Denis Seletskiy
Ph.D. (Univ. of New Mexico), Scientific group leader (Univ. Konstanz, Germany)
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering Physics
Department of Engineering Physics
Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 5976
Fax: (514) 340-3218
Room: B-559.5
Canada Research Chair in Ultrafast and Quantum Photonics (Tier II)
Areas of expertise
Photonic devices and networks Instrumentation and measurements Atomic and molecular studies Optics Experimental methods and instrumentation Photonics Condensed matter physics Lasers Electronic properties of solids Optical properties Semiconductors Materials science and technology Spectroscopy Classical and quantum physics Optical materials Semiconductors Wave propagation Linear and non-linear systems
Photonic devices and networks Instrumentation and measurements Atomic and molecular studies Optics Experimental methods and instrumentation Photonics Condensed matter physics Lasers Electronic properties of solids Optical properties Semiconductors Materials science and technology Spectroscopy Classical and quantum physics Optical materials Semiconductors Wave propagation Linear and non-linear systems
Research interests and affiliations
Research interests
- Quantum photonics
- Quantum sources and detection protocols
- Femtosecond laser technology
- Quantum spectroscopy and quantum metrology
- Mid-infrared (mid-IR) and terahertz (THz) technology
- Time-resolved spectroscopies
- Precision instrumentation
- Optical refrigeration and radiation-balanced lasers
- Tier-2 Canada Research Chair in Ultrafast and Quantum Photonics, Chairholder
- Centre d’optique, photonique et laser (COPL), Researcher
- Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique (INTRIQ), Co-Principal Investigator
- Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL), Co-Principal Investigator
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
- 2009 Semiconductors
- 2011 Optical materials
- 2505 Photonic devices and networks
- 2518 Instrumentation and measurements
- 3100 PHYSICS
- 3101 Atomic and molecular studies
- 3108 Experimental methods and instrumentation
- 3110 Optics (see also photon devices 2505)
- 3111 Lasers
- 3112 Photonics
- 3153 Classical and quantum physics
- 3304 Semiconductors
- 3306 Optical properties
- 3302 Electronic properties of solids
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article
Sulzer, P., Oguchi, K., Huster, J., Kizmann, M., Guedes, T. L. M., Liehl, A., Beckh, C., Moskalenko, A. S., Burkard, G., Seletskiy, D., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2020). Determination of the electric field and its Hilbert transform in femtosecond electro-optic sampling. Physical Review A, 101(3), 033821 (17 pages).
Liehl, A., Sulzer, P., Fehrenbacher, D., Eggert, S., Ludwig, M., Ritzkowsky, F., Seletskiy, D., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2020). Broadband analysis and self-control of spectral fluctuations in a passively phase-stable Er-doped fiber frequency comb. Physical Review A, 101(2), 14 pages.
Kizmann, M., Guedes, T. L. M., Seletskiy, D., Moskalenko, A. S., Leitenstorfer, A., & Burkard, G. (2019). Subcycle squeezing of light from a time flow perspective. Nature Physics, 15(9), 960-966.
Liehl, A., Sulzer, P., Fehrenbacher, D., Rybka, T., Seletskiy, D., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2019). Deterministic Nonlinear Transformations of Phase Noise in Quantum-Limited Frequency Combs. Physical Review Letters, 122(20), 203902 (6 pages).
Hinz, C., Gumbsheimer, P., Traum, C., Holtkemper, M., Bauer, B., Haase, J., Mahapatra, S., Frey, A., Brunner, K., Reiter, D. E., Kuhn, T., Seletskiy, D., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2018). Charge and spin control of ultrafast electron and hole dynamics in single CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots. Physical Review B, 97(4), 14 pages.
Riek, C., Sulzer, P., Seeger, M., Moskalenko, A. S., Burkard, G., Seletskiy, D., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2017). Subcycle quantum electrodynamics. Nature, 541(7637), 376-379.
Bühler, J., Schmidt, C., Schneider, H., Helm, M., Pashkin, A., & Seletskiy, D. (2017). Quantum interference current in InSb injected by intense terahertz radiation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 38(7), 808-812.
Gragossian, A., Seletskiy, D., & Sheik-Bahae, M. (2016). Classical trajectories in polar-asymmetric laser fields: Synchronous THz and XUV emission. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 34973.
Riek, C., Seletskiy, D., Moskalenko, A. S., Schmidt, J. F., Krauspe, P., Eckart, S., Eggert, S., Burkard, G., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2015). Direct sampling of electric-field vacuum fluctuations. Science, 350(6259), 420-423.
See all publications (171)
PHS6214 Ultrafast Photonics (Winter 2018 -- )
PHS8270 Lasers (Fall 2018 -- )
PHS6910 Engineering Physics Seminar (Fall 2018 -- )
Supervision at Polytechnique
Post-doctoral fellowship (1)
Liu, Shilong.
Ph.D. (4)
Dessureault, Emile.
Zagbayou, Grégory-Samuel .
Cusson, Patrick. Time-domain quantum optics.
Demontigny, Gabriel. Ultrafast mid-infrared photonics.
Undergraduate (5)
Virally, Paul. Programing and implementation of data acquisition board for high-throughputs enabling quantum photonic applications.
Quenneville-Guay, Vincent. Design of ultrastable femtosecond fiber oscillator-amplifier system for application in quantum photonics.
Rivard, Laurent. Sub-femtosecond characterization and stabilization of timing jitter between two ultrafast pulse trains.
Perron, Nicolas. Ultrabroadband interferometer for high-precision dispersion characterization.
Hogue, Justin. Sub-femtosecond characterization and stabilization of timing jitter between two ultrafast pulse train [Completed 05.2020].
Ph.D. Thesis (1)
- Abdelaziz, A. S. B. (2023). All-Optical Ultrasound Detection Using Optical Microring Resonators and Optical Dual Frequency Combs [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Master's Thesis (10)
- Deck-Leger, Z.-L. (2024). Electromagnetics of Uniform-Velocity Space-Time Structures [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Dessureault, É. (2024). Characterization of an Offset-Stabilized Dual-Frequency Comb System at 1.55 µm Toward Broadband Absorption Spectroscopy [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Rakotomalala, J. (2024). Design and Implementation of a High Power Pulsed Source for Biomedical Imaging [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Hogue, J. (2023). Improving Spatial Resolution and Sensitivity of Electric-Field Induced Second Harmonic for Cold Plasma Diagnostic [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Rivard, L. (2023). Development of a Versatile 76 MHz Fiber Based Source of 9-fs Pulses in the Near-Infrared and Phase-Stable ps Pulses in the Mid-Infrared [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Zagbayou, B. G.-S. (2023). High-Sensitivity Field Resolved Detection for Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Scaglia, M. (2022). Field-Resolved Detection of Terahertz Pulses Based on a Four-Wave Mixing Nonlinearity [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Doiron, E. (2021). Electric Field Measurements from Terahertz to Mid-Infrared [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Labranche, A. (2020). Conception of a Low-Noise Ultrafast Fiber Laser System Toward nJ Phase Stable Pulses in the Mid-Infrared [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Maingot, B. (2020). Dispersion Characterization in Single-Mode Optical Fibers for Supercontinuum Generation Supporting Few-Cycle Pulses [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
News about Denis Seletskiy
March 13, 2024
Research funding: banner year as Polytechnique receives grants and scholarships totalling close to $47 million |
October 5, 2022
An international multidisciplinary consortium led by Polytechnique Montréal Professor Denis Seletskiy receives more than $1.91 million in support from NSERC for its quantum sensing project |
July 12, 2022
Quantum Photonics Quebec: over $377,000 awarded to three projects Polytechnique-led that advance innovation in quantum photonics |
November 8, 2019
Donna Strickland, co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018, meets the Polytechnique community |