Berthet, L., Blais, P., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., & Gosselin, F. (2025). Mode split prediction for rotating disks with flexible stator coupling. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 132, 18 pages.
Directory of Experts
Gosselin, Frederick

Directory of Experts
Gosselin, Frederick
Directory of Experts
Publications by type
Journal article (52)
Conference paper (39)
Book chapter
Patent (1)
Thesis (1)
Dataset (2)
Teaching resource
Audio recording
Video recording
Frédérick Gosselin (95)
- Journal articles (52)
- 2025
Journal article
- 2024
Journal article Lamoureux, D., Audefroy, C., Labzour, O. T., Houde, S., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Evaluating flow-added damping on a hydrofoil by combining vibro-acoustics and doublet-lattice panel analyses. Flow, 4, 20 pages.Journal article Boukor, M., Choimet, A., Laurendeau, É., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Flutter limitation of drag reduction by elastic reconfiguration. Physics of Fluids, 36(2), 021915 (11 pages).Journal article Rishmawi, S., Rodriguez, S., Chinesta, F., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Harmonic-modal hybrid frequency approach for parameterized non-linear. Computers & Structures, 301, 107461 (14 pages).Journal article Villié, A., Vanzulli, M. C., Zerpa, J. M. P., Vétel, J., Étienne, S., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Modeling vortex-induced vibrations of branched structures by coupling a 3D-corotational frame finite element formulation with wake-oscillators. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 125, 104074 (22 pages).Journal article Sushitskii, V., Miao, H. Y., Lévesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Segmentation of peen forming patterns using k-means clustering. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 119, 867-877.Journal article Sushitskii, V., Dubois, P.-O., Miao, H. Y., Lévesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2024). Simulation and automation of aluminum panel shot peen forming. International Journal of Material Forming, 17(3), 21-21.
- 2023
Journal article Bidhendi, A. J., Lampron, O., Gosselin, F., & Geitmann, A. (2023). Cell geometry regulates tissue fracture. Nature Communications, 14(1), 8275 (13 pages).Journal article Sushitskii, V., van Rees, W. M., Lévesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2023). Determination of Optimal Shot Peen Forming Patterns Using the Theory of Non-Euclidean Plates. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the Asme, 145(3), 031006 (15 pages).Journal article Demenois, M., Miao, H. Y., & Gosselin, F. (2023). Easy to build, modular and large scale pipe conveying fluid experimental setup. HardwareX, 15, e00460 (30 pages).Journal article Yan Miao, H., Levesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2023). Eigenstrain-based analysis of why uniformly shot peened aluminium plates bend more in the rolling direction. Strain, 22 pages.
- 2022
Journal article Bonnet, B., Tabiai, I., Rakovich, G., Gosselin, F., & Villemure, I. (2022). Air leaks: Stapling affects porcine lungs biomechanics. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 125, 104883 (15 pages).Journal article Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., & Gosselin, F. (2022). A low-cost open-source automated shot peen forming system. HardwareX, 11, e00263 (13 pages).Journal article Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., & Gosselin, F. (2022). Closed-loop shot peen forming with in-process measurement and optimization. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 38, 500-508.Journal article Selwanis, M. M., Franzini, G. R., Béguin, C., & Gosselin, F. (2022). How a ball free to orbit in a circular track mitigates the galloping of a square prism. Nonlinear Dynamics, 111(1), 179-197.Journal article Raynaud, G., Houde, S., & Gosselin, F. (2022). ModalPINN: An extension of physics-informed Neural Networks with enforced truncated Fourier decomposition for periodic flow reconstruction using a limited number of imperfect sensors. Journal of Computational Physics, 464, 18 pages.Journal article Selwanis, M. M., Franzini, G. R., Béguin, C., & Gosselin, F. (2022). Multi-ball rotative nonlinear energy sink for galloping mitigation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 526, 8 pages.Journal article Faucheux, P. A., Miao, H. Y., Lévesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2022). Peen forming and stress peen forming of rectangular 2024-T3 aluminium sheets: Curvatures, natural curvatures and residual stresses. Strain, 58(2), e12405 (24 pages).Journal article Miao, H. Y., Lévesque, M., & Gosselin, F. (2022). Shot peen forming pattern optimization to achieve cylindrical and saddle target shapes: The inverse problem. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 36, 67-77.
- 2021
Journal article Zou, S., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2021). Toughening elastomers via microstructured thermoplastic fibers with sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 43, 101208 (9 pages).Journal article Boudina, M., Gosselin, F., & Étienne, S. (2021). Vortex-induced vibrations: A soft coral feeding strategy? Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916, A50 (26 pages).Journal article Selwanis, M. M., Franzini, G. R., Béguin, C., & Gosselin, F. (2021). Wind tunnel demonstration of galloping mitigation with a purely nonlinear energy sink. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 100, 103169 (13 pages).
- 2020
Journal article Boudina, M., Gosselin, F., & Étienne, S. (2020). Direct interception or inertial impaction? A theoretical derivation of the efficiency power law for a simple and practical definition of capture modes. Physics of Fluids, 32(12), 123603 (9 pages).Journal article Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., & Gosselin, F. (2020). Efficient planning of peen-forming patterns via artificial neural networks. Manufacturing Letters, 25, 70-74.Journal article Louyot, M., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., & Gosselin, F. (2020). Modal analysis of a spinning disk in a dense fluid as a model for high head hydraulic turbines. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 94, 20 pages.Journal article Zou, S., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2020). Spiderweb-inspired, transparent, impact-absorbing composite. Cell Reports Physical Science, 1(11), 100240 (17 pages).
- 2019
Journal article Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Gosselin, F., & Geitmann, A. (2019). Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells. Cell Report, 28(5), 1237-1250.e6.Journal article Gosselin, F. (2019). Mechanics of a plant in fluid flow. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(14), 3533-3548.
- 2018
Journal article Bodkhe, S., Noonan, C., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2018). Coextrusion of Multifunctional Smart Sensors. Advanced Engineering Materials, 20(10), 1800206 (6 pages).Journal article Wu, Q., Zou, S., Gosselin, F., Therriault, D., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018). 3D printing of a self-healing nanocomposite for stretchable sensors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(45), 12180-12186.Journal article Zou, S., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2018). Failure mechanisms of coiling fibers with sacrificial bonds made by instability-assisted fused deposition modeling. Soft Matter, 14(48), 9777-9785.Journal article Cossin, M., Ross, A., & Gosselin, F. (2018). Repeatability of force signals in aerial circus straps. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 232(3), 225-235.Journal article Faucheux, P. A., Gosselin, F., & Lévesque, M. (2018). Simulating shot peen forming with Eigenstrains. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 254, 135-144.Journal article Bodkhe, S., Rajesh, P. S. M., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2018). Simultaneous 3D printing and poling of PVDF and its nanocomposites. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1(6), 2474-2482.
- 2017
Journal article Gauthier, J. P., Giroux, A. M., Étienne, S., & Gosselin, F. (2017). A numerical method for the determination of flow-induced damping in hydroelectric turbines. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 69, 341-354.Journal article Hassani, M., Laurin, S. M., Mureithi, N. W., & Gosselin, F. (2017). Bending and torsional reconfiguration of chiral rods under wind and gravity. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 91-99.Journal article Cossin, M., Ross, A., & Gosselin, F. (2017). Making single-point aerial circus disciplines safer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 231(4), 362-373.Journal article Bodkhe, S., Turcot, G., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2017). One-step solvent evaporation-assisted 3D printing of piezoelectric PVDF nanocomposite structures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(24), 20833-20842.
- 2016
Journal article Hassani, M., Mureithi, N. W., & Gosselin, F. (2016). Large coupled bending and torsional deformation of an elastic rod subjected to fluid flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 62, 367-383.
- 2015
Journal article Passieux, R., Guthrie, L., Rad, S. H., Lévesque, M., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2015). Instability‐Assisted Direct Writing of Microstructured Fibers Featuring Sacrificial Bonds. Advanced Materials, 27(24), 3676-3680.Journal article Lalande, V., Gosselin, F., Vonthron, M., Conan, B., Tremblay, C., Beaudoin, G., Soulez, G., & Martel, S. (2015). In vivo demonstration of magnetic guidewire steerability in a MRI system with additional gradient coils. Medical Physics, 42(2), 969-969.Journal article Boulle, A., Dube, M., & Gosselin, F. (2015). Parametric study of an elliptical fuselage made of a sandwich composite structure. Mechanics Research Communications, 69, 129-135.
- 2014
Journal article Gosselin, F., Neetzow, P., & Paak, M. (2014). Buckling of a beam extruded into highly viscous fluid. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 90(5).Journal article Gosselin, F., & Paidoussis, M. P. (2014). Dynamical stability analysis of a hose to the sky. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 44, 226-234.
- 2013
Journal article Guo, S., Gosselin, F., Guérin, N., Lanouette, A.-M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2013). Solvent-cast three-dimensional printing of multifunctional microsystems. Small, 9(24), 4118-4122.
- 2011
Journal article Gosselin, F., Lalande, V., & Martel, S. (2011). Characterization of the deflections of a catheter steered using a magnetic resonance imaging system. Medical Physics, 38(9), 4994-5002.Journal article Gosselin, F., & De Langre, E. (2011). Drag reduction by reconfiguration of a poroelastic system. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 27(7), 1111-1123.
- 2010
Journal article Gosselin, F., De Langre, E., & Machado-Almeida, B. A. (2010). Drag reduction of flexible plates by reconfiguration. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 650(1), 319-341.Journal article Dupont, S., Gosselin, F., Py, C., De Langre, E., Hemon, P., & Brunet, Y. (2010). Modelling waving crops using large-eddy simulation: comparison with experiments and a linear stability analysis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 652, 5-44.
- 2009
Journal article Gosselin, F., & Païdoussis, M. P. (2009). Blocking in the rotating axial flow in a corotating flexible shell. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 76(1), 11001-11001.Journal article Gosselin, F., & de Langre, E. (2009). Destabilising effects of plant flexibility in air and aquatic vegetation canopy flows. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 28(2), 271-282.
- 2007
Journal article Gosselin, F., Païdoussis, M. P., & Misra, A. K. (2007). Stability of a deploying/extruding beam in dense fluid. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 299(1-2), 123-142.
- 2025
- Conference papers (39)
- 2023
Conference paper Jean, R. J. M., Braun, O., Monnette, C., Nennemann, B., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Acoustic-structure interaction in disk-disk configurations in water for high head pump-turbines [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Ghorbani, E., Rishmawi, S., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). A hybrid Kalman filtering and proper generalized decomposition algorithm for real-time identification of partial differential governing equation systems [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Ledoux, T., Anne, F., Béguin, C., Gosselin, F., & Étienne, S. (2023, June). An experimental study on vortex induced motion of a submerged cylindrical buoy with a short tether chain [Paper]. ASME 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2023), Univ Melbourne, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA (10 pages).Conference paper Miao, H., Demenois, M., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). A PINN-based digital parameter identification of the pipe conveying fluid systems [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Dollon, Q., Ghorbani, E., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Bayesian-based system identification of a tilting pad journal bearing under colored excitation [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Labzour, O. T., Karbasian, H. R., Houde, S., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Combining reduced-order modeling and PINNs to model fluid-structure interactions [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Serroud, S., Ghorbani, E., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Design of a vertical axis rotating machine test-bench and numerical modelling [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Duchesne, O., Lessard, D., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Design optimization and 3D printing of a sandwich panel for a lunar rover frame [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Lamoureux, D., Audefroy, C., Tazi-Labzour, O., Houde, S., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Evaluating flow-added damping of hydrofoils by combining vibro-acoustics and doublet-lattice panel analyses [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Rishmawi, S., Rodríguez, S., Gosselin, F., & Chinesta, F. (2023, May). Hybrid MB-DEIM approach for parametrized nonlinear dynamics of a vertical axis rotating machine [Paper]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Garon, J., Routier, A.-L., Mélançon, D., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Morphogenesis through mechanical instabilities : wrinkles and ruffles formation during the growth of kelp blades [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Quenedey, E., Ruchonnet, N., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Numerical estimation of the leakage flow force coefficients of a Francis turbine runner for shaft-line dynamics [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Berthet, L., Karbasian, H. R., Blais, B., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Physics-informed neural network-based modeling of the static reconfiguration of a plate under fluid flow [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Villié, A., Vanzulli, M. C., Zerpa, J. M. P., Vétel, J., Étienne, S., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Soft corals vortex-induced dynamics : experimental and numerical study [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Boukor, M., Laurendeau, É., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). The limit to drag reduction by elastic reconfiguration due to dynamical instability [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.Conference paper Abda, M., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Time-invariant hp-variational physics informed neural network to solve the pipe conveying fluid equation [Abstract]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3.Conference paper Collet, L., Rodrigues da Silveira, S., Kierzkowski, D., Routier-Kierzkowska, A.-L., & Gosselin, F. (2023, May). Unveiling of tissue-level forces in plants using finite elements [Paper]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada (1 page). Published in Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 6.
- 2022
Conference paper Gosselin, F., Zou, S., & Therriault, D. (2022, July). Bioinspired transparent impact-absorbing composite made with a fluid mechanical instability [Paper]. 12th Canadian-International Conference on Composites (CANCOM 2022), Fredericton and Moncton, Canada.
- 2021
Conference paper Boudina, M., Gosselin, F., & Étienne, S. (2021, January). Soft corals vibrating under flow to improve food capture? [Abstract]. Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology (SICB 2021). Published in Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61(Supplement).
- 2019
Conference paper Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., Gosselin, F., & Levasseur, G. (2019, March). A deep learning approach to solving the peen forming inverse problem [Abstract]. APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, Massachusetts. Published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64(2).
- 2017
Conference paper Faucheux, P. A., Gosselin, F., & Lévesque, M. (2017, September). Computing peening patterns for peen forming and distortion correction [Presentation]. In 13th International Conference on Shot Peening, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Testoni, O., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2017, October). 3D printing active piezoelectric sensors in a single step [Paper]. 8th New Mech, Boston, MA, USA.Conference paper Gosselin, F., Zou, S., & Therriault, D. (2017, August). Failure mechanisms of instability-assisted 3D printed microstructured fibers [Paper]. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2017), Xi'an, China.Conference paper Zou, S., Zulkifli, H. Z., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2017, July). Failure mechanisms of poly(lactic acid) fibers featuring microstructured sacrificial bonds [Paper]. 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2017), Boston, United States.Conference paper Zou, D., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2017, September). Finite element simulation of microstructured fibers with sacrificial bonds [Paper]. International conference in aerospace for young scientists (ICAYS 2017), Beijing, China.Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Noonan, C., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2017, April). One-step piezoelectric sensors for smart textiles [Paper]. 15th Expo Hightex, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Noonan, C., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2017, July). Single-step 3D printed piezoelectric sensors for fluid flow and motion sensing [Paper]. 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2017), Boston, United States.
- 2016
Conference paper Gauthier, J. P., Giroux, A. M., Étienne, S., & Gosselin, F. (2016, July). CFD evaluation of added damping due to fluid flow over a hydroelectric turbine blade [Paper]. 28th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR 2016), Grenoble, France (10 pages).Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2016, August). Effect of nanoparticle addition on the mechanical and piezoelectric properties of 3D printed PVDF [Paper]. International conference of theoretical and applied mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Zou, S., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2016, August). Unfolding process of coiling fibers fabricated by instability-assisted fused deposition modeling [Paper]. International conference of theoretical and applied mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montréal, Québec.
- 2015
Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2015, July). Three-dimensional printing of polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites [Paper]. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2015), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2014
Conference paper Passieux, R., Therriault, D., & Gosselin, F. (2014, November). Creation of Sacrificial Bonds by Viscous Flow Instability [Paper]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Gosselin, F., & Neetzow, P. (2014, March). Propulsion at low Reynolds number via beam extrusion [Paper]. APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, Colorado. Published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59.Conference paper Bodkhe, S., Gosselin, F., & Therriault, D. (2014, November). Three-dimensional structures with polyvinylidene fluoride [Paper]. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montréal, Québec.
- 2012
Conference paper Gosselin, F., Therriault, D., & Lévesque, M. (2012, February). Microfabrication of a spider-silk analogue through the liquid rope coiling instability [Paper]. APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA.
- 2011
Conference paper Gosselin, F., Zhou, D., Lalande, V., Vonthron, M., & Martel, S. (2011, September). Miniature ferromagnetic robot fish actuated by a clinical magnetic resonance scanner [Paper]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), San Francisco, CA, United states.
- 2010
Conference paper Lalande, V., Gosselin, F., & Martel, S. (2010, August). Catheter steering using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging system [Paper]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina.Conference paper Gosselin, F., & De Langre, E. (2010, August). Drag Reduction of Filaments and Poroelastic Bodies by Non-Linear Deformation [Paper]. 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, and Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Bringout, G., Lalande, V., Gosselin, F., & Martel, S. (2010, August). Safety evaluation of magnetic catheter steering with upgraded magnetic resonance imaging system [Paper]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2023
- Patents (1)
- 2019
Patent Bodkhe, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F., & Rui, T. (2019). Piezoelectric composite, ink and ink cartridge for 3D printing, bifunctional material comprising the piezoelectric composite, manufacture and uses thereof. [Composite piézoélectrique, encre et cartouche d'encre pour l'impression (3d), matériau bifonctionnel comprenant le composite piézoélectrique, leur fabrication et utilisations]. (Patent Application no. US20190284423).
- 2019
- Theses (1)
- 2009
Thesis Gosselin, F. (2009). Mécanismes d'interactions fluide-structure entre écoulements et végétation [Ph.D. Thesis, École Polytechnique (Université Paris-Saclay)].
- 2009
- Datasets (2)
- 2020
Dataset Bonnet, B., Tabiai, I., Rakovich, G., Gosselin, F., & Villemure, I. (2020). Additional data for "Air leaks: stapling affects porcine lungs biomechanics" [Dataset].Dataset Selwanis, M., Rishmawi, S., Franzini, G., Béguin, C., & Gosselin, F. (2020). Wind tunnel demonstration of galloping mitigation with a purely nonlinear energy sink [Dataset].
- 2020