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Li Li
BScA (North China U Sci Techno), MScA (CIMR), PhD (IPGP-Paris 7)

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Geotechnical engineering (rock, soil and backfill mechanics; foundations)
  • Numerical modeling (mining and civil)
  • Analytical solution development (mining and civil)
  • Stability analysis of slopes
  • Stress estimation in backfilled openings (backfilled stope, civil trenches, powder silos)
  • Elasto-plastic analysis of underground structures (tunnels, boreholes, drifts and stopes).
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1002 Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology)
  • 1401 Mining engineering
  • 1403 Rock mechanics




Dr. Li is a registered engineer in Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ). He obtained a bachelor degree and a M.Sc.A. degree both in mining engineering in China, and a doctorate degree in France.

Dr. Li has been working in geotechnical engineering for many years. He passed about 4 years as post-doc and 7 years as Research Associate in geomechanics at Polytechnique Montréal. After then, he passed two years in Genivar (now WSP) as consulting engineer in geotechnics. From 2010 to 2012, he was an Associate Professor in geotechnics at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS). Since 2012, he becomes Associate Professor in mining engineering at Polytechnique Montréal.

Dr Li is interested in several fields in geotechnical engineering (rock and soil mechanics). Since last ten years, he is particularly active in research on mine backfilled stopes for estimating the stresses in backfilled stopes and pressures on backfill barricades, sizing barricades made of waste rock, and assessing the required strength of cemented backfill with exposed faces.

Dr. Li was the Head of Mining Program from June 2020 to June 2023. Starting from May 2023, he serves the RIME at Polytechnique as the Scientific Director ( 


  • MIN3116 Underground Mining Methods  (Person in charge and teacher 2013 - 2018)
  • MIN8986 Integrator Projet 4 (Person in charge, coordinator and teacher)
  • GML6003 Seminar of geomaterials (in part)
  • GML6603 Mining Backfill (Coordinator since winter 2013)
  • GMLL8301 Underground mining methods with backfill (created and given for the first time in Winter 2017).

Méritas. Pr. Li is delighted to be awarded the Meritas 2016 and the Meritas 2020 for the best professor of mining engineering program at Polytechnique Montreal.

Supervision at Polytechnique


  • Post-doctoral fellowship (3)

    • Yang, Pengyu. Study of the hydrogeotechnical behavior of in-pit tailings and their interaction with the contact structures.
    • Zheng, Jian. Investigation of the potential of static liquefaction of tailings by taking into account the evolution of the hydro-geotechnical properties during and after their deposition.
    • Zeng, Feitao. Study on the hydro-geotechnical properties and establishment of a numerical model for waste rocks.


Press review about Li Li

December 20, 2024, Revue PLAN - Automne 2024, Pour des mines plus responsables et durables | Un problème de communication Li Li, professeur au Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines, souligne l'importance de la sécurité, de l'environnement, de la communication et de la formation dans l'industrie minière pour la rendre plus durable, tout en insistant sur le besoin de main-d'ouvre qualifiée et la simplification des processus administratifs.