Research Center in Industrial Flow Processes (URPEI)


Since the beginning, the URPEI has focused on experimental and numerical investigation for complex multiphase and rheological fluid flows in various chemical engineering processes such as mechanical agitation, batch and in-line mixing processes, emulsification processes, granular flows, liquid/gas reactors, flows in porous media, aerosol filtration, electrodialysis processes, coating flows, extrusion flows.


Experimental Research

Experimental research is carried out in various fields: emulsification, generation and destruction of Pickering emulsions, design and evaluation of stirring and mixing systems for rheologically complex media and multiphase systems, process design and development, CO2 capture processes (hydrates, amines, ...) as well as the integration and development of absorption heat pumps.

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If a picture is worth a thousand words... then a video????? Here are some videos from the URPEI's youtube channel:



Numerical Research

Problems related to fluid mechanics, heat transfer, granular flows and multi-scale and multi-physical problems are studied at the URPEI.

The group specializes in the physical and numerical modeling of complex multiphase fluid flows. It is also interested in the modeling of granular flows, reactive flows and flows in porous media as well as mixing and agitation dynamics.

Different methods are used: finite element method, discrete element method, lattice Boltzmann method using the possibilities of high performance calculations on distributed architectures or on graphic cards.

Different codes are developed at the URPEI:

  • Lethe is an open-source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software which uses high-order Continuous Galerkin formulations to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (github - article)
  • CG-LBM (article)

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Here are some videos from the URPEI's youtube channel: