Laboratory of organic iontronics



Fabio Cicoira

Fabio Cicoira

Fabio Cicoira is a full professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of Polytechnique Montreal.

His research interests lie in the field of flexible, stretchable and healable electronics, patterning and processing of organic electronic materials, electrochemical transistors, implantable electrodes, organic field-effect transistors and organic thin film growth.

Fabio completed his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and his undergraduate studies in Chemistry at the Università di Bologna, the latter after an internship at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Prior to join Polytechnique Montréal he has been a Marie Curie Fellow at Cornell University, a researcher at the Italian National Research Council and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in Montréal.

He has published 80 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and several book chapters. His works have been cited about 5000 times and his ISI H-index is 33 (Google Scholar H-index 38).

More details

Postdoctoral Fellows
Jiaxin Fan 

Jiaxin recJiaxin Faneived her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (supervised by Dr. Manisha Gupta) and her B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Biomedical option from University of Alberta. During her PhD, she developed continuous glucose sensors, disposable SARS-CoV-2 sensors, and disposable streptavidin sensors based on printed organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, she optimized the performance of printed OECT based glucose sensors and conducted wound fluid glucose measurements on diabetic mice. She joined the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow in October 2022. Her research interests include wearable biosensors for medical and biological applications and printed electronics. She enjoys reading, hiking, and camping.

Kathel Dongnang (PhD student)

Kathel DongnagKathel received her Honors in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Ottawa in summer 2021. She started her studies at Polytechnique Montreal in Fall 2021 under the supervision of Pr. Cicoira. She is interested in disease diagnostic and treatment, especially cancer, mental health, and cardiovascular diseases. Kathel enjoys music, especially singing and playing piano and guitar, gastronomy, learning, but above all, helping others flourishes.

Sadaf Khoomortezaei (PhD student)

Sadaf KhoomortezaeiSadaf received her Bachelor’s and master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Tehran in Iran. Her previous research focused on synthesis and characterization of a triple layer heterojunction photoanode of semiconductors for photoelectrochemical water splitting. She began pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal in January 2023. Her research interests include conducting polymers for biomedical applications. Sadaf enjoys fitness, hiking, and travelling.

Floriane Miquet-Westphal (PhD student)

Floriane Miquet-WestphalFloriane received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Concordia University. She is currently a Ph.D. Student of Biomedical Engineering in the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal. Her prior research was on the characterization of self-healing materials, and development of EMI shielding materials for aerospace applications. She is a recipient of the Pierre Arbour Foundation's Excellence Scholarship. Floriane enjoys cooking, gardening, and horseback riding.

Gayaneh Petrossian (PhD student)

Gayenah PetrossianGayaneh received her Bachelor’s degree in Polymer Science and Engineering from Azad University in Iran, and then received her Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Washington State University in the United States. She worked as a research assistant at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for 3 years, where she conducted research on an array of polymer-related subjects, such as thermoset composites, synthesis and characterization of polymers, and surface treatment. She began pursuing a PhD in Materials Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal in January 2022. Gayaneh enjoys reading, playing with her dog, doing deep dives on true crime cases, and traveling.

Sara Ebrahimi (PhD student)

Sara EbrahimiSara Ebrahimi received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering (2013) and a Master of Science degree in Polymer Engineering (2016) from Sahand University of Technology (2016). She then worked as a Polymer Engineer at Razi Metallurgical Research Center (RMRC) in Iran for 5 years. She is currently a Ph.D. Student of chemical engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. Her previous research focused on synthesis of conducting polymers and their application to photovoltaic devices. She was a recipient of a scholarship from the ARC training center of Australia (2019) and is currently a recipient of the RBC Royal Bank Excellence Scholarship. She is interested in flexible and stretchable electronics. Yoga, hiking, and camping are among her favorite activities.

Jinsil Kim (PhD student)
Jinsil received her Bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering from Soonchunhyang University (South Korea) in 2018 and then obtained her Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Korea University in 2020. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal.  She is a recipient of the Trottier Energy Institute Scholarship and FRQNT. Her research interests include flexible, stretchable and healable electronics.  She likes cats and dogs and enjoys traveling and sports.
Meijing Wang (PhD student)

meijingMeijing received her Bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2016) and then obtained her Master's degree in Chemistry from Southern University of Science and Technology in a joint program with Harbin Institute of Technology in China (2018). She is currently a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. She is a recipient of the FRQNT Scholarship. She is interested in flexible, stretchable and healable electronic devices which possess significant application prospects in artificial electronic skin and wearable electronics. She likes jogging, watching documentaries and experiencing different cultures.

Chi-hyeong Kim (PhD student)

chiChi-hyeong received his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Chonnam National University (2016) in South Korea, and then received his Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea (2018). He began a Ph.D. program in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal in August 2020. He is interested in stretchable bioelectronics for biomedical applications. His hobbies include riding bikes.

Jo'Elen Hagler (PhD student)

Jo'Elen HaglerJo’Elen received her Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Western Washington University in the United States (2018). She began pursuing a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal in August 2018. Her current research interests are in the synthesis and development of conducting polymer neural electrodes. She is a recipient of the TransMedTech Institute Scholarship. Jo’Elen enjoys cooking, reading, and taking care of animals.  

Drapeau Cameroun
Claudine Mawe Noussi (MSc student)

Claudine Mawe NoussiMAWE NOUSSI CLAUDINE, Titulaire d’un diplôme d’études approfondies (DEA) encore appelé master de l’Université de Douala au Cameroun (2020) et d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de conception en Génie des procédés et Génie chimique de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Douala au Cameroun en 2021, je poursuis à présent mes études de maîtrise au laboratoire d’Ionique Organique de Polytechnique Montréal. Mes recherches antérieures portaient en Maitrise sur l’élaboration et caractérisation d’un matériaux Géopolymère, en baccalauréat sur l’étude de faisabilité d’une unité de production d’émulsifiant ayant pour application dans la cosmétique. Mes travaux de maitrise ont fait l’objet d’un article paru le 23 février 2021 dans le journal Advances in research. Au cour de ses années j’ai pu effectuer des stages dans les entreprises suivantes notamment le GIC BELLOMAR (une société cosmétique pendant 6mois), La SOCATUC (une société de fabrication et commercialisation des tuyaux pendant 3mois) et dans le laboratoire de chimie de l’Université de Douala durant 6mois. J’aime beaucoup le football anglais et la musique.





Biporjoy Sarkar

biporjoy sarkarBiporjoy earned his MSc in Physics from IIT Madras, India. Subsequently, he graduated with a PhD in physics from IIT Madras, India (2019) under the joint supervision of Dr. Manu Jaiswal and Dr. Dillip K. Satapathy. His primary research interests encompass stretchable and wearable electronics, stimuli-responsive materials and structure-property correlation of soft materials. Presently, he is working as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Fabio Cicoira’s group at Montreal Polytechnic, Canada. He enjoys playing cricket, listening music and writing.

Yiting Chen

yitingYiting Chen completed her Ph.D. in Materials Science with Prof. Tricia Breen Carmichael at the University of Windsor, Ontario (2018), where her research focused on the development and modelling of stretchable metallic films, deformable nano-scaled materials, compliant polymer electrolytes, soft emissive materials, and their integration into light-emitting devices as well as sensors. She then worked as a joint industrial postdoctoral fellow at a local molding company and Prof. Carmichael’s group, mainly responsible for managing the research activities to develop new applications and products for the company. After earning an award for research excellence, she now joins Prof. Cicoira’s group as a postdoctoral fellow to develop self-healable polymers for wearable electronics. Besides working, her interests include reading, camping, travelling and cooking.

Sanyasi Rao Bobbara

Sanyasi Rao BobbaraSanyasi did his MSc in Physics at Queen's University, Ontario (2011). He graduated with a PhD (cotutelle) from Queen's University and Université d'Angers, France (2017) under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Michel Nunzi and Prof. Régis Barille. His research interests include organic electronics, light-matter interactions, nanoplasmonics, flexible electronics, organic-inorganic hybrid interface energetics, and 2D materials. Currently, he is a post-doctoral fellow in Prof. Cicoira's group and collaborates with Prof. Clara Santato and Prof. Giovanni Beltrame.  His past sports interests were kho-kho and cricket, well-known in India. In Canada, he likes spending time playing racquet sports, ultimate frizbee, or slacklining in the summer, and skating or skiing in the winter.

Xinda Li

Xinda Li Xinda received his B.E. in Materials Science (2013) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) and Ph.D. in Materials Engineering (2018, supervisor: Prof. Hyun-Joong Chung) from the University of Alberta (Canada). After his graduation, he worked as a contract researcher at InnoTech Alberta for five months. His research interest includes polymer physics, energy storage devices, flexible electronics, and carbon materials. He joined the Organic Iontronics group as a postdoctoral researcher from November 2018.

Hao Tang (Postdoc, 2013-2014)

Hao TangDr. Tang received his B.S. degree in Corrosion and Anticorrosion (1999), M.S. degree in Material Science (2002), and Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry (2005) from Hunan University in China. In 2009, he became a research associate in Department of Applied Physics at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Starting Dec. 2011 he is a professor in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Hunan Normal University in China before joining the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal as a visiting scholar. His research interests include functionalization of nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes and noble metal nanoparticles) and the applications in biosensors. In his spare time he enjoys reading and traveling.


Xin Zhou (PhD student)

Xin received his B. E. in Wood Science and Engineering (2013) and M. E. in Material Engineering at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (2017). He worked as a R & D Engineer at Shenyang Institute of Automation, Guangzhou, CAS, for 1 year. His prior research was on synthesis of carbon based functional materials and their application as adsorbents and supercapacitors. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. He is a recipient of the Chinese Scholarship Council doctoral scholarship. His research interests are flexible and stretchable electronics and bio-sensors. He enjoys traveling, hiking, cooking and sports.

Mona Azimi (PhD student)
Mona Azimi

Mona Azimi received her Bachelor degree in Polymer Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (2013) and Master degree in Polymer Engineering from Sahand University of Technology (2015) in Iran. She is currently a Ph.D. Student of chemical engineering in the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal. Her prior research was on synthesis of conductive polymer nanocomposites and their application as active material of supercapacitors. She is a recipient of the Trottier Energy Institute Scholarship.

Daniela Rana (PhD student - Internship)

Daniela RanaDaniela received her Bachelor's Degree in Medical Systems Engineering from Polytechnic University of Bari and her Master's Degree in Bioengineering (track 'Neuroengineering and Bio-ICT') at University of Genoa (Italy).  She is currently a PhD student in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in the Neuroelectronic Interfaces Laboratory in a joint partnership between the RWTH Aachen University and the Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). She is working on neuromorphic organic platforms and their communication with neurons. She is spending three months in the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal to study hydrogel PEDOT:PSS material for neurohybrid interfaces. Daniela enjoys discovering new places, watching movies and cooking.

Bastien Le Porcher (PhD student - Internship)
  Côme Bodart-LeGuen (MSc student)

Bastien Le PorcherBastien received his Bachelor’s degree in physical chemistry from Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour (France). Then he obtained his Master’s degree in Inorganic chemistry from Lyon 1 University. He is currently a Ph.D. Student of Process Engineering in the Gas sensor research department at Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne. His prior research is focused on the fabrication of conductive electrodes for metal oxide semiconductive sensor for toxic gas detection by inkjet printing process on flexible substrate. He is doing a short three month internship at Poly Montréal to get further characterization on his gold coatings. He enjoys hiking, nature and video games.

Michael Lerond (PhD student, in collaboration with Prof. W. Skene, Chemistry, UdeM)

Michael LerondMichael received his Master’s degree in Chemical and Material Engineering (2015) from Université de Strasbourg (France). He is currently a graduate student in Chemical Engineering. His current research interests are in the synthesis and characterization of new stretchable and conductive organic polymers for wearable devices and sensors. He enjoys playing guitar, soccer and video games with his friends.

Arunprabaharan Subramanian (PhD student)
Arunprabaharan Subramanian (PhD student)Arun received his B. Tech degree in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering from CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute (India) in 2014. He received his M.S degree in Biotechnology from Chonbuk National University (South Korea) in 2016. He will join as a graduate student in Chemical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal from May 2017. His research interest will focus on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM). He enjoys reading books and listening music. His research interest focused on photoelectrochemical water splitting for solar energy conversion and solar cells. He is a recipient of the Trottier Energy Institute Scholarship and FQRNT scholarship.
Natalie Hamad (PhD student)
Natalie Hamad

Natalie received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering (2010) and a Master of Science degree in Safety Engineering (2011) from Texas A&M University in the United States. She then worked as an Engineer in the oil and gas industry at TOTAL E&P, for 6 years in three countries (Qatar, France and United Arab Emirates). She is currently a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. She is a recipient of the FRQNT Reentering Research Doctoral Scholarship. Her research interests include sustainable electronics and energy storage. She enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and tennis.

Mané SECK (PhD student)

Mané SECK is a PhD student at the Département de Physique Appliquée, UFR de Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie, Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal. She works on elaboration and characterization of Organic Field Effect Transistors using materials for green electronics. Mané obtained her master in Renewable Energies at the same university. She has 4 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and 1 Proceedings. In Google Scholar, Mané has 10 citations and her H-index is 2.

Yang Li (PhD student)

Yang Li (PhD student)Yang received his B.E. in Metallurgy Engineering (2013) and M.E. in Material Science and Engineering (2016) from University of Science and Technology Beijing in China. He is currently a graduate student in Chemical Engineering. He is interested in flexible organic transistors. He enjoys traveling, reading, riding bikes and playing basketball.

Adilah Roslan (Internship)

AdilahAdilah is a third year PhD student in from University of Malaya, Malaysia majoring in Physics. Her research interests include organic electronics, carbon materials and flexible electronics. She will be working as an intern in the Laboratory of Organic Iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal, and her research study is focusing on the self-healing conducting polymer. She is a recipient of the Canada-Asean scholarship 2019.

Irina Valitova (PhD student, 2012-2017)
Irina ValitovaIrina received her B.Sc. degree in microelectronic engineering (2002) from Kazakh National Technical University and her M.Sc. degree (2006) from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. She spent 3 years as a researcher at the Institute of Physics and Technology (Kazakhstan). She completed her PhD in Chemical engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. Her work was on carbon-based electrodes for organic electronic applications. She was recipient of a FQRNT doctoral scholarship. Irina is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Dalhousie UNiversity (Physics Department).
Chithiravel Sundaresan

Chithiravel Sundaresan (PhD student)Chithiravel obtained his B.Sc. degree in physics from Sacred Heart College at 2008 and M.Sc. from Bharathiar University (2012). One year later he joined, as a research fellow in Organic Materials and Devices, the CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory Pune, India. Here he worked on organic field effect transistor and organic bulk heterojunction solar cell based on pi-conjugated small molecules and polymers. He is currently a PhD student in chemical engineering. His current research interest are in flexible transistors and interface study in organic BHJ solar cell. He enjoys reading books, Cooking and playing table tennis.

Shiming Zhang (PhD student)

Shiming Zhang (PhD student)Shiming received his B.E. in Electronic Science and Technology (2009) and M.E. in Physical Electronics (2012) from Jilin University in China. He is currently a graduate student in Chemical Engineering. He is interested in light-emitting and interface study of organic semiconductor diodes and transistors. He enjoys traveling, photography, playing basketball and badminton. He is recipient of a Vanier Canada Gratuate Scholarship.

Prajwal Kumar (PhD student, 2012-2016)

Prajwal KumarPrajwal Kumar received his M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from Mangalore University at 2009. Then he spent two years (2009-2012) in Organic Nano Electronics Group at Indian Institute of science (IISc), Bangalore, where he worked on synthesis of various thiophene based conducting molecules and electrochemical Polymerization of conducting polymers for electrochemical sensor applications. Prajwal was a PhD student in Chemical Engineering department, with an interest in organic electrochemical transistors for bioelectronics applications. Prajwal enjoys playing Badminton, Cricket, traveling and reading. Prajwas is currently a research scientist at Bioastra.

Gaia Tomasello (PhD student 2015-2017)

Gaia TomaselloGaia Tomasello received her M.Sc (2005) in chemistry and her PhD (2009) in theoretical chemistry from University of Bologna (Italy). After she has worked as AvH (Alexander Von Humboldt) postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics of Free University (Berlin) in the field of photodynamics and molecular imaging simulations. She will be a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering focusing her research activity in development of conducting biopolymers for applications in neuroscience and nanomedicine. Gaia likes painting, enjoys traveling and learning new languages and she is passionate of art-cinema.

Zhihui Yi (PhD student, 2012-2016)

Zhihui Yi Zhihui Yi received her M.S. in Chemistry from Jilin University. She is currently a graduate student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, working on organic electrochemical transistors. She is recipient of a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and of the Gilles Brassard prize for interdisciplinary research. Zhihui is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto.

Irene Ruggeri (visiting PhD student, in collaboration with Prof. Francesca Soavi, 2017)

Irene RuggeriIrene Ruggeri received her B.Sc. (2012) and her M.Sc. (2014) in industrial chemistry and polymer materials from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She has worked as Temporary Research Fellow at Chemistry Department of Bologna University (Italy) in the field of energy storage/conversion electrochemical systems. She is now a PhD student in Chemistry at Bologna University (Italy) working on lithium batteries, focusing her research activity on lithium/air system. In Montréal, she will be interested in the electronic properties of the electrode materials for Energetics. She is recipient of a FRQNT international scholarship for an internship at Polytechnque Montéal.


Cheng-Ling Chiang (Internship)
Cheng-Ling Chiang is a second-year master's student at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Currently, she is working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. Her work focuses on flexible neuromorphic devices. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and traveling.
Jeeyeon Yeu (MSc student)

jeeyeonJeeyeon received her Bachelor's degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University in South Korea. She completed research internships at the laboratory of organic iontronics at Polytechnique Montreal, and at the electrochemical energy systems laboratory at Seoul National University. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. Her research interests include flexible and stretchable electronics. She likes cats and reading books.

Hoda Moustaid (Internship)

Hoda MoustaidI am currently in my fifth and last year at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse (INSA), pursuing a degree in Physical Engineering with a specialization in micro and nanotechnologies. My academic journey has been focused on an in-depth study of semiconductor materials, particularly for their integration within cutting-edge transistors.
My experience has led me to work extensively in cleanroom environments, implementing nano-imprinting processes, and handling various characterization tools such as AFM, SEM, and TEM. Concurrently, I have also contributed to the development of software aimed at enhancing a bright-field microscope, widely used for the characterization of biological particles.
My trajectory reflects my dedication to both exploring advancements in physical engineering and applying these insights through tangible and innovative projects.

Pierre Kateb (MSc student)

pierrePierre Kateb received his Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal in 2021. He is currently working on his Master's degree in Professor Fabio Cicoira’s laboratory. His work involves printing organic polymer electrodes for premature infants, auxetic devices, self-healing hydrogels, and E-textile wearables. He is the recipient of the Pierre Arbour Foundation's Excellence Scholarship and a NSERC Scholarship. His other interests involve Arduino programming and machine learning. In his free time, Pierre enjoys reading, playing music, and beekeeping.

Remi Arie (MSc student - Internship)

Remi ArieRemi Arie is a 1st year graduate student at Tokyo Institute of Technology majoring Nucleic Acids Chemistry. She is currently working on auxetic and non-auxetic patterns, and comparing their mechanical and electrical properties. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, cooking, and travelling.

Katherine Hughes (MSc student - Internship)
Ireland Flag 

Katherine HughesKatherine Hughes is currently a 4th year undergraduate student at Trinity College Dublin majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Her research interests include stretchable, self-healing biomaterials for use in on-skin electronics. Her favorite hobbies include reading, sailing and walks with her dog.

Erwan Sauvage (MSc student)

Erwan is a French engineering student from the École Centrale de Nantes where he studied Digital sciences for life and for health sciences. He is currently a Master's student in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal as part of a double degree. Erwan’s personal interests include reading, writing and photography.

Hirofumi Amada (MSc student - Internship)

hirofumi amadaHirofumi Amada received his Bachelor’s degree in Material Science and Engineering at Nagoya University in 2022. He is a master student at Nagoya University majoring in Chemical Processing Engineering. For now, He is temporarily working on Self-Healing project as an intern in Professor Fabio Cicoira’s lab. He enjoys cooking, walking, and traveling.

Cécile Meyer (MSc student)

Cécile is doing a double degree at Polytechnique Montréal and UTC (Université de Technologie de Compiègne), a French engineering school. She is a Master's student in materials engineering. She enjoys handball, nature and playing violin.

Mina Abbasipour (MSc student)

Mina received her Bachelor degree in Textile Engineering (Chemistry) at University of Yazd and her Master and Ph.D. at Azad University. After finishing her studies, she continued research at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. She was winner of Iranian National Elite Foundation in 2016-2017. Her previous research was on energy harvesters using piezoelectric and pyroelectric electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanofibers. She is currently a Master's student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. She is a recipient of the Trottier Energy Institute Scholarship. She enjoys playing piano and skating.

Catrina Huyer (MEng student)

Catrina HuyerCatrina is a MEng student working on a joint project between the Dorval Lab and the Cicoira Lab (Polytechnique Montreal). She completed her undergraduate degree in Biotechnology at McMaster University (Ontario). Catrina’s research experience includes the fabrication of micropillar chips for mechanobiology studies at McMaster University and the investigation of RNA-RNA interactions at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) as a recipient of the MITACS Globalink Research Award. She is now studying the fabrication of conductive protein-polymer composites for bioelectronics. Catrina’s personal interests include sustainability, white-water sports, reading and playing piano.

 Michel Bilodeau-Calame (MSc student)

Michel received his Bachelor in Chemical Engineering in 2018 at Polytechnique de Montréal. He enjoys walking around, playing music and brewing beer.

 Chia-Hsin Li (Internship)

Chia-Hsin Li is currently in her second-year master program in National Taiwan University. Majoring in chemical engineering, Chia-Hsin's research interests lie in 2D perovskites and organic field-effect transistors.  She is now working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. She is going to work on electrolyte-gated transistors.

 Yuting Ciou (Internship)

JasmineYuting Ciou is a 2nd year masters student at National Taiwan University majoring in Applied Mechanics. She is working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. She is going to work on ionic liquid-based ion thrusters for CubSats and the mechanical properties of self-healing polymer films. 

Ben George (MSc student)

Ben George (MSc student)Ben George is currently a Masters student in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal under Prof. Fabio Cicoira. He graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Waterloo in 2015. Prior to joining Polytechnique, he worked at ARLANXEO, a synthetic rubber and specialty elastomer company, for 2 years as a contract employee. His current project focuses on fabricating novel ionic liquid-based ion thrusters for CubeSats, in partnership with Polyorbite. He is the recipient of the FQRNT scholarship.

Nicolo' Rossetti (MSc student)

Nicolo' Rossetti (MSc student)Nicolo' received his bachelor degree in Biomedical engineering at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. He is currently pursuing his Master's degree in Biomedical engineering at Polytechnique Montreal for a double degree program with Politecnico di Milano. He is interested in bioelectronics and medical images processing. He enjoys travelling, listening to music, and playing basketball. He is the recipient of the TransMedTech Institue Scholarship.

Chen, Yen-Lun (Internship, MSc student)
Chen received his Bachelor and was pursuing his Master degree in Chemical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. After finishing his Master's oral defense, he came to Professor Cicoira's lab as a research internship to enrich his research experience. His prior research was synthesizing dopamine derivative molecules to modify the surface of titanium substrates. His interests are in self-healing conductive polymers. For hobbies, he enjoys learning languages (En, Fr, Jp), cycling and traveling in his free time.
Côme Bodart-Leguen (MSc student)

Côme graduated in Biomedical engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, for a double-degree program with the French engineering school CentraleSupélec, where he studied Electrical Engineering for two years. His Master’s thesis was focused on organic coatings for cerebral microelectrodes. He enjoys sports (sailing, wrestling), politics and economy.

Tom Kitto

Tom KittoTom is in the third year of his Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath (England). He is currently undertaking a research project at École Polytechnique de Montréal on conducting polymer films for high-performance bioelectronic devices focussing on organic electrochemical transistors.

Fanny Boubée de Gramont (MsC student, 2015-2017)

Fanny Boubée de GramonFanny is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal for a double-degree program with Supélec (France), where she studied Electrical Engineering for two years. She is currently working on organic electrochemical devices. She enjoys swimming, traveling, and reading.

Elizabeth Hubis (MSc student, 2015)

Elizabeth HubisElizabeth received her BSc. degree in Materials Science from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland (2014). She is currently obtaining her Master’s degree in Micro- and Nanosystems also at the same University. For her final research topic she joined the laboratory of organic iotronics to pursue research in the field of flexible electronics. Elizabeth enjoys hiking and team sports as well as travelling and discovering new areas. Elizabeth currently works for Texas Instruments.

Olga Berezhetska (MSc student, 2012-2015)

Olga Berezhetska Olga Berezhetska received her BA in Biochemistry and biology from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Ukraine) and is currently a MSc student in Biomedical Engineering. She is studying the organic electronic devices as tools to control the immobilization of proteins. Interests outside of lab include food, reading and running. She is recipient of a Pierre Arbour Foundation scholarship. Olga received her MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering in April 2015.


emar Fabricio Chaverri Segura (Internship) 
Fabricio is a final year materials engineering student at Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. He is working in the field of biotronics researching the engineering of sustainable devices for generation, transformation, management and storage of energy based on nanomaterials and biomolecules. Currently he is studying in Fabio's lab about organic solar cells and photodiodes. Fabricio enjoys cooking, dancing and hiking.   
Noémy Gagnon-Lafrenais (Internship)

noemyNoémy Gagnon-Lafrenais is currently pursuing a Bachelor in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. Prior to investigating avenues in the scientific field, she obtained a Masters in Historical Performance from the Juilliard School, and an Artist Certificate in Chamber music and a Masters in violin performance from the San Francisco Conservatory. Her research interests include the sustainability and environmental aspects of new technologies such as stretchable electronics, energetic efficiency and storage, and the valorization of all things wasted

Emma Rutherford (Internship)
Emma is a 3rd year undergraduate student at the University of Alberta majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering. She is interested in biomedical applications of engineering which led to her position as a research intern in Fabio’s lab where her focus is on self-healable polymers. Emma enjoys hiking, playing tennis, reading, and travelling.
Jad Ben Rabhi (Internship)
JadJad is a second-year computer engineering student at Polytechnique Montreal, currently immersed in Fabio's lab through a research initiation grant. His focus involves replicating experiments to measure electrical signals from in vitro neurons.
Jeana Lee (Internship)

Jeana LeeJeana is a 3rd-year undergraduate student at Seoul National University who is currently majoring in Chemical and Biological Engineering. Her interest in the relationship between chemical engineering and the human body has motivated her to become an intern in Fabio’s lab, focusing on microneedles and self-healable and stretchable polymers. During her free time, she enjoys learning about various cultures, trying out new foods, and watching movies.

Sally Zhou (Internship)

Sally ZhouHello my name is Sally and I am a fourth-year student from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, I major in Biotechnology. Previously, I have worked as a research assistant at a lab that studied human tendons and ECG. I joined the lab with professor Fabio because I really like the chemistry courses that I was taking and I had previously worked in a chemical engineering firm in Alberta. My hobbies are swimming and hiking, I have climbed many of the mountains and trails in Vancouver and Banff.

Harini Nagarajan (Internship)

Harini NagarajanI am Harini Nagarajan. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor in Rubber and Plastics Technology at Madras Institute of Technology, India. As a research intern with Mitacs Globalink, I'm currently working on gel-gated transistors and will also be investigating self-healing conducting polymers in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. Physics is a subject that fascinates me, I enjoy seeing hypothetical ideas in action. In my spare time, I like to do martial arts, dance, teach science lessons to high school students and visit my grandparents.

Fumito Konishi (Internship)

Fumito KonishiFumito Konishi is a 4th-year undergraduate student at the Tokyo Institute of Technology majoring in Biophysics. He is now working as an intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. He is going to work on self-healing properties of conducting polymer films.
Fumito enjoys travelling, watching movies and reading books.

Johan Alberti (Internship)

johan albertiJohan Alberti is a 4th-year student at "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse" majoring in Physical engineering. He is working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira's group. He is going to work on conductive properties of polymers and curli proteins in partnership with Mcgill University.

Yevgen Moskalenko (Internship)

YevgenYevgen Moskalenko is a 3rd-year undergraduate student at The V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University majoring in Solid body physics. He is working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira’s group. He is going to explore the self-healing properties of conducting polymer films.

Shurui Feng (Internship)

SuriShurui (Suri) is a third year undergraduate student at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Biomedical Engineering. She is working as a summer intern in Prof. Fabio Cicoira’s group. She is going to exploit the self-healing efficiency of conductive polymer, as well as to explore healing property of a composite made of conductive polymer and biological gel.

Zizhou Xiang (Internship)

Zizhou XiangZizhou Xiang is a 3rd year undergraduate student at McGill university, majoring in chemical engineering and minoring in biotechnology. She is interested in cross disciplinery studies with chemical engineering and biotechnology. She will be working on self healable polymers. She enjoys reading, snowboarding and travelling.

Yasmin Shabeer (Internship)
Yasmin ShabeerYasmin Shabeer is a third-year undergraduate student currently pursuing her B.Tech Rubber and Plastics Technology in Anna University, MIT, Chennai. She is interested in polymers for energy storage applications and now focusing on stretchable and conducting polymers. She has got selected in the MITACS Globalink research internship program and would be interning for Prof. Fabio Cicoira under the project Stretchable and conducting kirigami. She likes to read books, explore and gaming.
Jefferson Lam (Internship)
Jefferson LamJefferson is currently a first-year student pursuing his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal. He is the recipient of the NSERC Student Research Award and is working as an intern with Prof. Fabio Cicoira’s group to synthesize and develop conductive polymer neural electrodes. His interests lie in biomaterials and medical imaging. On his free time, he enjoys playing tennis, reading and playing music.
KyoungOh Kim (Internship)

KyoungOh KimKyoungOh Kim is majoring in material sciecne & engineering at Seoul National University and is in the fourth year of undergraduate courses. He is interested in structural materials, with a focus on light metals. His research experience involving hydrogels led him to his current interest in studying polymer materials. He came to this lab as a research intern for research experience abroad. He loves playing sports, traveling and studying languages (English, French).

Nitin Unnava (Internship)
NitinNitin Unnava is a Third-Year undergraduate student currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University. He is a recipient of the prestigious CN Yang Scholarship, which is a program designed to encourage students who wish to pursue a career in research by providing multiple opportunities to perform research from the first year of undergraduate studies. He has an interest in nanotechnology and thin films and will be working on a project on self-healing conductive polymers. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, beatboxing and gaming.
Floriane Miquet-Westphal

Floriane Miquet-WestphalFloriane Miquet Westphal is a student in Chemical Engineering at Concordia University (Montréal). She has been an undergraduate intern in summer 2018, in collaboration with Prof. Paula Wood Adams (Concordia). She has been recipient of an NSERC Student research award.

Leslie Liu
Leslie LiuLeslie Liu is a student in Chemistry at the  University of British Columbia (Vancouver). She was an undergraduate intern in summer 2018. She was a recipient of an NSERC Student research award.
Pauline Chevreau

Pauline ChevreauPauline Chevreau is a student in Microelectronics at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne(France).  She was an undergraduate intern in summer 2018. She was a recipient of Yelon-Brebner scholarship.

Shalin Bhanot (Masters student, 2017)

Shalin BhanotShalin is in the third year of his Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath (England). He is currently undertaking a research project at École Polytechnique de Montréal on conducting polymer films for high-performance bioelectronic devices focussing on organic electrochemical transistors. He loves playing squash, basketball and rugby, going to live music events, camping holidays, travelling and exploring new places.

Prabhjot Luthra
Prabhjot LuthraPrabhjot Kaur Luthra is currently pursuing her undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering at NITK (India). She came to Montreal for the summer of 2018, as part of the Mitacs Fellowship Program, where she worked under Dr. Fabio Cicoira as part of an undergraduate internship. Her interests lie in nanoscience and technology and has worked on several projects in this area. She finds it extremely interesting to unravel mysteries of complex worlds hidden in the smallest of places. For her project carried out in Ecole Polytechnique Montreal she designed electrodes for EMG recording using electrochemical deposition.
Dhrumil Shah
Dhrumil ShahDhrumil is currently in his final year as an undergraduate in the Chemical Engineering Department at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He came to Polytechnique Montreal to explore the applications of Chemical Engineering in Satellite Technology as part of an internship. He was part of a research project that focused on fabricating ion thrusters for nanosatellites. His interests include traveling and listening to music.
 Hyun Jae (Ada) Lee 

Hyun Jae (Ada) LeeHyun Jae (Ada) is in her final year of her Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (Honours) at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia). She is working as an intern with Fabio Cicoira’s team on conducting polymer coatings for electrodes. She is interested in biotechnology and how it can be applied in the field of biomedical engineering. She enjoys travelling, reading and listening to music. 

Michelle Alexandra Gaspard

Michelle Alexandra GaspardMichelle is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal. She is the recipient of an NSERC Student research award for the summer 2017 and will be working under Fabio Cicoira’s supervision.  She will be working on bioelectrodes made by electropolymerization. Michelle enjoys travelling, playing soccer and is involved with the Polytechnique Montréal section of Engineers without borders.

Camille Girard (Undergraduate student, 2015)

Camille GirardCamille is currently pursuing her degree in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal.  She received the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards under Fabio Cicoira’s supervision.  She joined the laboratory of organic iotronics and is working in the research field of flexible electronics for her summer internship (2015).  Camille enjoys traveling, doing international student exchanges, biking and playing basketball.

Jaime Nunes Aparicio (Undergraduate student, 2015)

Jaime Nunes AparicioI'm Jaime Núñez Aparicio, I'm 22 years old. I was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas in January 29th 1993, I'm from Mexico. Actually I'm studying Electronic Engineering at Instituto Tecnologico de Cd. Madero, on May 2015 I will be participating in a summer research of MITACS globalink program at the project "Processing of conducting polymers for biological applications" I really like to play soccer in my free time and spend time with friends.

Laurie Fontaine (Undergraduate student, 2014-2015)

Laurie FontaineLaurie Fontaine is pursuing a Bachelor in Chemical Engineering at ÉcolePolytechnique de Montréal. She joined Fabio Cicoira's research group for herfirst internship as a summer student. She is working on a project on organic eletrochemical transistors. She is also an active member of Polytechnique's student association (AEP).

Amel Sarah Nouas (Undergraduate student, 2014)

Amel Sarah NouasAmel Sarah Nouas is currently a graduate bachelor student in Chemical Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. After several internship in the environment department of the Canadian Copper Refinery in East Montreal, she has joined Fabio Cicoira's research group with a  NSERC undergraduate scholarships between April and August 2014.

Arvindh Sekar (Undergraduate student, 2014)

Arvindh SekarArvindh is pursuing a Bachelor of Technology at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (India) in the field of Chemical Science and Technology (major discipline), and additionally Chemical Engineering (minor discipline). He joined Fabio Cicoira's Organic Iontronics Research Group as a short term research intern in the summer of 2014. Before joining this group, the research projects he was a part of were : Organic Synthesis (of conducting polymers) and Membrane Separation techniques. Apart from academics, he enjoys reading novels, watching movies and TV series, playing PC games, quizzing and extreme sports.

Ariane Bérard (Undergraduate student, 2012-2014)

Ariane BérardAriane Bérard is pursuing a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal. She joins the Fabio Cicoira research group in fall 2012 as an undergraduate researcher. She has received three scholarships (UPIR, NSERC and RMPQ) to continue is research. Ariane worked one year in the field of catalysts before heading to the bioorganic electronic. Ariane is recipient of an Undergraduate Research Fellowship of the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. She currently works as a teacher assistant for first and second-year courses in chemical engineering.

Sampath Satti (Undergraduate student, 2013)

Sampath Satti Sampath is a Junior Undergraduate of Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (India). He is a summer research intern with the MITACS Globalink programme. His research interests include microfabrication, and the integration of electronics with biological systems. In his spare time he likes swimming and playing squash, while not roaming Montreal.

Gabriel Vinícius Trevisan (Undergraduate student, 2013)

Gabriel Vinícius TrevisanGabriel Vinícius Trevisan is an Electrical Engineering undergrad student from University of Brasília, Brazil and currently working on organic electronics laboratory in École Polytechnique de Montréal. His scientific initiation program was about laboratory procedure for creation of organic electronic devices. During his spare time, he enjoys listening to music and playing guitar.

  • Jennifer Sernuck, Undergrduate (UPIR 2014-2015)
  • Kin Fay Shek, Undergraduate (UPIR 2011-2012)
  • Marc Antoine Boucher, Undergraduate (UPIR 2011-2012)