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The Institute of Innovation and Design in Aerospace of Polytechnique Montréal (IICAP) aims to respond to the development needs of the industry. It offers undergraduate and graduate students of Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal, an expertise in innovation and design in several fields : aerospace, biomedical, chemical, electrical, industrial, computer science, mechanical, physical and management (HEC).
IICAP offices, located in room C407.1.9 of Polytechnique Montréal's pavillon principal (main building), is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Micro-WIL (Work-Integrated Learning)
Contact Information
Institute of Innovation and Design in Aerospace of Polytechnique (IICAP)
Useful links

Mechanical Engineering Department

IICAP's Moodle

Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering