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Research interests and affiliations

Research interests

My research interests center around the broad category of environmental/computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics. In the area of computational hydraulics/fluid mechanics, the objectives of my work are to develop new methods and algorithms, improving their reliability, efficiency, and flexibility to solve the many challenging environmental fluid mechanics problems. My main focus in recent years has been on the latest and revolutionary generation of numerical methods, the mesh-free Lagrangian (particle) methods (e.g. SPH and MPS). The application areas of particular interest in my studies are in the fields of fluvial and coastal mechanics (sediment transport, ice dynamics, water quality, and climate change impact), and multiphase turbulent flows (air-water and multiphase granular flows). The overall goal of my work is to further our understanding of such complex flow systems through a combination of mathematical modelling, theoretical analysis, and experimental/ field measurements.    

For more details about my research and the open positions in my group visit my research page

Research areas:

  • Computational fluid mechanics and hydraulics
  • Environmental fluid mechanics
  • Fluvial mechanics
  • Multiphase flows
  • Granular flow and sediment dynamic
  • Cold-region hydraulics


Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1005 Hydraulic engineering
  • 1006 Hydrologic engineering
  • 1007 Water resources and supply
  • 1501 Water quality, pollution
  • 2202 Multi-phase systems
  • 2203 Modelling, simulation
  • 4503 Surface water


Recent publications


  • Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (2023-Present)
    Dept. Civil, Geological & Mining Eng. Polytechnique Montreal
  • Canada Research Chair in Computational Hydrosystems

Past appointments

  • 2024-2024, Visiting Faculty, Harvard University
  • 2020–2023,  Associate Professor, Polytechnique Montreal
  • 2016–2020, Assistant Professor, Polytechnique Montreal
  • 2013-2016, Postdoctoral Fellow, Environment Canada/University of Victoria,
  • 2012–2013, Water Resources Engineer, SNC–Lavalin
  • 2007–2012, Research & Teaching Assistant, University of Regina


      Ph.D., Environmental Systems Eng., University of Regina (Canada) 2007–2011
      M.Sc., Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Iran) 2004–2006
      B.Sc., Water and Irrigation Engineering University of Kerman (Iran) 2000–2004


      - Mécanique des fluides/ Fluid Mechanics (CIV2310)
      - Hydrosystèmes numériques avancés/ Advanced Computational Hydrosystems (CIV6318)
      - Écoulement à surface libre/ Free-surface flows (CIV6307)

      Supervision at Polytechnique


      News about Ahmad Shakibaeinia

      NEWS | March 13, 2024
      Research funding: banner year as Polytechnique receives grants and scholarships totalling close to $47 million | Read
      BLOG | February 18, 2022
      Springtime ice-jams! Reproducing river-flow behaviour – from the comfort of a research lab | Read
      NEWS | February 25, 2021
      NSERC Alliance Grants: Polytechnique Montréal ranks first, winning 24% of all funds awarded to Québec universities | Read
      INNOVATIO | September 25, 2020
      Visualizing the impact of human activities on water resources | Read

      Press review about Ahmad Shakibaeinia

      March 21, 2022, Le Devoir , Un simulateur pour déchiffrer le comportement des glaces Une équipe de chercheurs de Polytechnique Montréal, dont fait partie Ahmad Shakibaeinia, professeur agrégé au Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines, travaille sur un projet qui étudie la dynamique des glaces, grâce à un simulateur de comportement des glaces unique au Canada. Le projet permettra à terme de mieux prédire et prévenir les catastrophes naturelles.