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Maksim Skorobogatiy
B.Sc. (Rochester), M.Sc. (McGill), M.Sc. EECS (MIT), Ph.D. (MIT)

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests

Theory, manufacturing and application of photonic crystals
Our primary objective is to speed up the maturation of microstructured fiber and photonic crystal fiber technologies and their penetration into the industrial sector. Research at the Engineering Physics Department is broadened by our comprehensive research program in Photonic Band Gap materials, nanostructured materials and devices with applications in telecommunications, mid-infrared and terahertz optics, sensing, medicine and intelligent textiles.

Experimentally we focus on preform fabrication and fiber drawing of polymer and soft-glass microstructured fibers for biomedical, sensing, intelligent textile, mid-infrared and terahertz applications. We also pursue fabrication of planar and two dimensional photonic crystal waveguides and nanophotonic devices (plasmonics) for sensing applications. Theoretically our group pursues an effort in design of novel highly integrated photonic crystal components based on fibers and planar waveguides, as well as modeling the microstructured fiber fabrication process including fluid dynamics of fiber drawing, heat transfer in high power fiber links, and influence of imperfections on fiber and planar device performance.

Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1702 Advanced manufacturing
  • 2004 Polymers and coatings
  • 2203 Modelling, simulation
  • 2505 Photonic devices and networks
  • 3110 Optics (see also photon devices 2505)
  • 3112 Photonics


Recent publications


  • PHS6953A: C. Spéc.: Introduction to photonic crystals
  • PHS6953B: C. Spéc.: Numerical methods in engineering physics
  • PHS3902: Simulation projects in engineering physic
  • PHS2106: Physics of waves

Supervision at Polytechnique


News about Maksim Skorobogatiy

BLOG | October 6, 2022
Inventer la 6G (2e partie) | Read
NEWS | October 27, 2021
Professor Maksim Skorobogatiy named American Physical Society Fellow | Read
NEWS | February 24, 2021
50 Polytechnique Montréal researchers among the top 2% most cited in their respective fields | Read
NEWS | December 13, 2019
Work by engineering physics researchers ranked among the most important discoveries of the year by "Optics and Photonics News" | Read

Press review about Maksim Skorobogatiy

January 1, 2022, Optics and Photonics News , Versatile Reconfigurable Terahertz Plasmonic Circuits La recherche dans le domaine de communications ultrarapides par biais des ondes THz menée par le professeur titulaire Maksim Skorobogatiy, du Département de génie physique, a été sélectionnée parmi les 30 réalisations les plus importantes faites dans le monde en 2022 par la société scinetifique OPTICA. 
November 1, 2017, Ameq en ligne , Le professeur Maksim Skorobogatiy nommé Fellow de l'Optical Society Maksim Skorobogatiy, professeur titulaire au Département de génie physique de Polytechnique Montréal, a été nommé Fellow parmi la promotion 2018 de l'Optical Society pour sa contribution à l'avancement des domaines de l'optique et de la photonique.