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Tier-2 Canada Research Chair in Intensified Mechano-chemical Processes for Sustainable Biomass Conversion
Canada Research Chairs

Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 2446 Room: A-671.3

Research areas description

The objective of the CRC in Intensified Mechano-Chemical Processes for Sustainable Biomass Conversion is to maximize process productivity while minimizing the size and energy requirements of the energy-intensive chemical industry, by applying alternative energy sources such as ultrasound, microwaves and hydrodynamic cavitation. The main expected benefit is the reduction of GHG emissions by shortening the time-to-market of biomass based technologies. The CRC in Intensified Mechano-Chemical Processes for Sustainable Biomass Conversion merges the technological gap between heterogeneous catalysis and process intensification by finding and exploiting synergies that reduce the energy requirements of processes that transform biomass.

Research Themes:

  • Sonocatalysis
  • Synthesis of biofuels and biochemicals
  • Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of catalysts
  • Synergistic intensification processes with ultrasound
  • Advanced oxidation processes
  • Design and scale-up of ultrasonic equipment

Research staff

Professors / researchers (1)
Number of graduate students: 4
Number of postdoctoral fellows :3

Specialized equipment

Ultrasonic horns and atomizers

Press review about Tier-2 Canada Research Chair in Intensified Mechano-chemical Processes for Sustainable Biomass Conversion

December 14, 2022, Les Affaires, Innover au Québec malgré les obstacles Daria Camilla Boffito, professeure agrégée au Département de génie chimique et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en procédés mécanochimiques intensifiés pour la conversion durable de la biomasse, partage son expertise sur la question de comment verdir la chimie.