Department of Mechanical Engineering
Advanced manufacturing Mechanical engineering Dynamics Vibrations Modelling, simulation and finite element methods Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering Fluid mechanics Modelling, simulation Linear and non-linear systems Plant and tree biology
Energy, Water and, Resources
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures
Research interests and affiliations
My research is concerned with the various phenomena of instability and non-linear behaviour of slender structures. A structure is said to be slender when one of its dimensions is much larger than one of the other two. Examples are ubiquitous in nature: branches and tree leaves, spider silk, hair, cell membranes; as well as in industrial components: turbine blades, aircraft wings,etc. Regardless of their nature, slender structures are modelled with the theories of beams, rods, plates or shells. In my research group, three lines of research on slender structures are prioritised: their reconfiguration under fluid flow, their 3D printing, and their shaping by the imposition of residual stresses.
- Laboratory for Multi-scale Mechanics (LM2), Co-head
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laval University, Adjunct Professor
- Center for Applied Research on Polymers and Composites (CREPEC), Member
- Astrolith, Member
- Aluminium Research Centre (REGAL), Collaborating member
- 1702 Advanced manufacturing
- 2102 Dynamics
- 2104 Vibrations
- 2107 Modelling, simulation and finite element methods
- 2108 Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering
- 2203 Modelling, simulation
- 2952 Linear and non-linear systems
Fluid-Structure Interactions, MEC6514
Finite Element Analysis in Solid Mechanics, MEC8470
Measurements and Instrumentation in Mechanical Engineering, MEC2115 & AER2100
Supervision at Polytechnique
Ph.D. Thesis (7)
- Siguerdidjane, W. (2022). Closed-loop Automation of Shot Peen Forming with In-process Shape Measurements [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Sushitskii, V. (2022). Non-Euclidean plate theory for the Simulation, Optimization and Automation of shot peen forming [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Selwanis, M. M. M. (2021). Ball-in-Track Nonlinear Energy sinks for Galloping Mitigation [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Zou, S. (2020). Bioinspired Tough Materials with Microstructured Sacrificial Bonds Based on Instability-Assisted 3D Printing [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Faucheux, P. (2019). Simulating Shot Peen Forming with Eigenstrains [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Bodkhe, S. (2017). Solvent Evaporation-Assisted Three-Dimensional Printing of Piezoelectric Sensors from Polyvinylidene Fluoride and its Nanocomposites [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Hassani, M. (2016). Elastic Reconfiguration of Bending and Twisting Rods in Air Flow [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Siguerdidjane, W. (2022). Closed-loop Automation of Shot Peen Forming with In-process Shape Measurements [Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
Master's Thesis (24)
- Jean, R. J. M. (2023). Analyse de l'interaction acoustique-structure entre modes de disques [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Ledoux, T. (2023). Étude numérique et expérimentale de la dynamique d'une bouée sous-marine à cinq degrés de liberté [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Lessard, D. (2023). Étude paramétrique thermique et structurelle d'une structure en panneau sandwich thermoplastique d'un rover lunaire [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Quenedey, E. (2023). Numerical and Analytical Calculation of the Hydrodynamic Coefficients of a Simplified Francis Turbine Radial Seal under Whirling Vibrations [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Serroud, S. (2023). Design of a Vertical Axis Rotating Machine for the Development of a Digital Twin [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Tazi Labzour, O. (2023). Combination of PINNs and Reduced-Order Modeling to Predict Vortex-Induced Vibrations [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Villié, A. (2023). On the 3D Vortex-Induced Dynamics of Soft Corals [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Demenois, M. (2022). The Pipe Conveying Fluid as a Model Experiment to Develop a Digital Twin [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Berthet, L. (2021). Mode Split Prediction for Rotating Disks with Flexible Stator Coupling [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Charpentier, T. (2021). Écoulement d'un jet impactant un faisceau de cylindres : vélocimétrie par image de particules et simulations numériques [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Raynaud, G. (2021). Study of Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Solve Fluid-Structure Problems for Turbine-like Phenomena [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Souaga, J. J. (2021). Simulation numérique des vibrations de faisceaux de tubes soumis à un écoulement transverse : cas d'un écoulement de jet [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Bonnet, B. (2020). Caractérisation biomécanique expérimentale du tissu pulmonaire avec et sans agrafes afin de caractériser le phénomène de fuite d'air apparaissant à la suite d'une résection pulmonaire [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Boudina, M. (2020). On the Mechanics of Flow-Induced Vibration of Soft Corals and Particle Interception [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Broggi, C. (2020). Conception et fabrication additive d'une structure bio-inspirée pour un rover lunaire en composites thermoplastiques [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Couture, A. (2020). Linear Stability Analysis of Fluid-Structure Problems Using Time-Linearized Coupled Formulations [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Dubost, C. (2020). Roue Cyr et matériaux composites : modéliser une discipline de cirque pour enrichir son langage acrobatique [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Tari, M. (2020). Flutter Instability of a Reconfiguring Beam with Large Displacement [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Louyot, M. (2019). Modal Analysis of a Spinning Disk in a Dense Fluid as a Model for High Head Hydraulic Turbines [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
- Vuillon, V. (2017). Optimisation par éléments finis de la géométrie de poutres en acier laminées à froid utilisées dans la construction de bâtiments [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Sansas, F. (2016). Simulation numérique de la dynamique d'une structure élancée flexible dans un écoulement de fluide compressible [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Cossin, M. (2015). Mesure des efforts dynamiques dans les agrès de cirque [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Gauthier, J.-P. (2015). Calcul de l'amortissement ajouté par l'eau sur une aube de turbine hydroélectrique [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Passieux, R. (2015). Microfabrication directe de liens sacrificiels au sein de fibres polymériques par manipulation d'une instabilité fluidique [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal].
- Jean, R. J. M. (2023). Analyse de l'interaction acoustique-structure entre modes de disques [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal].
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