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Gunes Karabulut Kurt
B.Sc. (Bogazici University, Istanbul), M.Sc. (University of Ottawa), Ph.D. (University of Ottawa)

Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 4551 Fax: (514) 340-4078 Room: M-6113
Primary sphere of excellence in research
Information and Communication Technologies
Secondary sphere(s) of excellence in research
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Experimental Design Verification Activities
  • Joint Communication and Computation Systems
  • Machine-learning Empowered Wireless Networks
  • Satellite and Space Networks
  • Wireless Security Systems
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 2507 Communications systems
  • 2508 Communications networks
  • 2521 Mobile and personal communication
  • 2525 Wireless communication systems


Recent publications


Gunes Karabulut Kurt is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in New Frontiers in Space Communications and Full Professor at Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. She is also an adjunct research professor at Carleton University. Gunes received the B.S. degree with high honors in electronics and electrical engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkiye, in 2000 and the M.A.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Ottawa, ON, Canada, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. She worked in different technology companies in Canada and Turkiye between 2005 and 2010. From 2010 to 2021, she was a professor at Istanbul Technical University. Gunes is a Marie Curie Fellow and has received the Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist (TÜBA-GEBIP) Award in 2019. She is serving as the secretary of the IEEE Satellite and Space Communications Technical Committee,  the chair of the IEEE special interest group entitled “Satellite Mega-constellations: Communications and Networking,” and also as an editor in 6 different IEEE journals. She is a member of the IEEE WCNC Steering Board and a Distinguished Lecturer of the Vehicular Technology Society Class of 2022. Her research interests include multi-functional space networks, space security, and wireless testbeds.


  • Mobile Communication Systems
  • Physical Layer Security Systems
  • Design and Application of Digital Communication Systems
  • Wireless Communication Networks


  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Ottawa, 2006
  • Master of Applied Sciences, Electrical Engineering, University of Ottawa, 2002
  • Bachelor of science, Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 2000

News about Gunes Karabulut Kurt

NEWS | November 29, 2024
Professor Gunes Karabulut Kurt Appointed Director of the Poly-Grames Research Centre | Read
NEWS | August 29, 2023
Canada Research Chairs awarded to professors Boulay, Karabulut Kurt and Anbil Parthipan; funding renewed for Professor Rousseau’s Chair | Read
NEWS | September 23, 2022
Research projects of seven Polytechnique Montréal faculty members backed by the CFI and the Québec government | Read

Press review about Gunes Karabulut Kurt

October 11, 2024, La Presse, Utiliser son cellulaire quand il n’y a pas de réseau Gunes Karabulut Kurt, professeure au Département de génie électrique, explique que les plus récents téléphones ont la possibilité de se connecter à des satellites en orbite basse.
April 11, 2024, Les Actualités, La transmission d'énergie sans fil pourrait permettre l'exploration de la face cachée de la Lune Gunes Karabulut Kurt, professeure au Département de génie électrique, discute de ses recherches sur la transmission d’énergie sans fil dans l’exploration de la face cachée de la Lune.
November 20, 2023, Tech and Science Post, Low-cost adaptable testbed design for terahertz technology Gunes Karabulut Kur, professeure au Département de génie électrique, explique la technologie Terahertz dans l'avenir des réseaux de communication sans fil.
July 27, 2023, IT Business, The honourees: Canada’s Top Women in Cybersecurity Portrait de Gunes Karabulut-Kurt, professeure au Département de génie électrique, honorée lors de la célébration des meilleures femmes en cybersécurité de IT World Canada.
June 1, 2023, Cyberscoop, Growing hacking threat to satellite systems compels global push to secure outer space Gunes Karabulut Kurt, professeure agrégée au Département de génie électrique, intervient sur les normes et les standards de la cybersécurité dans l'application des systèmes spatiaux. (En anglais)