Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering
Research interests and affiliations
- Mining geotechnics
- Mine waste management
- Hydromechanical degradation of geomaterials
- Experimental geotechnics
- Multiscale and constitutive modeling
- Characterization of coarse granular materials
- Valorization of mine wastes and tailings
- Research lab "Granular mechanics for mining geotechnics", Principal investigator
- Research Institute on Mines and the Environment (RIME) UQAT-Polytechnique, Member
- 1002 Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology)
- 1401 Mining engineering
I am Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal since 2018. I am also member of the Research Institute on Mines and the Environment (RIME) UQAT-Polytechnique, a joint research program including six major industrial partners, developing innovative solutions to face environmental challenges in mining.
I hold a BSc in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile, and in 2010 I received a MSc in Geotechnical Engineering from École Centrale Paris in France. I obtained my PhD in 2013 at École Centrale de Nantes in France, and I was an assistant professor at PUC Chile from 2013 to 2018.
Before my PhD, I worked 10 years for engineering consultant companies involved in Environmental Geotechnics for mining operations in the Andes Mountains in South America (Chile, Peru and Argentina). Since 2010, I have continued in the same field but with an academic approach: learning, teaching and investigating. My research interests include experimental and numerical developments for the characterisation and modeling of geotechnical problems, with a special focus on mining waste storage facilities.
MIN3311 Géotechnique minière
MIN8176 Exploitation en souterrain
MIN8986 (participation) : Projet intégrateur IV en génie des mines
- Ph.D., École Centrale Nantes, France
- M.Sc., École Centrale Paris, France
- Civil Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
Supervision at Polytechnique
Post-doctoral fellowship (3)
Cardenas-Barrantes, Manuel. Multi-scale mechanics of granular media.
Cantor, David. Numerical and physical approaches of hydromechanical rockfill degradation.
Samy, Garcia Torres. Hydro-geotechnical behavior and physical stability of mining waste co-disposition in an open pit backfill.
Ph.D. (8)
Le Van, Quyen. Experimental investigation of fines content on liquefaction potential of mine tailings.
Jalalichi, Zahra. Assessment of the mechanical behavior of mine waste rock open-pit backfill using field monitoring, numerical modeling and back-analyses.
Castro-Malaver, Carolina. Numerical investigation of fines content on liquefaction potential of mine tailings.
Carrasco, Sergio. Discrete modeling of particle size–strength and size–shape correlations effects on crushable granular media.
Girumugisha, Gilbert. Scaling methodologies for mechanical characterisation of mining waste rock .
Behlke, Florian. Co-disposal of Tailings and Waste Rock.
Quiroz-Rojo, Paula. Scaling effects in Rockfill degradation using multi-scale DEM Modeling and Experiments.
Hamad, Abu. Runoff analysis of co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).
Master (thesis) (2)
Hajji, Lina. Experimental runoff analysis of co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).
Msehli, Ilhem. WR&T interaction in co-disposal facilities (Dir. Li Li ; Co-dir. Carlos Ovalle).
Ph.D. Thesis (1)
- Majdanishabestari, K. (2023). Slope Stability Analysis of high Waste Rock Piles Constructed by Push/End Dumping Using 2D and 3D Fem Simulations [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Majdanishabestari, K. (2023). Slope Stability Analysis of high Waste Rock Piles Constructed by Push/End Dumping Using 2D and 3D Fem Simulations [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Master's Thesis (1)
- Vuilloz, T. (2022). Modélisation numérique des phénomènes de ségrégation et de stratification dans les haldes à stériles [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Vuilloz, T. (2022). Modélisation numérique des phénomènes de ségrégation et de stratification dans les haldes à stériles [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].