Magali Marcheschi
B.Ing. (génie mécanique), M.Sc.A. (Aix Marseille III) - Micro-programme en pédagogie (UdM)
Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 3106
Fax: (514) 340-4086
Room: A-612
Cellulaire : 514-677-2421
Research interests and affiliations
Research interests
Only teaching in manufacturing fields (foundry, welding, sheet metal, plastics ...).
And in charge with Professor Jean-Marc Frayret Prism project course (work-study and support to juniorat).
- Laboratoire Poly-Industries 4.0, Member
- IND2107
- IND2902
- IND4902/IND8574: final projet (work-study and support to juniorat)