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Carlos Ovalle
P.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 4255 Fax: (514) 340-3981 Room: A-356
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Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Mining geotechnics
  • Mine waste management
  • Hydromechanical degradation of geomaterials
  • Experimental geotechnics
  • Multiscale and constitutive modeling
  • Characterization of coarse granular materials
  • Valorization of mine wastes and tailings
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1002 Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology)
  • 1401 Mining engineering


Journal article
Reid, D., Fourie, A., Ayala, J. L., Dickinson, S., Ochoa-Cornejo, F., Fanni, R., Garfias, J., Viana da Fonseca, A., Ghafghazi, M., Ovalle, C., Riemer, M., Rismanchian, A., Olivera, R., Suazo, G., & Torres-Cruz, L. A. (2023). Results of a critical state line testing round robin programme. Géotechnique, 73(1), 89-90.


I am Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal since 2018. I am also member of the Research Institute on Mines and the Environment (RIME) UQAT-Polytechnique, a joint research program including six major industrial partners, developing innovative solutions to face environmental challenges in mining.

I hold a BSc in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile, and in 2010 I received a MSc in Geotechnical Engineering from École Centrale Paris in France. I obtained my PhD in 2013 at École Centrale de Nantes in France, and I was an assistant professor at PUC Chile from 2013 to 2018.

Before my PhD, I worked 10 years for engineering consultant companies involved in Environmental Geotechnics for mining operations in the Andes Mountains in South America (Chile, Peru and Argentina). Since 2010, I have continued in the same field but with an academic approach: learning, teaching and investigating. My research interests include experimental and numerical developments for the characterisation and modeling of geotechnical problems, with a special focus on mining waste storage facilities.


MIN3311 Géotechnique minière

MIN8176 Exploitation en souterrain

MIN8986 (participation) : Projet intégrateur IV en génie des mines


Supervision at Polytechnique


  • Post-doctoral fellowship (3)

    • Cardenas-Barrantes, Manuel. Multi-scale mechanics of granular media.
    • Cantor, David. Numerical and physical approaches of hydromechanical rockfill degradation.
    • Samy, Garcia Torres. Hydro-geotechnical behavior and physical stability of mining waste co-disposition in an open pit backfill.
  • Ph.D. (8)

    • Le Van, Quyen. Experimental investigation of fines content on liquefaction potential of mine tailings.
    • Jalalichi, Zahra. Assessment of the mechanical behavior of mine waste rock open-pit backfill using field monitoring, numerical modeling and back-analyses.
    • Castro-Malaver, Carolina. Numerical investigation of fines content on liquefaction potential of mine tailings.
    • Carrasco, Sergio. Discrete modeling of particle size–strength and size–shape correlations effects on crushable granular media.
    • Girumugisha, Gilbert. Scaling methodologies for mechanical characterisation of mining waste rock .
    • Behlke, Florian. Co-disposal of Tailings and Waste Rock.
    • Quiroz-Rojo, Paula. Scaling effects in Rockfill degradation using multi-scale DEM Modeling and Experiments.
    • Hamad, Abu. Runoff analysis of co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).
  • Master (thesis) (2)

    • Hajji, Lina. Experimental runoff analysis of co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).
    • Msehli, Ilhem. WR&T interaction in co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).


News about Carlos Ovalle

NEWS | September 4, 2020
Sustainable development in the mining sector: the Government of Québec helps fund six projects headed by Polytechnique professors | Read