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Menstrual equity: innovative initiatives at Polytechnique Montréal

June 11, 2024 - Source : NEWS

Polytechnique Montréal is launching its “L’équité menstruelle, on règle ça” (Menstrual equity: we’ve got it covered) initiative, which revolves around on three key measures: 1) free distribution of reusable menstrual products, 2) establishment of private adapted sanitary facilities and 3) free access to emergency menstrual products. This initiative is unique among Canadian universities, and is notable for its environmental and social approach.

Initiative « L’équité menstruelle, on règle ça » à Polytechnique Montréal


Polytechnique Montréal is continuously striving to create a more inclusive and sustainable environment. Recognized for cultivating gender equality, the engineering university is highly sought after by female students. It met Engineers Canada’s target of 30% female engineers by 2030 in 2020—a decade early.

The institution’s commitment to equity involves recognizing the specific barriers to success and well-being that weigh on its community members. Managing menstruation is one of those barriers.

“The menstrual experience has been taboo for a long time, but it’s a normal and significant aspect of student life. It can harm academic performance, particularly by compromising class attendance or disrupting concentration and participation,” notes Joséanne Bélanger-Gravel, Sustainable Development Adviser.

Menstrual equity measures can alleviate the concerns and discomfort experienced each month by approximately 3,900 members of the Polytechnique community (students, staff members and teaching staff).

“This is a natural fit with Polytechnique Montréal’s efforts to continuously improve its support for female talent,” Ms. Bélanger-Gravel continues. “Access to hygiene products is one issue, but we feel it’s necessary to develop solutions that go beyond simply distributing disposable products. That’s why we’re rolling out complementary measures to prioritize more environmentally friendly options and adapt our infrastructure to promote uptake. We also hope to progressively develop the initiative so that no person is disadvantaged or marginalized because of their menstruation.”

From awareness to action

In 2021, a student group took the lead in raising awareness by orchestrating a campaign to destigmatize menstruation on campus. Since then, open discussions emerged from a series of events, supported by the Fund for Sustainable Initiatives and organized by students Viviane Ung-In and Alice Le Moël. By approaching the subject from different angles (such as breaking taboos, analysis of product life cycle, equity and reusable options), the discussions resulting from these conferences, roundtables and information booths helped to lay the groundwork for this project.

Distribution of reusable menstrual products

Although reusable options held less than 5% of Canadian market share in 20201, Polytechnique is aiming for an 8% adoption rate from the first phase of its initiative. Already, a little over 300 reusable items, including menstrual discs, cups and briefs have been made available for free. Distribution was kicked off with a booth run by product retailers, which was an opportunity to seek advice and useful information.

The desire to encourage environmental considerations in hygiene choices led Polytechnique’s Bureau du développement durable et sociétal (sustainable and societal development office) to submit an in-class case study. The assignment: study the impacts of a reusable cup compared to those of a disposable pad. A group of students tackled the issue as part of the Analyse du cycle de vie (DDI8003) course in winter 2024. Preliminary results of their course work show that the cup offers a number of environmental advantages over the pad, particularly with regard to carbon footprint, energy consumption and ecosystem damage. Thanks to the team behind the analysis: Bilal Eido, Eutyche Makobo, Bich-Lien Phan and Rafaela Spillebeen.

Private, adapted sanitary facilities

The second component of the initiative addresses access to adequate facilities, which is also essential to menstrual equity

In fall 2023, 96% of respondents to a Polytechnique survey agreed with the statement “The ability to rinse my menstrual cup privately is an essential condition for its use.” This survey was designed to gather feedback on the first prototype sink integrated directly in a bathroom cubicle (C-244).

This solution has been so successful that the engineering university has committed to replicate it. Accordingly, in the coming years, a total of 10 private cleaning facilities will offer the entire community an environment that favours the regular, safe use of a cup or disc. These infrastructure improvements will progressively consolidate an environment that normalizes menstrual care with dignity.

Free emergency menstrual products

List of bathrooms equipped with a menstrual product dispenser on the Polytechnique Montréal campus.

As “period poverty” affects up to 34% of people who menstruate in Québec2, the third component of the initiative ensures equitable access to hygiene products on the Polytechnique campus.

Through a pilot project, tampons, liners and single-use pads are now available for free on all floors of the Lassonde and Principal pavilions. A total of 13 bathrooms have a dispenser.

Inspired by the student community, this project was made possible through the coordination of the sustainable and societal development office and the collaboration of the Human Resources Service, the Research and Innovation Directorate, Building Services, the Campus Development Directorate, Polytechnique Student Services and Coopoly.


According to an international market study on menstrual products conducted by MarketsandMarkets. Faciliter l’accès aux produits menstruels : mesures possibles, Conseil du statut de la femme, 2021
According to various studies, the people affected are forced to choose between buying menstrual products and other essential products or to sacrifice other expenses to be able to obtain these products. Faciliter l’accès aux produits menstruels : mesures possibles, Conseil du statut de la femme, 2021



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