutanabbir*
Mid-Infrared Optical Spin Injection and Coherent Control   
Physical Review B Vol. 107, 165202 (2023).

[126] P. Del Vecchio and O. Moutanabbir*
Light-Hole Gate-Defined Spin-Orbit Qubit   
Physical Review B (Letter) Vol. 107, L161406 (2023).

[125] B. N. Carnio, M. Zhang, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Phase-resolved high-frequency terahertz radiation produced in a (110) ZnGeP2 crystal using intra-pulse difference frequency generation
Scientific Reports Vol. 13, 8161 (2023).

[124]  B. N. Carnio, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
A versatile algorithm for optimizing the performance of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy systems
Applied Optics Vol. 62, 4518 (2023).

[123]  B. N. Carnio, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
CdSiP2: An emerging crystal for electro-optic sampling from terahertz to the infrared spectrum
ACS Applied Optical Materials Vol. xx, xxx (2023).

[122]  B. N. Carnio, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
17-32 terahertz radiation generation using a (110) CdSiP2 chalcopyrite crystal 
Optics Letters Vol. 48, 1200 (2023).

[121] M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, A. Attiaoui, O. Moutanabbir*
Dark current in monolithic extended-SWIR GeSn PIN photodetectors 
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 122, 031103 (2023).

[120]  B. N. Carnio, M. Zhang, P. G. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Emission and sensing of ultrashort high-frequency terahertz electric fields using a GaSe crystal 
Optics Express Vol. 31, 3304 (2023).

[119]  B. N. Carnio, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Nonlinear photonic waveguides: A versatile platform for terahertz radiation generation (a review) 
Laser and Photonics Reviews Vol. 17, 2200138 (2023).

[118] S. Koelling, M. P. Losert, B. Paquelet Wuetz, G. Scappucci, and O. Moutanabbir
Three-dimensional atomic-scale tomography of buried semiconductor heterointerfaces
Advanced Materials Interfaces Vol. 10, 2201189 (2023).


[117] B. Paquelet Wuetz, M. P. Losert, S. Koelling, L. E. A. Stehouwer, A.-M. J. Zwerver, S. G.J. Philips, M. T. Mądzik, X. Xue, G. Zheng, M. Lodari, S. V. Amitonov, N. Samkharadze, A. Sammak, L. M. K. Vandersypen, R. Rahman, S. N. Coppersmith, O. Moutanabbir, M. Friesen, G. Scappucci
Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots
Nature Communications Vol. 13, 7730 (2022).

[116] S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, S. Koelling, M. R. M. Atalla, A. Kumar, J. Nicolas, C. Lemieux-Leduc, and O. Moutanabbir*
Micrometer-thick, atomically random SiGeSn for silicon-integrated infrared optoelectronics
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 132, 1953095 (2022).

[115] S. Assali, S. Koelling, Z. Abboud, J. Nicolas, A. Attiaoui, and O. Moutanabbir
500-period epitaxial Ge/Si0.18Ge0.82 multi-quantum wells on silicon
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 132, 175304 (2022).

[114] A. Attiaoui, G. Fettu, S. Mukherjee, M. Bauer, O. Moutanabbir*
Electronic Signature of Sub-nanometer Interfacial Broadening in Heterostructures
Nano Letters Vol. 22, 7080 (2022).

[113]  B. N. Carnio, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
The coming age of pnictide and chalcogenide ternary crystals in the terahertz frequency regime 
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Vol. 12, 433 (2022).

[112] D. Burt, H.-J. Joo, Y. Kim, Y. Jung, M. Chen, M. Luo, S. J. Parluhutan, D.-H. Kang, S. Assali, L. Zhang, B. Son, C. S. Tan, O. Moutanabbir, Z. Ikonic, Y.-C. Huang, and D. Nam
Direct bandgap GeSn nanowires enabled with ultrahigh tension from harnessing intrinsic compressive strain 
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 120, 202103 (2022).

[111] S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, P. Del Vecchio, S. Mukherjee, J. Nicolas, O. Moutanabbir*
A Light-Hole Germanium Quantum Well on Silicon   
Advanced Materials Vol. 34, 2201192 (2022).

[110] S. Singh, S. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee, S. Assali, L. Luo, S. Das, O. Moutanabbir, and S. K. Ray
Ge-Ge0.92Sn0.08 core-shell single nanowire infrared photodetector with superior characteristics for on-chip optical communication  
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 120, 171110 (2022).

[109] Y. Jung, D. Burt, L. Zhang, Y. Kim, H.-J. Joo, M. Chen, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, C. S. Tan, and D. Nam
Optically pumped low-threshold microdisk lasers on a GeSn-on-insulator substrate with reduced defect density 
Photonics Research Vol. 10, 1332 (2022).

[108] M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, S. Koelling, A. Attiaoui, O. Moutanabbir*
High-Bandwidth Extended-SWIR GeSn Photodetectors on Silicon Achieving Ultrafast Broadband Spectroscopic Response   
ACS Photonics Vol. 9, 1425 (2022).

[107] L. Luo, S. Assali, M. R. M. Atalla, S. Koelling, A. Attiaoui, S. Marti, J. Arbiol, and O. Moutanabbir*
Extended-SWIR Photodetection in All-Group IV Core/Shell Nanowires   
ACS Photonics Vol. 9, 914 (2022).

[106] S. Abdi, S. Assali, M. R.M. Atalla, S. Koelling, J. M. Warrender, and O. Moutanabbir*
Recrystallization and Interdiffusion Processes in Laser-Annealed Strain-Relaxed Metastable Ge0.89Sn0.11   
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 131, 105304 (2022).

[105] P. Perla, A. Faustmann, S. Koelling, P. Zellekens, R. Deacon, H. A. Fonseka, J. Kölzer, Yuki Sato, A. M. Sanchez, O. Moutanabbir, K. Ishibashi, D. Grützmacher, M. Ion Lepsa, T. Schäpers
Te-doped selective-area grown InAs nanowires for superconducting hybrid devices  
Physical Review Materials Vol. 6, 024602 (2022).

[104] G. Badawy, B. Zhang, T. Rauch, J. Momand, S. Koelling, J. Jung, S. Gazibegovic, O. Moutanabbir, B. J. Kooi, S. Botti, M. A. Verheijen, S. M. Frolov, and E. P.A.M. Bakkers
Electronic Structure and Epitaxy of CdTe Shells on InSb Nanowires 
Advanced Science Vol. 9, 2105722 (2022).

[103] S. G. Schellingerhout, E. de Jong, M. Gomanko, X. Guan, M. S.M. Hoskam, S. Koelling, O. Moutanabbir, M. A. Verheijen, S. M. Frolov, E. P.A.M. Bakkers
Growth of PbTe nanowires by Molecular Beam Epitaxy 
Materials for Quantum Technology Vol. 2, 015001 (2022).

[102]  B. N. Carnio, A. Attiaoui, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, and A. Y. Elezzabi
Extracting the complex refractive index of an ultrathin layer at terahertz frequencies with no prior knowledge of substrate absorption loss 
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Vol. 12, 385 (2022).

[101] Y. Kim, S. Assali, D. Burt, Y. Jung, H.-J. Joo, M. Chen, Z. Ikonic, O. Moutanabbir, and D. Nam
Enhanced GeSn Microdisk Lasers Directly Released on Si 
Advanced Optical Materials Vol. 10, 2101213 (2022).


[100] S. Mukherjee, S. Assali, and O. Moutanabbir*
Atomic Pathways of Solute Segregation in the Vicinity of Nanoscale Defects  
Nano Letters Vol. 21, 9882 (2021).

[99] H.-J. Joo, Y. Kim, D. Burt, Y. Jung, L. Zhang, M. Chen, S. J. Parluhutan, D.-H. Kang, C. Lee, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, Y.-H. Cho, C. S. Tan, and D. Nam
1D photonic crystal direct bandgap GeSn-on-insulator laser 
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 119, 201101 (2021).

[98] Q. An, O. Moutanabbir, and H. Guo
Moiré Patterns of Twisted Bilayer Antimonene and their Structural and Electronic Transitions
Nanoscale Vol. 13, 13427 (2021). 

[97] S. Mukherjee, M. Wajs, M. de la Mata, U. Givan, S. Senz, J. Arbiol, S. Francoeur, O. Moutanabbir*
Disentangling Phonon Channels in Nanoscale Thermal Transport 
Physical Review B  Vol. 104, 075429 (2021). 

[96] L. Groell, A. Attiaoui, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir*
Combined Iodine-and Sulfur-based Treatments for an Effective Passivation of GeSn Surface 
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 125, 9516 (2021). 

[95] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Assali, X. Gong, E. O'Reilly, C. Broderick, B. Marzban, J. Witzens, W. Du, S.-Q. Yu, A. Chelnokov, D. Buca, D. Nam
Monolithic Infrared Silicon Photonics: The Rise of (Si)GeSn Semiconductors
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 118, 110502 (2021). Invited Perspective

[94] S. Assali, A. Dijkstra, É. Bouthillier, A. Attiaoui, J. E. M. Haverkort, and O. Moutanabbir*
Mid-infrared emission and absorption in strained and relaxed direct bandgap Ge1-xSnx semiconductors
Physical Review Applied Vol. 15, 024031 (2021).

[93] A. Attiaoui, É. Bouthillier, G. Daligou, A. Kumar, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir*
Extended Short-Wave Infrared Absorption in Group IV Nanowire Arrays
Physical Review Applied Vol. 15, 014034 (2021). 

[92] M. R. M. Atalla, S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, C. Lemieux-Leduc, A. Kumar, S. Abdi, O. Moutanabbir*
All-Group IV transferrable membrane mid-infrared photodetectors
Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 31, 2006329 (2021)

[91] J. S. Rathore, A. Nanwani, S. Mukherjee, S. Das, O. Moutanabbir, S. Mahapatra
Composition uniformity and large degree of strain relaxation in MBE-grown thick GeSn epitaxial layers, containing 16% Sn
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 54, 185105 (2021)


[90] M. Fortin-Deschênes, H. Zschiesche, T. O. Menteş, A. Locatelli, R. M. Jacobberger, F. Genuzio, M. J Lagos, D. Biswas, C. Jozwiak, J. A Miwa, S. Ulstrup, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, M. S Arnold, G. A Botton, O. Moutanabbir*
Pnictogens Allotropy and Phase Transformation during van der Waals Growth 
Nano Letters Vol. 20, 8258 (2020)

[89] Patrick Del Vecchio, Mario Lodari, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, Oussama Moutanabbir*
Vanishing Zeeman energy in a two-dimensional hole gas
Physical Review B Vol. 102, 115304 (2020)

[88] Jérôme Nicolas, Simone Assali, Samik Mukherjee, Andriy Lotnyk, Oussama Moutanabbir*
Dislocation pipe diffusion and solute segregation during the growth of metastable GeSn
Crystal Growth and Design Vol. 20, 3493 (2020). 

[87] T. Grange, S. Mukherjee, G. Capellini, M. Montanari, L. Persichetti, L. Di Gaspare, S. Birner, A. Attiaoui, O. Moutanabbir, M. Virgilio, M. De Seta
Atomic-Scale Insights into Semiconductor Heterostructures: From Experimental Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Interface to a Generalized Theory of Interfacial Roughness Scattering
Physical Review Applied Vol. 13, 044062 (2020). 

[86] Nils von den Driesch, Stephan Wirths, Rene Troitsch, Gregor Mussler, Uwe Breuer, Oussama Moutanabbir, Detlev Grützmacher, Dan Buca
Thermally activated diffusion and lattice relaxation in (Si)GeSn materials
Physical Review Materials Vol. 4, 033604 (2020). 

[85] Luca Persichetti, Michele Montanari, Chiara Ciano, Luciana Di Gaspare, Michele Ortolani, Leonetta Baldassarre, Marvin Zoellner, Samik Mukherjee, Oussama Moutanabbir, Giovanni Capellini, Michele Virgilio, Monica De Seta
Intersubband transition engineering in the conduction band of asymmetric coupled Ge/SiGe quantum wells
Crystals Vol. 10, 179 (2020). 

[84] Matthieu Fortin‐Deschênes, Olga Waller, Qi An, Maureen J Lagos, Gianluigi A Botton, Hong Guo, Oussama Moutanabbir*
Two-Dimensional Antimony-Arsenic Alloys
Small Vol. 127, 1906540 (2020). 

[83] Q. An, M. Fortin-Deschênes, G. Yu, O. Moutanabbir, H. Guo
Effects of short-range order and interfacial interactions on the electronic structure of two-dimensional antimony-arsenic alloys
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 127, 025305 (2020). 

[82] S. Mukherjee, A. Attiaoui, M. Bauer, and O. Moutanabbir*
3-D Atomic Mapping of Interfacial Roughness and its Spatial Correlation Length in sub-10 nm Superlattices
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 12, 1728 (2020). 

[81] É. Bouthillier, S. Assali, J. Nicolas, and O. Moutanabbir*
Decoupling the effects of composition and strain on the vibrational modes of GeSn
Semiconductor Science and Technology Vol. 35, 09006 (2020). 


[80]  S. Assali, M. Elsayed, J. Nicolas, M. O. Liedke, A. Wagner, M. Butterling, R. Krause-Rehberg, and O. Moutanabbir
Vacancy complexes in nonequilibrium germanium-tin semiconductors
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 114, 251907 (2019). 

[79] M. Fortin-Deschênes, R. M. Jacobberger, C. -A. Deslauriers, O. Waller, É. Bouthillier, M. S. Arnold, and O. Moutanabbir*
Dynamics of Antimonene-Graphene van der Waals Growth
Advanced Materials Vol. 31, 1900569 (2019). 

[78] R. M. Jacobberger, E. A. Murray, M. Fortin-Deschênes, F. Göltl, W. A. Behn, Z. J. Krebs, P. L. Levesque, D. Savage, C. Smoot, M. Lagally, P. Desjardins, R. Martel, V. Watson Brar, O. Moutanabbir, M. Mavrikakis, M. S. Arnold
Alignment of semiconducting graphene nanoribbons on vicinal Ge(001)
Nanoscale Vol. 14, 4864 (2019). 

[77] S. Assali, J. Nicolas, and O. Moutanabbir*
Enhanced Sn incorporation in GeSn epitaxial layers via strain relaxation
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 125, 025304 (2019). 


[76] S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, S. Mukherjee, J. Nicolas, and O. Moutanabbir*
TEOS layers for low temperature processing of group IV optoelectronic devices
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Vol. 36, 061204 (2018)

[75] S. Assali, J. Nicolas, S. Mukherjee, A. Dijkstra, and O. Moutanabbir*
Atomically Uniform Sn-rich GeSn Semiconductors with 3.0-3.5 µm Room-Temperature Optical Emission
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 112, 251903 (2018). 

[74] A. Attiaoui, S. Wirth, A.-P. Blanchard-Dionne, M. Meunier, J.M. Hartmann, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir*
Extreme IR Absorption in Group IV-SiGeSn Core-Shell Nanowires 
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 123, 223102 (2018). 

[73] S. Mukherjee, U. Givan, S. Senz, M. de la Mata, J. Arbiol, and O. Moutanabbir*
Reduction of Thermal Conductivity in Nanowires by Combined Engineering of Crystal Phase and Isotope Disorder
Nano Letters Vol. 18, 3066 (2018).

[72] M. Fortin-Deschênes and O. Moutanabbir*
Recovering Semiconductor Properties of Epitaxial Group V 2D Materials Antimonene and Arsenene 
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 122, 9162 (2018).

[71] S. Mukherjee, N. Nateghi, R.M. Jacobberger, E. Bouthillier, M. de la Mata, J. Arbiol, T. Coenen, D. Cardinal, P. Levesque, P. Desjardins, R. Martel, M. S. Arnold, and O. Moutanabbir*
Growth and Luminescence of Polytypic InP on Epitaxial Graphene 
Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 28, 1705592 (2018).

[70] M. A. Mamun, K. Tapily, O. Moutanabbir, H. Baumgart, and A. A Elmustafa
Effect of Hydrogen Implantation on the Mechanical Properties of AlN Throughout Ion-Induced Splitting 
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Vol. 7, 180 (2018).

[69] S. R. Sahamir, S. M. Said, M. F. M. Sabri, M. S. Mahmood, M. A. Kamarudin, and O. Moutanabbir
Studies on Relation between Columnar Order and Electrical Conductivity in HAT6 Discotic Liquid Crystals using Temperature-Dependent Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations
Liquid Crystals Vol. 45, 522 (2018).


[68] M. Fortin-Deschênes, O. Waller, T. Mentes, A. Locatelli, S. Mukherjee, F. Genuzio, P. Levesque, A. Hébert, R. Martel,and O. Moutanabbir*
Synthesis of Antimonene on Germanium
Nano Letters Vol. 17, 4970 (2017).

[67] S. Mukherjee, N. Kodali, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, S. Wirth, J. M. Hartmann, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir*
Short-Range Atomic Ordering in Nonequilibrium Silicon-Germanium-Tin Semiconductors
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) Vol. 95, 161402(R) (2017).

[66] Z. Abboud and O. Moutanabbir*
Temperature-dependent in situ studies of volatile molecule trapping in a low temperature-activated Zr alloy-based getters
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 121, 3381 (2017).

[65] D. Jung, J. Faucher, S. Mukherjee, A. Akey, D. J. Ironside, M. Cabral, X. Sang, J. Lebeau, S. R. Bank, T. Buonassisi, O. Moutanabbir, M. L. Lee
Highly Tensile-Strained Ge/InAlAs Nanocomposites
Nature Communications Vol. 8, 14204 (2017).


[64] S. Mukherjee, H. Watanabe, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir*
Mapping Isotopes in Nanoscale and Quantum Materials Using Atom Probe Tomography
Microscopy and Microanalysis Vol. 22 (S3), 652-653 (2016).

[63] M. Fortin-Deschênes, P. Levesque,R. Martel,and O. Moutanabbir*
Dynamics and Mechanisms of Exfoliated Black Phosphorus Sublimation
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Vol. 27, 205706 (2016).

[62] O. Moutanabbir*, D. Isheim, Z. Mao, and D. N. Seidman
Evidence of Sub-10 nm Aluminum-Oxygen Precipitates in Silicon
Nanotechnology Vol. 27, 205706 (2016).

[61] S. Mukherjee, H. Watanabe, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir*
Laser-assisted field evaporation and three-dimensional atom-by-atom mapping of diamond isotopic homojunctions
Nano Letters Vol. 16, 1335 (2016).

[60] D. Chagnon, E. Pippel, S. Senz, and O. Moutanabbir*
Metal Seed Loss Throughout the Nanowire Growth: Bulk Trapping and Surface Mass Transport
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 120, 2932 (2016).


[59] S. Mukherjee, U. Givan, S. Senz, A. Bergeron, S. Francoeur, M. de la Mata, J. Arbiol, T. Sekiguti, K. M. Itoh, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir*
Phonon Engineering in Isotopically Disordered Silicon Nanowires
Nano Letters Vol. 15, 3885 (2015).

[58] K. Scheerschmidt and O. Moutanabbir*
Tracking atomic processes throughout the formation of heteroepitaxial interfaces
Crystal Growth and Technology Vol. 50, 490 (2015). Invited Paper (70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Neumann).

[57] J.-H. Fournier-Lupien, S. Mukherjee, S. Wirths, E. Pippel, N. Hayazawa, G. Mussler, J. M. Hartmann, P. Desjardins, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir*
Erratum: Strain and composition effects on Raman vibrational modes of silicon-germanium-tin ternary alloys
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 106, 179901 (2015).


[56] H. Blumtritt, D. Isheim, S. Senz, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir*
Preparation of Semiconductor Nanowire Specimens for Laser-Assisted Atom Probe Tomography
Nanotechnology Vol. 25, 435704 (2014).

[55] S. M. Lee, E. Pippel, O. Moutanabbir, J.-H. Kim, H.-J. Lee, and M. Knez
Al-infiltrated Spider Dragline Silk and Its Molecular Deformation Behavior
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol. 6, 16827 (2014).

[54] A. Attiaoui and O. Moutanabbir*
Indirect-to-Direct Band Gap Transition in Relaxed and Strained Ge1-x-ySixSny Ternary Alloys and Heterostructures
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 116, 063712 (2014).

[53] M. V. Balois, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, and O. Moutanabbir*
Direct Optical Mapping of Anisotropic Stresses in Nanowires using Transverse Optical Phonon Splitting
Nano Letters Vol. 14, 3793 (2014).

[52] G. Xiong, O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, R. Harder, and I. Robinson
Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging and Characterisation of Strain in Silicon-on-Insulator Nanostructures
Advanced Materials Vol. 26, 7747 (2014).

[51] Peixuan Chen, J. J. Zhang, J. P. Feser, F. Pezzoli, O. Moutanabbir, S. Cecchi, G. Isella, T. Gemming, S. Baunack, G. Chen, O. G. Schmidt,  and A. Rastelli
Cross-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Nanodot SiGe Superlattices: Effects of Ultra-Short Period Length, Nanodot Density and Matrix Ge Concentration
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115, 044312 (2014). (.pdf)

[50] U. Dadwal, P. Kumar, O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, and R. Singh,
Effect of implantation temperature on the H-induced microstructural damage in AlN       
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 588, 300 (2014). (.pdf)


[49] J.-H. Fournier-Lupien, S. Mukherjee, S. Wirths, E. Pippel, N. Hayazawa, G. Mussler, J. M. Hartmann, P. Desjardins, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir*
Strain and composition effects on Raman vibrational modes of silicon-germanium-tin ternary alloys
Applied Physics LettersVol. 103, 263103 (2013). (.pdf)

[48] O. Moutanabbir*, D. Isheim, H. Blumtritt, S. Senz, E. Pippel, and D. N. Seidman
Colossal Injection of Catalyst Atoms into Silicon Nanowires
Nature Vol.496, 78 (2013). (.pdf)
Highlighted in several media outlets, scientific journals and magazines

[47] A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, M. V. Balois, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, and O. Moutanabbir*
Stress Redistribution in Individual Ultrathin Strained Silicon Nanowires: a High-Resolution Polarized Raman Study
New Journal of Physics Vol. 15, 053042 (2013). (.pdf)

[46] S. Essig, O. Moutanabbir, A. Wekkeli, H. Nahme, E. Oliva, F. Dimroth, A. W. Bett
Fast Atom Beam Activated n-Si/n-GaAs Wafer Bonds with High Transparency and Electrical Conductivity
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 113, 203512 (2013). (.pdf)


[45] Y. Qin, M. Eßlinger, R. Vogelgesang, W. Sigle, P. van Aken, O. Moutanabbir, and M. Knez
Bottom-up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templates
Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 22, 5157 (2012). (.pdf)

[44] X. Tong, Y. Qin, X. Guo, X. Ao, L. Zhang, E. Pippel, O. Moutanabbir, and M. Knez
Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Methanol Electro-oxidation of Uniformly Dispersed Nickel Oxide Nanoparticle - Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Materials
Small Vol. 8, 3390 (2012). (.pdf)

[43] O. Moutanabbir*, F. Ratto, S. Heun, K. Sheerschmidt, A. Locatelli , and F. Rosei
Dynamic Probe of Atom Exchange during Monolayer Growth
Physical Review B – Rapid Communication Vol. 85, 201416(R) (2012). (.pdf)

[42] A. Hähnel, M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir, H. Blimtritt, H. Geisler, J. Hoentschel, and H.-J. Engelmann
Improving Accuracy and Precision of Strain Analysis by Energy-Filtered Nanobeam Electron Diffraction 
Microscopy and Microanalysis Vol. 18, 229 (2012). (.pdf)


[41] A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, H. Ishitobi, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir*
Mapping the “Forbidden” Transverse-Optical Phonon in Single Strained Silicon (100) Nanowire
Nano Letters Vol. 11, 4780 (2011). (.pdf)

[40] G. Xiong, O. Moutanabbir*, X. Huang, S. A. Paknejad, X. Shi, R. Harder, M. Reiche, and I. K. Robinson
Elastic Relaxation in an Ultrathin Strained Silicon-on-Insulator Structure
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 99, 114103 (2011). (.pdf).

[39] S. -M. Lee, V. Ischenko, E. Pippel, A. Mašić, O. Moutanabbir, P. Fratzl, and M. Knez
An Alternative Route towards Metal-Polymer Hybrid Materials by Vapor Phase Processing
Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 21, 3047 (2011). (.pdf).

[38] O. Moutanabbir*
Group-IV Epitaxial Quantum Dots: Growth Subtleties Unveiled through Stable Isotope Nanoengineering
Science of Advanced Materials Vol. 3, 312 (2011). Invited Article. (.pdf)

 [37] Y. Qin, A. Pan, L. Liu, O. Moutanabbir, R. Yang, and M. Knez
Atomic Layer Deposition Assisted Template Approach for Electrochemical Synthesis of Au Crescent-Shaped Half-Nanotubes
ACS Nano Vol. 5, 788 (2011). (.pdf)

[36] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Senz, R. Scholz, M. Alexe, Y. Kim, E. Pippel, Y. Wang, C. Wiethoff, T. Nabbefeld, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen
Atomically Smooth p-Doped Silicon Nanowires Catalyzed by Aluminum at Low-Temperature
ACS Nano Vol. 5, 1313 (2011). (.pdf)

[35] O. Moutanabbir*, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, Y. Kawamura, and K. M. Itoh
Ultraviolet-Laser Assisted Atom Probe Tomographic Three-Dimensional Atom-by-Atom Mapping of Isotopically Modulated Si Nanoscopic Layers
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 98, 013111 (2011). (.pdf)
Selected for the January 24, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
Selected as Research Highlight by Nature Photonics Vol. 5, 129 (2011). (.pdf)

[34] M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Moutanabbir*, W. Anwand, S. Richter, and C. Hagendorf
Cu Diffusion-Induced Vacancy-Like Defects in Freestanding GaN
New Journal of Physics Vol. 13, 013029 (2011). (.pdf)

[33] O. Moutanabbir*, M. Reiche, N. Zakharov, F. Naumann, and M. Petzold
Observation of Free Surface-Induced Bending upon Nanopatterning of Ultrathin Strained Silicon Layer
Nanotechnology Vol. 22, 045701 (2011). (.pdf)

2010 and earlier

[32] O. Moutanabbir*, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, M. Oehme, and E. Kasper
Multiwavelength Micro-Raman Analysis of Strain in Nanopatterned Ultrathin Strained Silicon-On-Insulator
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 97, 053105 (2010). (.pdf)

[31] S. Miyamoto, O. Moutanabbir*, T. Ishikawa, M. Eto, E. E. Haller, K. Sawano, Y. Shiraki, and K. M. Itoh
Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Isotopically Pure 70Ge/Si Self-Assembled Type-II Quantum Dot
Physical Review B Vol. 82, 073306 (2010). (.pdf)
Selected for the August 17, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

[30] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Miyamoto, E. E. Haller, and K. M. Itoh
Transport of Deposited Atoms throughout Strain-Mediated Self-Assembly
Physical Review Letters Vol. 105, 026101 (2010). (.pdf)

[29] O. Moutanabbir*, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, M. Motohashi, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, and S. Kawata
UV-Raman Imaging of the In-Plane Strain in Single 15 nm-Thick Strained Silicon-On-Insulator Patterned Structures
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 96, 233105 (2010). (.pdf)

[28] R. B. Yang, N. Zakharov, O. Moutanabbir, K. Scheerschmidt, L. M. Wu, U. Gösele, J. Bachmann, and K. Nielsch
The Transition between Conformal Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Anisotropic Nanowire Growth
Journal of the American Chemical Society (Communication) Vol 132, 7592 (2010). (.pdf)

[27] O. Moutanabbir* and U. Gösele
Bulk GaN Ion Cleaving
Journal of Electronic Materials Vol. 39, 482 (2010). (.pdf)

[26] O. Moutanabbir*, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, U. Gösele, M. Motohashi, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, and S. Kawata
Nanoscale Patterning-Induced Strain Redistribution in Ultrathin Strained Si Layer on Oxide
Nanotechnology Vol. 21, 134013 (2010). (.pdf)

[25] O. Moutanabbir* and U. Gösele
Heterogeneous Integration of Compound Semiconductors
Annual Review of Materials Research Vol. 40, 469 (2010). Invited Review. (.pdf)

[24] O. Moutanabbir*, R. Scholz, U. Gösele, A. Guittoum, M. Jungmann, M. Butterling, R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, W. Egger, and P. Sperr
Experimental Elucidation of Vacancy Complexes Associated with Hydrogen Ion-Induced Splitting of Bulk GaN
Physical Review B Vol. 81, 115205 (2010). (.pdf)

[23] S. -M. Lee, E. Pippel, O. Moutanabbir, I. Gunkel, T. Thurn-Albrecht, and M. Knez
Improved Mechanical Stability of Dried Collagen Membrane after Metal Infiltration
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 2 (8), 2436 (2010). (.pdf)

[22] R. Singh, S. Christiansen, O. Moutanabbir, and U. Gösele
The Phenomenology of Ion Implantation-Induced Blistering and Thin Layer Splitting in Compound Semiconductors
Journal of Electronic Materials Vol. 39, 2177 (2010). Invited Article. (.pdf)

[21] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Senz, Z. Zhang, and U. Gösele
Synthesis of Isotopically Controlled Metal-Catalyzed Silicon Nanowires
Nano Today (Rapid Communication) Vol. 4, 393 (2009). (.pdf)

[20] O. Moutanabbir*, M. Reiche, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold, and U. Gösele
The Complex Evolution of Strain during Nanoscale Patterning of 60 nm-Thick Strained Silicon Layer Directly on Insulator
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 94, 243113 (2009). (.pdf)
Selected for the June 20, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

[19] O. Moutanabbir*, R. Scholz, U. Gösele, and B. Terreault
Facile Synthesis of Highly Stable a-Si by Implantation of Low-keV H Isotopes
Physical Review B Vol. 79, 233202 (2009). (.pdf)

[18] S. Miyamoto, O. Moutanabbir*, E. E. Haller, and K. M. Itoh
Spatial Correlation of Self-Assembled Isotopically Pure Ge/Si(001) Nanoislands
Physical Review B Vol. 79, 165415 (2009). (.pdf)
Selected for the April 20, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.

[17] O. Moutanabbir*, Y. J. Chabal, M. Chicoine, S. Christiansen, R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Schiettekatte, R. Scholz, O. Seitz, S. Senz, F. Süßkraut, and U. Gösele
Mechanisms of Ion-Induced GaN Thin Layer Splitting
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B Vol. 267, 1264 (2009). (.pdf)

[16] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Senz, R. Scholz, M. Reiche, S. Christiansen, A. Avramescu, U. Strauss, and U. Gösele
Stress Adjustment and Bonding of H-Implanted 2-inch Freestanding GaN Wafer: The Concept of Double-Sided Splitting
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Vol. 12, H105 (2009). (.pdf)

[15] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Miyamoto, A. Sagara, H. Oshikawa, K. M. Itoh
Tuning the Luminescence Emission of {105}-Faceted Ge Quantum Dots Superlattice using Proton Implantation and Thermal Annealing
Thin Solid Films Vol. 517, 391 (2008). (.pdf)

[14] O. Moutanabbir*, R. Scholz, S. Senz, U. Gösele, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, F. Süßkraut, and R. Krause-Rehberg
Microstructural Evolution in H ion Induced Splitting of Freestanding GaN
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 93, 031916 (2008). (.pdf)

[13] F. Ratto, S. Heun, O. Moutanabbir, and F. Rosei
in situ Nanoscale Mapping of the Chemical Composition of Surfaces and 3D Nanostructures by Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy
Nanotechnology Vol. 19, 265703 (2008). (.pdf)

[12] P. J. Simpson, A. P. Knights, M. Chicoine, K. Dudeck, O. Moutanabbir, S. R. Ruffell, F. Schiettekatte, B. Terreault
Thermal Evolution of Defects Produced by Implantation of H, D and He in Silicon
Applied Surface Science Vol. 255, 63 (2008). (.pdf)

[11] C. Himcinschi, R. Singh, O. Moutanabbir, R. Scholz, M. Reiche, S.H. Christiansen, U. Gösele, and D.R.T. Zahn
Etching-Back of Uniaxially Strained Silicon on Insulator Investigated by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Physica Status Solidi A Vol.205, 841 (2008). (.pdf)

[10] J.T. Robinson, F. Ratto, O. Moutanabbir, S. Heun, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, L. Aballe, and O. D. Dubon
Gold-Catalyzed Oxide Nanopatterning for the Directed Assembly of Ge Islands on Si
Nano Letters  Vol. 7, 2655 (2007). (.pdf)

[9] O. Moutanabbir*, S. Miyamoto, A. Fujimoto, and K. M. Itoh
Isotopically Controlled Self-Assembled Ge/Si Nanostructures
Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 301-302, 324 (2007). (.pdf)

[8] O. Moutanabbir*, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, and P. J. Simpson
Influence of Isotopic Substitution and He Co-Implantation on Defect Complexes and Voids Induced by H Ions in Silicon
Physical Review B Vol. 75, 075201 (2007). (.pdf)

[7] O. Moutanabbir*, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, P. J. Simpson, T. Zahel and G. Hobler
Hydrogen/Deuterium-Defect Complexes Involved in the Ion-Cutting of Si(001) Substrates at the Sub-100 nm
Physica B Vol. 376-377, 36 (2006). (.pdf)

[6] N. Desrosiers, A. Giguere, O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault
Ion Blistering of Boron-Doped Silicon: The Critical Role of Defect Passivation
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 87, 231908 (2005). (.pdf)

[5] O. Moutanabbir and B. Terreault
Effects in Synergistic Blistering of Silicon by Co-Implantation of H, D and He Ions
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 86, 051906 (2005). (.pdf)

[4] O. Moutanabbir*, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, and F. Schiettekatte
The Fluence Effect in Hydrogen Ion Cleaving of Silicon at sub-100nm-scale
Applied Physics A Vol. 80, 1455 (2005). (.pdf)

[3] O. Moutanabbir* and B. Terreault
Raman Scattering Elucidation of The Giant Isotope Effect in Hydrogen Ion Blistering of Silicon
Journal of Chemical Physics Vol. 121, 7973 (2004). (.pdf)

[2] O. Moutanabbir*, A. Giguère and B. Terreault
Narrow Fluence Window and Giant Isotope Effect in Low-Energy Hydrogen Blistering of Silicon
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 84, 3286 (2004). (.pdf)

[1] O. Moutanabbir*, B. Terreault and G. G. Ross
Isotope and Crystal Orientation Effects in low-energy H/D blistering of Si
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 82, 4675 (2003). (.pdf)


[1] O. Moutanabbir and U. Gösele
A Method of Manufacturing a Plurality of Fabrication Wafers
EU Patent # 2157602(A1).

[2] O. Moutanabbir, S. Assali, A. Attiaoui, P. Del Vecchio
Quantum heterostructures, related devices, and methods for manufacturing the same
International Patent No.: WO2020243831A1.

[3] O. Moutanabbir, M. Atalla, S. Assali, A. Attiaoui
Short-wave infrared and mid-infrared optoelectronic device and methods for manufacturing the same
International Patent No.: WO2021/217256A1.

[4] S. Koelling and O. Moutanabbir
Three-Dimensional Tracking and Mapping of Atomic Planes in Atom Probe Tomography Imaging
US Patent No.: 63/202.670.

Invited Book Chapters

[4] S. Mukherjee, Si. Assali, and O. Moutanabbir
Group IV Nanowires for Carbon-Free Energy Conversion
in Nanowires for Energy Applications, (2018)
Editors: Sudha Mokkapati, Chennupati Jagadish
Elsevier Ltd., 2018 (ISSN: 0080-8784).

[3] G. Xiong, O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, Ross Harder, and I. Robinson
Investigating Strain in Silicon‐on‐Insulator Nanostructures by Coherent X‐ray Diffraction
in Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science: Light Sources, Techniques, and Applications, 239-274 (2018)
Editors: Margrit Hanbücken, Pierre Müller, Ralph B. Wehrspohn
WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, 2018 (ISBN: 978-3-527-69710-6).

[2] M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir, J. Hoentschel, A. Hähnel, M. Horstmann, and U. Gösele
Strained Silicon Nanodevices
in Mechanical stress on the nanoscale, 131-150 (2011)
Editors: Margrit Hanbücken, Pierre Müller, Ralph B. Wehrspohn
WILEY-VCH, Berlin, 2011 (ISBN: 978-3-527-41066-8).

[1] B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, N. Desrosiers, A. Giguère, G. Hobler, O. Moutanabbir, G. G. Ross, F. Schiettekatte, P. J. Simpson, and T. Zahel
Isotope Effects in Low-Energy Ion-Induced Blistering
in Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XII, 155-166 (2005)
Editors: George K. Celler and Sorin Cristoloveanu
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, New Jersey, USA. (ISBN: 1-56677-461-6).

Articles in Peer-Reviews Conference Proceedings

[22]   A. Attiaoui and O. Moutanabbir
Optical and Electronic Propreties of GeSn and GeSiSn Heterostructures and Nanowires
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol.xx, xxxx (2014). .pdf

[21]   J.-H. Fournier-Lupien, D. Chagnon, P. Levesque, A. A. AlMutairi, S. Wirths, E. Pippel, G. Mussler, J. M. Hartmann, S. Mantl, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir
in situ Studies of Germanium-Tin and Silicon-Germanium-Tin Thermal Stability
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol.xx, xxxx (2014). .pdf

[20] H. Baumgart and O. Moutanabbir
Heterointegration of compound iii-v semiconductors by wafer bonding and layer splitting for optoelectronic applications
IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D), 209 (2012). Invited paper. .pdf

[19] O. Moutanabbir, A. Hähnel, M. Reiche, W. Erfurth, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, F. Naumann, and M. Patzold
Strain Nano-Engineering: SSOI as a Playground
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 35, 43 (2011). (.pdf)

 [18] A. Hähnel, M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir, H. Blumtritt, H. Geisler, J. Hoentschel, H.-J. Engelmann
Nano-beam electron diffraction evaluation of strain behaviour in nanoscale patterned strained silicon-on-insulator
Physica Status Solidi C Vol. 8, 1319 (2011). (.pdf)

[17] I. Ratschinski, H. S. Leipner, F. Heyroth, W. Fränzel, O. Moutanabbir, R. Hammer, M. Jurisch
Indentation-induced dislocations and cracks in (0001) GaN
Journal of Physic: Conference Series Vol. 281, 012007 (2011). (.pdf)

[16] O. Moutanabbir, S. Senz, M. Alexe, Y. Kim, R. Scholz, H. Blumtritt, C. Wiethoff, T. Nabbefeld, F. -J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman
The Role of Aluminum Catalyst Atoms in Shaping the Structural and Electrical Properties of Silicon Nanowires
Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2010), 832 (2010). (.pdf)

[15] O. Moutanabbir
Ion-Cut from Smart to Smarter: Ulrich Gösele's Impact on Science and Technology of Ultrathin Layer Transfer (Ulrich Gösele (1949-2009) – In Memoriam)
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 33, 625 (2010). Invited Paper. (.pdf)

[14] O. Moutanabbir
Heterointegration of Compound Semiconductors by Ultrathin Layer Splitting
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 33, 177 (2010). Invited Paper. (.pdf)

[13] K. Tapily, O. Moutanabbir, M. Abdullah, D. Gu, H. Baumgart, and A. Elmustafa
Hydrogen Ion-Induced AlN Thin Layer Transfer: An Elastomechanical Study
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 33, 255 (2010). (.pdf)

[12] K. Tapily, O. Moutanabbir, D. Gu, H. Baumgart, and A. Elmustafa
Thermal Behavior of the Mechanical Properties of GaN throughout Hydrogen-Induced Thin Layer Transfer
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 33, 241 (2010). (.pdf)

[11] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, M. Motohashi, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, F. Naumann, and M. Patzold
Strain Stability in Nanoscale Patterned Strained Silicon-on-Insulator
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 33, 511 (2010). (.pdf)

[10] F. Naumann, O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, C. Schriever, J. Schilling, and M. Petzold
Numerical investigations of the strain behavior in nanoscale patterned strained silicon structures
2010 IEEE International EuroSimE Conf. Proc., 1-5 (2010). (.pdf)

[9] R. Singh, U. Dadwal, R. Scholz, O. Moutanabbir, S. Christiansen, and U. Goesele
Study of implantation-induced blistering/exfoliation in wide bandgap semiconductors for layer transfer applications
Physica Status Solidi C Vol. 7, 44 (2010). (.pdf)

[8] M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir, J. Hoentschel, U. Gösele, S. Flachowsky, and M. Horstmann
Strained Silicon Devices
Solid State Phenomena Vol. 156-158, 61(2010). Invited Paper. (.pdf)

[7] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold, and U. Goesele
Probing the strain states in nanopatterned strained SOI
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 25, 187 (2009). (.pdf)

[6] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, W. Erfurth, R. Scholz, and U. Goesele
Strain relaxation in nanostructured ultra thin SSOI
2008 IEEE International SOI Conf. Proc. Vol. 71 (2008). (.pdf)

[5] O. Moutanabbir, S. Christiansen, S. Senz, R. Scholz, M. Petzold and U. Gösele
III-V and III-Nitride engineered heterostructures: wafer bonding, ion slicing and more
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 16, 251 (2008). Invited Paper. (.pdf)

[4] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, and A. Giguere
Amorphisation versus sub-100-nm exfoliation of hydrogen ion-implanted silicon
Physica Status Solidi C Vol. 6, 1958 (2009). (.pdf)

[3] M. Reiche, O. Moutanabbir, C. Himcinschi, S. Christiansen, W. Erfurth, U. Gösele, S. Mantl, D. Buca, Q.T. Zhao, R. Loo, D. Nguyen, F. Muster, and M. Petzold
Strained Silicon on Wafer Level by Wafer Bonding: Materials Processing, Strain Measurements and Strain Relaxation
The Electrochemical Society Transactions Vol. 16, 311 (2008). (.pdf)

[2] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, N. Desrosiers, A. Giguere, G. G. Ross, M. Chicoine, and F. Schiettekatte
Hydrogen Cleaving of Silicon at sub-100 nm-scale
AIP Con. Proc. Vol. 772, 1491 (2005). (.pdf)

[1] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, E. Shaffer and G. G. Ross
Isotope and dose effects in low-energy H/D blistering of silicon: Narrow operational window for ion-cutting at < 100 nm
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 792, R9.12 (2004). (.pdf)


[83] J.-H. Fournier-Lupien, D. Chagnon, P. Levesque, S. Wirths, E. Pippel, G. Mussler, J. M. Hartmann, S. Mantl, Desjardins, D. Buca, and O. Moutanabbir
in situ Studies of GeSn and SiGeSn Thermal Stability
The 226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium: SiGe, Ge, & Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices
Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-10, 2014. (Oral).

[82] A. Attiaoui and O. Moutanabbir
Optical and Electronic Properties of GeSn and GeSiSn Heterostructures and Nanowires
The 226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium: SiGe, Ge, & Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices
Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-10, 2014. (Oral).

[81] D. Chagnon, D. Isik, P. Levesque, F. Lewis, R. Larger, J.-S. Poirier, M. Caza, X. Le, D. Michel, and O. Moutanabbir
Materials Issues in Hermetic Wafer Level Packaging using Au Thermocompression and Au-Sn Transient Liquid Phase Bonding
The 226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium: Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications XIII
Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-10, 2014. (Oral).

[80] O. Moutanabbir
Heterointegration of Semiconductors: Challenges and Opportunities
The 226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium: Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications XIII
Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-10, 2014. (Invited).

[79] O. Moutanabbir
Nanowires with Tailor-Made Isotopic Compositions
Nanowires 2014 (International Workshop on Nanowires)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Aug. 25-29, 2014. (Invited).

[79] A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, M. V. Baloisa, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, and O. Moutanabbir
Unravelling the complexity of anisotropic stress in ultrathin strained silicon nanowires
The 24th International Conference of Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2014)
Jena, Germany, Aug. 10-15, 2014. (Oral).

[77] D. Chagnon, D. Isik, P. Levesque, F. Lewis, R. Larger, J.-S. Poirier, M. Caza, X. Le, D. Michel, and O. Moutanabbir
Metal-Assisted Wafer-Level Packaging: Design and Materials Challenges
The 4th International IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D 2014
Tokyo, Japan, Jul. 15-16, 2014. (Invited).

[76] O. Moutanabbir
Atomistic Studies of Semiconductor Nanowires
The Congress of the Canadian Association of Physicists
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 16-20, 2014. (Invited).

[75] S.-M. Lee, E. Pippel, O. Moutanabbir, J.-H. Kim, H.-J. Lee, and M. Knez
Al-infiltrated Spider Dragline Silk and Its Molecular Deformation Behavior
The European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium Q: Hybrid materials engineering in biology, chemistry and physics
Lille, France, May 26-30, 2014. (Oral).

[74] O. Moutanabbir
Ion Slicing of III-Nitride Bulk Wafers
The 23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry
San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 25-30, 2014. (Invited).

[73] O. Moutanabbir
3D AtombyAtom Mapping of Electronic Materials and Nanostructures
The 38th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, the American Ceramic Society 
Dayton Beach, Florida, USA, Jan. 26-31, 2014. (Invited).


[72] O. Moutanabbir
Atomistic Studies of Nanowires
The 17th International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices  
Noida, India, Dec. 10-13, 2013. (Invited).

[71] O. Moutanabbir
Catalytic Assembly of Nanowires: Growth, Defect Engineering, and Impurity Trapping
The Materials Science & Technology 2013 Conference & Exhibition
Montreal, Canada, Oct. 27-31, 2013. (Invited).

[70] S. Mukherjee and O. Moutanabbir
Isotopically Engineered Silicon Nanowires
The Materials Science & Technology 2013 Conference & Exhibition
Montreal, Canada, Oct. 27-31, 2013. (Oral).

[69] D. Chagnon, O. Marchand Lemire and O. Moutanabbir
Role of Catalyst Dissolution in Shaping VLS Grown Nanowires
The Materials Science & Technology 2013 Conference & Exhibition
Montreal, Canada, Oct. 27-31, 2013. (Oral).

[68] A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, M. V. Balois, and O. Moutanabbir
Local Stresses in Nanowires Unraveled by Raman Spectroscopy
7thInternational Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy
Kobe, Japan, Aug. 25-30, 2013. (Invited).

[67] O. Moutanabbir
Mass Transport throughout the Catalytic Assembly of Nanowires
The XXII International Materials Research Congress
Cancun, Mexico, Aug. 11-17, 2013. (Invited).

[66] D. Chagnon and O. Moutanabbir
Modeling Nanowire Growth via Shrinking Catalyst Nanodroplets
The 25th Canadian Materials Science Conference
Montreal, Canada, Jun. 17-19, 2013. (Oral).

[65] D. Chagnon and O. Moutanabbir
Dissolution of Nanodroplets throughout Metal-Catalyzed Growth of Nanowires
The Canadian Association of Physicists Congress 2013
Montreal, Canada, May 27-31, 2013. (Oral).

[64] S. Mukherjee and O. Moutanabbir
Phonon Engineering in Silicon Nanowires using Stable Isotopes
The Canadian Association of Physicists Congress 2013
Montreal, Canada, May 27-31, 2013. (Oral).


[63] K. Sheerschmidt and O. Moutanabbir
On the Genesis of Ge/Si Epitaxial Interfaces: Tracking the Behavior of Deposited Atoms Using Molecular Dynamics with Analytic Bond Order Potentials
6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling  
Singapore, Oct. 15-19, 2012. (Oral).

[62] G. Xiong, O. Moutanabbir, X. Huang, X. Shi, M. Reiche, R. Harder, and I. K. Robinson
Strain relaxation in an ultra-thin strained-silicon-on-insulator structure due to nanoscale patterning
11th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy
Shanghai, China, Aug. 5-10, 2012. (Oral).

[61] O. Moutanabbir
Nanoscale and Hybrid Semiconductors
Meeting of the International Union of Materials Research Societies - ICYRAM 2012
Singapore, July 1-6, 2012. (Invited).

[60] H. Baumgart and O. Moutanabbir
Heterointegration of compound III-V semiconductors by wafer bonding and layer splitting for optoelectronic applications
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D)
Tokyo, Japan, May 23-23, 2012. (Invited).

[59] A. Senichev, U. Givan, O. Moutanabbir, V. Talalaev, and P. Werner
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy of Infrared Emitting Semiconductor Nanostructures
76th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting
Berlin, Germany, Mar. 25-30, 2012. (Poster).

[58] C. Wright, M. Mamun, K. Tapily, O. Moutanabbir, D. Gu, H. Baumgart, and A. Elmustafa
NanoMechanical Properties of Hydrogen Implanted AlN for Layer Transfer by Ion-Induced Splitting
TMS 141st Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Orlando, Florida, USA, Mar. 11-15, 2012. (Poster).

[57] O. Moutanabbir
Shedding New Light on Nanomaterials
10th Symposium on NanoPhotonics and Metamaterials
Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 29, 2012. (Invited).


[56] U. Givan and O. Moutanabbir
Phonon Engineering in Silicon Nanowires Using Stable Isotopes
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium W: Phonons in Nanomaterials─Theory, Experiments, and Applications
Boston USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2011. (Oral).

[55] O. Moutanabbir, D. Isheim, and D. N. Seidman
3D Atom-by-Atom Imaging of Semiconductor Nanomaterials and Interfaces
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium PP: Three-Dimensional Tomography of Materials
Boston USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2011. (Oral).

[54] O. Moutanabbir
Advanced Nanoscale and Hybrid Materials for Flexible Electronics, Photonics, Renewable Energy, and Bio-integrated Technologies
1st Canada-Japan Nanotechnology Workshop
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 22-23, 2011. (Invited).

[53] A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, and O. Moutanabbir
Probing Transverse-Optical Phonons in Strained Si Nanowire: Strain Profiles and Nanomechanical properties
The 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011), Nagoya, Japan, 28-30 September 2011. (Oral).

[52] O. Moutanabbir
Mapping Strain and Impurities in Semiconductor Nanowires
The Fourth Meeting - Nanowires 2011 (NW2011)
Plomari-Lesvos, Greece, 13-19 June 2011. (Invited).

[51] O. Moutanabbir
TO and LO Phonons Profiles in Single Strained Silicon Nanowires Strained Germanium
The 7th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-7)
Sendai, Japan, 22-26 May 2011 (moved to Leuven, Belgium). (Oral).

[50] O. Moutanabbir
Strain Nano-Engineering: SSOI as a Playground
The 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Symposium E8: Advanced Semiconductor-on-Insulator Technology and Related Physics 15
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1–6 May, 2011. (Oral).

[49] O. Moutanabbir, D. Isheim, Y. Kawamura, K. M. Itoh, and D. N. Seidman
Sub-Nanometer Resolution 3D Mapping of Isotopically Modulated Si Multilayers by Atom-Probe Tomography
2011 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Symposium: 2011 Functional and Structural Nanomaterials: Fabrication, Properties, Applications and Implications
San Diego, California, USA, Feb. 27 – Mar. 3, 2011. (Oral).


[48] O. Moutanabbir, D. Isheim, H. Blumtritt, U. Gösele, and D. N. Seidman
Atom-Probe Tomographic Analyses of Al-catalyst Grown Si Nanowires
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium W: Nanowires - Growth and Device Assembly for Novel Applications
Boston USA, Nov. 29 – Dec. 3, 2010. (Oral).

[47] H. Blumtritt and O. Moutanabbir
FIB-based preparation of nanowire specimens for 3D atom probe tomographic imaging
European FIB SDB user meeting
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 25-27 October 2010. (Poster).

[46] O. Moutanabbir
Heterointegration of Compound Semiconductors by Ultrathin Layer Splitting
The 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Symposium E12: State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 52
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-15 October 2010. (Invited).

[45] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, A. Hahnel, W. Erfurth, M. Motohashi, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, F. Naumann, M. Petzold, M. Holt, and J. Maser
Strain Stability in Nanoscale Patterned Strained Silicon-on-Insulator
The 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Symposia E14-E22: SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 4
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-15 October 2010. (Oral).

[44] O. Moutanabbir
Ion-Cut from Smart to Smarter
Ulrich Gösele (1949-2009) – In Memoriam
The 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Symposium E11 - Semiconductor Wafer Bonding 11: Science, Technology, and Applications
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-15 October 2010. (Invited).

[43] O. Moutanabbir, S. Senz, M. Alexe, Y. Kim, R. Scholz, H. Blumtritt, C. Wiethoff, T. Nabbefeld, F. -J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman
The Role of Aluminum Catalyst Atoms in Shaping the Structural and Electrical Properties of Silicon Nanowires
2010 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2010)
Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 September 2010. (Oral).

[42] O. Moutanabbir
Strain stability in SSOI nanodevices
The 5th International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM)
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology,  Stockholm, Sweden, 24-26 May 2010. (Oral).

[41] O. Moutanabbir
Proton beam-induced thin layer splitting: Hybrid devices and underlying physics
Ion Beam Physics Workshop
Forschungszent rum Dresden-Rossendorf FZD, Dresden, Germany, 29-31 March 2010. (Oral).


[40] O. Moutanabbir, S. Senz, and U. Goesele
A novel family of silicon nanowires by the controlled manipulation of the isotopic composition
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium M: Multifunction at the Nanoscale through Nanowires
Boston USA, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2009 (Oral).

[39] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, U. Goesele, M. Motohashi, A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, and S. Kawata, M. Holt, and J. Maser
Wafer-level Strained Silicon: Fabrication and Stability upon Nanoscale Patterning
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium C: Large-Area Processing and Pattering for Optical, Photovoltaic, and Electronic Devices III
Boston USA, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2009 (Poster).

[38] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, N. Zakharov, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold, M. Holt, J. Maser, and U. Goesele
Probing the strain states in nanopatterned strained SOI
The 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society
Vienna, Austria, October 4-9, 2009. (Oral).

[37] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, U. Goesele, J. Hoentschel, and M. Horstmann
Strained Silicon Devices
Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology, XIII International Autumn Meeting
Berlin, Germany, September 29 – October 2, 2009. (Invited).

[36] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, N. Zakharov, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold, M. Holt, J. Maser, and U. Goesele
Nanoscale patterning-induced strain relaxation in strained Si ultra thin layer directly on oxide
Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy/14th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 10-14, 2009. (Poster).

[35] O. Moutanabbir
Germanium and silicon stable and enriched isotopes in nanoscience
Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy/14th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 10-14, 2009. (Oral).

[34] O. Moutanabbir
Isotopically controlled semiconductor low dimensional structures
TMS 51st Electronic Materials Conference, Symposium: Low-Dimensional Structures: Quantum Dots, Wires, and Wells
University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 24-26 June , 2009. (Oral).

[33] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, N. Zakharov, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold and U. Goesele
Unveiling the complex evolution of strain in nanopatterned strained Si membrane directly on oxide
TMS 51st Electronic Materials Conference, Symposium:Materials Integration: Wafer Bonding and Engineered Substrates
University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 24-26 June , 2009. (Oral).

[32] O. Moutanabbir, Y. J. Chabal, M. Chicoine, R. Krause-Rehberg, R. Scholz, O. Seitz, S. Senz, and U. Goesele
The role of atomic displacements and vacancy complexes in hydrogen ion-induced GaN thin layer exfoliation
TMS 51st  Electronic Materials Conference, Symposium: Point Defects, Extended Defects, and Doping in Wide Bandgap Materials
University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 24-26 June , 2009. (Oral).

[31] O. Moutanabbir
Semiconductor stable isotopes in nanoscience
2009 the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, 7-10 June , 2009. (Oral).

[30] S. Miyamoto, O. Moutanabbir, E. E. Haller, and K. M. Itoh
Nucleation and mass transport in strain-driven islanding studied by combination of Voronoi tessellation and Ge enriched isotope
The 6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Los Angeles, USA, 17-22 May 2009. (Oral)

[29] O. Moutanabbir, S. Senz, M. Alexe, Y. Wang, R. Scholz, H. Blumtritt, U. Gösele, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, C. Wiethoff, T. Nabbefeld, Frank -J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen
Properties of Si nanowires catalyzed by Al
The 6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Los Angeles, USA, 17-22 May 2009. (Oral).

[28] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, N. Zakharov, A. Hähnel, W. Erfurth, F. Naumann, M. Petzold and U. Goesele
Nanopattering-induced strain redistribution in ultra thin strained Si membrane directly on oxide
The 6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Los Angeles, USA, 17-22 May 2009. (Oral)

[27] O. Moutanabbir and U. Goesele
Wafer bonding and ion-slicing as a strategy for breaking the trade-off between quality and cost in the fabrication of compound semiconductor multi-junction solar cells
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Symposium M: Thin-Film Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaics
San Francisco USA, 13-17 April 2009. (Poster).

[26] O. Moutanabbir, S. Senz, M. Alexe, Y. Wang, R. Scholz, H. Blumtritt, U. Gösele, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, C. Wiethoff, T. Nabbefeld, Frank -J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen
Superior structural and electrical properties of UHV-CVD grown Si nanowires catalyzed by Al
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Symposium AA: Semiconductor Nanowires -- Growth, Size-Dependent Properties, and Applications
San Francisco USA, 13-17 April 2009 (Oral).

[25] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, W. Erfurth, R. Scholz, N. Zakharov, F. Naumann, M. Petzold and U. Goesele
Strained Silicon-On-Insulator
2009 EuroSOI Fifth Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon on Insulator technology, devices, and circuits
Göteberg, Sweden, 19-21 January 2009. (Oral).


[24] O. Moutanabbir
III-V and III-nitride engineered heterostructures: wafer bonding, ion slicing, and more
The 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society
Honolulu, Hawaii USA, 12-17 October 2008. (Invited).

[23] O. Moutanabbir, M. Reiche, W. Erfurth, R. Scholz, and U. Goesele
Strain relaxation in nanostructured ultra thin SSOI
2008 IEEE International SOI conference
Hudson River Valley, New York USA, 6-9 October 2008. (Poster).

[22] O. Moutanabbir, S. Christiansen, A. Berger, R. Scholz, R. Singh, U. Goesele, H. Behmenburg, C. Mauder, H. Kalisch, R. H. Jansen, K. Christiansen, and M. Heuken
InGaN/GaN LED structures on LiAlO2 substrates by MOCVD and a novel approach for more reliable templates by wafer bonding and layer transfer
The International Workshop on Nitride semiconductors (IWN2008), Montreux, Switzerland, 6-10 October 2008. (Poster).

[21] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, and A. Giguere
Amorphisation versus sub-100-nm exfoliation in hydrogen ion-implanted silicon
International Conference on “Extended Defects in Semiconductors” (EDS 2008)
Poitiers, France, 14-19 September 2008 (Oral).

[20] O. Moutanabbir, Y. J. Chabal, M. Chicoine, S. Christiansen, R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Schiettekatte, R. Scholz, O. Seitz, S. Senz, F. Süßkraut, and U. Goesele
Mechanisms of ion-induced GaN thin layer splitting
The 16th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM 2008)
Dresden, Germany, August 31 - September 5 2008. (Poster).

[19] O. Moutanabbir, R. Scholz, S. Christiansen, U. Goesele, M. Chicoine, R. Krause-Rehberg, and Y. J. Chabal
Heterogeneous integration of wide band gap materials
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Symposium C: Advances in GaN, GaAs, SiC, and Related Alloys on Silicon
San Francisco USA, 24-28 March 2008. (Oral)


[18] O. Moutanabbir, T. Kawamura, S. Miyamoto, S. Kimura, M. Mizumaki, and K.M. Itoh
Anomalous x-ray scattering 3D mapping of strain and composition of Ge/Si shrinking islands during the initial stage of Si overgrowth
The 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Marseille, France, 19-25 May 2007. (Poster)

[17] O. Moutanabbir, A. Sagara, S. Miyamoto, H. Oshikawa, K. M. Itoh
Tuning the luminescence emission of {105}-faceted Ge QDs superlattice using proton implantation and thermal annealing
The 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Marseille, France, 19-25 May 2007. (Poster)

[16] O. Moutanabbir, S. Miyamoto, and K.M. Itoh
Artificial manipulation of the isotopic composition of Ge-Si epitaxial nanostructures
The 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
Marseille, France, 19-25 May 2007. (Oral)

2006 & Earlier

[15] J. T. Robinson, O. Moutanabbir, F. Ratto, S. Heun, M. Tonezzer, A. Locatelli, O. T. Mentes, L. Aballe, A. Liddle, K. M. Itoh, and O.D. Dubon
X-ray Spectromicroscopy Mapping of Metal-Induced Ordering of Semiconductor Nanostructures
the 10th ISSP International Symposium (ISSP-10): Nanoscience on Surfaces
Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan, 9-13 October 2006. (Poster)

[14] O. Moutanabbir, S. Miyamoto, and K.M. Itoh
Subtleties in the epitaxial growth of Ge/Si nanostructures revealed by Raman scattering in combination with stable isotopes tracing
The 2nd International Workshop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics
Tohoku University, Sandai, Japan, October 2-3, 2006. (Poster)

[13] O. Moutanabbir, S. Miyamoto, A. Fujimoto, and K.M. Itoh
Isotopically Controlled Self-assembled Ge/Si Nanostructures
The 14th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2006)
Tokyo, Japan, 3-8 September 2006. (Oral)

[12] O. Moutanabbir, S. Miyamoto, and K.M. Itoh
Pure Germanium Isotopes for Investigating Interdiffusion in Uncapped Self-Assembled Ge/Si Nanostructures
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Symposium I “Silicon-Based Microphotonics”
San Francisco USA, 7-21 April 2006. (Oral)

[11] O. Moutanabbir, S. Miyamoto, and K.M. Itoh
Critical Issues in Self-Assembled Ge/Si Quantum Dots
The 3rd International Conference of the African Materials Research Society
Marrakech, Morocco, December 7-10, 2005. (Oral)

[10] O. Moutanabbir
Surprising effects in hydrogen ion cleaving and texturing of silicon at sub-100 nm scale
The 3rd International Conference of the African Materials Research Society
Marrakech, Morocco, December 7-10, 2005. (Invited)

[9] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, P. J. Simpson, T. Zahel, and G. Hobler
Hydrogen/Deuterium-defect complexes involved in the ion-cutting of Si(001) substrates at the sub-100 nm
The 23rd International Conference for Defects in Semiconductors
Awaji Islands, Japan, July 2005. (Oral)

[8] O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, N. Desrosiers, A. Giguère, G. G. Ross, M. Chicoine, and F. Schiettekatte
Hydrogen Cleaving of Silicon at the Sub-100-nm Scale
The 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors
Flagstaff, Arizona, July 26-30 2004. (Poster)

[7] O. Moutanabbir, N. Desrosiers, and B. Terreault
Ion-induced texturing and slicing of silicon at the sub-100-nm scale
The American Physical Society March Meeting
Montreal Canada, 22-26 March 2004. (Oral)

[6] O. Moutanabbir and B. Terreault
Extrapolation de la technologie SOI sous les 100 nonomètres: Procédé Smart-Cut® à basse énergie?
ACFAS 72nd Congress
Université du Québec à Montréal,  10-14 May 2004 (in French). (Oral)

[5] O. Moutanabbir and B. Terreault
Modification de surface du silicium monocristallin par faisceau de protons: application à la fabrication des substrats SOI ultra minces
ACFAS 72nd Congress
Université du Québec à Montréal,  10-14 May 2004 (in French). (Oral)

[4] O. Moutanabbir, E. Shaffer, B. Terreault, and G. G. Ross
Isotope and dose effects in low-energy H/D blistering of silicon: Narrow operational window for ion-cutting at < 100 nm
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Boston USA, 1-5 Dec. 2003. (Poster)

[3] O. Moutanabbir and B. Terreault
Narrow operational window for ion-cutting of silicon below 100 nm
Quebec-New York Nanotechnology Workshop
University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke Canada, 13 Nov. 2003. (Poster)

[2] O. Moutanabbir, N. Desrosiers, and B. Terreault
Arrays of Sub-100-nm Blisters and Craters Produced by Low keV Ion Implantation
The Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
University of Prince Edward Island Canada, 8-11 June 2003. (Oral)

[1] O. Moutanabbir, N. Desrosiers, and B. Terreault
Blistering of hydrogen implanted silicon at low energy: Ultra thin SOI substrates
ACFAS 71st Congress
Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski Canada, 19-23 May 2003 (in French). (Oral)