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Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Quantum information;
  • Quantum Computing;
  • Quantum Optics;
  • Photonics;
  • Quantum Metrology and Spectroscopy;
  • (Gaussian) Boson Sampling;
  • Machine Learning for designing photonic experiments;
  • Squeezed light;
  • Generation of non-Gaussian light;
  • Polaritons and topological photonics;
  • Quantum benchmarking and tomography of complex quantum states.
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 3100 PHYSICS
  • 3110 Optics (see also photon devices 2505)
  • 3112 Photonics
  • 3153 Classical and quantum physics
  • 2505 Photonic devices and networks
  • 2705 Software and development
  • 2703 Complexity
  • 2956 Optimization and optimal control theory
  • 2958 Mathematical physics
  • 3007 Stochastic processes
  • 3008 Applied probability


Recent publications


Prof. Nicolas Quesada’s expertise lies at the intersection of quantum photonics, optics and information. His group develops the theory and computational tools underpinning the next generation of nonclassical bright light sources and devices needed for building fault-tolerant quantum computers, quantum communication networks and quantum sensors.

Prior to joining Polytechnique Montréal as an MEI research chair in Quantum Photonics, Prof. Quesada worked at Xanadu Quantum Technologies as a lead developer of Strawberry Fields and The Walrus software libraries and led the theoretical efforts to demonstrate photonic quantum advantage.

Before joining industry, he was an NSERC postdoctoral fellow and, as a Ph.D. student, a Vanier scholar and a Stoicheff scholar.


  • Ph.D. Physics - University of Toronto
  • M.Sc. Physics – University of Toronto
  • B.Sc. Physics – Universidad de Antioquia 2010

News about Nicolás Quesada

NEWS | January 21, 2025
$6 million for quantum projects at Polytechnique Montréal | Read
NEWS | October 5, 2022
An international multidisciplinary consortium led by Polytechnique Montréal Professor Denis Seletskiy receives more than $1.91 million in support from NSERC for its quantum sensing project | Read

Press review about Nicolás Quesada

March 6, 2024,, Google lance un prix de 5 M $ pour trouver des utilisations réelles aux ordinateurs quantiques Nicolás Quesada, professeur au Département de génie physique, revient sur l'importance de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des ordinateurs quantiques afin qu'ils aient des utilisations concrètes dans la recherche.
September 7, 2023,, Why haven't we got useful quantum computers yet? Nicolás Quesada, professeur adjoint au Département de génie physique, questionne l'efficacité, la cohérence et la véracité des résultats des ordinateurs quantiques.
July 12, 2023, Physics World, Sound is manipulated for quantum information processing Nicolás Quesada, professeur adjoint au département de génie physique, parle de la manipulation du son pour le traitement de l'information quantique.
Other mentions: Zephyrnet