Professor Samuel Yniesta wins Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Innovation Prize
Assistant Professor Samuel Yniesta, (Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering), has received the Shah Family Innovation Prize from the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI).

This notable and important award is presented by EERI to early-career academics and professionals in recognition of their creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the field of earthquake risk mitigation and management. The purpose of the award is to stimulate creativity and leadership within the earthquake hazard mitigation and EERI communities.
Founded in 1948, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is committed to understanding earthquake risks and increasing earthquake resilience in communities globally. It brings together researchers, academics, and students from the fields of engineering, geosciences, social sciences, architecture, planning, emergency management, public health and policy development.
"Samuel Yniesta's research fills gaps in knowledge about the seismic behaviour of sensitive soils that are likely to have a significant impact on earthquake hazard mitigation and policy development," says the Shah Family Innovation Prize selection committee. "He has translated his research into practice through the design and implementation of hazard mitigation programs with Hydro-Québec and large mining companies in Québec. This union of research and practice is helping to transform the practice of seismic geotechnics in Québec, a region that is increasingly aware of its seismic risk.”
Samuel Yniesta joined Polytechnique Montréal’s Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering in 2016 as an Assistant Professor. He received his M.S. (2012) and Ph.D. (2016) in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). His expertise is in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering and seismic hazard characterization.
Professor Yniesta's research seeks to better understand, quantify, and model seismic hazards in order to make civil and mining engineering projects safer. Developed in collaboration with industrial partners, some of his research projects include simulations of geotechnical systems, such as dams and tailings facilities, in order to assess their seismic stability, develop new constitutive models, and integrate simulations into probabilistic risk analysis.
Recently, Samuel Yniesta has focused his research efforts on studying mining-induced earthquakes and their consequences. He is also co-author of the seismic chapter of the new edition of the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual.
Congratulations to Professor Yniesta!
Learn more
Professor Samuel Yniesta expertise
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering website (In French)
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute website