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Michael Wertheimer
B.A.Sc. (Toronto), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Grenoble), Ing.

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests

Our Plasma Processing Laboratory, founded in 1974, is specialized in the study of « cold » (non-equilibrium) plasmas, mostly for application in materials science and technology, namely for surface modification and for PECVD (« plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition »). We use both conventional low-pressure plasmas, but also those at atmospheric pressure. In recent years, we have focused our attention upon biomedical applications, particularly on thin plasma polymer coatings destined for use in cell culture and tissue engineering.

Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1902 Biomedical materials
  • 2004 Polymers and coatings
  • 2006 Biomaterials
  • 2010 Thin films/interfaces
  • 3303 Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
  • 3402 Surface and interfacial chemistry
  • 3751 Polymer synthesis
  • 3107 Plasma physics


Recent publications


Professor Michael Robert Wertheimer holds degrees in Engineering Physics (BASc, 1962) and Physics (MA, 1963) from the University of Toronto, and a PhD from the University of Grenoble (France), obtained in 1967 in low temperature physics (superconductivity).

Currently Professor Emeritus (since 2005), he held the NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Plasma Processing of Materials in the Engineering Physics Department of École Polytechnique in Montreal (1996-2006). He first joined École, one of Canada’s largest engineering faculties, as a professor in 1973, after spending more than six years as a research scientist in industry (L’Air Liquide).

Dr. Wertheimer is a Fellow of IEEE, of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and of the International Plasma Chemistry Society; he held a Killam Research Fellowship from 1990 to 1992. He is co-Editor-in-Chief (with P. Favia, D. Hegemann and Ch. Oehr) of the journal “Plasma Processes and Polymers”); he has authored or co-authored more than 450 research articles, two dozen patents, and has edited or co-edited five books.

Supervision at Polytechnique


  • Specialized graduate diploma (DESS) (1)

    • Watson, Sean.


News about Michael Wertheimer

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NEWS | February 24, 2021
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